How to specify axis limits in geoviews (python)? - python

I have been using geopandas, but I am trying to switch to geoviews because it is more interactive. I'm wondering how to specify the axis limits for plotted data as a default view. I understand that it will always plot all of the data that exist, but it would be nice to have a given zoom for the purpose of this project. I posted the image of the map output below. However, I want it to output with xlim = ([-127, -102]) and ylim = ([25, 44]). I looked on stackoverflow and other places online and was unable to find the answer.
# Read in shapefiles
fire = pd.read_pickle(r'fire_Aug2020.pkl')
fire = fire.loc[fire['FRP'] != -999.0, :]
# Assign gv.Image
data = gv.Dataset(fire[['Lon','Lat','YearDay']])
points =, ['Lon','Lat'])
m = (points).opts(tools = ['hover'], width = 400, height = 200)

Your are very close to a working solution. Try to add xlim and ylim as tuple to the opts call.
Minimal Example
Comment: GeoViews is based on Holoviews, see the documentation for more details.
Because GeoViews is not installed on my machine, the example below uses HoloViews. I will update this answer soon.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import numpy as np
import holoviews as hv
from holoviews import opts
fire = pd.DataFrame({'Lat':np.random.randint(10,80,50),'Lon':np.random.randint(-160,-60,50)})
data = hv.Dataset(fire[['Lon','Lat']])
points =, ['Lon','Lat'])
(points).opts(tools = ['hover'], width = 400)
Above is the output without limits and below I make use of xlim and ylim.
(points).opts(tools = ['hover'], width = 400, height = 200, xlim=(-127,-102), ylim=(25,44))


