I am getting a key error while converting the variables using onehot encoder. This is the code that i used:
def preprocessor(df):
res_df = df.copy()
le = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
res_df['"job"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"job"'])
res_df['"marital"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"marital"'])
res_df['"education"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"education"'])
res_df['"default"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"default"'])
res_df['"housing"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"housing"'])
res_df['"month"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"month"'])
res_df['"loan"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"loan"'])
res_df['"contact"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"contact"'])
res_df['"day_of_week"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"day"'])
res_df['"poutcome"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"poutcome"'])
res_df['"y"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"y"'])
return res_df
while executing the function the function, i am getting a key error
encoded_df = preprocessor(df1)
x = encoded_df.drop(['"y"'],axis =1).values
y = encoded_df['"y"'].values
while executing the function the function, i am getting a key error, although i have split the column using sep=';'. Can anyone please help
I am trying to fetch data from API for 50 parcels. I want them to be in a single data frame. While running this loop the data frame is storing only the last parcel which is satisfying the loop condition. Is there any way to store all the previous outputs also in the same dataframe.
For e.g upon running this code it only returns the data frame for foreign id=50, I want the dataframe for all 1-50.
import requests
import pandas as pd
while (foreign <=50):
s1_time_series_url_p6 = 'https://demodev2.kappazeta.ee/ard_api_demo/v1/time_series/s1?limit_to_rasters=true&parcel_foreign_id=0&properties=parcel_foreign_id%2Cs1product_end_time%2Cs1product_ron%2Ccohvh_avg%2Ccohvv_avg%2Cvhvv_avg'
s2_time_series_url_p6 = 'https://demodev2.kappazeta.ee/ard_api_demo/v1/time_series/s2?limit_to_rasters=true&parcel_foreign_id=0&properties=parcel_foreign_id%2Cs2product_start_time%2Cs2product_ron%2Cndvi_avg'
position = 101
s1_time_series_url_p6 = s1_time_series_url_p6[:position] + foreign_n + s1_time_series_url_p6[position+1:]
s2_time_series_url_p6 = s2_time_series_url_p6[:position] + foreign_n + s2_time_series_url_p6[position+1:]
r_s1_time_series_p6 = requests.get(s1_time_series_url_p6)
r_s2_time_series_p6 = requests.get(s2_time_series_url_p6)
json_s1_time_series_p6 = r_s1_time_series_p6.json()
json_s2_time_series_p6 = r_s2_time_series_p6.json()
df_s1_time_series_p6 = pd.DataFrame(json_s1_time_series_p6['s1_time_series'])
df_s2_time_series_p6 = pd.DataFrame(json_s2_time_series_p6['s2_time_series'])
dfinal_p6 = df_s1_time_series_p6.merge(df_s2_time_series_p6, how='inner', left_on='s1product_end_time', right_on='s2product_start_time')
cols_p6 = ['parcel_foreign_id_x', 's1product_ron','parcel_foreign_id_y','s2product_ron']
dfinal_p6[cols_p6] = dfinal_p6[cols_p6].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce', axis=1)
The issue is resolved by first creating an empty data frame and then appending the outputs in the dataframe within the loop.
