I'm looking to parallelize multiple 1d FFTs using CUDA. I'm working on a GTX 1050Ti with CUDA 6.1.
For instance in the code I attached, I have a 3d input array 'data', and I want to do 1d FFTs over the second dimension of this array. The purpose is, of course, to speed up the execution time by an order of magnitude.
I'm able to use Python's scikit-cuda's cufft package to run a batch of 1 1d FFT and the results match with NumPy's FFT. The problem comes when I go to a real batch size. There, I'm not able to match the NumPy's FFT output (which is the correct one) with cufft's output (which I believe isn't correct). In the code attached, parameter 'singleFFT' controls whether we schedule a batch of 1 or many. Help in correcting the output FFT and also speeding up execution further (if possible) will be greatly appreciated.
import numpy as np
from time import process_time
from skcuda import cufft as cf
import pycuda.autoinit
from pycuda import gpuarray
# params
nSamp = 512
nTx = 16
nRx = 16
nChirp = 256
NX = nChirp
# Uncomment the following line to generate same data always
# np.random.seed(seed=1)
data = (np.random.randn(nSamp,nChirp,nTx,nRx) + 1j*np.random.randn(nSamp,nChirp,nTx,nRx)).astype(np.complex64)
data = data.reshape(nSamp,-1,nTx*nRx)
dataShp0 = np.int32(data.shape[0])
dataShp2 = np.int32(data.shape[2])
idx1 = 0
idx2 = 0
idx3 = 0
singleFFT = 0
if (1 == singleFFT):
data_t = data[0,:,0]
fftAxis = 0
BATCH = np.int32(1)
data_t = data
fftAxis = 1
BATCH = np.int32(nSamp*nTx*nRx)
# calculate and time NumPy FFT
t1 = process_time()
dataFft = np.fft.fft(data_t, axis=fftAxis)
t2 = process_time()
print('\nCPU NumPy time is: ',t2-t1)
data_o_gpu = gpuarray.empty((BATCH*NX),dtype=np.complex64)
# calculate and time GPU FFT
data_t = data_t.reshape((BATCH*NX))
t1 = process_time()
# transfer input data to Device
data_t_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(data_t)
# Make FFT plan
plan = cf.cufftPlan1d(NX, cf.CUFFT_C2C, BATCH)
# Execute FFT plan
res = cf.cufftExecC2C(plan, int(data_t_gpu.gpudata), int(data_o_gpu.gpudata), cf.CUFFT_FORWARD)
dataFft_gpu = data_o_gpu.get()
t2 = process_time()
if (0 == singleFFT):
dataFft_gpu = dataFft_gpu.reshape((nSamp,-1,nTx*nRx))
print('\nGPU time is: ',t2-t1)
The last line in the code matches the result of NumPy's FFT with cuFFT. It could be seen with singleFFT=1, the result is True, while for singleFFT=0 (i.e. batch of many 1d FFTs), the result is False.
Post my attempts, I would want to conclude that:
Using cufft library from skcuda is a bit tricky and to get to the correct FFT output might take a long time, in development. I also noticed that there wasn't an order of magnitude difference in execution time between NumPy's FFT and cufft's FFT (from skcuda)
Using CuPy and arranging your data in a format so that the FFT dimension is laid out in contiguous memory gives an order of magnitude improvement in the FFT compute time. For my case, the order was a little better than 10!
Using CuPy for FFTs is a great option if one wants to stick to Py-based development only. Also the to and fro from C to Python when writing C GPU kernels is an added overhead which is very conveniently resolved with CuPy. Though CuPy itself calls laying out the plan and calling the FFT exec engine internally.
I have a rather simple parallelization question that I can't seem to work out. I had parallelized a simple matrix assignment using joblib in Python which worked nicely on my workstation, but now I need to run the code on a HPC and the as-is code is not playing nicely with MPI. A skeleton of the code is below (I have stripped out a lot of not-relevant computation). Basically I have a large matrix that I want to fill in and at each point the value is a sum over many energies and eigenvalues, so this is the 'slow step' of the calculation. When I run this on my workstation I just parallelize that fill in using Parallel and delayed from joblib but of course when I run this on the cluster using mpirun --bind-to none -n 16 python KZ_spectral_function.py | tee spectral.out for example the code runs basically in serial (although with some odd behavior).
