Proper use of class and dict from user input - python

I've been struggling with my code for a class project and am in need of some help. I am not sure if I need to have a nested dictionary or list of dict or just use class in a list or dict. I've struggled to find the answers and could use some help with my code.
Should I just use list instead or am I thinking of this the right way, having the values stored in a dictionary or nested dict of some kind.
I'm especially at a loss for menu==3 #delete an item because as it is now I can only delete one attribute but what I need is to delete a whole property by property ID if possible
As you can probably tell I'm quite confused by now and would really appreciate any help from more experienced programmers.
inventory = {}
#class & constructor
class Property:
def __init__(self, propertyID, address, city, state, zipcode, squarefeet, modelname, salestatus):
self.propertyID = propertyID
self.address = address = city
self.state = state
self.zipcode = zipcode
self.modelname = modelname
self.squarefeet = squarefeet + 'Square Feet'
self.salestatus = salestatus
def print_Property(o):
if not isinstance(o, Property):
raise TypeError('print_Property(): requires a Property')
print('The property selected is Property ID: {} located at {} {} {} The Sqare footage is {}, {} model, Current status: {}'. format(o.propertyID,o.addresss,, o.state, o.zipcode, o.squarefeet, o.modelname, o.salestatus))
def main():
print('What would you like to do today?')
print('1. Add a new item to the Inventory')
print('2. Update an Existing item in the Inventory')
print('3. Delete an existing item from the Inventory')
print('4. View the current item inventory')
print('5. Print the Inventory to a text file')
while True:
menu = int(input('Type a number 1-5'))
if menu == 1: #Add data
print('Add a new property to the inventory...')
propertyID = input('Enter the property Listing ID:') #User inputting a property ID
inventory['Property ID']= propertyID
address = input('Enter the property address:') #User inputting an address
inventory['Address']= address
city = input('Enter property city:') #User inputting a city
inventory['City']= city
state = input('Enter property state:') #User inputting a state
inventory['State']= state
zipcode = int(input('Enter the property zipcode:')) #User inputting a zipcode
inventory['Zipcode']= zipcode
modelname = input('Enter property model name:') #User inputting a property model name
inventory['Model Name']= modelname
squarefeet = int(input('Enter the sqaure footage of the property:')) #User inputting the sqaure footage for the property
inventory['Square Footage']= squarefeet
salestatus = input('Enter the property status:(Is the home sold, available, or under contract?):') #User inputting the property status
inventory['Current Staus']= salestatus
print('The following properties are in the inventory now:')
elif menu == 2: #Update data
print('Update an item from the inventory...')
print (inventory)
itemreplace = input("Enter the name of the attribute you wish to replace:")
itemupdate = input("Enter the new information for that attribute now:")
inventory[itemreplace]= itemupdate
elif menu == 3: #Delete data
print("Which property do you want to delete?")
itemdel = input("Enter the Property ID of the property to delete.")
if itemdel in inventory:
del inventory[itemdel]
elif menu == 4: #View data
elif menu == 5: #Print data
output = open("PropertyData.txt", "w")
for item in inventory:
output.write("%s\n" % item)
print('Text file \'PropertyData.txt\' has been created.')
print('That number is not valid. Please try 1-5.')
except ValueError: #throw an error for anything that is not a number
print('You may only select values 1-5. (ex.: 2)')
if __name__ == '__main__': main()

#Lucas is right. Here is a fully working ( I think :) ) system:
import json
class Property:
def __init__(self, propertyID, address, city, state, zipcode, squarefeet, modelname, salestatus):
self.propertyID = propertyID
self.address = address = city
self.state = state
self.zipcode = zipcode
self.modelname = modelname
self.squarefeet = squarefeet
self._sqfeet_description = str(squarefeet) + ' Square Feet'
self.salestatus = salestatus
def __str__(self):
o = self
return 'Property ID: {}. Address: {}, {}, {}, {}. Size: {} sq feet, {} model. Status: {}.'.format(o.propertyID,o.address,, o.state, o.zipcode, o.squarefeet, o.modelname, o.salestatus)
def as_json(self):
return {x:y for x,y in self.__dict__.items() if not x.startswith("_")}
def int_input(prompt, range=None):
while True:
ans = input(prompt)
if not ans.isnumeric():
print("Please enter a valid number")
ans = int(ans)
if range == None:
return ans
if ans not in range:
print(f"Please enter a number between {min(range)} and {max(range)}")
return ans
inventory = []
def main():
print('What would you like to do today?')
