Starting python if function with an empty value possibility - python

Automated stock bot in development here.
I'm trying to start an "if" function when an empty list value is returned as the argument, and end the script if a text (string?) value is returned. The reason for this is because I don't want to execute the if function if I currently have a trade open, only when I have no trades open. As far as I know the only modules from my broker's API(Oanda) useful to execute this task is one that outputs [] when I don't have a trade open. This was retrieved from the following list {'positions': [], 'lastTransactionID': '4765'} Part of me thinks what I'm trying to do is impossible, based on the research I've done, but I'm hoping someone has an idea. I put double asterisks around the important part of the script.
from flask import Flask, request, abort
import oandapyV20
import oandapyV20.endpoints.positions as positions
from exampleauth import exampleAuth
# Create Flask object called app.
app = Flask(__name__)
# Create root to easily let us know its on/working.
def root():
return 'online'
#app.route('/webhook', methods=['POST'])
def webhook():
if request.method == 'POST':
accountID, access_token = exampleAuth()
api = oandapyV20.API(access_token=access_token)
**if x['positions']=='[]': #if empty execute if function, if not return 'okay'
data = parse_webhook(request.get_data(as_text=True))
if data['side']=='sellEURAUD':
elif data['side']=='buyEURAUD':
return 'okay'**
if __name__ == '__main__':

Just remove the qutos from empty list.
Should be like this-
if x['positions']==[]:


Flask multiple routes with single function

initial code:
#app.route('/word/', defaults={'reqpath': ''})
#app.route('/pdf/', defaults={'reqpath': ''})
def my_docs(reqpath):
if request.path.lower().startswith("/word"):
localPath = r'D:\WordDocs'
elif request.path.lower().startswith("/pdf"):
localPath = r'D:\PdfDocs'
docsPath = safe_join(localPath, reqpath)
rest of the codes:
Hi, when I run the above-written codes, it always runs the (pdf) last route, #app.route('/pdf/<path:reqpath>'), and it gets overwritten in the url from "" to "", even if it is changed manually, but if I interchange the order like:
#app.route('/pdf/', defaults={'reqpath': ''})
#app.route('/word/', defaults={'reqpath': ''})
then it picks up the word route #app.route('/word/<path:reqpath>') but never runs the pdf route.
I want the url "" to pick up the path = r'D:PdfDocs' and "" to pick up the path = r'D:\WordDocs'.
I'm in the process of learning Python (Flask), any help will be appreciated.

Python flask server to retrieve certain records

I have this following python code for a Flask server. I am trying to have this part of the code list all my vehicles that match the horsepower that I put in through my browser. I want it to return all the car names that match the horsepower, but what I have doesn't seem to be working? It returns nothing. I know the issue is somewhere in the "for" statement, but I don't know how to fix it.
This is my first time doing something like this and I've been trying multiple things for hours. I can't figure it out. Could you please help?
from flask import Flask
from flask import request
import os, json
app = Flask(__name__, static_folder='flask')
def horsepower():
horsepower = request.args.get('horsepower')
message = "<h3>HORSEPOWER "+str(horsepower)+"</h3>"
path = os.getcwd() + "/data/vehicles.json"
with open(path) as f:
data = json.load(f)
for record in data:
if horsepower == record:
return message
The following example should meet your expectations.
from flask import Flask
from flask import request
import os, json
app = Flask(__name__)
def horsepower():
# The type of the URL parameters are automatically converted to integer.
horsepower = request.args.get('horsepower', type=int)
# Read the file which is located in the data folder relative to the
# application root directory.
path = os.path.join(app.root_path, 'data', 'vehicles.json')
with open(path) as f:
data = json.load(f)
# A list of names of the data sets is created,
# the performance of which corresponds to the parameter passed.
cars = [record['Car'] for record in data if horsepower == int(record["Horsepower"])]
# The result is then output separated by commas.
return f'''
<h3>HORSEPOWER {horsepower}</h3>
There are many different ways of writing the loop. I used a short variant in the example. In more detail, you can use these as well.
cars = []
for record in data:
if horsepower == int(record['Horsepower']):
As a tip:
Pay attention to when you overwrite the value of a variable by using the same name.