So, what I think I need to do is to convert that joblib line over to mpi4py, include an if rank == 0: statement encompassing everything in the main function, and just modify the the contents of gen_spec_func() and divvy up the calls to spec_func() to the different cores. This is the part where I am stuck, as all the examples I have read that were simple enough for me to understand use some variation of COMMS.scatter() and then append the results to a list, as far as I can tell in a random order, and I don't know quite enough to adapt them to something where I want the results to go in a specific place in the matrix. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, as neither parallelization nor python are strengths of mine ...
Code Snippet (simplified):
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as lina
import time
from functools import partial
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
# Helper Functions
def get_eigenvals(k_cart,cellMap,Hwannier,G):
## [....] some linear algebra, not important
return Ek
def gen_spec_func(eigenvals,Nkpts,Energies,Sigma):
## This is really the only part that I care to parallelize
## This is the joblib version
tempfunc = partial(spec_func,Energies,Sigma,eigenvals)
spectral = np.reshape(Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(tempfunc)(i,j) for j in range(0,Nkpts) for i in range(0,len(Energies))),(Nkpts,len(Energies))).T
return np.matrix(spectral)
def spec_func(Energies,Sigma,eigenvals,i,j) :
return sum([(1.0/( (Energies[i]-val)**2 + (Sigma)**2 )) for val in eigenvals[j,:]])
#--- Start of main script
Tstart = time.time()
# [...] Declare Constants & Parameters
# [...] Read data from disk
# [...] Some calculations on that data we want done in serial
Energies = [Emin + (Emax-Emin)*i/(Nenergies-1) for i in range(0,Nenergies)]
kzs = [kzi+(kzf-kzi)*l/(nkzs-1) for l in range(0,nkzs)]
DomainAvg = np.matrix([[0.0 for j in range(0,Nkpts)] for i in range(0,Nenergies)])
for kz in kzs:
## An outer loop over Kz
print("Starting loop for kz = ",kz)
# Generate the base k-grid (symmetric) in 1/A for convenience
# [...] Generate the appropriate kpoint grid
for angle in range(0,Nangles):
## Inner loop over rotation angles
#--- For each angle generate the kpoint grid for that domain
# [...] Calculate some eigenvalues, small matrices not a big deal, serial fine
#--- Now we Generate the spectral function for that grid
### Ok, this is the slow part that we want to parallelize
DomainAvg += gen_spec_func(eigenvals,Nkpts,Energies,Sigma)
if(angle%20 == 0):
Tend = time.time()
print("Completed iteration ", angle, "of ", Nangles, " at T = ", Tend-Tstart)
# Output the results (one file for each Kz)
DomainAvg = DomainAvg/Nangles
outfile = "Spectral"+str(kz)+".txt"
np.savetxt(outfile, DomainAvg)
# And we are done
Tend = time.time()
print("Total execution time was :", Tend-Tstart)
EDIT: A very very hack solution I came up with was to encode the matrix indices in the matrix itself as floats, then use scatter() and gather() to distribute the matrix, replace the value with the calculation output, and reassemble the matrix. This is of course not a good idea since it requires int<->float conversion but it was the only way I could come up with that didn't require rebuilding the entire matrix from the gathered data index by index (instead just using hstack() and reshape() to put it together). I feel like there must be some tool I am missing that assists in distributed calculation for arrays/matrices where the index matters so I would still be interested if someone has a tip/pointer in this regard.