print('1. Add a new item to the Inventory')
print('2. Update an Existing item in the Inventory')
print('3. Delete an existing item from the Inventory')
print('4. View the current item inventory')
print('5. Print the Inventory to a text file')
while True:
menu = int_input("Choose an option 1-5", range(1,6))
if menu == 1:
# add data
propertyID = input('Enter the property Listing ID:') #User inputting a property ID
address = input('Enter the property address:') #User inputting an address
city = input('Enter property city:') #User inputting a city
state = input('Enter property state:') #User inputting a state
zipcode = int_input('Enter the property zipcode:') #User inputting a zipcode
modelname = input('Enter property model name:') #User inputting a property model name
squarefeet = int_input('Enter the sqaure footage of the property:') #User inputting the sqaure footage for the property
salestatus = input('Enter the property status:(Is the home sold, available, or under contract?):') #User inputting the property status
this_property = Property(
print('The following properties are in the inventory now:')
print(*("\t" + str(i) for i in inventory), sep="\n")
elif menu == 2:
# update data
while True:
propertyID = input("Enter the property id: ")
this_property = [x for x in inventory if x.propertyID == propertyID]
if not this_property:
print("That property doesn't exist")
this_property = this_property[0]
lookup = {
"propertyID": str,
while True:
detail_name = input("Enter the detail you wish to change")
if detail_name not in lookup:
print("That detail does not exist")
if lookup[detail_name] == int:
new = int_input("Enter the new value:")
new = input("Enter the new value:")
setattr(this_property, detail_name, new)
elif menu == 3:
# delete
while True:
propertyID = input("Enter the property id: ")
this_property = [i for i, x in enumerate(inventory) if x.propertyID == propertyID]
if not this_property:
print("That property doesn't exist")
this_property = this_property[0]
del inventory[this_property]
elif menu == 4:
# print inventory
print('The following properties are in the inventory now:')
print(*("\t" + str(i) for i in inventory), sep="\n")
elif menu == 5:
# save
new_inv = [x.as_json() for x in inventory]
with open("output.txt", "w") as f:
json.dump(new_inv, f)
if __name__ == '__main__':
If you want to save your properties and be able to load them again, add this method to Property:
class Property:
def from_json(cls, json_code):
c = cls(*(None for _ in range(8)))
for x,y in json_code.items():
setattr(c, x, y)
return c
and this function to the body of your program:
def load_from_file():
with open("output.txt") as f:
for item in json.load(f):
and then call the function at the start:
if __name__ == '__main__':
(obviously make sure the file exists before that though - just save [] to output.txt before running the program for the first time)

The easiest solution is to use a list of Property objects, where each element in a list is an individual property. Adding properties to the inventory means creating a new object, filling in all the fields and appending it to the inventory list.


How do I copy an employee information from one dictionary to another?

I am using the Python class Employee to copy create employees in an employee management system and pickle to a file. I got that to work fine, but my instructor wants to be able to search the system even for deleted employees. My question is how do I copy an object from employeDictionary to deletedemployeeDictionary? I keep running into errors.
