I appended several data frames in one variable (Cy_info), and i want to use this variable as a function argument(fnames). This function
I used the following:
def buildOrm(fnames, twissfile, plane, dkick):
for i in range(len(fnames)):
ore = OrbitResponse() #####
orb_file = fnames[i]
ref_file = twissfile
x, y = getBpms(orb_file)
n_bpms = len(x)
orm = ORM1(len(fnames), n_bpms)
ore.orbits['refOrbit'] = getBpms(ref_file)
i_cor = 0
for i in fnames:
print('reading', "Cx_info_"+str(i))
#cname = fnames[i].replace('orm_'+plane+'_','')
ipage = 0
ore.orbits[i] = getBpms(orb_file)
I got the error from the last line of the code, when i called the function:
names = Cy_info
ormy, ore = buildOrm(names,twiss_error, plane='y', dkick=1.e-4)
error: unhashable type: 'DataFrame'
How can i save multiple data frame in one variable and then deal with them individually?
I am trying to fetch data from API for 50 parcels. I want them to be in a single data frame. While running this loop the data frame is storing only the last parcel which is satisfying the loop condition. Is there any way to store all the previous outputs also in the same dataframe.
For e.g upon running this code it only returns the data frame for foreign id=50, I want the dataframe for all 1-50.
import requests
import pandas as pd
while (foreign <=50):
s1_time_series_url_p6 = 'https://demodev2.kappazeta.ee/ard_api_demo/v1/time_series/s1?limit_to_rasters=true&parcel_foreign_id=0&properties=parcel_foreign_id%2Cs1product_end_time%2Cs1product_ron%2Ccohvh_avg%2Ccohvv_avg%2Cvhvv_avg'
s2_time_series_url_p6 = 'https://demodev2.kappazeta.ee/ard_api_demo/v1/time_series/s2?limit_to_rasters=true&parcel_foreign_id=0&properties=parcel_foreign_id%2Cs2product_start_time%2Cs2product_ron%2Cndvi_avg'
position = 101
s1_time_series_url_p6 = s1_time_series_url_p6[:position] + foreign_n + s1_time_series_url_p6[position+1:]
s2_time_series_url_p6 = s2_time_series_url_p6[:position] + foreign_n + s2_time_series_url_p6[position+1:]
r_s1_time_series_p6 = requests.get(s1_time_series_url_p6)
r_s2_time_series_p6 = requests.get(s2_time_series_url_p6)
json_s1_time_series_p6 = r_s1_time_series_p6.json()
json_s2_time_series_p6 = r_s2_time_series_p6.json()
df_s1_time_series_p6 = pd.DataFrame(json_s1_time_series_p6['s1_time_series'])
df_s2_time_series_p6 = pd.DataFrame(json_s2_time_series_p6['s2_time_series'])
dfinal_p6 = df_s1_time_series_p6.merge(df_s2_time_series_p6, how='inner', left_on='s1product_end_time', right_on='s2product_start_time')
cols_p6 = ['parcel_foreign_id_x', 's1product_ron','parcel_foreign_id_y','s2product_ron']
dfinal_p6[cols_p6] = dfinal_p6[cols_p6].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce', axis=1)
The issue is resolved by first creating an empty data frame and then appending the outputs in the dataframe within the loop.