Minimum Working Example:
import numpy.linalg as lina
import time
import math
from functools import partial
from mpi4py import MPI
#-- Standard Comms
size = COMM.Get_size()
rank = COMM.Get_rank()
Nkpts = 3
Energies = [1.00031415926*i for i in range(0,11)]
#--- Now we Generate the spectral function for that grid
# This will be done in parallel using scatter/gather in MPI
if rank == 0:
# List that we will scatter to the different nodes
# Encode the matrix index from whcn each element came as a float
datalist = [float(j+i*Nkpts) for j in range(0,Nkpts) for i in range(0,len(Energies))]
data = np.array_split(datalist, COMM.Get_size())
data = None
# Distribute to the different nodes
data = COMM.scatter(data, root=0)
print("I am processor ",rank," and my data is",data)
for index in range(0,len(data)) :
# Decode the indicies
j = data[index]%Nkpts
i = math.floor(data[index]/Nkpts)
data[index] = 100.100*j+Energies[i]
dataMPI = COMM.gather(data,root=0)
if(rank==0) :
spectral = np.reshape(np.hstack(dataMPI),(Nkpts,len(Energies))).T
spectral_func = np.matrix(spectral)
I use pyculib to perform 3D FFT on a matrix in Anaconda 3.5. I just followed the example code posted in the website. But I found something interesting and don't understand why.
Performing a 3D FFT on matrix with pyculib is correct only when using numpy.arange to create the matrix.
Here is the code:
from pyculib.fft.binding import Plan, CUFFT_C2C
import numpy as np
from numba import cuda
data = np.random.rand(26, 256, 256).astype(np.complex64)
orig = data.copy()
d_data = cuda.to_device(data)
fftplan = Plan.three(CUFFT_C2C, *data.shape)
fftplan.forward(d_data, d_data)
fftplan.inverse(d_data, d_data)
result = data / n
np.allclose(orig, result.real)
Finally, it turns out to be False. And the difference between orig and result is not a small number, not negligible.
I tried some other data sets (not random numbers), and get the some wrong results.
Also, I test without inverse FFT:
from pyculib.fft.binding import Plan, CUFFT_C2C
import numpy as np
from numba import cuda
from scipy.fftpack import fftn,ifftn
data = np.random.rand(26,256,256).astype(np.complex64)
orig = data.copy()
orig_fft = fftn(orig)
d_data = cuda.to_device(data)
fftplan = Plan.three(CUFFT_C2C, *data.shape)
fftplan.forward(d_data, d_data)
np.allclose(orig_fft, data)
The result is also wrong.
The test code on website, they use numpy.arange to create the matrix. And I tried:
n = 26*256*256
data = np.arange(n, dtype=np.complex64).reshape(26,256,256)
And the FFT result of this matrix is right.
Could anyone help to point out why?
I don't use CUDA, but I think your problem is numerical in nature. The difference lies in the two data sets you are using. random.rand has dynamic range of 0-1, and arange 0-26*256*256. The FFT attempts to resolve spatial frequency components on the order of range of values / number of points. For arange, this becomes unity, and the FFT is numerically accurate. For rand, this is 1/26*256*256 ~ 5.8e-7.
Just running FFT/IFFT on your numpy arrays without using CUDA shows similar differences.
A Python program I am currently working on (Gaussian process classification) is bottlenecking on evaluation of Sympy symbolic matrices, and I can't figure out what I can, if anything, do to speed it up. Other parts of the program I've already ensured are typed properly (in terms of numpy arrays) so calculations between them are properly vectorised, etc.
I looked into Sympy's codegen functions a bit (autowrap, binary_function) in particular, but because my within my ImmutableMatrix object itself are partial derivatives over elements of a symbolic matrix, there is a long list of 'unhashable' things which prevent me from using the codegen functionality.
Another possibility I looked into was using Theano - but after some initial benchmarks, I found that while it build the initial partial derivative symbolic matrices much quicker, it seemed to be a few orders of magnitude slower at evaluation, the opposite of what I was seeking.