Here is my employee class:
class Employee:
# Initialize Employee object
def __init__(self, name, ID, department, job):
self.__ID = ID
self.__name = name
self.__department = department
self.__job = job
# Set each object
def set_name(self, name):
self.__name = name
def set_ID(self, ID):
self.__ID = ID
def set_dept(self, department):
self.__department = department
def set_job(self, job):
self.__job = job
# Get each object
def get_name(self):
def get_ID(self):
return self.__ID
def get_department(self):
return self.__department
def get_job(self):
return self.__job
def __str__(self):
return (f"ID Number: {self.__ID}\nName: {self.__name}\n"
f"Department: {self.__department}\n Job Title: {self.__job}")
Here is my main code:
import pickle
import emp2
def main():
# Try to open the existing dictionary file
inputFile1 = open('employee.pickle', 'rb')
employeeDictionary = pickle.load(inputFile1)
inputFile2 = open('deletedEmployee.pickle', 'rb')
deletedEmployeeDictionary = pickle.load(inputFile2)
employeeDictionary = {}
deletedEmployeeDictionary = {}
# While loop to continue until user chooses to quit
proceed = True
while proceed:
# Display user's option menu and ask for a choice
print('\n Employee Management System\n')
print('\t1. Lookup an employee')
print('\t2. Add a new employee')
print('\t3. Change an existing employee')
print('\t4. Delete an existing employee')
print('\t5. Save and Quit\n')
choice = int(input('Enter an option to continue: '))
if choice == 1:
lookup (employeeDictionary, deletedEmployeeDictionary)
elif choice ==2:
elif choice == 3:
change (employeeDictionary)
elif choice == 4:
delete (employeeDictionary, deletedEmployeeDictionary)
elif choice == 5:
save_quit(employeeDictionary, deletedEmployeeDictionary)
proceed = False
print ('Invalid input!')
choice = int(input('Enter an option to continue: '))
# Lookup an employee
def lookup(dictionary, dictionary2):
# Look up the ID number if it is in the dictionary
employee_id = int(input('Enter the employee ID number: '))
if employee_id in dictionary:
# print('employee_id', ': ', dictionary[employee_id])
elif employee_id in dictionary2:
# print('employee_id', ': ', dictionary2[employee_id])
print("That ID number was not found.")
# Add an employee
def add(dictionary):
# Add a new employee
empyloyee_id = int(input('Enter the employee ID number: '))
if empyloyee_id not in dictionary.keys():
name = input('Enter the name of the employee: ')
dept = input('Enter the employee department: ')
job = input('Enter the employee job title: ')
entry = emp2.Employee(name, empyloyee_id, dept, job)
dictionary[empyloyee_id] = entry
print('Employee added succesfully')
print('Employee already exists!')
# Change an employee
def change(dictionary):
# If user-entered ID is in dictionary, allow them to change the info
employee_id = int(input(
'Enter the employee ID you would like to change: '))
if employee_id in dictionary.keys():
name = input('Enter new employee name: ')
dept = input('Enter new employee department: ')
job = input('Enter new employee job title: ')
entry = emp2.Employee(name, employee_id, dept, job)
dictionary[employee_id] = entry
print('Employee changed successfully.')
print('That employee ID was not found.')
# Delete an employee
def delete(dictionary, dictionary2):
# If user-entered ID is in dictionary, delete the entry
employee_id = int(input(
'Enter the employee ID you would like to remove: '))
if employee_id in dictionary.keys():
entry = emp2.Employee(dictionary[employee_id])
dictionary2[empyloyee_id] = entry
del dictionary[employee_id]
print('Employee successfully moved to deleted directory!')
print('That employee ID was not found.')
# Save the dictionary and quit the program
def save_quit(dictionary, dictionary2):
# Pickle the dictionary and save to a file
outputFile1 = open('employee.pickle', 'wb')
pickle.dump(dictionary, outputFile1)
# Pickle the dictionary and save to a file
outputFile2 = open('deletedEmployee.pickle', 'wb')
pickle.dump(dictionary2, outputFile2)
def move(dictionary, dictionary2, employee_id):
empyloyee_id = dictionary.get(employee_id)
name = dictionary.get(name)
dept = dictionary.get(department)
job = dictionary.get(job)
entry = emp2.Employee(name, empyloyee_id, dept, job)
dictionary2[empyloyee_id] = entry
#Calls main function.
if __name__== '__main__':
You have several pieces that require update.
