I am working with a set of dicom images. I would like to create a new image with a header similar to an existing image. However, I already propagate the images in numpy arrays, so to avoid duplication I propagate the headers without PixelData:
metadata = pydicom.filereader.dcmread(image_path[l],stop_before_pixels=True)
In a separate function, I want to attach a different image (an ROI) to the modified metadata:
ds = metadata
ds.PixelData = roi.astype(np.int16).tostring() # A numpy array converted to the same datatype as pixel_array was
This results in an error message below which seems to indicate that the PixelData VR is not set in the dictionary? Thanks for your suggestions.
ValueError: Cannot write ambiguous VR of 'OB or OW' for data element
with tag (7fe0, 0010). Set the correct VR before writing, or use an
implicit VR transfer syntax
The VR for Pixel Data is ambiguous in the DICOM Standard. Depending on the exact nature of your dataset the required VR is either OB or OW. Because you're adding a brand new Pixel Data element to an existing dataset pydicom defaults the VR to 'OB or OW'. Normally this isn't an issue if your dataset is conformant because during write pydicom will automatically fix this so the correct VR is used (using the correct_ambiguous_vr() function). If your dataset isn't conformant then:
If your Pixel Data uses a compressed transfer syntax, like JPEG, then it should be OB.
Otherwise, it should be OB if Bits Allocated <= 8 and OW if > 8.
# Set the VR manually
ds['PixelData'].VR = 'OW'
I'm fairly new to Python, and I have been trying to recreate a working IDL program to Python, but I'm stuck and keep getting errors. I haven't been able to find a solution yet.
The program requires 4 FITS files in total (img and correctional images dark, flat1, flat2). The operations are as follows:
flat12 = (flat1 + flat2)/2
img1 = (img - dark)/flat12
The said files have dimensions (1024,1024,1). I have resized them to (1024,1024) to be able to even use im_show() function.
I have also tried using cv2.add(), but I get this:
TypeError: Expected Ptr for argument 'src1'
Is there any workaround for this? Thanks in advance.
To read your FITS files use astropy.io.fits: http://docs.astropy.org/en/latest/io/fits/index.html
This will give you Numpy arrays (and FITS headers if needed, there are different ways to do this, as explained in the documentation), so you could do something like:
>>> from astropy.io import fits
>>> img = fits.getdata('image.fits', ext=0) # extension number depends on your FITS files
>>> dark = fits.getdata('dark.fits') # by default it reads the first "data" extension
>>> darksub = img - dark
>>> fits.writeto('out.fits', darksub) # save output
If your data has an extra dimension, as shown with the (1024,1024,1) shape, and if you want to remove that axis, you can use the normal Numpy array slicing syntax: darksub = img[0] - dark[0].
Otherwise in the example above it will produce and save a (1024,1024,1) image.
I have tens of thousands of text files to analyze, where each text file represents a snapshot in time of the physical state of a system. The micro-state of each "pixel" is represented by floats from 0 to 1. Is it possible for OpenCV to directly read a text file without first having to convert the text file to an image format? I do not want to create tens of thousands of image files every time I carry out this analysis.
Context/goal: I am analyzing a thermal simulation of a nano-magnetic system, and will eventually need to use OpenCV to calculate the contour areas of clusters formed above a certain threshold value.
I've included my code attempt below, using a test text file. The system is a square system of side length 40, and I am analyzing the column of 40^2 = 1600 data points which I call mag (for magnetization, as this is from a scientific research project). I multiply each "pixel" by 255 to mimic grayscale. As soon as the program reaches the cv2.threshold line, I get an error:
~/anaconda/conda-bld/work/opencv-2.4.8/modules/imgproc/src/thresh.cpp:783: error: (-210) in function threshold
which I suspect arises from my mimicking grayscale instead of reading an actual grayscale image file.
import numpy as np
import cv2
SideDim = 40
dud, mag = np.loadtxt('Aex_testfile.txt', unpack=True, usecols=(4,5), skiprows=2)
mag = np.reshape(mag, (SideDim,SideDim))
for row in range(SideDim):
for col in range(SideDim):
mag[row][col] = round(255 * mag[row][col])
mag = mag.astype(np.int)
ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(mag,0,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
Regarding the question in your post title:
In Python, CV2 does not convert text into an image format. Instead, "images" are just numpy arrays. You are then correct in using np.loadtxt to import data (though I'm partial to np.genfromtxt(), as it's slightly more robust).