The updated code is as follows:
column_names = ["parcel_foreign_id_x", "s1product_end_time", "s1product_ron","cohvh_avg", "cohvv_avg", "vhvv_avg","parcel_foreign_id_y", "s2product_start_time", "s2product_ron", "ndvi_avg" ]
df = pd.DataFrame(columns = column_names)
while (foreign <=50):
s1_time_series_url_p6 = 'https://demodev2.kappazeta.ee/ard_api_demo/v1/time_series/s1?limit_to_rasters=true&parcel_foreign_id=0&properties=parcel_foreign_id%2Cs1product_end_time%2Cs1product_ron%2Ccohvh_avg%2Ccohvv_avg%2Cvhvv_avg'
s2_time_series_url_p6 = 'https://demodev2.kappazeta.ee/ard_api_demo/v1/time_series/s2?limit_to_rasters=true&parcel_foreign_id=0&properties=parcel_foreign_id%2Cs2product_start_time%2Cs2product_ron%2Cndvi_avg'
position = 101
s1_time_series_url_p6 = s1_time_series_url_p6[:position] + foreign_n + s1_time_series_url_p6[position+1:]
s2_time_series_url_p6 = s2_time_series_url_p6[:position] + foreign_n + s2_time_series_url_p6[position+1:]
r_s1_time_series_p6 = requests.get(s1_time_series_url_p6)
r_s2_time_series_p6 = requests.get(s2_time_series_url_p6)
json_s1_time_series_p6 = r_s1_time_series_p6.json()
json_s2_time_series_p6 = r_s2_time_series_p6.json()
df_s1_time_series_p6 = pd.DataFrame(json_s1_time_series_p6['s1_time_series'])
df_s2_time_series_p6 = pd.DataFrame(json_s2_time_series_p6['s2_time_series'])
dfinal_p6 = df_s1_time_series_p6.merge(df_s2_time_series_p6, how='inner', left_on='s1product_end_time', right_on='s2product_start_time')
cols_p6 = ['parcel_foreign_id_x', 's1product_ron','parcel_foreign_id_y','s2product_ron']
dfinal_p6[cols_p6] = dfinal_p6[cols_p6].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce', axis=1)
df = pd.concat([dfinal_p6,df],ignore_index = True)
foreign = foreign+1
I've been trying to set up a script to automatically assign connector displacement boundary conditions. When I run the script it all looks fine in the GUI (wires are created, BCs are created and assigned the right value), but when I submit I get the following error: "Element connectivity is missing for element x of type "CONN3D2" and the element connectivity is in fact missing in the input file. I assign the edges by using the midpoints between the wire start and ends, but for some reason it doesn't assign them to the elements. This is my connector assignment function:
def assignConnectors(self):
p = self.m.parts[self.partName]
a = self.m.rootAssembly
a.Instance(name=self.instanceName, part=p, dependent=ON)
e = a.edges
n = a.instances[self.instanceName].nodes
#allelements = p.Set(name='allElements', elements=self.listObjElem)
elset = a.instances[self.instanceName].elements
elsetAssembly = a.Set('assemblyElements', elements=elset)
v1 = a.instances[self.instanceName].vertices
rows = len(self.listConstraints)
columns = len(self.listConstraints[0])
total = rows*columns
for j,pairElem in enumerate(self.listElem):
p1 = a.getCoordinates(self.listNodes[pairElem[0]-1])
p2 = a.getCoordinates(self.listNodes[pairElem[1]-1])
wires = a.WirePolyLine(points=((p1,p2),), mergeType=IMPRINT, meshable=OFF)
pt1 = a.getCoordinates(self.listNodes[pairElem[0]-1])
pt2 = a.getCoordinates(self.listNodes[pairElem[1]-1])
pt11 = np.asarray(pt1[0])
pt12 = np.asarray(pt1[1])
pt13 = np.asarray(pt1[2])
pt21 = np.asarray(pt2[0])
pt22 = np.asarray(pt2[1])
pt23 = np.asarray(pt2[2])
new_p1 = (pt11+pt21)/2
new_p2 = (pt12+pt22)/2
new_p3 = (pt13+pt23)/2
new_p = tuple([new_p1,new_p2,new_p3])
a = self.m.rootAssembly
e = a.edges
edges1 = e.findAt((new_p, ))
region = a.Set(edges = edges1, name='Set'+str(j))
csa = a.SectionAssignment(sectionName='ConnSect-1'+str(j), region=region)
self.m.ConnDisplacementBC(name='BC-'+str(j+total), createStepName=self.stepName, fastenerSetName='Set'+str(j), u1=float(self.listElongations[j]), u2=UNSET, u3=UNSET, ur1=UNSET, ur2=UNSET, ur3=UNSET, amplitude=UNSET, fixed=OFF, distributionType=UNIFORM)
Am I assigning the elements wrong somehow?
Thanks a lot for any help!
I am getting a key error while converting the variables using onehot encoder. This is the code that i used:
def preprocessor(df):
res_df = df.copy()
le = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
res_df['"job"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"job"'])
res_df['"marital"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"marital"'])
res_df['"education"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"education"'])
res_df['"default"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"default"'])
res_df['"housing"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"housing"'])
res_df['"month"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"month"'])
res_df['"loan"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"loan"'])
res_df['"contact"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"contact"'])
res_df['"day_of_week"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"day"'])
res_df['"poutcome"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"poutcome"'])
res_df['"y"'] = le.fit_transform(res_df['"y"'])
return res_df
while executing the function the function, i am getting a key error
encoded_df = preprocessor(df1)
x = encoded_df.drop(['"y"'],axis =1).values
y = encoded_df['"y"'].values
while executing the function the function, i am getting a key error, although i have split the column using sep=';'. Can anyone please help
I'm trying to run this notebook which is an implementation of a question answering system.