In your lookup function, you do not inform the user whether or not the employee is in the active list or deleted list. You might want to let them know.
I moved your MOVE function to above the delete function. since your DELETE function requires a move call, having MOVE above DELETE gives the ability to handle the function once.
In your DELETE, we updated the script to allow for MOVE to happen, then we can use the POP function to remove the object from the roster.
import pickle
import employee as emp2
def main():
# Try to open the existing dictionary file
inputFile1 = open('employee.pickle', 'rb')
employeeDictionary = pickle.load(inputFile1)
inputFile2 = open('deletedEmployee.pickle', 'rb')
deletedEmployeeDictionary = pickle.load(inputFile2)
employeeDictionary = {}
deletedEmployeeDictionary = {}
# While loop to continue until user chooses to quit
proceed = True
while proceed:
# Display user's option menu and ask for a choice
print('\n Employee Management System\n')
print('\t1. Lookup an employee')
print('\t2. Add a new employee')
print('\t3. Change an existing employee')
print('\t4. Delete an existing employee')
print('\t5. Save and Quit\n')
choice = int(input('Enter an option to continue: '))
if choice == 1:
lookup(employeeDictionary, deletedEmployeeDictionary)
elif choice == 2:
elif choice == 3:
elif choice == 4:
delete(employeeDictionary, deletedEmployeeDictionary)
elif choice == 5:
save_quit(employeeDictionary, deletedEmployeeDictionary)
proceed = False
print('Invalid input!')
choice = int(input('Enter an option to continue: '))
# Lookup an employee
def lookup(dictionary, dictionary2):
# Look up the ID number if it is in the dictionary
employee_id = int(input('Enter the employee ID number: '))
if employee_id in dictionary:
# print('employee_id', ': ', dictionary[employee_id])
print('Active Record...')
elif employee_id in dictionary2:
# print('employee_id', ': ', dictionary2[employee_id])
print("Deleted Record...")
print("That ID number was not found.")
# Add an employee
def add(dictionary):
# Add a new employee
empyloyee_id = int(input('Enter the employee ID number: '))
if empyloyee_id not in dictionary.keys():
name = input('Enter the name of the employee: ')
dept = input('Enter the employee department: ')
job = input('Enter the employee job title: ')
entry = emp2.Employee(name, empyloyee_id, dept, job)
dictionary[empyloyee_id] = entry
print('Employee added succesfully')
print('Employee already exists!')
# Change an employee
def change(dictionary):
# If user-entered ID is in dictionary, allow them to change the info
employee_id = int(input(
'Enter the employee ID you would like to change: '))
if employee_id in dictionary.keys():
name = input('Enter new employee name: ')
dept = input('Enter new employee department: ')
job = input('Enter new employee job title: ')
entry = emp2.Employee(name, employee_id, dept, job)
dictionary[employee_id] = entry
print('Employee changed successfully.')
print('That employee ID was not found.')
def move(dictionary, dictionary2, employee_id):
dictionary2[employee_id] = dictionary.get(employee_id)
# Delete an employee
def delete(dictionary, dictionary2):
# If user-entered ID is in dictionary, delete the entry
employee_id = int(input(
'Enter the employee ID you would like to remove: '))
if employee_Id in dictionary:
move(dictionary, dictionary2, employee_id)
print('Employee successfully moved to deleted directory!')
print('Employee not in directory!')
