Hvplot : How to delete default tools - python

I'm using HvPlot and it works perfectly but I don't know how to delete the default tools 'pan', 'wheel_zoom' and 'box_zoom'.
My code for the HvPlot is :
points = df.hvplot.line(x='x', y='y',
tools=['xpan', # move along x
'xwheel_pan', # move along x with wheel
'xwheel_zoom', # zoom on x with wheel
'xzoom_in', # zoom in on x
'xzoom_out', # zoom out on x
'crosshair', # show where the mouse is on axis
'xbox_zoom', # zoom on selection along x
'undo', # undo action
'redo'], # redo action
width=1200, height=550,
I have this figure :

You can use .opts(default_tools=[]) to get rid of the default tools:
Example code:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import hvplot.pandas
df = pd.DataFrame({
'x': np.random.normal(size=50),
'y': np.random.normal(size=50),
scatter_plot = df.hvplot.scatter(
x='x', y='y',
# manually specifying the default tools gets rid of any preset default tools
# you also just use an empty list here
See also this question + answers:
How to control (active) tools in holoviews with bokeh backend
Resulting plot with only the specified tools and default tools:


How to remove points from a dataframe based on a selected area on a plot

I have some experimental data that is often flawed with artifacts exemplified with something like this:
I need a quick way to manually select these random spikes and remove them from datasets.
I figured that any plotting library with a focus on interactive plots should have an easy way to do this but so far I keep struggling with finding a simple way to do what I want.
I'm a Matplotlib/Seaborn guy and this calls for interactive solution. I briefly checked Plotly, Bokeh and Altair and decided to go with the first one. My first attempt looks like this:
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from ipywidgets import interactive, HBox, VBox, Button
url='https://drive.google.com/uc?id=' + url.split('/')[-2]
df = pd.read_csv(url, index_col=0)
f = go.FigureWidget()
for col in df.columns[-1:]:
f.add_scatter(x = df.index, y=df[col], mode='markers+lines',
selected_marker=dict(size=5, color='red'),
marker=dict(size=1, color='lightgrey', line=dict(width=1, color='lightgrey')))
t = go.FigureWidget([go.Table(
header=dict(values=['selector range'],
fill = dict(color='#C2D4FF'),
align = ['left'] * 5),
cells=dict(values=['None selected' for col in ['ID']],
fill = dict(color='#F5F8FF'),
align = ['left'] * 5)
def selection_fn(trace,points,selector):
t.data[0].cells.values = [selector.xrange]
def update_axes(dataset):
scatter = f.data[0]
scatter.x = df.index
scatter.y = df[dataset]
axis_dropdowns = interactive(update_axes, dataset = df.columns)
button1 = Button(description="Remove points")
button2 = Button(description="Reset")
button3 = Button(description="Fit data")
VBox((HBox((axis_dropdowns.children)), HBox((button1, button2, button3)), f,t))
Which gives:
So I managed to get Selector Box x coordinates (and temporarily print them inside the table widget). But what I couldn't figure out is how to easily bind a function to button1 that would take as an argument Box Selector coordinates and remove selected points from a dataframe and replot the data. So something like this:
def on_button_click_remove(scatter.selector.xrange):
mask = (df.index >= scatter.selector.xrange[0]) & (df.index <= scatter.selector.xrange[1])
clean_df = df.drop(df.index[mask])
scatter(data = clean_df...) #update scatter plot
button1 = Button(description="Remove points", on_click = on_button_click_remove)
I checked https://plotly.com/python/custom-buttons/ but I am still not sure how to use it for my purpose.
I suggest to use Holoviews and Panel.
They are high level visualization tools that facilitate the creation and control of low level bokeh, matplotlib or plotly figures.
Here are an example:
import panel as pn
import holoviews as hv
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
# This example use bokeh as backend.
# You can try plotly or matplotlib with minor modification on the codes below.
# For example you can use on_selection callback from Plotly
# https://plotly.com/python/v3/selection-events/
display( pn.extension( ) ) # activate panel
pt = hv.Points(
data=df, kdims=['index', 'A' ]
).options( marker='x', size=2,
tools=['hover', 'box_select', 'lasso_select', 'reset'],
height=250, width=600
fig = hv.render(pt)
source = fig.select({'type':ColumnDataSource})
bt = pn.widgets.Button(name='remove selected')
def rm_sel(evt):
i = df.iloc[source.selected.indices].index # get index to delete
df.drop(i, inplace=True, errors='ignore') # modify dataframe
source.data = df # update data source
source.selected.indices=[] # clear selection
pn.io.push_notebook(app) # update figure
app=pn.Column(fig,'Click to delete the selected points', bt)
A related example can be found in this SO answer