Flask, using form inputs as global variable execute custom ETL module using form submission as input and then display the charts after completion

I currently have my flask running static where I run the ETL job independently and then use the result dataset in my Flask to display chartjs line charts.
However, I'd like to integrate the ETL piece in my web framework where my users can login and submit the input parameter(locations of the input files and an added version id) using HTML form, which will then be used by my ETL job to run and use the resultant data directly to display the charts on same page.
Current Setup:
My custom ETL module has submodules that act together to form a simple pipeline process: - has my globals such as location of the s3 and the etc. ideally i'd like my user's form inputs to be stored here so that they can be used directly in all my submodules wherever necessary.
s3_bkt = 'abc' #change bucket here
s3_loc = 's3://'+s3_bkt+'/'
ip_loc = 'alv-input/'
#Ideally ,I'd like my users form inputs to be sitting here
# ip1 = 'alv_ip.csv'
# ip2 = 'Input_product_ICL_60K_Seg15.xlsx'
#version = 'v1'
op_loc = 'alv-output/' - main function
import module3 as m3
import globals as g
def main(ip1,ip2,version):
data3,ip1,ip2,version = m3.module3(ip1,ip2,version)
----perform some actions on the data and return---
return res_data
import module2 as m2
def mod3(ip1,ip2,version):
data2,ip1,ip2,version = m2.mod2(ip1,ip2,version)
----perform some actions on the data and return---
return data3
import module1 as m1
import globals as g
def mod2(ip1,ip2,version):
data1,ip1,ip2,version = m1.mod1(ip1,ip2,version)
data_cnsts = pd.read_csv(ip2) #this is where i'll be using the user's input for ip2
----perform some actions on the datasets and write them to location with version_id to return---
data1.to_csv(g.op_loc+'data2-'+ version + '.csv', index=False)
return data2
import globals as g
def mod1(ip1,ip2,version):
#this is the location where the form input for the data location should be actually used
data = pd.read_csv(g.s3_loc+g.ip_loc+ip1)
----perform some actions on the data and return---
return data1
Flask setup:
import main-module as mm
app = Flask(__name__)
#this is where the user first hits and submits the form
def form():
return render_template('form.html')
#app.route('/result/',methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def upload():
if request.method == 'GET':
return f"The URL /data is accessed directly. Try going to '/upload' to submit form"
if request.method == 'POST':
ip1 = request.form['ip_file']
ip2 = request.form['ip_sas_file']
version = request.form['version']
data = mm.main(ip1,ip2,version)
grpby_vars = ['a','b','c']
grouped_data = data.groupby(['mob'])[grpby_vars].mean().reset_index()
#labels for the chart
a = [val for val in grouped_data['a']]
#values for the chart
b = [round(val*100,3) for val in grouped_data['b']]
c = [round(val*100,3) for val in grouped_data['c']]
d = [val for val in grouped_data['d']]
return render_template('results.html', title='Predictions',a=a,b=b,c=c,d=d)
The Flask setup works perfectly fine without using any form inputs from the user(if the ETL job and Flask is de-coupled i.e. when I run the ETL and supply the result data location to Flask directly.
The problem after integration is that I'm not very sure how to pass these inputs from users to all my sub-module. Below is the error I get when I use the current setup.
data3,ip1,ip2,version = m3.module3(ip1,ip2,version)
TypeError: module3() missing 3 required positional arguments: 'ip1', 'ip2', and 'version'
So, definitely this is due to the issue with my param passing across my sub-modules.
So my question is how do I use the data from the form as a global variable across my sub-modules. Ideally I'd like them to be stored in my globals so that I'd not have to be passing them as a param through all modules.
Is there a standard way to achieve that? Might sound very trivial but I'm struggling hard to get to my end-state.
Thanks for reading through :)
I realized my dumb mistake, I should've have just included
data,ip1,ip2,version = mm.main(ip1,ip2,version)
I could also instead use my globals file by initiating the inputs with empty string and then import my globals in the flask file and update the values. This way I can avoid the route of passing the params through my sub-modules.