# Save the dictionary and quit the program
def save_quit(dictionary, dictionary2):
# Pickle the dictionary and save to a file
outputFile1 = open('employee.pickle', 'wb')
pickle.dump(dictionary, outputFile1)
# Pickle the dictionary and save to a file
outputFile2 = open('deletedEmployee.pickle', 'wb')
pickle.dump(dictionary2, outputFile2)
# Calls main function.
if __name__ == '__main__':

ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2) & TypeError: must be str, not MemberClass

Below is my code for a class I am currently working. The title contains the errors I am receiving. Could someone please assist with my code? (The comment's explain the area of concern. Main Menu functions 5 & 6.)
class MemberClass:
name = ""
phone = 0
number = 0
# Initiator Method
def __init__(self, name, phone, number): = name = phone
self.number = number
# Mutator Method 1
def set_name(self, name): = name
# Mutator Method 2
def set_phone(self, phone): = phone
# Mutator Method 3
def set_number(self, number):
self.number = number
# Accessor Method 1
def get_name(self):
# Accessor Method 2
def get_phone(self):
# Accessor Method 3
def get_number(self):
return self.number
# Display Method
def display_data(self):
print("Current Team Member's Information")
print("Member's Name: ",
print("Member's Phone Number: ",
print("Member's Jersey Number: ", self.number)
# Create a function for the main menu
def print_menu():
print("===========Main Menu===========")
print("1. Display Current Team Roster.")
print("2. Add Member.")
print("3. Remove Member.")
print("4. Edit Member.")
print("5. Save Progress.")
print("6. Load Current Team Roster")
print("9. Exit Program.\n")
return int(input("Please Enter Your Selection: "))
# Create a function for main menu option 1
def print_members(team_members):
if len(team_members) == 0:
print("No Current Team Members In Memory! Please Add All Team Members.")
for x in team_members.keys():
# Create a function for main menu option 2
def add_members(team_members):
new_name = input("Enter New Team Member's Name: ")
new_phone = int(input("Enter New Team Member's Phone Number: "))
new_number = int(input("Enter New Team Member's Jersey Number: "))
team_members[new_name] = MemberClass(new_name, new_phone, new_number)
return team_members
# Create a function for main menu option 3
def remove_members(team_members):
remove_name = input("Enter Existing Team Member's Name to Remove: ")
if remove_name in team_members:
del team_members[remove_name]
print("The Team Member ("+remove_name+") Is No Longer In Our Roster.")
print("The Provided Name ("+remove_name+") Is Not Currently In Our Roster. Please Try Again.")
return team_members
# Create a function for main menu option 4
def edit_members(team_members):
original_name = input("Enter Existing Team Member's Name To Edit: ")
if original_name in team_members:
adjusted_name = input("Enter Existing Team Member's Updated Name: ")
adjusted_phone = int(input("Enter Existing Team Member's Updated Phone Number: "))
adjusted_number = int(input("Enter Existing Team Member's Updated Jersey Number: "))
del team_members[original_name]
team_members[original_name] = MemberClass(adjusted_name, adjusted_phone, adjusted_number)
print("The Provided Name ("+original_name+") Is Not Currently In Our Roster. Please Try Again.")
return team_members
# Create a function for main menu option 5 ***PROBLEM AREA***
def save_members(members, filename):
out_file = open(filename, "wt")
with open(filename, "wt") as out_file:
for name, phone, number in members.items():
out_file.write(name + "," + phone + "," + number + "\n")
# Create a function for main menu option 6 ***PROBLEM AREA***
def load_members(members, filename):
in_file = open(filename, "rt")
with open(filename, "rt") as in_file:
while True:
in_line = in_file.readline()
if not in_line:
in_line = in_line[:-1]
name, phone, number = in_line.split(",")
members[name] = phone
# Team manager welcome screen, date & time
print("Welcome to San Angelo's Softball Team Roster")
print("This program keeps the most up-to-date information")
print("Today's Date: April 23, 2018")
print("Current Time: 0900\n")
# Create a dictionary named "team_members"
team_members = {}
# Provides Menu Screen
menu_selection = print_menu()
