Facebook Graph API | Request [400] Errorr - python

I create a bot to monitor the comment if there is any new comment and if so it will automatically private_replies them But instead i got a Request [400] Error instead.
def monitor_comment():
print("Bot is monitoring comments")
comment_data = graph.get_connections(COMBINED_POST_ID_TO_MONITOR,"comments",order='reverse_chronological')
commends = []
for comment in comment_data['data'][:10]:
commends.append (comment)
data = commends[0]['id']
data_converted = str(data)
return data_converted
def private_reply(comment_ids):
url = "https://graph.facebook.com/v12.0/me/messages?"
access = {"access_token":Page_Token}
params = {
"recipient": {
"comment_id": comment_ids
"message": {
"text":"Testing Private_Replies"
request = requests.post(url=url, files=access, json=params)
This is the logs
{"error":{"message":"An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.","type":"OAuthException","code":2500,"fbtrace_id":"AMCiqy1Aw8CyODPlUBE1b98"}}


API GET request fails with custom headers

I have this API GET request that works fine with the full address:
# Transactions
transaction_url = "https://api.whale-alert.io/v1/transaction/ethereum/0015286d8642f0e0553b7fefa1c168787ae71173cbf82ec2f2a1b2e0ffee72b2"
transaction_querystring = {
transaction_response = requests.request("GET", transaction_url, params=transaction_querystring)
but, when I try to pass the variables as headers:
# Transactions
transaction_url = "https://api.whale-alert.io/v1/transaction"
transaction_querystring = {
transaction_headers = {
'blockchain': "ethereum",
'hash': "0015286d8642f0e0553b7fefa1c168787ae71173cbf82ec2f2a1b2e0ffee72b2"
transaction_response = requests.request("GET", transaction_url, headers=transaction_headers, data=transaction_querystring, )
It won't work:
<Response [404]
Not Found
made it work with {0}".format(startime_unix)

Why does Cloud Tasks gives "Deadline Exceeded" error after 60s?

I'm using google-cloud-tasks==2.2.0 with Flask Gunicorn. This is how I send a task to a queue:
def send_task(payload, queue, uri, *args):
url = f'https://www.mywebsite.com/{uri}'
payload = json.dumps(payload)
payload = payload.encode()
parent = client.queue_path(project=project, location=location, queue=queue)
service_account_email = 'myaccount.com'
# Construct the request body.
td = '1800s'
duration = duration_pb2.Duration()
time = duration.FromJsonString(td)
now = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=10)
ts = timestamp_pb2.Timestamp()
now = ts.FromDatetime(now)
task = {
'http_request': { # Specify the type of request.
'http_method': tasks_v2beta3.HttpMethod.POST,
'url': url,
'body': payload, # Convert dictionary to string
'headers': { # Add custom header
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
'oidc_token': {'service_account_email': service_account_email}
task['schedule_time'] = now
task['dispatch_deadline'] = time
response = client.create_task(request={"parent": parent, "task": task}, timeout=30.0)
I use dispatch_deadline which is supposed to support 30 minutes timeout, using this API reference.
But no matter how I try, my task fails after 60 seconds with 504 DEADLINE_EXCEEDED error.
Honestly, is this something necessary I'm missing here, or is it a bug?

New Twitch API getting json data Python 3

I am trying to get a python script to say whether a twitch channel is live but haven't been able to do it, any and all help would be appreciated.
here are the docs I've been able to find
This is what I have atm but I keep on getting "'set' object has no attribute 'items'". This is modified code from "Is There Any Way To Check if a Twitch Stream Is Live Using Python?" however it is now outdated because of the new API.
import requests
def checkUser():
'Client-ID : [client id here from dev portal]',
'Accept : application/vnd.twitchtv.v5+json',
url = "https://api.twitch.tv/helix/streams/[streamer here]"
req = requests.Session().get(url, headers=API_HEADERS)
jsondata = req.json()
The answer to your problem of "'set' object has no attribute 'items'" is just a simple typo. It should be
'Client-ID' : '[client id here from dev portal]',
'Accept' : 'application/vnd.twitchtv.v5+json'
Notice how the Colon's aren't part of the text now
And to answer your overarching question of how to tell if a channel is online you can look at this sample code I made.
import requests
URL = 'https://api.twitch.tv/helix/streams?user_login=[Channel_Name_Here]'
authURL = 'https://id.twitch.tv/oauth2/token'
Client_ID = [Your_client_ID]
Secret = [Your Client_Secret]
AutParams = {'client_id': Client_ID,
'client_secret': Secret,
'grant_type': 'client_credentials'
def Check():
AutCall = requests.post(url=authURL, params=AutParams)
access_token = AutCall.json()['access_token']
head = {
'Client-ID' : Client_ID,
'Authorization' : "Bearer " + access_token
r = requests.get(URL, headers = head).json()['data']
if r:
r = r[0]
if r['type'] == 'live':
return True
return False
return False

How to send file through Mattermost incoming webhook?