Regarding the error you're getting:
Error code -210 is defined as:
#define CV_StsUnsupportedFormat -210 /* the data format/type is not supported by the function*/
cv2.threshold() uses an 8 bit integer. Instead of casting mag as np.int, cast it as np.uint8. This should fix your error
Other things to note:
With numpy arrays, you don't need to use those ugly nested loops to multiply each value by 255. Instead, just do mag * 255.
Instead of multiplying by 255 (which doesn't quite make sense unless you're positive your maximum value is 1...), you should really just normalize your array. Something like (mag / mag.amax()) * 255 would be a better solution.
You don't need open CV for this part of the program. Instead, you can just do it in numpy:
thresh = 255 * (mag > threshval)
this will produce an array (thresh) that has any values greater than threshval set equal to 255
In general, I think it would behoove you to learn numpy before jumping into opencv. I think you'd be surprised at how much you can do in numpy.
I'm trying to set the graph background to a dicom image. I followed this example, but the image data given from dicom.pixel_array isn't RGBA. I'm not sure how to convert it, either. I'm also not sure what exactly bokeh is expecting. I've tried finding specifics in the documentation, but not such luck.
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_file
import dicom
import numpy as np
path = "/pathToDicomImage.dcm"
data = dicom.read_file(path)
img = data.pixel_array
p = figure(x_range=(0,10), y_range=(0,10))
# must give a vector of images
p.image_rgba(image=[img], x=0, y=0, dw=10, dh=10)
output_file("image_rgba.html", title="image_rgba.py example")
This code doesnt give me any errors, but it doesn't display anything. Maybe the pixel array doesn't have alpha data, so alpha defaults to 0? I'm not sure. Also, I can't quite figure out how to test it.
As was pointed out, I just needed to map the pixel data to rgba space. for this instance, it means duplicating the data to each channel, and setting alpha all the way.
def dicom_image_to_RGBA(image_data):
rows = len(image_data)
cols = rows
img = np.empty((rows,cols), dtype=np.uint32)
view = img.view(dtype=np.uint8).reshape((rows, cols, 4))
for i in range(0,rows):
for j in range(0,cols):
view[i][j][0] = image_data[i][j]
view[i][j][1] = image_data[i][j]
view[i][j][2] = image_data[i][j]
view[i][j][3] = 255
return img
Not being an expert in python, I have had a glance at pydicom's capabilities in handling pixel data. I figured out that pixel_array is the value of the pixel-data attribute of the DICOM dataset as is and pydicom does not offer any functionality to convert it into some standard format which can be handled uniformly. This means you will have to convert it to RGB in most cases which is a quite compilcated and error-prone task.
Things to consider in this:
The encoding (Big/Little Endian, various compression methods like JPEG, JPEG-LS, RLE, ZIP) - DICOM attribute (0002,0010) TransferSyntaxUID
The type of pixeldata (Grayscale, RGB, ...) - DICOM attribute (0028,0004) PhotometricInterpretation, (0028,0103) PixelRepresentation
In case of color images: are the values encoded colur by plane (RRRRR,.....GGGGG,.....BBBBB) or colour by pixel as you expect it to be (RGB RGB...)
The bit depth and which bits are used for actual pixel data values (0028,0100) BitsAllocated, (0028,0101) BitsStored, (0028,0102) Highbit.
are the pixel data values really the values to be displayed or are they indices to a colour/grayscale lookup table (0028,3000) ModalityLUTSequence, (0028,3002) LUTDescriptor, (0028,3003) LUTExplanation, (0028,3004) ModalityLUTType, (0028,3006) LUTData.
Scary, isn't it? For some modern image classes like Enhanced MR, there is even more than that.
However, if you constrain to a particular type of image (e.g. Computed Radiography). limitations to the above mentioned apply that make your life a bit easier.
If you would post a DICOM dump of the image header I could give you some hints how to display that particular image.
What you need to do is map the pixel data returned from pixel_array to RGB space. Usually that is done using a look up table (LUT). Take a look at the functions GetImage and GetLUTValue in the dicomparser module in the dicompyler-core library.
In GetLUTValue it maps the data to an 8-bit greyscale image. If you want to use a different LUT, you would need to map the color space accordingly.
