How to render react using python routes? - python

I want to use this route here (below) and render my react file. Using a python route.... Could someone give me some direction on how I can accomplish this?
#Auth.route('/login', methods=['GET'])
def login():
#data = {'username':'bob', 'password':'peepee123'}
#session['token'] = 'jsdkfkj934ujeklfjdlndsflds'
auth = request.authorization
if auth and auth.password == 'password':
token = jwt.encode({'user': auth.username}, app.config['SECRET_KEY'])
return jsonfiy({'token': token.decode('UTF-8')})
return make_response('Could Not verify!', 401, {'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm = "Login Required"'})

If you want to render react in server site in python you can use python-react-v8, but you need to have the same react tree in server and client or it wont work, checkout hydrate in docs. For that you need to have working react app.
Example of usage:
import react
# setup react
react.set_up() # Initialize V8 machinery
#Auth.route('/login', methods=['GET'])
def login():
#data = {'username':'bob', 'password':'peepee123'}
#session['token'] = 'jsdkfkj934ujeklfjdlndsflds'
auth = request.authorization
if auth and auth.password == 'password':
token = jwt.encode({'user': auth.username}, app.config['SECRET_KEY'])
data = {'token': token.decode('UTF-8')};
react_ = react.React({
'url': request.get_full_url(),
'data': data
context = {
'content': react_.render(),
'data': react_.to_json(data)}
return render('index.html', context);
data = {'token': null, 'reason': "Login Required"}
react_ = react.React({
'url': request.get_full_url(),
'data': data
context = {
'content': react_.render(),
'data': react_.to_json(data)
return render('index.html', context);


Facebook Graph API | Request [400] Errorr

I create a bot to monitor the comment if there is any new comment and if so it will automatically private_replies them But instead i got a Request [400] Error instead.
def monitor_comment():
print("Bot is monitoring comments")
comment_data = graph.get_connections(COMBINED_POST_ID_TO_MONITOR,"comments",order='reverse_chronological')
commends = []
for comment in comment_data['data'][:10]:
commends.append (comment)
data = commends[0]['id']
data_converted = str(data)
return data_converted
def private_reply(comment_ids):
url = ""
access = {"access_token":Page_Token}
params = {
"recipient": {
"comment_id": comment_ids
"message": {
"text":"Testing Private_Replies"
request =, files=access, json=params)
This is the logs
{"error":{"message":"An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.","type":"OAuthException","code":2500,"fbtrace_id":"AMCiqy1Aw8CyODPlUBE1b98"}}

Django simplejwt: How to add refresh token to dict?

I am using simplejwt to get an access and refresh tokens. In a view I need to create a dict, where the both will be stored as well as access token claims and another additional data. Everything works but by some reason when the refrsh token is added to dict, it returns its decoded value, but not the token.
def check_token(request):
token_refresh = RefreshToken.for_user(request.user)
print('REFRESH', token_refresh)
token = request.META.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', " ").split(' ')[1]
data = {'token': token, 'refresh_token': token_refresh}
valid_data = TokenBackend(algorithm='HS256').decode(token, verify=False)
data['uui'] = valid_data['user_id']
data['validUntil'] = valid_data['exp']
data['clientId'] = 'default'
return JsonResponse(data)
except ValidationError as v:
print("Validation error", v)
print('REFRESH', token_refresh) returns the token:
but data object returns:
{'token': 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGci...', 'refresh_token': {'token_type': 'refresh', 'exp': 1628664751, 'jti': '38f0e3a4d7bb452681834a6b149aa496', 'user_id': 'None'}, 'uui': 1, 'validUntil': 1628059131, 'clientId': 'default'}
my ideal result:
{'token': 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGci...', 'refresh_token': 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI...', 'uui': 1, 'validUntil': 1628059131, 'clientId': 'default'}
if you want to create tokens manually for user in djangorestframework-simplejwt you can do this:
from rest_framework_simplejwt.tokens import RefreshToken
def get_tokens_for_user(user):
refresh = RefreshToken.for_user(user)
return {
'refresh': str(refresh),
'access': str(refresh.access_token),
# Add additional fields here
now you can use this function in your views.

How do I make an API call and authenticate it with a given API key using Python?