I am able to send text to Mattermost channel through incoming webhooks
import requests, json
URL = 'http://chat.something.com/hooks/1pgrmsj88qf5jfjb4eotmgfh5e'
payload = {"channel": "general", "text": "some text"}
r = requests.post(URL, data=json.dumps(payload))
this code simplly post text. I could not find a way to post file to channel. Suppose I want to post file located at /home/alok/Downloads/Screenshot_20170217_221447.png. If anyone know please share.
You can't currently attach files using the Incoming Webhooks API. You would need to use the Mattermost Client API to make a post with files attached to it.
Here's an example of how you could achieve that (using Mattermost API v3 for Mattermost >= 3.5)
SERVER_URL = "http://chat.example.com/"
TEAM_ID = "team_id_goes_here"
CHANNEL_ID = "channel_id_goes_here"
USER_EMAIL = "you#example.com"
USER_PASS = "password123"
FILE_PATH = '/home/user/thing_to_upload.png'
import requests, json, os
# Login
s = requests.Session() # So that the auth cookie gets saved.
s.headers.update({"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"}) # To stop Mattermost rejecting our requests as CSRF.
l = s.post(SERVER_URL + 'api/v3/users/login', data = json.dumps({'login_id': USER_EMAIL, 'password': USER_PASS}))
USER_ID = l.json()["id"]
# Upload the File.
form_data = {
"channel_id": ('', CHANNEL_ID),
"client_ids": ('', "id_for_the_file"),
"files": (os.path.basename(FILE_PATH), open(FILE_PATH, 'rb')),
r = s.post(SERVER_URL + 'api/v3/teams/' + TEAM_ID + '/files/upload', files=form_data)
FILE_ID = r.json()["file_infos"][0]["id"]
# Create a post and attach the uploaded file to it.
p = s.post(SERVER_URL + 'api/v3/teams/' + TEAM_ID + '/channels/' + CHANNEL_ID + '/posts/create', data = json.dumps({
'user_id': USER_ID,
'channel_id': CHANNEL_ID,
'message': 'Post message goes here',
'file_ids': [FILE_ID,],
'create_at': 0,
'pending_post_id': 'randomstuffogeshere',
I have done a version for API v4, with the use of a personal access token. https://docs.mattermost.com/developer/personal-access-tokens.html
import os
import json
import requests
FILE_PATH = './test.jpg'
s = requests.Session()
s.headers.update({"Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN"})
form_data = {
"channel_id": ('', CHANNEL_ID),
"client_ids": ('', "id_for_the_file"),
"files": (os.path.basename(FILE_PATH), open(FILE_PATH, 'rb')),
r = s.post(SERVER_URL + '/api/v4/files', files=form_data)
FILE_ID = r.json()["file_infos"][0]["id"]
p = s.post(SERVER_URL + '/api/v4/posts', data=json.dumps({
"channel_id": CHANNEL_ID,
"message": "YOUR_MESSAGE",
"file_ids": [ FILE_ID ]
I have created a simple CLI.
as per #George , you cann't sent the file to the incoming webhook directly.
below is code to send the file to the channel
from mattermostdriver import Driver
team_name = "<name of your team in mattermost>"
channel_name = "<channel name>" # name of channel which you want to upload document
file_path = "<file to uploaded >" # name of the file to upload
message = "<message to sent on channel>"
options = {
"url": "", # url of your mattermost acocunt https://<url>
"port": 8065, # port of the website
"password": "<account password>",
"login_id": "<login id>",
"token": None
x = Driver(options=options)
# loggin into the mattermost server
# getting team id
team_id = x.teams.get_team_by_name(team_name)['id']
# getting channel id
channel_id = x.channels.get_channel_by_name(team_id, channel_name)['id'] # give channel id
#setting up the options
form_data = {
"channel_id": ('', channel_id),
"client_ids": ('', "id_for_the_file"),
"files": (file_path, open(file_path, 'rb'))
pp = x.files.upload_file(channel_id, form_data)
file_id = pp['file_infos'][0]['id']
# uploading the file
x.posts.create_post({'channel_id': channel_id, "message": message, "file_ids": [file_id]})
# logout from the server

Appengine channels automatically disconnected on production

On production, a soon as I open a channel with the javascript, it disconnects a seccond after.
Everything works super fine on devserver. The callback works on the server but not on the client. We are using flask, backbone, requirejs and sourcemap.
Client code:
window.channel = new goog.appengine.Channel(window.PLAY_SETTINGS.CHANNEL_TOKEN);
window.gae_websocket = window.channel.open({
onopen: function() {
return console.log('onopen');
onclose: function() {
return console.log('onclose');
onerror: function() {
return console.log('onerror');
onmessage: function() {
return console.log('onmessage');
Server code:
class Connection(ndb.Model):
user_key = ndb.KeyProperty()
scope = ndb.IntegerProperty(indexed=True, choices=range(0, 2))
target_key = ndb.KeyProperty(indexed=True) # Event ou debate
channel_id = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=True)
def open_channel():
channel_id = str(uuid4())
channel_token = channel.create_channel(client_id=channel_id, duration_minutes=480)
return channel_token, channel_id
Logs from the appengine production console.
The client callbacks (js) dont works. These are the server callbacks that create the logs:
#app.route('/_ah/channel/disconnected/', methods=['POST'])
def channel_disconnection():
client_id = request.form.get('from')
ndb.delete_multi(Connection.query(Connection.channel_id == client_id).fetch(keys_only=True))
logging.info("Channel closed : %s" % client_id)
return make_response('ok', '200')
#app.route('/_ah/channel/connected/', methods=['POST'])
def channel_connection():
client_id = request.form.get('from')
logging.info("Channel open : %s" % client_id)
return make_response('ok', '200')