after running the 8th cell:
challenges = {
# QA1 with 10,000 samples
'single_supporting_fact_10k': 'tasks_1-20_v1-2/en-10k/qa1_single-supporting-fact_{}.txt',
# QA2 with 10,000 samples
'two_supporting_facts_10k': 'tasks_1-20_v1-2/en-10k/qa2_two-supporting-facts_{}.txt',
challenge_type = 'single_supporting_fact_10k'
challenge = challenges[challenge_type]
print('Extracting stories for the challenge:', challenge_type)
train_stories = get_stories(tar.extractfile(challenge.format('train')))
test_stories = get_stories(tar.extractfile(challenge.format('test')))
I get this error:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'
It has used split in these functions:
def tokenize(sent):
return [ x.strip() for x in re.split('(\W+)?', sent) if x.strip()]
def parse_stories(lines, only_supporting=False):
'''Parse stories provided in the bAbi tasks format
If only_supporting is true, only the sentences
that support the answer are kept.
data = []
story = []
for line in lines:
line = line.decode('utf-8').strip()
nid, line = line.split(' ', 1)
nid = int(nid)
if nid == 1:
story = []
if '\t' in line:
q, a, supporting = line.split('\t')
q = tokenize(q)
substory = None
if only_supporting:
# Only select the related substory
supporting = map(int, supporting.split())
substory = [story[i - 1] for i in supporting]
# Provide all the substories
substory = [x for x in story if x]
data.append((substory, q, a))
sent = tokenize(line)
return data
def get_stories(f, only_supporting=False, max_length=None):
data = parse_stories(f.readlines(), only_supporting=only_supporting)
flatten = lambda data: reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, data)
data = [(flatten(story), q, answer) for story, q, answer in data if not max_length or len(flatten(story)) < max_length]
return data
I can't find out what's missing and how to fix it.
From my understanding, there is a scenario when the parameters passed to the tokenize() has a no object. Hence the error 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'. You might want to setup a few try-catch around the tokenize() calls to see when empty strings are passed to the function.
In order to fix this problem, you might have to explore the data.
My first post here.
So I'm loading data into a variable called f1_data, then passing it to pm.removeDC() function to do some signal processing, and keeping the result into the same variable. But then, I want to replace only the column 8, with the original f1_data that I called raw_data and I can't figure it out why it doesn't work. Here are the functions. Help anyone?
inside file pm.py
def removeDC(data):
# define the filter
butter_order = 2
hp_cutoff_Hz = 1.0
b, a = signal.butter(butter_order, hp_cutoff_Hz/(fs_Hz / 2.0), 'highpass')
for i in range(1,9):
data[:,i] = signal.lfilter(b, a, data[:,i], 0)
return (data)
def get_epoch1(data, t_sec, epoch, f_tup, col):
#f_tup = (f_wdir, f_name, f_columns, out_save, out_dir, out_number, fig_width)
f_name = f_tup[1]
fig_width = f_tup[6]
epoch_boolvector = (t_sec >= epoch[0][0]) & (t_sec <= epoch[0][1])
epoch_timescale = t_sec[epoch_boolvector]
epoch_data = data[epoch_boolvector]
plt.figure(figsize=(fig_width,8), dpi=96)
plt.plot(epoch_timescale, epoch_data[:,col]);
plt.xlim(epoch_timescale[0], epoch_timescale[-1])
return (epoch_boolvector, epoch_timescale, epoch_data)
inside main file
#load the whole data
(f1_data, f1_data_indices, f1_timescale) = pm.load_data(f1_wdir, f1_name)
raw_data = f1_data[:] #create copy of f1_data
(f1ep1_boolvector, f1ep1_timescale, f1ep1_data) = pm.get_epoch1(f1_data, f1_timescale, f1_epochs[1], f1_tup, 8)
#--- filter data to remove DC (1Hz)
f1_data = pm.removeDC(f1_data)
# replace only channel 8 with original data
f1_data[:,8] = raw_data[:,8]
(f1ep2_boolvector, f1ep2_timescale, f1ep2_data) = pm.get_epoch1(f1_data, f1_timescale, f1_epochs[1], f1_tup, 8)
The solution is import copy and use copy.deepcopy function.
For further info check this link:
When I have raw_data = f1_data[:] I get, after pm.removeDC():
raw_data is f1_data: False
(raw_data == f1_data).all(): True
But when I have raw_data = copy.deepcopy(f1_data) I get, after pm.removeDC():
raw_data is f1_data: False
(raw_data == f1_data).all(): False