This is my code to extract player data from an endpoint containing basketball data for a Data Science project.NOTE: I changed the name of the actual API key I was given since it's subscription. And I change the username/password because for privacy purposes. Using the correct credentials, I wouldn't receive a syntax error but the status code always returns 401. Since it wasn't accepting the API key, I added my account username, password, and the HTTP authentication header as well, but the status code still returns 401.
In case this is relevant, this is the website's recommendation in the developer portal: **The API key can be passed either as a query parameter or using the following HTTP request header.
Please let me know what changes I can make to my code. Any help is appreciated.
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: {key}**
PS: My code got fragmented while posting this, but it is all in one function.
def getData():
user_name = ""
api_endpoint = ""
api_key = "a45;lkf"
password = "ksaljd"
header = "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key"
PARAMS = {'user': user_name, 'pass': password, 'header': header, 'key': api_key}
response = requests.get(url = api_endpoint, data = PARAMS)
file = open("Data.csv", "w")
def _get_auth_headers() -> dict:
return {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': "`Insert key here`"
api_endpoint = ""
# Your params here
response = requests.get(
Instead of just a string, you need to pass dict in the headers parameter and auth param exist so you can use it as follow:
def getData():
header = {
"Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": api_key
response = requests.get(url = api_endpoint, data = PARAMS, headers=header, auth = (user_name, password))
According to the API documentation you don't need to provide email and password. You're only need to add your API Key to header:
import requests
r = requests.get(url='', headers={'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': 'API_KEY'})
'StatID': 768904,
'TeamID': 25,
'PlayerID': 20000788,
'SeasonType': 1,
'Season': 2020,
'Name': 'Tim Hardaway Jr.',
'Team': 'DAL',
'Position': 'SF',
'Started': 1,
'FanDuelSalary': 7183,
'DraftKingsSalary': 7623,
'FantasyDataSalary': 7623,

Response class in Flask-RESTplus

What is the proper way to handle response classes in Flask-RESTplus?
I am experimenting with a simple GET request seen below:
i_throughput = api.model('Throughput', {
'date': fields.String,
'value': fields.String
i_server = api.model('Server', {
'sessionId': fields.String,
'throughput': fields.Nested(i_throughput)
class Server(Resource):
def get(self):
servers = mongo.db.servers.find()
data = []
for x in servers:
return data
I want to return my data in as part of a response object that looks like this:
status: // some boolean value
message: // some custom response message
error: // if there is an error store it here
trace: // if there is some stack trace dump throw it in here
data: // what was retrieved from DB
I am new to Python in general and new to Flask/Flask-RESTplus. There is a lot of tutorials out there and information. One of my biggest problems is that I'm not sure what to exactly search for to get the information I need. Also how does this work with marshalling? If anyone can post good documentation or examples of excellent API's, it would be greatly appreciated.
from flask import Flask, Response, jsonify
app = Flask(__name__)
class CustomResponse(Response):
def force_type(cls, rv, environ=None):
if isinstance(rv, dict):
rv = jsonify(rv)
return super(MyResponse, cls).force_type(rv, environ)
app.response_class = CustomResponse
#app.route('/hello', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def hello():
return {'status': 200, 'message': 'custom_message',
'error': 'error_message', 'trace': 'trace_message',
'data': 'input_data'}
import requests
response = requests.get('http://localhost:5000/hello')
"data": "input_data",
"error": "error_message",
"message": "custom_message",
"status": 200,
"trace": "trace_message"

Appengine channels automatically disconnected on production

On production, a soon as I open a channel with the javascript, it disconnects a seccond after.
Everything works super fine on devserver. The callback works on the server but not on the client. We are using flask, backbone, requirejs and sourcemap.
Client code: = new goog.appengine.Channel(window.PLAY_SETTINGS.CHANNEL_TOKEN);
window.gae_websocket ={
onopen: function() {
return console.log('onopen');
onclose: function() {
return console.log('onclose');
onerror: function() {
return console.log('onerror');
onmessage: function() {
return console.log('onmessage');
Server code:
class Connection(ndb.Model):
user_key = ndb.KeyProperty()
scope = ndb.IntegerProperty(indexed=True, choices=range(0, 2))
target_key = ndb.KeyProperty(indexed=True) # Event ou debate
channel_id = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=True)
def open_channel():
channel_id = str(uuid4())
channel_token = channel.create_channel(client_id=channel_id, duration_minutes=480)
return channel_token, channel_id
Logs from the appengine production console.
The client callbacks (js) dont works. These are the server callbacks that create the logs:
#app.route('/_ah/channel/disconnected/', methods=['POST'])
def channel_disconnection():
client_id = request.form.get('from')
ndb.delete_multi(Connection.query(Connection.channel_id == client_id).fetch(keys_only=True))"Channel closed : %s" % client_id)
return make_response('ok', '200')
#app.route('/_ah/channel/connected/', methods=['POST'])
def channel_connection():
client_id = request.form.get('from')"Channel open : %s" % client_id)
return make_response('ok', '200')

