VSCodium - can't configure Python support - python

I'm using VSCodium and I can't install any kind of Python support.
I have Python installed on my OS (5.6.15-arch1-1), available in $PATH.
When I follow the guide I can't install the plugin and get IntelliSense/whatever working.
code --version
How to install plugins in order to have Python3 support in this IDE?

You could check that your VSCodium has successfully installed Python extensions.
I reproduced the problem you described, and after installing the python extension, the problem is solved.

The problem was with Python extension like Jill Cheng said, but couldn't install it due errors.
code --install-extension ms-python.python
It failed due weird error:
Installing extensions...Cannot read property 'length' of null
What I did:
Update vscodium (yay -Sy vscodium-bin in my case)
sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.vscode-oss
Suddenly it worked when installing from GUI again - previously nothing was happening
I assume update fixed something deep inside VSCodium, since chown didnt change any ownership in config folder.


Cannot install reportlab in pycharm(venv) on macOS

The problem
Right now I am trying to set up a virtual development environment on a macOS in pycharm.
The issue that I am facing is with this command
pip install -r requirements.txt
I am using python 2.7 right now and I am needing to install reportlab==2.4
I also get an error message when I try to install reportlab outside of pycharm and outside of my venv, that is if I explicitly do
pip install reportlab==2.4 in the terminal
I will include some of the screenshots of the errors but it is about 800+ lines of output going through the process of copying, creating, and displaying syntax error messages/other errors.
Something else that I have noticed is that a lot of the errors start with 'cc' which might be an issue because I am writing in pycharm on a mac and there might be some dependencies that I am missing/I don't have support for C code somewhere? I have installed xcode command tools already but the version of gcc might be too new/too strict? the version is xcode-select version 2384
I have tried a lot of things to get this working but cannot seem to crack it.
I will try to answer questions as I see them but in the meantime, if you have any suggestions, I am open to anything.
** UPDATE **
I did see that most of these were just warnings.
I managed to find a command that suppressed these warnings and allowed reportlab==2.4 to install correctly.
CFLAGS="-Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration" pip install reportlab==2.4

installed pip package not found

I was just given a new mac and after installing pip and lcc through pip I get a command not found error when running lcc run.
When running help("modules") inside of python I can see the lcc package there.
the same goes for pip freeze
pip freeze | grep lemon
I'm running out of ideas.....
maybe I messed up the pip installation because I did it first with:
python get-pip.py
and then with
sudo easy_install pip
how do I fix this?
this is my echo $PATH
From what you're saying it seems that your python installation is not quite right, and Mac's version of python is also not quite right by default, you can read more about it here: http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/starting/install/osx/#doing-it-right
Also, I would highly advise that when you get a brand new Mac and plan to do some development work as a rule of thumb follow these steps:
Install xcode
Install Homebrew
Then you can install anything else you want.
I think the problem is due to the fact you have more than one version of python installed. Package installed by pip are visible to one version, but not to the other. I think this issue is quite common, and has already been answered (for example) here:
Too many different Python versions on my system and causing problems
To check that this is the case:
pip show Icc
should tell you where Icc was installed.
import sys
print sys.path
should tell where python looks for modules.

How to install wxPython on Ubuntu 14.04?

I am trying to install wxPython from src as I need the exact version on Ubuntu. (So, I cannot follow the suggesion in the related question) I downloaded the source and did ./configure, make and make install. It seems to have ended without errors with the following message.
The installation of wxWidgets is finished. On certain platforms
(e.g. Linux) you'll now have to run ldconfig if you installed a
shared library and also modify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or equivalent)
environment variable. wxWidgets comes with no guarantees and
doesn't claim to be suitable for any purpose.
I confirmed my installation is not working by doing import wx & wx.version(). What needs to be done to complete the installation? Where should I set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to?
Doing ./configure, make and make install only builds and installs wxWidgets. You also need to build wxPython using the build-wxpython.py script, which by default will also do the wxWidgets portion of the build for you, using known good configure flags. See wxPython/docs/BUILD.txt in the source tarball.
Try to check if wx is in sys.pah.
You can do it with this code
import sys
print sys.path
In output must be something like that /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/wx
If not, adding path to wx folder to system path should solve your problem.
gtk3 should be install first
$sudo apt-get libgtk-3-dev
If you are facing problem to install wxpython on Python3 please use this command to install wxpython
$ pip install -U -f https://extras.wxpython.org/wxPython4/extras/linux/gtk3/ubuntu-16.04 wxPython
By this command you can install latest wxPython4 version.
If you are using Windows or macOS
$ pip install -U wxpython
Older Version you can get from this link