# Create while loop repeating the main menu.
while menu_selection != 9:
if menu_selection == 1:
elif menu_selection == 2:
team_members = add_members(team_members)
elif menu_selection == 3:
team_members = remove_members(team_members)
elif menu_selection == 4:
team_members = edit_members(team_members)
elif menu_selection == 5:
filename = input("Enter Desired Filename: ")
save_members(team_members, filename)
elif menu_selection == 6:
filename = input("Enter Existing Filename: ")
load_members(team_members, filename)
menu_selection = print_menu()
print("Thank You For Updating San Angelo's Softball Team Roster!")
When you iterate a dictionary via dict.items, you may only iterate key / value pairs. Therefore, this line will fail as you are attempting to unpack 3 items when only 2 exist (key & value):
for name, phone, number in members.items():
Instead, what you should do:
for name, myclass in members.items():
phone =
number = myclass.number

How to delete an item from a class in python based on user input?

I am trying to allow a member to leave the Team if they so wish. By doing this, the system will delete them and their user ID will become available to the next person who wishes to join the team. I am receiving an error with my code. Can someone please advise what I am doing wrong and how this can be achieved?
I would like my add members and remove members to update all the time, based on user input and the needs of the members. I hope this makes sense!
For example: If 'Carl' decided to leave, he would be removed and the next member to join would be assigned the membership ID '2'
Below is my code:
all_users = []
class Team(object):
members = []
user_id = 0
def __init__(self, first, last, address):
self.user_id = Team.user_id
self.first = first
self.last = last
self.address = address = first + '.' + last + ''
Team.user_id += 1
def __str__(self):
return 'Membership ID: {}\nFirst Name: {}\nSurname: {}\nLocation: {}\nEmail: {}\n'.format(self.user_id,
self.first, self.last,
def all_members():
for user in all_users:
def add_member():
print("Welcome to the team!")
first_name = input("What's your first name?\n")
second_name = input("What's your surname?\n")
address = input("Where do you live?\n")
all_users.append(Team(first_name, second_name, address))
def remove_member():
print("We're sorry to see you go , please fill out the following information to continue")
first_name = input("What's your first name?\n")
second_name = input("What's your surname?\n")
address = input("Where do you live?\n")
unique_id = input("Finally, what is your User ID?\n")
if unique_id in all_users:
del unique_id
all_users(User(first_name, second_name, address))
def main():
user_1 = Team('Chris', 'Parker', 'London')
user_2 = Team('Carl', 'Lane', 'Chelsea')
all_users.extend([user_1, user_2])
continue_program = True
while continue_program:
print("1. View all members")
print("2. Want to join the team?")
print("3. Need to leave the team?")
print("3. Quit")
choice = int(input("Please pick one of the above options "))
if choice == 1:
elif choice == 2:
elif choice == 3:
elif choice == 4:
continue_program = False
print("Come back soon! ")
print("Invalid choice, please enter a number between 1-3")
except ValueError:
print("Please try again, enter a number between 1 - 3")
if __name__ == "__main__":
The remove_member method is wrong for several reasons. The line del unique_id will not remove the value from all_users, which is just a list of Team Members. And you shouldn't have to ask the user for all of this information - just the ID (or the name) would be enough.
What I suggest is:
def remove_member():
print("We're sorry to see you go , please fill out the following information to continue")
unique_id = input("what is your User ID?\n")
unique_id = int(unique_id)
for i, user in enumerate(all_users):
if user.user_id == unique_id:
If it is important that the user ids are reused, you can keep a list of user ids that are available again. When creating a new member, you can first check that list, and use an old id if there is one.
You can also choose not to reuse the user ids of removed users. An id doesn't really have a meaning and not reusing it makes it simpeler for you.
