I am trying to calculate the hours after sunrise over a data array that has a length of ca. 300k (chunk size ca. 900). The resulted array is a dask.array with no problem using xr.apply_ufunc and astroplan functions. However, it appears to be extremely slow when I use this dask.array for filtering data using xr.where(). Where can I improve it?
Here is my workstream:
from astropy.time import Time
from astroplan import Observer
import astropy.units as u
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
def cal_sunrise_h(lat, lon, mjd):
points = Observer(longitude=lon*u.deg, latitude=lat*u.deg, elevation=89*u.km)
times = Time(mjd, format='mjd')
sunrise = points.sun_rise_time(times, which="previous")
hours_after_sunrise = (times-sunrise).sec/3600
return hours_after_sunrise
# some fake dataset for reproducing the problem
total_len = 300000
chunk_size = 900
mjd = np.linspace(0, 0.1, total_len) + 5.45559e4
latitude = xr.DataArray(np.linspace(-80, 80, total_len), dims='mjd', coords=[mjd])
longitude = xr.DataArray(np.linspace(-180, 180, total_len), dims='mjd', coords=[mjd])
ds = xr.Dataset({'latitude':latitude, 'longitude':longitude}).chunk({'mjd': chunk_size})
# calculate hours after sunrise
hours_after_sunrise = xr.apply_ufunc(cal_sunrise_h, ds.latitude, ds.longitude, ds.mjd,
output_dtypes=[float], dask='parallelized') #dask.array
# make a filter
sunrise_filter = (hours_after_sunrise>5) #dask.array
# mask out with filter
ds.where(sunrise_filter, drop=True) #super slow!
astroplan was designed to vectorize over targets observed at single observatories, rather than computing the sun rise/set times at many observatories. The code example you shared will compute the location of the sun total_len independent times, which is a very expensive operation. I'm afraid dask doesn't help with that problem. It would be more efficient to compute the position of the sun at each time using astropy's get_sun function, then compute the sunrise time for each location. You can do this using an algorithm just like astroplan's Observer._horiz_cross method. If you have any trouble implementing this, further support can be found in the #astroplan channel of the astropy slack team.
I need to calculate the plane of array (POA) irradiance using python's pvlib package (https://pvlib-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/). For this I would like to use the output data from the WRF model (GHI, DNI, DHI). The output data is in netCDF format, which I open using the netCDF4 package and then I extract the necessary variables using the wrf-python package.
With that I get a xarray.Dataset with the variables I will use. I then use the xarray.Dataset.to_dataframe() method to transform it into a pandas dataframe, and then I transform the dataframe into a numpy array using the dataframe.values. And then I do a loop where in each iteration I calculate the POA using the function irradiance.get_total_irradiance (https://pvlib-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/auto_examples/plot_ghi_transposition.html) for a grid point.
That's the way I've been doing it so far, however I have over 160000 grid points in the WRF domain, the data is hourly and spans 365 days. This gives a very large amount of data. I believe if pvlib could work directly with xarray.dataset it could be faster. However, I could only do it this way, transforming the data into a numpy.array and looping through the rows. Could anyone tell me how I can optimize this calculation? Because the code I developed is very time-consuming.
If anyone can help me with this I would appreciate it. Maybe an improvement to the code, or another way to calculate the POA from the WRF data...
I'm providing the code I've built so far:
from pvlib import location
from pvlib import irradiance
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import netCDF4
import wrf
Getting WRF data
variaveis = ['T2',
netcdf_data = netCDF4.Dataset('wrfout_d02_2003-11-01_00_00_00')
first = True
for v in variaveis:
var = wrf.getvar(netcdf_data, v, timeidx=wrf.ALL_TIMES)
if first:
met_data = var
first = False
met_data = xr.merge([met_data, var])
met_data = xr.Dataset.reset_coords(met_data, ['XTIME'], drop=True)
met_data['T2'] = met_data['T2'] - 273.15
WS10 = (met_data['U10']**2 + met_data['V10']**2)**0.5
met_data['WS10'] = WS10
df = met_data[['SWDDIF',
df.rename(columns={'SWDOWN': 'ghi',
'XLAT': 'lat',
'XLONG': 'lon',
'Time': 'time'}, inplace=True)
df.set_index(['time'], inplace=True)
df = df[df.ghi>0]
df.index = df.index.tz_localize('America/Recife')
Function to get POA irradiance
def get_POA_irradiance(lon, lat, date, dni, dhi, ghi, tilt=10, surface_azimuth=0):
site_location = location.Location(lat, lon, tz='America/Recife')
# Get solar azimuth and zenith to pass to the transposition function
solar_position = site_location.get_solarposition(times=date)
# Use the get_total_irradiance function to transpose the GHI to POA
POA_irradiance = irradiance.get_total_irradiance(
surface_tilt = tilt,
surface_azimuth = surface_azimuth,
dni = dni,
ghi = ghi,
dhi = dhi,
solar_zenith = solar_position['apparent_zenith'],
solar_azimuth = solar_position['azimuth'])
# Return DataFrame with only GHI and POA
return pd.DataFrame({'lon': lon,
'lat': lat,
'GHI': ghi,
'POA': POA_irradiance['poa_global']}, index=[date])
Loop in each row (time) of the array
array = df.reset_index().values
list_poa = []
def loop_POA():
for i in tqdm(range(len(array) - 1)):
POA = get_POA_irradiance(lon=array[i,6],
return list_poa
poa_final = pd.concat(lista)
Thanks both for a good question and for using pvlib! You're right that pvlib is intended for modeling single locations and is not designed for use with xarray datasets, although some functions might coincidentally work with them.