I am creating image that I would like to embed in the e-mail. I cannot figure out how to create image as binary and pass into MIMEImage. Below is the code I have and I have error when I try to read image object - the error is "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'read'".
html="""<p>Please finish registration <br/><img src="cid:image.jpg"></p>"""
msgText = MIMEText(html,'html')
If you look at line 4 - I am trying to read image so that I can pass it into MIMEImage. Apparently, image needs to be read as binary. However, I don't know how to convert it to binary so that .read() can process it.
I edited code per suggestions from jsbueno - thank you very much!!!:
subject_header='Please use code provided in this e-mail to confirm your subscription.'
html="""<p>Please finish registration by loging into your account and typing in code from this e-mail.<br/><img src="cid:image.png"></p>"""
msgImg=MIMEImage(imgObj) #Is mistake here?
smtpObj=smtplib.SMTP('smtp.mandrillapp.com', 587)
I am not getting errors now but e-mail does not have image in it. I am confused about the way image gets attached and related to in html/email part. Any help is appreciated!
This code actually works - I just had minor typo in the code on my PC.
There are a couple of conceptual errors there, both in using PIL and on what format an image should be in order to be incorporated into an e-mail.
In PIL: the ImageDraw class operates inplace, not like the Image class calls, which usually return a new image after each operation. In your code, it means that the call to image_base.text is actually changing the pixel data of the object that lies in your image variable. This call actually returns None and the code above should raise an error like "AttributeError: None object does not have attribute 'read'" on the following line.
Past that (that is, you should fetch the data from your image variable to attach it to the e-mail) comes the second issue: PIL, for obvious reasons, have images in an uncompressed, raw pixel data format in memory. When attaching images in e-mails we usually want images neatly packaged inside a file - PNG or JPG formats are usually better depending on the intent - let's just stay with .PNG. So, you have to create the file data using PIL, and them attach the file data (i.e. the data comprising a PNG file, including headers, metadata, and the actual pixel data in a compressed form). Otherwise you'd be putting in your e-mail a bunch of (uncompressed) pixel data that the receiving party would have no way to assemble back into an image (even if he would treat the data as pixels, raw pixel data does not contain the image shape so-)
You have two options: either generate the file-bytes in memory, or write them to an actual file in disk, and re-read that file for attaching. The second form is easier to follow. The first is both more efficient and "the right thing to do" - so let's keep it:
from io import BytesIO
# In Python 2.x:
# from StringIO import StringIO.StringIO as BytesIO
# this actually modifies "image"
stream = BytesIO()
image.save(stream, format="png")
(NB: I have not checked the part dealing with mail and mime proper in your code - if you are using it correctly, it should work now)
I am looking to store pixel values from satellite imagery into an array. I've been using
np.empty((image_width, image_length)
and it worked for smaller subsets of an image, but when using it on the entire image (3858 x 3743) the code terminates very quickly and all I get is an array of zeros.
I load the image values into the array using a loop and opening the image with gdal
img = gdal.Open(os.path.join(fn + "\{0}".format(fname))).ReadAsArray()
but when I include print img_array I end up with just zeros.
I have tried almost every single dtype that I could find in the numpy documentation but keep getting the same result.
Is numpy unable to load this many values or is there a way to optimize the array?
I am working with 8-bit tiff images that contain NDVI (decimal) values.
Not certain what type of images you are trying to read, but in the case of radarsat-2 images you can the following:
dataset = gdal.Open("RADARSAT_2_CALIB:SIGMA0:" + inpath + "product.xml")
S_HH = dataset.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
S_VV = dataset.GetRasterBand(2).ReadAsArray()
# gets the intensity (Intensity = re**2+imag**2), and amplitude = sqrt(Intensity)
self.image_HH_I = numpy.real(S_HH)**2+numpy.imag(S_HH)**2
self.image_VV_I = numpy.real(S_VV)**2+numpy.imag(S_VV)**2
But that is specifically for that type of images (in this case each image contains several bands, so i need to read in each band separately with GetRasterBand(i), and than do ReadAsArray() If there is a specific GDAL driver for the type of images you want to read in, life gets very easy
If you give some more info on the type of images you want to read in, i can maybe help more specifically
Edit: did you try something like this ? (not sure if that will work on tiff, or how many bits the header is, hence the something:)
Edit: The problem is solved when using 64bit python instead of 32bit, due to memory errors at 2Gb when using the 32bit python version.