Below is a working, extracted snippet of the code I am currently working on.
import theano
import sympy
from sympy.utilities.autowrap import autowrap
from sympy.utilities.autowrap import binary_function
import numpy as np
import math
from datetime import datetime
# 'Vectorized' cdist that can handle symbols/arbitrary types - preliminary benchmarking put it at ~15 times faster than python list comprehension, but still notably slower (forgot at the moment) than cdist, of course
def sqeucl_dist(x, xs):
m = np.sum(np.power(
np.repeat(x[:,None,:], len(xs), axis=1) -
np.resize(xs, (len(x), xs.shape[0], xs.shape[1])),
2), axis=2)
return m
def build_symbolic_derivatives(X):
# Pre-calculate derivatives of inverted matrix to substitute values in the Squared Exponential NLL gradient
f_err_sym, n_err_sym = sympy.symbols("f_err, n_err")
# (1,n) shape 'matrix' (vector) of length scales for each dimension
l_scale_sym = sympy.MatrixSymbol('l', 1, X.shape[1])
# K matrix
print("Building sympy matrix...")
eucl_dist_m = sqeucl_dist(X/l_scale_sym, X/l_scale_sym)
m = sympy.Matrix(f_err_sym**2 * math.e**(-0.5 * eucl_dist_m)
+ n_err_sym**2 * np.identity(len(X)))
# Element-wise derivative of K matrix over each of the hyperparameters
print("Getting partial derivatives over all hyperparameters...")
pd_t1 = datetime.now()
dK_df = m.diff(f_err_sym)
dK_dls = [m.diff(l_scale_sym) for l_scale_sym in l_scale_sym]
dK_dn = m.diff(n_err_sym)
print("Took: {}".format(datetime.now() - pd_t1))
# Lambdify each of the dK/dts to speed up substitutions per optimization iteration
print("Lambdifying ")
l_t1 = datetime.now()
dK_dthetas = [dK_df] + dK_dls + [dK_dn]
dK_dthetas = sympy.lambdify((f_err_sym, l_scale_sym, n_err_sym), dK_dthetas, 'numpy')
print("Took: {}".format(datetime.now() - l_t1))
return dK_dthetas
# Evaluates each dK_dtheta pre-calculated symbolic lambda with current iteration's hyperparameters
def eval_dK_dthetas(dK_dthetas_raw, f_err, l_scales, n_err):
l_scales = sympy.Matrix(l_scales.reshape(1, len(l_scales)))
return np.array(dK_dthetas_raw(f_err, l_scales, n_err), dtype=np.float64)
dimensions = 3
X = np.random.rand(50, dimensions)
dK_dthetas_raw = build_symbolic_derivatives(X)
f_err = np.random.rand()
l_scales = np.random.rand(3)
n_err = np.random.rand()
t1 = datetime.now()
dK_dthetas = eval_dK_dthetas(dK_dthetas_raw, f_err, l_scales, n_err) # ~99.7%
print(datetime.now() - t1)
In this example, 5 50x50 symbolic matrices are evaluated, i.e. only 12,500 elements, taking 7 seconds. I've spent quite some time looking for resources on speeding operations like this up, and trying to translate it into Theano (at least until I found its evaluation slower in my case) and having no luck there either.
Any help greatly appreciated!
Is it possible to obtain better performance (both in memory consumption and speed) in this moving-window computation? I have a 1000x1000 numpy array and I take 16x16 windows through the whole array and finally apply some function to each window (in this case, a discrete cosine transform.)
import numpy as np
from scipy.fftpack import dct
from skimage.util import view_as_windows
X = np.arange(1000*1000, dtype=np.float32).reshape(1000,1000)
window_size = 16
windows = view_as_windows(X, (window_size,window_size))
dcts = np.zeros(windows.reshape(-1,window_size, window_size).shape, dtype=np.float32)
for idx, window in enumerate(windows.reshape(-1,window_size, window_size)):
dcts[idx, :, :] = dct(window)
dcts = dcts.reshape(windows.shape)
This code takes too much memory (in the example above, the memory consumption is not so bad - windows uses 1Gb and dcts also needs 1Gb) and is taking 25 seconds to complete. I'm a bit unsure as to what I'm doing wrong because this should be a straightforward calculation (e.g. filtering an image.) Is there a better way to accomplish this?