The updated code is as follows:
column_names = ["parcel_foreign_id_x", "s1product_end_time", "s1product_ron","cohvh_avg", "cohvv_avg", "vhvv_avg","parcel_foreign_id_y", "s2product_start_time", "s2product_ron", "ndvi_avg" ]
df = pd.DataFrame(columns = column_names)
while (foreign <=50):
s1_time_series_url_p6 = 'https://demodev2.kappazeta.ee/ard_api_demo/v1/time_series/s1?limit_to_rasters=true&parcel_foreign_id=0&properties=parcel_foreign_id%2Cs1product_end_time%2Cs1product_ron%2Ccohvh_avg%2Ccohvv_avg%2Cvhvv_avg'
s2_time_series_url_p6 = 'https://demodev2.kappazeta.ee/ard_api_demo/v1/time_series/s2?limit_to_rasters=true&parcel_foreign_id=0&properties=parcel_foreign_id%2Cs2product_start_time%2Cs2product_ron%2Cndvi_avg'
position = 101
s1_time_series_url_p6 = s1_time_series_url_p6[:position] + foreign_n + s1_time_series_url_p6[position+1:]
s2_time_series_url_p6 = s2_time_series_url_p6[:position] + foreign_n + s2_time_series_url_p6[position+1:]
r_s1_time_series_p6 = requests.get(s1_time_series_url_p6)
r_s2_time_series_p6 = requests.get(s2_time_series_url_p6)
json_s1_time_series_p6 = r_s1_time_series_p6.json()
json_s2_time_series_p6 = r_s2_time_series_p6.json()
df_s1_time_series_p6 = pd.DataFrame(json_s1_time_series_p6['s1_time_series'])
df_s2_time_series_p6 = pd.DataFrame(json_s2_time_series_p6['s2_time_series'])
dfinal_p6 = df_s1_time_series_p6.merge(df_s2_time_series_p6, how='inner', left_on='s1product_end_time', right_on='s2product_start_time')
cols_p6 = ['parcel_foreign_id_x', 's1product_ron','parcel_foreign_id_y','s2product_ron']
dfinal_p6[cols_p6] = dfinal_p6[cols_p6].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce', axis=1)
df = pd.concat([dfinal_p6,df],ignore_index = True)
foreign = foreign+1
I appended several data frames in one variable (Cy_info), and i want to use this variable as a function argument(fnames). This function
I used the following:
def buildOrm(fnames, twissfile, plane, dkick):
for i in range(len(fnames)):
ore = OrbitResponse() #####
orb_file = fnames[i]
ref_file = twissfile
x, y = getBpms(orb_file)
n_bpms = len(x)
orm = ORM1(len(fnames), n_bpms)
ore.orbits['refOrbit'] = getBpms(ref_file)
i_cor = 0
for i in fnames:
print('reading', "Cx_info_"+str(i))
#cname = fnames[i].replace('orm_'+plane+'_','')
ipage = 0
ore.orbits[i] = getBpms(orb_file)
I got the error from the last line of the code, when i called the function:
names = Cy_info
ormy, ore = buildOrm(names,twiss_error, plane='y', dkick=1.e-4)
error: unhashable type: 'DataFrame'
How can i save multiple data frame in one variable and then deal with them individually?
I was making my automatic stock strategy yield calculation program with Python. Here's my code:
import FinanceDataReader as fdr
import numpy as np
# ...(more modules for python)
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:.5f}'.format
file_list = os.listdir('/home/sejahui/projects/stock_data_excel')
for i in range(20):
odd = file_list[i]
data = pd.read_excel('/home/sejahui/projects/stock_data_excel/'+str(odd))
def calMACD(data, short=5, long=25, signal=9):
data['MVA_25']=data['Close'].ewm(span=long, adjust=False).mean()
data['MVA_5']=data['Close'].ewm(span=short, adjust=False).mean()
data['MACD']=data['Close'].ewm(span=short, adjust=False).mean() - data['Close'].ewm(span=long, adjust=False).mean()
data['Signal']=data['MACD'].ewm(span=signal, adjust=False).mean( )
#data['Buy_sign']=(data['MACD']-data['Signal']) >=600
data['Buy_sign']=np.where(data['MACD']-data['Signal'] >=451, 'Buy' , 'Sell' )
#data['Target_1']=np.where(data['Buy_sign']=='Buy', (data['Change'])+1,1)
#data['Target_2']=np.where(data['Buy_sign']=='Sell', (data['Change'])+1,1)
#data['Real_world']= 1000000*data['Target_1']