Finally, you might want to restructure your code:
Team(first_name, second_name, address)
This doesn't make sense: a team with a first name, last name and adress! Better would be to have two classes:
team = Team()
user = User(first_name, second_name, address)
Some other tips:
# This won't work, because all_users contains Team instances, not numbers. So the user will never be found.
if unique_id in all_users:
# This won't do anything: `del` only removes the access to the variable (might free up memory in heavy applications). It doesn't remove the user from all_users
del unique_id

How to add items to a class based on user input

I'm in the process of learning python and I am attempting to create a class for a football team. I am just working with different aspects of python to try and get a better understanding. I want a menu based system which will allow the user of the programme to either view all current team members or else register to join the team. Each team member will have a unique ID and when a person joins, it will simple give them the next available number. For example, Chris has the unique ID of 1, Carl has 2, so if Joe joins, he will be automatically given number three. Below is the code I currently have. Viewing card players works perfectly for me but I am struggling with adding a new player.
So my question is, how do I add a new member to the empty list I have which will store all my data and how do I implement that the next person who joins the team will be given the next available number? This is to ensure each member number is unique. Thanks in advance, eager to learn!
class Team(object):
members = [] #create an empty list to store data
def __init__(self, user_id, first, last, address):
self.user_id = user_id
self.first = first
self.last = last
self.address = address = first + '.' + last + ''
#instance is fully initialized so I am adding it to the list of users
def __str__(self):
return 'Membership ID: {}\nFirst Name: {}\nSurname: {}\nLocation: {}\nEmail: {}\n'.format(self.user_id, self.first, self.last, self.address,
def all_members():
for user in Team.members:
print (user)
def add_member(Team):
print("Welcome to the team!")
first_name = input("What's your first name?\n")
second_name = input("What's your surname?\n")
address = input("Where do you live?\n")
for x in Team:
unique_id = unique_id =+ 1
user[user_id] = [user_id, first_name, second_name, address]
user_1 = Team(1, 'Chris', 'Parker', 'London')
user_2 = Team(2, 'Carl', 'Lane', 'Chelsea')
def menu(object):
continue_program = True
while continue_program:
print("1. View all members")
print("2. Add user")
print("3. Quit")
choice = int(input("Please pick one of the above options "))
if choice == 1:
elif choice == 2:
elif choice == 3:
continue_program = False
print("Come back soon! ")
print("Invalid choice, please enter a number between 1-3")
except ValueError:
print("Please try again, enter a number between 1 - 3")
#my main program
Things changes:
main function operation changed
user count field made static and automatically created with addition of new user
temp list created to hold users
please comment if you don't understand
all_users = []
class Team(object):
members = [] # create an empty list to store data
user_id = 0
def __init__(self, first, last, address):
self.user_id = Team.user_id
self.first = first
self.last = last
self.address = address = first + '.' + last + ''
Team.user_id += 1
# instance is fully initialized so I am adding it to the list of users
def __str__(self):
return 'Membership ID: {}\nFirst Name: {}\nSurname: {}\nLocation: {}\nEmail: {}\n'.format(self.user_id,
self.first, self.last,
def all_members():
for user in all_users:
def add_member():
print("Welcome to the team!")
first_name = input("What's your first name?\n")
second_name = input("What's your surname?\n")
address = input("Where do you live?\n")
# for x in Team:
# unique_id = unique_id = + 1
all_users.append(Team(first_name, second_name, address))
def main():
user_1 = Team('Chris', 'Parker', 'London')
user_2 = Team('Carl', 'Lane', 'Chelsea')
all_users.extend([user_1, user_2])
continue_program = True
while continue_program:
print("1. View all members")
print("2. Add user")
print("3. Quit")
choice = int(input("Please pick one of the above options "))
if choice == 1:
elif choice == 2:
elif choice == 3:
continue_program = False
print("Come back soon! ")
print("Invalid choice, please enter a number between 1-3")
except ValueError:
print("Please try again, enter a number between 1 - 3")
if __name__ == "__main__":
You are so close:
def add_member(): # belongs to the class
print("Welcome to the team!")
first_name = input("What's your first name?\n")
second_name = input("What's your surname?\n")
address = input("Where do you live?\n")
# get the maximum id and add one
if Team.members:
unique_id = max(Team.members, key=lambda m: m.user_id) + 1
unique_id = 0
Team(unique_id , first_name, second_name, address)
And in the main function change on call:
elif choice == 2:

Why are some variables not defined?