I was initially worried that the arrays produced by Kington's solution and my initial approach were very different, but the difference is restricted to the boundaries, so it is unlikely to cause serious issues for most applications. The only remaining problem is that both solutions are very slow. Currently, the first solution takes 1min 10s and the second solution 59 seconds.
I noticed the biggest culprits by far are dct and np.mean. Even generic_filter performs decently (8.6 seconds) using a "cythonized" version of mean with bottleneck:
import bottleneck as bp
def func(window, shape):
window = window.reshape(shape)
#return np.abs(dct(dct(window, axis=1), axis=0)).mean()
return bp.nanmean(dct(window))
result = scipy.ndimage.generic_filter(X, func, (16, 16),
extra_arguments=([16, 16],))
I'm currently reading how to wrap C code using numpy in order to replace scipy.fftpack.dct. If anyone knows how to do it, I would appreciate the help.
Since scipy.fftpack.dct calculates separate transforms along the last axis of the input array, you can replace your loop with:
windows = view_as_windows(X, (window_size,window_size))
dcts = dct(windows)
result1 = dcts.mean(axis=(2,3))
Now only the dcts array requires a lot of memory and windows remains merely a view into X. And because the DCT's are calculated with a single function call it's also much faster. However, because the windows overlap there are lots of repeated calculations. This can be overcome by only calculating the DCT for each sub-row once, followed by a windowed mean:
ws = window_size
row_dcts = dct(view_as_windows(X, (1, ws)))
cs = row_dcts.squeeze().sum(axis=-1).cumsum(axis=0)
result2 = np.vstack((cs[ws-1], cs[ws:]-cs[:-ws])) / ws**2
Though it seems what is gained in effeciency is lost in code clarity... But basically the approach here is to first calculate the DCT's and then take the window average by summing over the 2D window and then dividing by the number of elements in the window. The DCTs are already calculated over rowwise moving windows, so we take a regular sum over those windows. However we need to take a moving window sum over the columns, to arrive at the proper 2D window sums. To do this efficiently we use a cumsum trick, where:
sum(A[p:q]) # q-p == window_size
Is equivalent to:
cs = cumsum(A)
cs[q-1] - cs[p-1]
This avoids having to sum the exact same numbers over and over. Unfortunately it doesn't work for the first window (when p == 0), so for that we have to take only cs[q-1] and stack it together with the other window sums. Finally we divide by the number of elements to arrive at the 2D window average.
If you like to do a 2D DCT than this second approach becomes less interesting, beause you'll eventually need the full 985 x 985 x 16 x 16 array before you can take the mean.
Both approaches above should be equivalent, but it may be a good idea to perform the arithmetic with 64-bit floats:
np.allclose(result1, result2, atol=1e-6)
# False
np.allclose(result1, result2, atol=1e-5)
# True
skimage.util.view_as_windows is using striding tricks to make an array of overlapping "windows" that doesn't use any additional memory.
However, when you make a new array of the shape shape, it will require ~32 times (16 x 16) the memory that your original X array or the windows array used.
Based on your comment, your end result is doing dcts.reshape(windows.shape).mean(axis=2).mean(axis=2) - taking the mean of the dct of each window.
Therefore, it would be more memory-efficient (though similar performance wise) to take the mean inside the loop and not store the huge intermediate array of windows:
import numpy as np
from scipy.fftpack import dct
from skimage.util import view_as_windows
X = np.arange(1000*1000, dtype=np.float32).reshape(1000,1000)
window_size = 16
windows = view_as_windows(X, (window_size, window_size))
dcts = np.zeros(windows.shape[:2], dtype=np.float32).ravel()
for idx, window in enumerate(windows.reshape(-1, window_size, window_size)):
dcts[idx] = dct(window).mean()
dcts = dcts.reshape(windows.shape[:2])
Another option is scipy.ndimage.generic_filter. It won't increase performance much (the bottleneck is the python function call in the inner loop), but you'll have a lot more boundary condition options, and it will be fairly memory efficient:
import numpy as np
from scipy.fftpack import dct
import scipy.ndimage
X = np.arange(1000*1000, dtype=np.float32).reshape(1000,1000)
def func(window, shape):
window = window.reshape(shape)
return dct(window).mean()
result = scipy.ndimage.generic_filter(X, func, (16, 16),
extra_arguments=([16, 16],))
In R, I am using ccf or acf to compute the pair-wise cross-correlation function so that I can find out which shift gives me the maximum value. From the looks of it, R gives me a normalized sequence of values. Is there something similar in Python's scipy or am I supposed to do it using the fft module? Currently, I am doing it as follows:
xcorr = lambda x,y : irfft(rfft(x)*rfft(y[::-1]))
x = numpy.array([0,0,1,1])
y = numpy.array([1,1,0,0])
print xcorr(x,y)
To cross-correlate 1d arrays use numpy.correlate.