How to assign variable fig for animation function in Python 3

I want to make an animation of multiple plots whose rendering evolves in time.
The files that I need are under the format, for example for one :
DD0043/DD0043. So I use the trick : f'{43:04}' to fill the zeros leading for each file (the files go from DD0000/DD0000 to DD0922/DD0922.
Here the script, warning, the plot is done with yt-project tool :
import yt
import os, sys
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from matplotlib import rc_context
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# animate must accept an integer frame number. We use the frame number
# to identify which dataset in the time series we want to load
def animate(i):
# Number of files
numFiles = int(os.popen('ls -dl DD* | wc -l').read())
# Array for each data directory
array_data = np.array(numFiles)
for i in range(numFiles):
data = yt.load('DD'+str(f'{i:04}')+'/DD'+str(f'{i:04}'))
sc = yt.create_scene(data, lens_type='perspective')
source = sc[0]
# Set up the camera parameters: focus, width, resolution, and image orientation = ds.domain_center = 1024 = [0, 0, 1] = [1.7, 1.7, 1.7]
# You may need to adjust the alpha values to get an image with good contrast.
# For the annotate_domain call, the fourth value in the color tuple is the
# alpha value.
sc.annotate_domain(ds, color=[1, 1, 1, .01])
text_string = "T = {} Gyr".format(float(array_data[i]'Gyr')))
fig = plt.figure()
animation = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=numFiles)
# Override matplotlib's defaults to get a nicer looking font
with rc_context({'mathtext.fontset': 'stix'}):'animation.mp4')
But at the execution, I get the following error :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 52, in <module>'animation.mp4')
File "/Users/fab/Library/Python/3.7/lib/python/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 1135, in save
File "/Users/fab/Library/Python/3.7/lib/python/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 1743, in _init_draw
I don't know if I do the things correctly, especially for the variable fig that I initialize with :
fig = plt.figure()
Actually, I am trying to adapt to my case this script which creates a movie :
make animation
i.e :
import yt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from matplotlib import rc_context
ts = yt.load('GasSloshingLowRes/sloshing_low_res_hdf5_plt_cnt_*')
plot = yt.SlicePlot(ts[0], 'z', 'density')
plot.set_zlim('density', 8e-29, 3e-26)
fig = plot.plots['density'].figure
# animate must accept an integer frame number. We use the frame number
# to identify which dataset in the time series we want to load
def animate(i):
ds = ts[i]
animation = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=len(ts))
# Override matplotlib's defaults to get a nicer looking font
with rc_context({'mathtext.fontset': 'stix'}):'animation.mp4')
UPDATE 1: I didn't find a way to use correctly to generate an animation: always this issue about the fig variable.
But I managed to generate all the images corresponding for each one to an output file DDxxxx/DDxxxx. I have proceeded like this:
import yt
import os, sys
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from matplotlib import rc_context
# Number of files
numFiles = int(os.popen('ls -dl DD* | wc -l').read())
# Loop to load input files
ts = []
for j in range(numFiles):
ts = np.append(ts, yt.load('DD'+str(f'{j:04}')+'/DD'+str(f'{j:04}')))
plot = yt.SlicePlot(ts[0], 'z', 'density')
plot.set_zlim('density', 8e-29, 3e-26)
# create plotting figure
fig = plot.plots['density'].figure
# animate must accept an integer frame number. We use the frame number
# to identify which dataset in the time series we want to load
def animate(i):
ds = ts[i]
sc = yt.create_scene(ds, lens_type='perspective')
source = sc[0]
# Set up the camera parameters: focus, width, resolution, and image orientation = ds.domain_center = 1024 = [0, 0, 1] = [1.7, 1.7, 1.7]
# You may need to adjust the alpha values to get an image with good contrast.
# For the annotate_domain call, the fourth value in the color tuple is the
# alpha value.
sc.annotate_domain(ds, color=[1, 1, 1, .01])
text_string = "T = {} Gyr".format(float('Gyr')))
## Here the scene needs to be painted into my figure / plot.'rendering_'+str(i)+'.png')
animation = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=numFiles)
# Override matplotlib's defaults to get a nicer looking font
with rc_context({'mathtext.fontset': 'stix'}):'animation.mp4')
If I open a single .png, I get a correct image representing a 3D scene.
Unfortunately, the animation function is not working, I get just a 2D heatmap plot showing the density projected: I would like to get an animation of the 3D scene figures (rendering_xxx.png).
It seems that I have to use ffmpeg to generate this animation from the multiple .png image, excepted if I find a way to know how to use Python FuncAnimation function (included in yt library ? or in Python by default ?).
UPDATE 2: here an example of figure (a frame actually) of animation I would like to get (this is a figure which represents gas density inside a box, i.e. in 3D) :
Unfortunately, #NightTrain's script produces this kind of plot :
As you can see, I don't understand why I get a 2D heatmap with NightTrain's solution instead of a 3D scene.
Moreover, there is no animation in this 2D heatmap, the movie displays always this same figure.
UPDATE3 : the last solution suggested by #Night train produces the following error :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 30, in <module>
plot = yt.SlicePlot(ts[0], 'z', 'density')
File "/Users/henry/Library/Python/3.7/lib/python/site-packages/yt/data_objects/", line 201, in __getitem__
o = self._pre_outputs[key]
IndexError: list index out of range
I don't understand why this error occurs.
If you could provide more information it would be easier to help. I fixed your code and it is running now.
You also forgot to use the text_string variable.
Since the array_data variable isn't used I removed it.
import yt
import os, sys
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from matplotlib import rc_context
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pathlib
import glob
base_path = "enzo_tiny_cosmology"
paths = sorted(glob.glob(base_path + "/DD*/DD[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]"))
# paths = [x.joinpath( for x in sorted(pathlib.Path(base_path).glob("DD*"))]
# Array for each data directory
# array_data = np.zeros(len(paths))
# array_data = [None for x in range(len(paths))]
ts = yt.load(paths)
# ts = yt.load(base_path + "/DD*/DD[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]")
# print(ts.outputs)
plot = yt.SlicePlot(ts[0], 'z', 'density')
fig = plot.plots['density'].figure
# animate must accept an integer frame number. We use the frame number
# to identify which dataset in the time series we want to load
def animate(i):
data = ts[i]
sc = yt.create_scene(data, lens_type='perspective')
source = sc[0]
# Set up the camera parameters: focus, width, resolution, and image orientation = data.domain_center = 1024 = [0, 0, 1] = [1.7, 1.7, 1.7]
# You may need to adjust the alpha values to get an image with good contrast.
# For the annotate_domain call, the fourth value in the color tuple is the
# alpha value.
sc.annotate_domain(data, color=[1, 1, 1, .01])
text_string = "T = {} Gyr".format(float('Gyr')))
animation = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames = len(paths))
# Override matplotlib's defaults to get a nicer looking font
with rc_context({'mathtext.fontset': 'stix'}):'animation.mp4')
Instead of counting the lines of ls -dlyou might want to use a python solution. which also lets you use the paths directly without contructing them later. You can use either pathlib or the os module.
import pathlib
import glob
base_path = "enzo_tiny_cosmology"
paths = sorted(glob.glob(base_path + "/DD*/DD[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]"))
paths = [x.joinpath( for x in sorted(pathlib.Path(base_path).glob("DD*"))]
For testing I downloaded these datasets:
curl -sSO
tar xzf enzo_tiny_cosmology.tar.gz
curl -sSO
tar xzf GasSloshingLowRes.tar.gz
If you want to save the rendered scenes as video you could e.g. use imageio or opencv:
import yt, glob, imageio
# animate must accept an integer frame number. We use the frame number
# to identify which dataset in the time series we want to load
def animate(data):
sc = yt.create_scene(data, lens_type='perspective')
source = sc[0]
# Set up the camera parameters: focus, width, resolution, and image orientation = data.domain_center = 1024 = [0, 0, 1] = [1.7, 1.7, 1.7]
# You may need to adjust the alpha values to get an image with good contrast.
# For the annotate_domain call, the fourth value in the color tuple is the
# alpha value.
sc.annotate_domain(data, color=[1, 1, 1, .01])
return sc.render()
paths = sorted(glob.glob("/DD*/DD[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]"))
ts = yt.load(paths)
plot = yt.SlicePlot(ts[0], 'z', 'density')
plot.set_zlim('density', 8e-29, 3e-26)
vid_writer = imageio.get_writer("animation.mp4", fps = 10)
for frame in ts:
rendered_image = animate(frame)
There are some issues that I can see right away.
The animate function refers to a plot variable that is not defined.
array_data = np.array(numFiles) will result in the number of files in a one-item numpy array. Probably not intended and will cause that array_data[i] fails for i>=1.
array_data is not filled with data afterwards, either.
I don't see any plotting being done. fig = plt.figure() will only provide you with an empty figure.
So, with that I'll restructure your code a bit:
import yt
import os, sys
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from matplotlib import rc_context
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# Number of files
numFiles = int(os.popen('ls -dl DD* | wc -l').read())
# create plotting figure
fig = plt.figure()
# animate must accept an integer frame number. We use the frame number
# to identify which dataset in the time series we want to load
def animate(i):
data = yt.load('DD'+str(f'{i:04}')+'/DD'+str(f'{i:04}'))
sc = yt.create_scene(data, lens_type='perspective')
source = sc[0]
# Set up the camera parameters: focus, width, resolution, and image orientation = ds.domain_center = 1024 = [0, 0, 1] = [1.7, 1.7, 1.7]
# You may need to adjust the alpha values to get an image with good contrast.
# For the annotate_domain call, the fourth value in the color tuple is the
# alpha value.
sc.annotate_domain(ds, color=[1, 1, 1, .01])
text_string = "T = {} Gyr".format(float('Gyr')))
## Here the scene needs to be painted into your figure / plot.
animation = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=numFiles)
# Override matplotlib's defaults to get a nicer looking font
with rc_context({'mathtext.fontset': 'stix'}):'animation.mp4')
However, I also see in the example that yt supports loading several files at once:
ts = yt.load('GasSloshingLowRes/sloshing_low_res_hdf5_plt_cnt_*') so you might want to consider that as well.
I'm well aware that this is not a running example, but I hope this will help you tracking this down.

