how can add extra key,value to response of request in python - python

I need to add some extra key, value to response in requests lib of python3 without changing response structure (because the response will be sent into another service for the process). for example, I received this response:
>>import requests
>>r =, data=data)
I need to add "extra_key":"extra_value" to response:
and now I want to add some extra key to response and sent it to the next service without changing in structure (class, type and etc):
>>import requests
>>import json
>>r =, data=data)
>>response_data = r.json()
>>response_data['extra_key']='extra_value' # trying to add extra key and value to response
>>r.json = json.loads(json.dumps(response_data)) # trying to attach new dict to response
>>r.json() # check is worked?
{TypeError}'dict' object is not callable
thank you.

response.json() is a method, so rebinding it to a dict can only lead to this behaviour indeed. Now if you read the source of the response class, you'll find out that this method actually operates on the ._content attribute (accessed via either the .content and/or .text properties). IOW, you just have to assign your serialized json string to response._content:
>>> import requests
>>> import json
>>> r = requests.get("")
>>> r._content = json.dumps({"foo": "bar"})
>>> r.json()
{u'foo': u'bar'}
This being said:
the response will be sent into another service for the process
you may want to think twice about your design then. It's of course impossible to tell without knowing much more about your concrete use case, but ask yourself whether this "other service" really needs the whole response object.


API gives only the headers in Python but not the data

I am trying to access an API from this website. (
I am able to call the API but I am getting only headers. Not sure if I am doing correctly or any additions are needed.
import urllib
import requests
import urllib.request
locu_api = 'WebAPI'
def locu_search(query):
api_key = locu_api
url = '' + api_key
locality = query.replace(' ', '%20')
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
json_obj = str(response, 'utf-8')
data = json.loads(json_obj)
When I try to print the results to see whats there in data:
I am getting only the headers in JSON output. Can any one help me figure out how to do extract the data instead of headers.
Look, the data you posted seems to be an application/json response. I tried to reorganize your snippet a little bit so you could reuse it for other purposes later.
import requests
API_KEY = "insert_it_here"
def get_categories_data(api_key, category_id):
Makes a request to gov API and returns its JSON response
as a python dict.
host = ""
endpoint = "category"
url = f"{host}/{endpoint}"
qry_string_params = {"api_key": api_key, "category_id": category_id}
response =, params=qry_string_params)
return response.json()
print(get_categories_data(api_key=API_KEY, category_id="717234"))
As far as I can tell, the response contains some categories and their names. If that's not what you were expecting, maybe there's another endpoint that you should look for. I'm sure this snippet can help you if that's the case.
Side note: isn't your API key supposed to be private? Not sure if you should share that.
Thanks to Brad Solomon, I've changed the snippet to pass query string arguments to the function by using the params parameter which will take care of the URL encoding, if necessary.
You haven't presented all of the data. But what I see here is first a dict that associates category_id (a number) with a variable name. For example category_id 717252 is associated with variable name 'Import quantity'. Next I see a dict that associates category_id with a description, but you haven't presented the whole of that dict so 717252 does not appear. And after that I would expect to see a third dict, here entirely missing, associating a category_id with a value, something like {'category_id': 717252, 'value': 123.456}.
I think you are just unaccustomed to the way some APIs aggressively decompose their data into key/value pairs. Look more closely at the data. Can't help any further without being able to see the data for myself.

How to return this valid json data in Python?

I tested using Python to translate a curl to get some data.
import requests
import json
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
params = (
('version', '2017-05-01'),
data = '{"text":["This is message one."], "id":"en-es"}'
response ='https://somegateway.service/api/abc', headers=headers, params=params, data=data, auth=(username, password))
The above works fine. It returns json data.
It seems ["This is message one."] is a list. I want to use a variable that loads a file to replace this list.
I tried:
with open(f,"r",encoding='utf-8') as fp:
data = '{"text":'+toStr+', "id":"en-es"}'
response ='https://somegateway.service/api/abc', headers=headers, params=params, data=data, auth=(username, password))
But it returned error below.
"code" : 400,
"error" : "Mapping error, invalid JSON"
Can you help? How can I have valid response.text?
The content of f contains only five lines below:
This is message one.
this is 2.
this is three.
this is four.
this is five.
The reason your existing code fails is that str applied to a list of strings will only rarely give you valid JSON. They're not intended to do the same thing. JSON only allows double-quoted strings; Python allows both single- and double-quoted strings. And, unless your strings all happen to include ' characters, Python will render them with single quotes:
>>> print(["abc'def"]) # gives you valid JSON, but only by accident
>>> print(["abc"]) # does not give you valid JSON
If you want to get the valid JSON encoding of a list of strings, don't try to trick str into giving you valid JSON by accident, just use the json module:
toStr = json.dumps(file_in_list)
But, even more simply, you shouldn't be trying to figure out how to construct JSON strings in the first place. Just create a dict and json.dumps the whole thing:
data = {"text": file_in_list, "id": "en-es"}
data_str = json.dumps(data)
Being able to do this is pretty much the whole point of JSON: it's a simple way to automatically serialize all of the types that are common to all the major scripting languages.
Or, even better, let requests do it for you by passing a json argument instead of a data argument:
data = {"text": file_in_list, "id": "en-es"}
response ='https://somegateway.service/api/abc', headers=headers, params=params, json=data, auth=(username, password))
This also automatically takes care of setting the Content-Type header to application/json for you. You weren't doing that—and, while many servers will accept your input without it, it's illegal, and some servers will not allow it.
For more details, see the section More complicated POST requests in the requests docs. But there really aren't many more details.
toStr = json.dumps(file_in_list)
Assuming your file contains something like
You need to ensure that toStr is:
Enclosed by [ and ]
Every String in the list is enclosed by quotation marks.
So your raw json (as a String) is equal to '{"text":["String_A", "String_B"], "id":"en-es"}'