For 2d arrays, use scipy.signal.correlate2d.
There is also scipy.stsci.convolve.correlate2d.
There is also matplotlib.pyplot.xcorr which is based on numpy.correlate.
See this post on the SciPy mailing list for some links to different implementations.
Edit: #user333700 added a link to the SciPy ticket for this issue in a comment.
If you are looking for a rapid, normalized cross correlation in either one or two dimensions
I would recommend the openCV library (see http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/ http://opencv.org/). The cross-correlation code maintained by this group is the fastest you will find, and it will be normalized (results between -1 and 1).
While this is a C++ library the code is maintained with CMake and has python bindings so that access to the cross correlation functions is convenient. OpenCV also plays nicely with numpy. If I wanted to compute a 2-D cross-correlation starting from numpy arrays I could do it as follows.
import numpy
import cv
#Create a random template and place it in a larger image
templateNp = numpy.random.random( (100,100) )
image = numpy.random.random( (400,400) )
image[:100, :100] = templateNp
#create a numpy array for storing result
resultNp = numpy.zeros( (301, 301) )
#convert from numpy format to openCV format
templateCv = cv.fromarray(numpy.float32(template))
imageCv = cv.fromarray(numpy.float32(image))
resultCv = cv.fromarray(numpy.float32(resultNp))
#perform cross correlation
cv.MatchTemplate(templateCv, imageCv, resultCv, cv.CV_TM_CCORR_NORMED)
#convert result back to numpy array
resultNp = np.asarray(resultCv)
For just a 1-D cross-correlation create a 2-D array with shape equal to (N, 1 ). Though there is some extra code involved to convert to an openCV format the speed-up over scipy is quite impressive.
I just finished writing my own optimised implementation of normalized cross-correlation for N-dimensional arrays. You can get it from here.
It will calculate cross-correlation either directly, using scipy.ndimage.correlate, or in the frequency domain, using scipy.fftpack.fftn/ifftn depending on whichever will be quickest.
For 1D array, numpy.correlate is faster than scipy.signal.correlate, under different sizes, I see a consistent 5x peformance gain using numpy.correlate. When two arrays are of similar size (the bright line connecting the diagonal), the performance difference is even more outstanding (50x +).
# a simple benchmark
res = []
for x in range(1, 1000):
list_x = []
for y in range(1, 1000):
# generate different sizes of series to compare
l1 = np.random.choice(range(1, 100), size=x)
l2 = np.random.choice(range(1, 100), size=y)
time_start = datetime.now()
np.correlate(a=l1, v=l2)
t_np = datetime.now() - time_start
time_start = datetime.now()
scipy.signal.correlate(in1=l1, in2=l2)
t_scipy = datetime.now() - time_start
list_x.append(t_scipy / t_np)
As default, scipy.signal.correlate calculates a few extra numbers by padding and that might explained the performance difference.
>> l1 = [1,2,3,2,1,2,3]
>> l2 = [1,2,3]
>> print(numpy.correlate(a=l1, v=l2))
>> print(scipy.signal.correlate(in1=l1, in2=l2))
[14 14 10 10 14]
[ 3 8 14 14 10 10 14 8 3] # the first 3 is [0,0,1]dot[1,2,3]