How to specify axis limits in geoviews (python)?

I have been using geopandas, but I am trying to switch to geoviews because it is more interactive. I'm wondering how to specify the axis limits for plotted data as a default view. I understand that it will always plot all of the data that exist, but it would be nice to have a given zoom for the purpose of this project. I posted the image of the map output below. However, I want it to output with xlim = ([-127, -102]) and ylim = ([25, 44]). I looked on stackoverflow and other places online and was unable to find the answer.
# Read in shapefiles
fire = pd.read_pickle(r'fire_Aug2020.pkl')
fire = fire.loc[fire['FRP'] != -999.0, :]
# Assign gv.Image
data = gv.Dataset(fire[['Lon','Lat','YearDay']])
points = data.to(gv.Points, ['Lon','Lat'])
m = (points).opts(tools = ['hover'], width = 400, height = 200)
Your are very close to a working solution. Try to add xlim and ylim as tuple to the opts call.
Minimal Example
Comment: GeoViews is based on Holoviews, see the documentation for more details.
Because GeoViews is not installed on my machine, the example below uses HoloViews. I will update this answer soon.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import numpy as np
import holoviews as hv
from holoviews import opts
fire = pd.DataFrame({'Lat':np.random.randint(10,80,50),'Lon':np.random.randint(-160,-60,50)})
data = hv.Dataset(fire[['Lon','Lat']])
points = data.to(hv.Points, ['Lon','Lat'])
(points).opts(tools = ['hover'], width = 400)
Above is the output without limits and below I make use of xlim and ylim.
(points).opts(tools = ['hover'], width = 400, height = 200, xlim=(-127,-102), ylim=(25,44))

How to autohide the Bokeh toolbar when using holoviews

The holoviews documentation mentions that the Bokeh toolbar can be hidden or moved: http://holoviews.org/user_guide/Plotting_with_Bokeh.html
The bokeh document shows how to autohide the toolbar so it only shows on mouse-over.
Is it possible to autohide the toolbar when using holoviews as it doesn't allow me to pass options like toolbar='autohide'
Any help would be most welcome.
title="Funding Requested per Year",
Possible settings for the position of the toolbar are:
['above', 'below', 'left', 'right', 'disable', None]
So you can't set autohide like that, but...
1) You can use hooks to set autohide.
With hooks you can customize the plot just before it will be plotted.
def set_toolbar_autohide(plot, element):
bokeh_plot = plot.state
bokeh_plot.toolbar.autohide = True
your_plot.opts(hooks=[set_toolbar_autohide], backend='bokeh')
You can also find useful info on hooks in the FAQ:
2) Another solution would be to convert your Holoviews plot to an actual bokeh plot and then set the bokeh toolbar to autohide:
Quick solution is basically:
my_bokeh_plot = hv.render(my_hv_plot, backend='bokeh')
my_bokeh_plot.toolbar.autohide = True
Full working example of 2nd solution:
# import libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import holoviews as hv
import hvplot.pandas
hv.extension('bokeh', logo=False)
from bokeh.plotting import show
# create sample dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({
'col1': np.random.normal(size=30),
'col2': np.random.normal(size=30),
# create holoviews plot
my_hv_plot = df.hvplot.scatter(label='Scattering around', width=700)
# turn plot into bokeh plot
my_bokeh_plot = hv.render(my_hv_plot, backend='bokeh')
# set toolbar to autohide
my_bokeh_plot.toolbar.autohide = True
# show plot