I strongly suspect that the majority of the runtime you're seeing is for the solar position calculations. You could switch to a faster method (see the method options here), as the default solar position method is very accurate but also quite slow when calculating bulk positions. Installing numba will help, but it still might be too slow for you, so you might check the other models (ephemeris, pyephem). There are also some fast but low-precision methods, but you will need to change your code a bit to use them. See the list under "Correlations and analytical expressions for low precision solar position calculations" here.
Like Michael Delgado suggests in the comments, parallel processing is an option. But that can be a headache in python. You will probably want multiprocessing, not multithreading.
Another idea is to use atlite, a python package designed for this kind of spatial modeling. But its solar modeling capabilities are not nearly as detailed as pvlib, so it might not be useful for your case.
One other note: I don't know if the WRF data are interval averages or instantaneous values, but if you care about accuracy you should handle them differently for transposition. See this example.
Edit to add: after looking at your code again, there might be another significant speedup to be had. Are you calling get_POA_irradiance for single combinations of position and timestamp? If so, that is unnecessary and very slow. It would be much faster to pass in the full time series for each location, i.e. scalar lat/lon but vector irradiance.
I have a custom workflow, that requires using resample to get to a higher temporal frequency, applying a ufunc, and groupby + mean to compute the final result.
I would like to apply this to a big xarray dataset, which is backed by a chunked dask array. For computation, I'd like to use dask.distributed.
However, when I apply this to the full dataset, the number of tasks skyrockets, overwhelming the client and most likely also the scheduler and workers if submitted.
The xarray docs explain:
Do your spatial and temporal indexing (e.g. .sel() or .isel()) early
in the pipeline, especially before calling resample() or groupby().
Grouping and rasampling triggers some computation on all the blocks,
which in theory should commute with indexing, but this optimization
hasn’t been implemented in dask yet.
But I really need to apply this to the full temporal axis.
So how to best implement this?
My approach was to use map_blocks, to apply this function for each chunk individually as to keep the individual xarray sub-datasets small enough.
This seems to work on a small scale, but when I use the full dataset, the workers run out of memory and quickly die.
Looking at the dashboard, the function I'm applying to the array gets executed multiple times of the number of chunks I have. Shouldn't these two numbers line up?
So my questions are:
Is this approach valid?
How could I implement this workflow otherwise, besides manually implementing the resample and groupby part and putting it in a ufunc?
Any ideas regarding the performance issues at scale (specifically the number of executions vs chunks)?
Here's a small example that mimics the workflow and shows the number of executions vs chunks:
from time import sleep
import dask
from dask.distributed import Client, LocalCluster
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
def ufunc(x):
# computation
return x
def fun(x):
# upsample to higher res
x = x.resample(time="1h").asfreq().fillna(0)
# apply function
x = xr.apply_ufunc(ufunc, x, input_core_dims=[["time"]], output_core_dims=[['time']], dask="parallelized")
# average over dates
x['time'] = x.time.dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
x = x.groupby("time").mean()
return x
def create_xrds(shape):
''' helper function to create dataset'''
x,y,t = shape
tv = pd.date_range(start="1970-01-01", periods=t)
ds = xr.Dataset({
"band": xr.DataArray(
dask.array.zeros(shape, dtype="int16"),
dims=['x', 'y', 'time'],
coords={"x": np.arange(0, x), "y": np.arange(0, y), "time": tv})
return ds
# set up distributed
cluster = LocalCluster(n_workers=2)
client = Client(cluster)
ds = create_xrds((500,500,500)).chunk({"x": 100, "y": 100, "time": -1})
# create template
template = ds.copy()
template['time'] = template.time.dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
# map fun to blocks
ds_out = xr.map_blocks(fun, ds, template=template)
# persist
Using the example above, this is how the dask array (25 chunks) looks like:
But the function fun gets executed 125 times:
Looking at the dashboard, the function I'm applying to the array gets executed multiple times of the number of chunks I have. Shouldn't these two numbers line up?