Installing Pyqt4 with brew

Im working with brew to install PyQt on python3 but I cant seem to get it to work
I ran brew install pyqt and brew doctor to fix all possible errors but still when running my code I keep getting
ImportError: No module named 'PyQt4'
If I run echo $PATH im getting /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/git/bin
Can someone please guide me on fixing this problem? I am also using PyCharm but I still get the same error if I run in terminal python3 then import pyqt
please help me :( im really new in this but I tried everything that I could find in google
PD: Running brew test pyqt does not bring an error but it does not open. Also I installed python3 with brew and im currently running it from /usr/local/Cellar/python3/3.4.3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/bin/python3.4
If you want to use PyQt4 with Python 3, you should use this command to tell homebrew:
brew install PyQt --with-python3
I had the exact same problem. Installing using the instructions of Longhanks did not work as it said it was already installed.
I got it working with
brew reinstall PyQt --with-python3
The following method is for python 2.7. You can replace the 2.7 into your current python version like 3.4 (enter the directory to see which to use).
Because by default the python package is installed in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages which is not included in python library
mkdir -p /Users/zgf/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages
echo 'import site; site.addsitedir("/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages")' >> /Users/zgf/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages/homebrew.pth
where zgf should be replaced by your username in OSX.
You can also copy the relevant files from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages into your personal python site package directory or public site package directory (/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages) if you can root.

How can I use pywin32 with a virtualenv without having to include the host environment's site-packages folder?

I'm working with PyInstaller under Python 2.6, which is only partially supported due to the mess MS have created with their manifest nonense which now affects Python since it is now MSVC8 compiled.
The problem is that the manifest embedding support relies on the pywin32 extensions in order to build which is a pain because without including the host's site-packages folder when I create the virtualenv (kinda defeats the point in a build environment) I cannot find a way to install the required extensions so they are accessible to PyInstaller.
Has anyone found a solution to this issue?
I found http://old.nabble.com/Windows:-virtualenv-and-pywin32--td27658201.html (now a dead link) which offered the following solution:
Browse http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/ for the URL of the exe you want
Activate your virtualenv
Run easy_install http://PATH.TO/EXE/DOWNLOAD
This works with modern versions of setuptools (circa February 2014, reported by tovmeod in the comments).
If you are using an old version of setuptools (or distribute it merged back into setuptools), you may get this error message:
error: c:\users\blah\appdata\local\temp\easy_install-ibkzv7\pywin32-214.win32-py2.6.exe is not a valid distutils Windows .exe
In which case:
Download the exe yourself
Activate your virtualenv
Run easy_install DOWNLOADED_FILE.exe
I rather hopefully tried "pip install" rather than "easy_install", but this didn't work, and likely never will (citation needed).
Finally, I found but haven't tested a solution at http://www.mail-archive.com/python-list#python.org/msg272040.html which is:
Solved this by copying the pywin32.pth file into my virtualenv site-packages
and editing the file to point to the path.
If the other options don't work for you, maybe this will?
For Python 2.7 or 3.x use pypiwin32.
pip install pypiwin32
OK, well since I had to find a way forward I improvised. I've internally created a git repository with a hacked-together version of pywin32 that will install within a virtualenv using the standard setup.py script. It took a lot of fiddling to make it work right but I managed to get it to load and the dependent code now works as I need it to. If people feel this would be of benefit to the community please post a comment: if I get enough I'll try and put something up on my github account.
This may have been improved since previous answer, since I've successfully installed pywin32 on sandbox on several machines without any specific "hacks" :
$ virtualenv sandbox
$ sandbox\scripts\activate
(sandbox) $ git clone https://github.com/Travis-Sun/pywin32.git
(sandbox) $ cd pywin32
(sandbox) $ python setup.py install
Tested with following environment :
windows 7
python 2.7.10 with virtualenv
VS2008. It may also work (but I've not tested yet) with
Edit: Scratch this for now, appears to be some problems with the installation still...
I got rather tired of the whole situation, and just created a set of converted wheels ("wheel convert <.exe>"). I'll try and keep them maintained for the most recent build, but do shout if there are any issues.
Installation can be done easily using pip and pointing to the package matching your version and architecture. For example, for Python 3.5/amd64:
pip install https://tr00st.co.uk/python/wheel/pywin32/pywin32-219-cp35-none-win_amd64.whl
Caveat: The --upgrade process currently fails, as the uninstall procedure is unable to clean up after itself (Access Denied when cleaning up win32api.pyd) - this is only when removing the temporary directory, which can be manually deleted. Easiest way around this is to uninstall and reinstall instead of upgrading, then manually delete the temporary folder.