Bokeh: disable Auto-ranging while using Edit Tools

I've included the PolyDrawTool in my Bokeh plot to let users circle points. When a user draws a line near the edge of the plot the tool expands the axes which often messes up the shape. Is there a way to freeze the axes while a user is drawing on the plot?
I'm using bokeh 1.3.4
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import string
from bokeh.io import show
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, LabelSet
from bokeh.models import PolyDrawTool, MultiLine
def prepare_plot():
embedding_df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random((100, 2)), columns=['x', 'y'])
embedding_df['word'] = embedding_df.apply(lambda x: ''.join(np.random.choice(list(string.ascii_lowercase), (8,))), axis=1)
# Plot preparation configuration Data source
source = ColumnDataSource(ColumnDataSource.from_df(embedding_df))
labels = LabelSet(x="x", y="y", text="word", y_offset=-10,x_offset = 5,
text_font_size="10pt", text_color="#555555",
source=source, text_align='center')
plot = figure(plot_width=1000, plot_height=500, active_scroll="wheel_zoom",
tools='pan, box_select, wheel_zoom, save, reset')
# Configure free-hand draw
draw_source = ColumnDataSource(data={'xs': [], 'ys': [], 'color': []})
renderer = plot.multi_line('xs', 'ys', line_width=5, alpha=0.4, color='color', source=draw_source)
renderer.selection_glyph = MultiLine(line_color='color', line_width=5, line_alpha=0.8)
draw_tool = PolyDrawTool(renderers=[renderer], empty_value='red')
# Add the data and labels to plot
plot.circle("x", "y", size=0, source=source, line_color="black", fill_alpha=0.8)
return plot
if __name__ == '__main__':
plot = prepare_plot()
The PolyDrawTool actually updates a ColumnDataSource to drive a glyph that draws what the users indicates. The behavior you are seeing is a natural consequence of that fact, combined with Bokeh's default auto-ranging DataRange1d (which by default also consider every glyph when computing the auto-bounds). So, you have two options:
Don't use DataRange1d at all, e.g. you can provide fixed axis bounds when you call figure:
p = figure(..., x_range=(0,10), y_range=(-20, 20)
or you can set them after the fact:
p.x_range = Range1d(0, 10)
p.y_range = Range1d(-20, 20)
Of course, with this approach you will no longer get any auto-ranging at all; you will need to set the axis ranges to exactly the start/end that you want.
Make DataRange1d be more selective by explicitly setting its renderers property:
r = p.circle(...)
p.x_range.renderers = [r]
p.y_range.renderers = [r]
Now the DataRange models will only consider the circle renderer when computing the auto-ranged start/end.

How to keep or set width and height of my holoviews plot when using datashade?

I'm trying to create a plot with multiple categories, and have a plot for every category.
Since there are so many datapoints, I'm using datashade. But datashade ignores the width and height that I set for those plots.
How can I keep the width and height that I already set for my plot when using datashader?
Below is example code for this:
# import libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import hvplot
import hvplot.pandas
import holoviews as hv
from holoviews.operation.datashader import datashade
# create some sample data
sample_scatter1 = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, size=50)
sample_scatter2 = np.random.normal(loc=300., size=50)
sample_category = np.random.choice(2, size=50)
demo_df = pd.DataFrame({
'col1': sample_scatter1,
'col2': sample_scatter2,
'category': sample_category,
hv_demo_df = hv.Dataset(demo_df, kdims=['col1', 'category'], vdims=['col2'])
# when i plot without datashade, width works fine
# but with using datashade here i lose the width that i set
Plot when not using datashade:
Plot when using datashade where I lose width and height that I set:
The issue here is that applying an operation can perform any transform on an element, which means many of the options aren't necessarily valid after the transform has been applied. Therefore operations usually end up dropping the options applied to an element, making it necessary to reapply them after the fact. In your example that means you have to do:
hv_demo_df = hv.Dataset(demo_df, kdims=['col1', 'category'], vdims=['col2'])
I agree this is not ideal and we have discussed making sure that at least all options shared by the input and output elements are transferred. This is also related to this issue, which suggests that operation (like datashade) should also use any options applied to the element.