This is misleading because of an unfortunate choice made when making the graph. The number includes tasks that make a block of the input Dataset (one per variable per chunk) & for the output Dataset as well as tasks that apply the function. This will get fixed soon (https://github.com/pydata/xarray/pull/5007)
I'm looking to parallelize multiple 1d FFTs using CUDA. I'm working on a GTX 1050Ti with CUDA 6.1.
For instance in the code I attached, I have a 3d input array 'data', and I want to do 1d FFTs over the second dimension of this array. The purpose is, of course, to speed up the execution time by an order of magnitude.
I'm able to use Python's scikit-cuda's cufft package to run a batch of 1 1d FFT and the results match with NumPy's FFT. The problem comes when I go to a real batch size. There, I'm not able to match the NumPy's FFT output (which is the correct one) with cufft's output (which I believe isn't correct). In the code attached, parameter 'singleFFT' controls whether we schedule a batch of 1 or many. Help in correcting the output FFT and also speeding up execution further (if possible) will be greatly appreciated.
import numpy as np
from time import process_time
from skcuda import cufft as cf
import pycuda.autoinit
from pycuda import gpuarray
# params
nSamp = 512
nTx = 16
nRx = 16
nChirp = 256
NX = nChirp
# Uncomment the following line to generate same data always
# np.random.seed(seed=1)
data = (np.random.randn(nSamp,nChirp,nTx,nRx) + 1j*np.random.randn(nSamp,nChirp,nTx,nRx)).astype(np.complex64)
data = data.reshape(nSamp,-1,nTx*nRx)
dataShp0 = np.int32(data.shape[0])
dataShp2 = np.int32(data.shape[2])
idx1 = 0
idx2 = 0
idx3 = 0
singleFFT = 0
if (1 == singleFFT):
data_t = data[0,:,0]
fftAxis = 0
BATCH = np.int32(1)
data_t = data
fftAxis = 1
BATCH = np.int32(nSamp*nTx*nRx)
# calculate and time NumPy FFT
t1 = process_time()
dataFft = np.fft.fft(data_t, axis=fftAxis)
t2 = process_time()
print('\nCPU NumPy time is: ',t2-t1)
data_o_gpu = gpuarray.empty((BATCH*NX),dtype=np.complex64)
# calculate and time GPU FFT
data_t = data_t.reshape((BATCH*NX))
t1 = process_time()
# transfer input data to Device
data_t_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(data_t)
# Make FFT plan
plan = cf.cufftPlan1d(NX, cf.CUFFT_C2C, BATCH)
# Execute FFT plan
res = cf.cufftExecC2C(plan, int(data_t_gpu.gpudata), int(data_o_gpu.gpudata), cf.CUFFT_FORWARD)
dataFft_gpu = data_o_gpu.get()
t2 = process_time()
if (0 == singleFFT):
dataFft_gpu = dataFft_gpu.reshape((nSamp,-1,nTx*nRx))
print('\nGPU time is: ',t2-t1)
The last line in the code matches the result of NumPy's FFT with cuFFT. It could be seen with singleFFT=1, the result is True, while for singleFFT=0 (i.e. batch of many 1d FFTs), the result is False.
Post my attempts, I would want to conclude that:
Using cufft library from skcuda is a bit tricky and to get to the correct FFT output might take a long time, in development. I also noticed that there wasn't an order of magnitude difference in execution time between NumPy's FFT and cufft's FFT (from skcuda)
Using CuPy and arranging your data in a format so that the FFT dimension is laid out in contiguous memory gives an order of magnitude improvement in the FFT compute time. For my case, the order was a little better than 10!
Using CuPy for FFTs is a great option if one wants to stick to Py-based development only. Also the to and fro from C to Python when writing C GPU kernels is an added overhead which is very conveniently resolved with CuPy. Though CuPy itself calls laying out the plan and calling the FFT exec engine internally.
I did not find all anwsers regarding my problem or each of questions deal with just part of it. After few days of trying I decided to post a question.
I am doing biomechanical research involving computing maximum velocity of a kicks. There are three kicks captured in each file (simple finding maximum value wont do). I need to find maxium values of those kicks. With some help I manage to do it using matlab/octave but I for future work I decided to stick with python for data processing.
The point is that I have time,x,y,z data of a specific marker and I need to compute its velocity for each registered frame and pick maximum velocity from each kick.