This is what I have to do:
Look up and print the student GPA
Add a new student to the class
Change the GPA of a student
Change the expected grade of a student
Print the data of all the students in a tabular format
Quit the program
import student
import pickle
lookup = 1
change = 2
add = 3
delete = 4
QUIT = 0
FILENAME = 'student.dat'
def main():
students_info = load_students()
choice = 0
while choice != QUIT:
choice = get_menu_choice()
if choice == lookup:
elif choice == add:
elif choice == change:
elif choice == delete:
def load_students():
input_file = open(FILENAME, 'rb')
students_dict = pickle.load(input_file)
except IOError:
students_dict = {}
return students_dict
def get_menu_choice():
print('1. Look up ID')
choice = int(input("Enter your choice:"))
return choice
def look_up(students_info):
ID = input('Enter ID:')
print(student_info.get(ID, "Not found!"))
## try:
## print(students_info[ID])
## except KeyError:
## print("Not found!")
def change_GPA(students_info):
ID = input("ID:")
if ID in students_info:
GPA= float(input("New GPA:"))
students_info[ID] = students
print ("This",students_info[ID])
print("Not found!")
def change_grade(students_info):
ID = input("ID:")
if ID in students_info:
New_grade = input("Enter new grade:")
students_info[ID] = students
#new_grade = students_info[name]
print("Not found!")
def add(students_info):
name = input("Enter the student name:")
ID= input("Enter student's ID:")
GPA= float(input("Enter GPA:"))
grade= input("Enter student's expected grade:")
work = input("Does the student work part time or full time?")
def save_students(students_info):
output_file = open(FILENAME, 'wb')
pickle.dump(students_info, output_file)
Whenever I tried to change the GPA or grade it's not defined. How could I change one value from the dictionary studens_info?
As gus42 has commented, the errors you are getting are from the lines:
You've not defined grade or work in either of the places you do this (nor GPA in change_grade), so it should not be surprising that you're getting an error.
I think there are two ways to fix the issue:
The simplest way is to change your logic from creating a new Student object to modifying the one that already exists. I don't know exactly what the attribute names are in your Student class, but here's a reasonable guess at a solution:
def change_GPA(students_info):
ID = input("ID:")
if ID in students_info:
GPA= float(input("New GPA:"))
students_info[ID].GPA = GPA # assign new GPA to old student object
print("Not found!")
def change_grade(students_info):
ID = input("ID:")
if ID in students_info:
grade = input("Enter new grade:")
students_info[ID].grade = grade # assign new grade to existing student object
print("Not found!")
The other option is to replace the existing Student object with a new one with some different values. This is close to what your current code, but it only really makes sense if your Student objects are immutable (perhaps because you made the type with namedtuple?). To make it work (where your current code does not), you'll have to load the old values from the old Student object before making the new object:
def change_GPA(students_info):
ID = input("ID:")
if ID in students_info:
new_GPA = float(input("New GPA:"))
old_grade = students_info[ID].grade # load old values
old_work = students_info[ID].work
new_student = students.Student(ID, new_GPA, old_grade, old_work)
students_info[ID] = new_student # replace the old student with a new object
print("Not found!")
def change_grade(students_info):
ID = input("ID:")
if ID in students_info:
new_grade = input("Enter new grade:")
old_GPA = students_info[ID].GPA
old_work = students_info[ID].work
new_student = students.Student(ID, old_GPA, new_grade, old_work)
students_info[ID] = new_student
print("Not found!")