How can I rotate a matplotlib map?

Starting with a shapefile I obtained from, I'd like to plot the borough of Manhattan, and have outlines for each taxi-zone.
This code rotates each individual taxi zone individually instead of all at once.
import geopandas as gpd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
fname = "path_to_shapefile.shp"
df = gpd.read_file(fname)
df = df[df['borough'] == "Manhattan"]
glist = gpd.GeoSeries([g for g in df['geometry']])
glist = glist.rotate(90)
I have further refined this to be able to rotate the image programmatically. However, if I add a legend, then that is also rotated, which is not desirable. Still looking for a better solution.
Note, there is also this stackoverflow post (How can I rotate a matplotlib plot through 90 degrees?), however, the solutions that rotate the plot, and not the image, only work with 90 degree rotations.
import geopandas as gpd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
from matplotlib import transforms
fname = "path_to_shapefile.shp"
df = gpd.read_file(fname)
df = df[df['borough'] == "Manhattan"]
img = plt.imread('test.png')
rotated_img = ndimage.rotate(img, -65)
A simple modification to the answer given below by #PMende solved it.
df = gpd.read_file(fname)
df = df[df['borough'] == "Manhattan"]
glist = gpd.GeoSeries([g for g in df['geometry']])
glist = glist.rotate(-65, origin=(0,0))
The key was rotating all of the objects around a single point, instead of around their individual origins.
[EDIT 3] If anyone is trying to do this, and needs to save the resulting rotated geoseries to a dataframe (say for instance, to color the geometry based on an additional column), you need to create a new one, simply writing
df['geometry'] = glist
does not work. I'm not sure why at the moment. However, the following code worked for me.
new_dataframe = gpd.GeoDataFrame(glist)
new_dataframe = new_dataframe.rename(columns={0:'geometry'}).set_geometry('geometry')
If I'm understanding GeoPandas' documentation correctly, you can specify the origin of the rotation of each of your geometries (which by default is the center of each geometry). To get your desired behavior, you can rotate each shape about the same origin.
For example:
import geopandas as gpd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
fname = "path_to_shapefile.shp"
df = gpd.read_file(fname)
df = df[df['borough'] == "Manhattan"]
center = df["geometry"].iloc[0].centroid()
glist = gpd.GeoSeries([g for g in df['geometry']])
glist = glist.rotate(90, origin=center)
I can't test this myself, but it should hopefully get you started in the right direction.
(Though I also agree with #martinfeleis' point about not necessarily wanting to rotate the geometry, but rather the plot.)