This is a code in octave:
pkg load signal
txyz=importdata('295ltoe.txt',',',8); % read the text file
txyz=txyz.data; % all data in array time,x,y,z
dxyz=diff(txyz); % first differences of all columns
vxyz=dxyz(:,2:end)./dxyz(:,1)/1000; % compute velocity components
v=sqrt(sum(vxyz.^2,2)); % and the total velocity
[pks,locs]=findpeaks(v,'minpeakheight',6 )
I tried to convert it to pandas with this code:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
data1 = pd.read_csv("B0264_dollyo_air_P_T01 rtoe.txt") #examle of txt
imported from c3d file
df = data1.diff()
dfx = (df['X'] /1000) / df['T']
dfy = (df['Y'] /1000) / df['T']
dfz = (df['Z'] /1000) / df['T']
dfx1 = dfx**2
dfy1 = dfy**2
dfz1 = dfz**2
v = (dfx1 + dfy1 + dfz1)**1/2
peaks, _ = find_peaks(v, height=6)
plt.plot(peaks, v[peaks], "x")
The problem is that velocity gets values like that:
0 NaN
1 6.450000e-07
2 8.237500e-07
3 1.159062e-06
4 1.250312e-06
5 1.657500e-06
instead of normal correct values it gives me values more than 60. I am attaching plots that I recived vs excel correct polot (excel computing is time consuming due to constant copypasting).
My total aim is to get 3 max peaks and 3 min peaks to compute time of kick execution, but I do not know how to obtain it.
For know, if anyone is willing to help me I can provide files I have used.
I have two sets of points, one is a map consisting of x,y coordinates, and the second is a path of x,y coordinates. I'm trying to find the closest map points to my path points, pretty simple. Except my map is 380000 points and my paths (of which I have several) each consist of ~ 350000 points themselves.
Other than sampling my data to get smaller datasets, I'm trying to find a faster way to accomplish this task.
base algorithm:
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
def closeset_point(point, points):
return points[cdist([point], points).argmin()]
# log['point'].shape; 333000
# map_data['point'].shape; 380000
closest = [closest_point(log_p, list(map_data['point'])) for log_p in log['point']]
as per this example: Find closest point in Pandas DataFrames
After converting this to a tqdm progress bar to see how long it would take (as it was taking a while, obviously), I noticed it would take about 10hrs to complete.
tqdm loop:
for i in trange(len(log), desc='finding closest points'):
closest.append(closest_point(log['point'].loc[i], list(map_data['point'])))
>> finding closest points: 5%| | 16432/333456 [32:11<10:13:52], 8.60it/s
While 10 hours is not impossible, I wonder if there is a way to speed this up? I have a solid gpu/cpu/ram at my disposal so I feel this should be doable. I'm also learning tensorflow (but honestly my math is atrocious so I'm very in the dark with it)
Any ideas on how to speed this up with either multi-threading, gpu computation, tensorflow or some other sort of wizardry?
inb4 python is slow ;)
*edit: image shows what i'm trying to do. green is path, blue is map, orange is what I'm trying to find.
The following is a mini example of what you're trying to do. Considers the variable coords1 as your variable log['point'] and coords2 as your variable log['point']. The end result is the index of the coord2 closest to coord1.
from scipy.spatial import distance
import numpy as np
coords1 = [(35.0456, -85.2672),
(35.1174, -89.9711),
(35.9728, -83.9422),
(36.1667, -86.7833)]
coords2 = [(35.0456, -85.2672),
(35.1174, -89.9711),
(35.9728, -83.9422),
(34.9728, -83.9422),
(36.1667, -86.7833)]
tmp = distance.cdist(coords1, coords2, "sqeuclidean") # sqeuclidean based on Mark Setchell comment to improve speed further
result = np.argmin(tmp,1)
# result: array([0, 1, 2, 4])
This should be way faster, because it's done everything in one iteration.
After 3 years, but if anyone is looking at this issue... You may want to try Numba I get almost a 9x speed reduction from scipy distance.cdist on a 1.5 Million set of points to a 1.5 K set of path points. Also, as #
Mark Setchell said if you want to remove the np.sqrt in a big enough set of points could be considerable saved time.
size: (1459383, 2)
numba: 0.06402060508728027
cdist: 0.5371212959289551
#numba.njit('(float64[:,::1], float64[::1], float64[::1])', parallel=True, fastmath=True)
def pz_dist(p_array, x_flat, y_flat):
m = p_array.shape[0]
n = x_flat.shape[0]
d = np.empty(shape=(m, n), dtype=np.float64)
for i in numba.prange(m):
p1 = p_array[i, :]
for j in range(n):
_x = x_flat[j] - p1[0]
_y = y_flat[j] - p1[1]
_d = np.sqrt(_x**2 + _y**2)
d[i, j] = _d
return d