passing arguments to API created by flask in python

I am a complete newbie to API and python. actually, after getting disappointed to find a free host supporting plumber in R I decided to try it by python. The simple problem is that I have a simple function which takes two numeric arguments and using a given CSV file do some calculations and returns a number (I have simply made this in R by the plumber in localhost). now for a test in python have written below code:
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello():
return "hello world!"
if __name__ == '__main__':
well, this correctly works. but when I try to make a function to take arguments like this:
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello(a):
return a + 2
if __name__ == '__main__':
I get this page which says I have not passed the arguments.
my main question is that how I can pass the arguments? (in API created by R plumber, for example, I call it like: localhost/5000/?a=2 )
my another question is, could be this kind of API host and request in something like Heroku?
From Flask documentation:
You can add variable sections to a URL by marking sections with <variable_name>. Your function then receives the <variable_name> as a keyword argument. Optionally, you can use a converter to specify the type of the argument like <converter:variable_name>.
So in your case that would be:
def hello(a):
return a + 2
Other option would be to use request data.
You need to include the parameter "a" in the decorator #app.route:
def hello(a):
return a + 2
You can also use it like that, pass name as parameter !
def helloworld(Name):
print Name
another implementation would be like that, go through the python-flask documentation !
def hello(a):
return a + 2

Run pythod code with Django and produce output on web

I know this could be a repeated question for many of you but I have not been able to find a proper answer for this yet. I am a beginner to Django and Python. I have a python code which runs and produce output on cli at present but I want the same program to run its output on web.
I read that for web django is best suitable framework and for this purpose I started to study django. I see in every tutorial people have discussed apps, views urls etc but not seen an example which integrate a python code with django.
All I am looking for to understand how can I integrate my python script with Django and where do I place my code in Django project or app. Should I import it within views? if yes, then how to present my output to web.
Here is the sample code I am running, it basically opens two files and run some regex to extract the desired information.
import re
def vipPoolFileOpen(): # function opens vip and pool config file and store them to vip_config and pool_config variables
with open("pool_config.txt",'rb') as pool_config:
pool_config =
pool_config = pool_config.split('ltm')
with open("vip_config.txt",'rb') as vip_config:
vip_config =
vip_config = vip_config.split('ltm')
return vip_config,pool_config
def findWidth(vip_config): # function to find the maximum length of vip in entire file, this will be used to adjust column space
for item in vip_config:
if colWidth<len(item):
while i<len(vip_config)-1:
if len(item)>=len(vip_config[i+1]):
return colWidth
def regexFunction():
vip_config, pool_config = vipPoolFileOpen()
for vip in vip_config:
regVip = re.compile(r'pool (.+)\r')
poolByVip = regVip.findall(vip) # poolByVip holds pool name from the vip_config file
for poolblock in pool_config:
regPool = re.compile(r'pool (.+) {')
poolByConfig = regPool.findall(poolblock)
if poolByVip == poolByConfig:
print vip + poolblock
elif poolByVip == ['none']:
print vip
Yes, you should present your output to the web via view. You need to write a view function (or a class view) in and provide an url where you want to have it in
If you rewrite your function to return desired result instead of printing it, tou can do the following:
write this in
from django.http import HttpResponse
from wherever_you_have_it import regexFunction
def bar(request):
result = regexFunction() # result should be a string
return HttpResponse(result)
and in
from .views import bar
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^foo$', bar),
Providing of course you have created your Django app at the first place.
Your result should be displayed as plain text on address localhost:8000/foo - but you need to:
python runserver
In your terminal first
And of course feel free to look at:
to see how a simple django app looks like