How to keep or set width and height of my holoviews plot when using datashade?

I'm trying to create a plot with multiple categories, and have a plot for every category.
Since there are so many datapoints, I'm using datashade. But datashade ignores the width and height that I set for those plots.
How can I keep the width and height that I already set for my plot when using datashader?
Below is example code for this:
# import libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import hvplot
import hvplot.pandas
import holoviews as hv
from holoviews.operation.datashader import datashade
# create some sample data
sample_scatter1 = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, size=50)
sample_scatter2 = np.random.normal(loc=300., size=50)
sample_category = np.random.choice(2, size=50)
demo_df = pd.DataFrame({
'col1': sample_scatter1,
'col2': sample_scatter2,
'category': sample_category,
hv_demo_df = hv.Dataset(demo_df, kdims=['col1', 'category'], vdims=['col2'])
# when i plot without datashade, width works fine
# but with using datashade here i lose the width that i set
Plot when not using datashade:
Plot when using datashade where I lose width and height that I set:
The issue here is that applying an operation can perform any transform on an element, which means many of the options aren't necessarily valid after the transform has been applied. Therefore operations usually end up dropping the options applied to an element, making it necessary to reapply them after the fact. In your example that means you have to do:
hv_demo_df = hv.Dataset(demo_df, kdims=['col1', 'category'], vdims=['col2'])
I agree this is not ideal and we have discussed making sure that at least all options shared by the input and output elements are transferred. This is also related to this issue, which suggests that operation (like datashade) should also use any options applied to the element.

How to use RangetoolLink with holoviews in an Overlayed plot

I am trying to use the holoviews Rangetool link in a holoviews Overlayed plot. But unable to achieve the range linking to work. Is it possible to achieve this.?
Based on these links example 1 and example 2 I tried the options with an overlayed plot instead of a single curve plot. But this didn't work. Below I provided an example with a similar dummy data.
import pandas as pd
import holoviews as hv
from holoviews import opts
import numpy as np
from holoviews.plotting.links import RangeToolLink
# Genrate Random Data
def randomDataGenerator(noOfSampleDataSets):
for i in range(noOfSampleDataSets):
res = np.random.randn(1000).cumsum()
yield res
# Overlay Plots
overlaid_plot = hv.Overlay([hv.Curve(data)
.opts(width=800, height=600, axiswise=True, default_tools=[])
for data in randomDataGenerator(5)])
# Adjust Source Height
source = overlaid_plot.opts(height=200)
# adjust target plot attributes
target = source.opts(clone=True, width=800, labelled=['y'],)
# Link source and target
rtlink = RangeToolLink(source, target)
# Compose and plot.
(target + source).cols(1).opts(merge_tools=False)
I expect that the source plot will show up with a range tool as shown in the example and be able to select a range in it which should select the same data points in the target plot.
Following code works in my case. I slightly refactored the code. But the logic is still the same. So if we have a an overlaid plot, link one of the curves in the overlayed plot works fine with all the remaining curves.
Following code works in a jupyter notebook. Its not tested in other environment.
import holoviews as hv
import numpy as np
from holoviews.plotting.links import RangeToolLink
# Genrate Random Data
def randomDataGenerator(noOfSampleDataSets):
for i in range(noOfSampleDataSets):
res = np.random.randn(1000).cumsum()
yield res
#generate all curves
def getCurves(n):
for data in randomDataGenerator(n):
curve = hv.Curve(data)
yield curve
source_curves, target_curves = [], []
for curve in getCurves(10):
# Without relabel, the curve somehow shares the ranging properties. opts with clone=True doesn't help either.
src = curve.relabel('').opts(width=800, height=200, yaxis=None, default_tools=[])
tgt = curve.opts(width=800, labelled=['y'], toolbar='disable')
# link RangeTool for the first curves in the list.
#Overlay the source and target curves
overlaid_plot_src = hv.Overlay(source_curves).relabel('Source')
overlaid_plot_tgt = hv.Overlay(target_curves).relabel('Target').opts(height=600)
# layout the plot and render
layout = (overlaid_plot_tgt + overlaid_plot_src).cols(1)