#data['Real_world_2']= 1000000*data['Target_2']
#data['Condition'] = np.where(data['Real_world']<1000000, data['Real_world']-data['Real_world'].shift(-2),1)
##data['Condition_2'] = np.where(data['Real_world']<1000000, data['Target_1'].shift(-2),1)
#data['Moneyflow'] =
#plt.plot(data['Date'], data['Real_world'])
#data[data.Buy_sign !='Sell']
data['Target_1']=np.where(data['Buy_sign']=='Buy', data['Change'],1)
data['Target_2']=np.where(data['Buy_sign']=='Sell', data ['Change'],1)
data['Yield']=np.where(data['Buy_sign']=='Sell', data['Target_1']/data['Target_2'],1 )
data['??????'] = data['Result'] - data['Result_2']
return data
Adjusted = calMACD(data)
Adjusted.drop(['Change'], axis=1, inplace = True)
Filtered = Adjusted[Adjusted.Buy_sign!='Sell'].copy()
#Filtered = (Adjusted.Buy_sign =='Buy') #(Adjusted.Condition = 1.0)
#Master = Adjusted.loc[Adjusted,['Date','Buy_sign','Target_1','Real_world',]]
def backtester(Filtered):
Filtered['Change'] = ((Filtered['Close'] - Filtered['Close'].shift(1)) / Filtered['Close'].shift(1))+1
#data['Target_1']=np.where(data['Buy_sign']=='Buy', (data['Change'])+1,1)
Filtered['Real_world'] = 1000000*Filtered['Change']
#Filtered['Condition'] = np.where(Filtered['Real_world']<1000000, Filtered['Real_world'].shift(-2)-Filtered['Real_world'],1)
Filtered['Condition'] = np.where(Filtered['Real_world']<1000000, Filtered['Change'].shift(-2),1)
#Filtered['Target_1'] = np.where(Filtered['Buy_sign']=='Buy', (Filtered['Change'])+1,1)
#Filtered['Condition'] = np.where(Filtered['Real_world']<1000000, Filtered['Real_world'].shift(-2)-Filtered['Real_world'],1)
return Filtered
s = backtester(Filtered)
e = s[s.Condition!=1.00000]
x = e.dropna()
y = x['Condition']
list_1 = []
write_wb = Workbook()
write_ws = write_wb.create_sheet('MACD&Signal gap data sheet')
write_ws = write_wb.active
write_ws['A1'] = 'Name'
write_ws['B1'] = 'Profit'
except StatisticsError as e:
print ('Sell is empty':',odd)
d = (geometric_mean(y)*1000000*12)
Here's the part where I'm troubling with:
s = backtester(Filtered)
e = s[s.Condition!=1.00000]
x = e.dropna()
y = x['Condition']
list_1 = []
except StatisticsError as e:
print ('Sell is empty':',odd)
d = (geometric_mean(y)*1000000*12)
When I initiate the code where I am having problems, list only saves the last result of 'try, except, else' function. My intention was saving all the results. What change should I give to save all the results?
Here's the output of the list:
Your problem is that you are using insert instead of append and the main difference that insert takes a second argument for the position that you want to insert your element at and when none is provided it is 0 by default so you are consistently inserting at the same index resulting in a list with only the last element at the first position.
To fix that simply use append instead.
d = (geometric_mean(y)*1000000*12)
You want to use append, not insert. see Python Data Structures
Change list_1.insert(d) to list_1.append(d)
The insert is defaulting to index 0 and just updating it each time.
Edit: Just noticed your answer is in the question title.
Task: to write a function for changing the timeframe on encodings.
Body of the program:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from future_functions import *
# Load CSV Data
data = pd.read_csv('Data/EURUSDHours.csv')
data.columns = ['Date','open','high','low','close','AskVol']
data = data.set_index(pd.to_datetime(data.Date))
data = data[['open','high','low','close','AskVol']]
prices = data.drop_duplicates(keep=False)
hkaprices = prices.copy()
hkaprices['Symbol'] = 'SYMB'
HKA = OHLCresample(hkaprices,'15H')
, where future_functions is an attached file with a function.