Kivy UrlRequest

My API works fine and I see a 200 status when I test it using Postman. However I'm trying to access it using a Kivy application but I'm seeing a 400 response from the server after some waiting or quitting the app. By the way when testing with Postman I specify header as Content-Type: application/json and in body I see my parameters
"search_text": "Hello",
"num_results": 1
being sent as raw data.
My code
def search(self, search_text):
header = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
req = UrlRequest('',req_body={"search_text": search_text,"num_results": 1},on_success=Test.got_json,req_headers=header)
print("Search method called")
def got_json(req,result):
Kivy docs say that you don't have to specify a method as this would send a POST request so I've not specified that here
Edit: The code for the server is kind of irrelevant for my issue here so I've removed it
UrlRequest should be passed a str object as request body. You can serialize the request dictionary as a string object by dumping it. Pass this dumped dictionary as the request body to UrlRequest.
import json
req_body=json.dumps({'search_text': search_text, 'num_results': 1})
req = UrlRequest(
req_body is a string parameter, might be a bit confusing as req_headers is a dict. You can use:
req_body=json.dumps({"search_text": search_text,"num_results": 1})

Issues while inserting data in cloudant DB

I am working a project, where in I am suppose to get some user input through web application, and send that data to cloudant DB. I am using python for the use case. Below is the sample code:
import requests
import json
dict_key ={}
key = frozenset(dict_key.items())
auth = ('uid', 'pwd')
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
post_url = "server_IP".format(auth[0])
req = requests.put(post_url, auth=auth,headers=headers, data=json.dumps(doc))
#req = requests.get(post_url, auth=auth)
print json.dumps(req.json(), indent=1)
When I am running the code, I am getting the below error:
TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'
I searched a bit, and found below stackflow link as a prospective resolution
TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'
It says that "To use a dict as a key you need to turn it into something that may be hashed first. If the dict you wish to use as key consists of only immutable values, you can create a hashable representation of it like this:
key = frozenset(dict_key.items())"
I have below queries:
1) I have tried using it in my code above,but I am not sure if I have used it correctly.
2) To put the data in the cloudant DB, I am using Python module "requests". In the code, I am using the below line to put the data in the DB:
req = requests.put(post_url, auth=auth,headers=headers, data=json.dumps(doc))
But I am getting below error:
"reason": "Only GET,HEAD,POST allowed"
I searched on that as well, and I found IBM BLuemix document about it as follows
As I referred the document, I can say that I am using the right option. But may be I am wrong.
If you are adding a document to the database and you know the the _id, then you need to do an HTTP POST. Here's some slightly modified code:
import requests
import json
auth = ('admin', 'admin')
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
post_url = 'http://localhost:5984/mydb'
req =, auth=auth,headers=headers, data=json.dumps(doc))
print json.dumps(req.json(), indent=1)
Notice that
the _id field is supplied in the doc and is lower case
the request call is a POST not a PUT
the post_url contains the name of the database being written to - in this case mydb
N.B in the above example I am writing to local CouchDB, but replacing the URL with your Cloudant URL and adding correct credentials should get this working for you.

How to consume JSON response in Python? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
HTTP requests and JSON parsing in Python [duplicate]
(8 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I am creating a Django web app.
There is a function which creates a JSON response like this:
def rest_get(request, token):
details = Links.get_url(Links, token)
if len(details)>0:
result['status'] = 200
result['status_message'] = "OK"
result['url'] = details[0].url
result['status'] = 404
result['status_message'] = "Not Found"
result['url'] = None
return JsonResponse(result)
And I get the response in the web browser like this:
{"status": 200, "url": "", "status_message": "OK"}
Now from another function I want to consume that response and extract the data out of it. How do I do it?
You can use the json library in python to do your job. for example :
json_string = '{"first_name": "tom", "last_name":"harry"}'
import json
parsed_json = json.loads(json_string)
Since you have created a web app. I am assuming you have exposed a URL from which you can get you JSON response, for example
import urllib2
import json
data = urllib2.urlopen("").read()
parsed_json = json.loads(data)
The urlopen function sends a HTTP GET request at the given URL. parsed_json is a variable of the type map and you can extract the required data from it.
print parsed_json['userId']
The answer I want to suggest is a little different. In your scenario - where one function needs to be accessed from both server and client end, I would suggest provide some extra parameter and change the output based on that. This reduces overheads and unnecessary conversions.
For example, if you pass in an extra parameter and change the result like this, you don't need JSON parsing on python. Of course there are solutions to do that, but why need converting to json and then parsing back when you can avoid that totally?
def rest_get(request, token, return_json=True):
details = Links.get_url(Links, token)
if len(details)>0:
result['status'] = 200
result['status_message'] = "OK"
result['url'] = details[0].url
result['status'] = 404
result['status_message'] = "Not Found"
result['url'] = None
if return_json: # this is web response, so by default return_json = True
return JsonResponse(result)
return result
Then in your python code call like this -
rest_get(request, token, return_json=False): # we are passing False, so the return type is dictionary and we can use it right away.