The function itself:
def OHLCresample(DataFrame,TimeFrame,column='ask'):
grouped = DataFrame.groupby('Symbol')
if np.any(DataFrame.columns == 'Ask'):
if column == 'ask':
ask = grouped['Ask'].resample(TimeFrame).ohlc()
askVol = grouped['AskVol'].resample(TimeFrame).count()
resampled = pd.DataFrame(ask)
resampled['AskVol'] = askVol
elif column == 'bid':
bid = grouped['Bid'].resample(TimeFrame).ohlc()
bidVol = grouped['BidVol'].resample(TimeFrame).count()
resampled = pd.DataFrame(bid)
resampled['BidVol'] = bidVol
raise ValueError('Column must be a string. Either ask or bid')
elif np.any(DataFrame.columns == 'close'):
open = grouped['open'].resample(TimeFrame).ohlc()
close = grouped['close'].resample(TimeFrame).ohlc()
high = grouped['high'].resample(TimeFrame).ohlc()
low = grouped['low'].resample(TimeFrame).ohlc()
askVol = grouped['AskVol'].resample(TimeFrame).ohlc()
resampled = pd.DataFrame(open)
resampled['high'] = high
resampled['low'] = low
resampled['close'] = close
resampled['AskVol'] = askVol
resampled = resampled.dropna()
return resampled
I receive an error:
KeyError: 'AskVol'
ValueError: Wrong number of items passed 4, placement implies 1
The data set can be taken following the link:
I understand that the problem is in dimensionality, but I do not know how to resolve it.
My first post here.
So I'm loading data into a variable called f1_data, then passing it to pm.removeDC() function to do some signal processing, and keeping the result into the same variable. But then, I want to replace only the column 8, with the original f1_data that I called raw_data and I can't figure it out why it doesn't work. Here are the functions. Help anyone?
inside file pm.py
def removeDC(data):
# define the filter
butter_order = 2
hp_cutoff_Hz = 1.0
b, a = signal.butter(butter_order, hp_cutoff_Hz/(fs_Hz / 2.0), 'highpass')
for i in range(1,9):
data[:,i] = signal.lfilter(b, a, data[:,i], 0)
return (data)
def get_epoch1(data, t_sec, epoch, f_tup, col):
#f_tup = (f_wdir, f_name, f_columns, out_save, out_dir, out_number, fig_width)
f_name = f_tup[1]
fig_width = f_tup[6]
epoch_boolvector = (t_sec >= epoch[0][0]) & (t_sec <= epoch[0][1])
epoch_timescale = t_sec[epoch_boolvector]
epoch_data = data[epoch_boolvector]
plt.figure(figsize=(fig_width,8), dpi=96)
plt.plot(epoch_timescale, epoch_data[:,col]);
plt.xlim(epoch_timescale[0], epoch_timescale[-1])
return (epoch_boolvector, epoch_timescale, epoch_data)
inside main file
#load the whole data
(f1_data, f1_data_indices, f1_timescale) = pm.load_data(f1_wdir, f1_name)
raw_data = f1_data[:] #create copy of f1_data
(f1ep1_boolvector, f1ep1_timescale, f1ep1_data) = pm.get_epoch1(f1_data, f1_timescale, f1_epochs[1], f1_tup, 8)
#--- filter data to remove DC (1Hz)
f1_data = pm.removeDC(f1_data)
# replace only channel 8 with original data
f1_data[:,8] = raw_data[:,8]
(f1ep2_boolvector, f1ep2_timescale, f1ep2_data) = pm.get_epoch1(f1_data, f1_timescale, f1_epochs[1], f1_tup, 8)
The solution is import copy and use copy.deepcopy function.
For further info check this link:
When I have raw_data = f1_data[:] I get, after pm.removeDC():
raw_data is f1_data: False
(raw_data == f1_data).all(): True
But when I have raw_data = copy.deepcopy(f1_data) I get, after pm.removeDC():
raw_data is f1_data: False
(raw_data == f1_data).all(): False