Drawing a surface 3D plot using "plotnine" library

Question : Using the python library 'plotnine', can we draw an interactive 3D surface plot?
Backup Explanations
What I'd like to do is, under python environment, creating an interactive 3D plot with R plot grammars like we do with ggplot2 library in R. It's because I have hard time remembering grammars of matplotlib and other libraries like seaborn.
An interactive 3D plot means a 3D plot that you can zoom in, zoom out, and scroll up and down, etc.
It seems like only Java supported plotting libraries scuh as bokeh or plotly can create interactive 3D plots. But I want to create it with the library 'plotnine' because the library supports ggplot-like grammar, which is easy to remember.
For example, can I draw a 3D surface plot like the one below with the library 'plotnine'?
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import pandas as pd
# Read data from a csv
z_data =
data = [
layout = go.Layout(
title='Mt Bruno Elevation',
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
py.iplot(fig, filename='elevations-3d-surface')
The codes above make a figure like below.
You can check out the complete interactive 3D surface plot in this link
p.s. If i can draw an interactive 3D plot with ggplot-like grammar, it does not have to be the 'plotnine' library that we should use.
Thank you for your time for reading this question!
It is possible, if you are willing to expand plotnine a bit, and caveats apply. The final code is as simple as:
+ aes(x='x', y='y', z='height')
+ geom_polygon_3d(size=0.01)
+ theme_minimal()
And the result:
First, you need to transform your data into long format:
z_data = pd.read_csv('', index_col=0)
z = z_data.values
nrows, ncols = z.shape
x, y = np.linspace(0, 1, nrows), np.linspace(0, 1, ncols)
x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
mt_bruno_long = pd.DataFrame({'x': x.flatten(), 'y': y.flatten(), 'height': z.flatten()})
Then, we need to create equivalents for ggplot and geom_polygon with awareness of the third dimension.
Since writing this answer the code is is now available in plotnine3d package, so you could just:
from plotnine3d import ggplot_3d, geom_polygon_3d
But for completeness, this is how (relatively) simple it is:
from plotnine import ggplot, geom_polygon
from plotnine.utils import to_rgba, SIZE_FACTOR
class ggplot_3d(ggplot):
def _create_figure(self):
figure = plt.figure()
axs = [plt.axes(projection='3d')]
figure._themeable = {}
self.figure = figure
self.axs = axs
return figure, axs
def _draw_labels(self):
ax = self.axs[0]
class geom_polygon_3d(geom_polygon):
REQUIRED_AES = {'x', 'y', 'z'}
def draw_group(data, panel_params, coord, ax, **params):
data = coord.transform(data, panel_params, munch=True)
data['size'] *= SIZE_FACTOR
grouper = data.groupby('group', sort=False)
for i, (group, df) in enumerate(grouper):
fill = to_rgba(df['fill'], df['alpha'])
polyc = ax.plot_trisurf(
facecolors=fill if any(fill) else 'none',
edgecolors=df['color'] if any(df['color']) else 'none',
# workaround for
if len(set(fill)) == 1:
For interactivity you can use any matplotlib backend of your liking, I went with ipympl (pip install ipympl and then %matplotlib widget in a jupyter notebook cell).
The caveats are:
while shading works nice, plot_trisurf does not handle facecolors well (there is a PR to fix it here)
you may want to add a parameter allowing to disable shading, see matplotlib 3D shading examples
faceting, flipping axes etc will not work without further fiddling - this could however be addressed in the future as discussed in this plotnine issue about bringing 3D plots to plotnine.
Edit: In case if the dataset becomes unavailable, here is a self-contained example based on matplotlib's documentation:
import numpy as np
n_radii = 8
n_angles = 36
radii = np.linspace(0.125, 1.0, n_radii)
angles = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, n_angles, endpoint=False)[..., np.newaxis]
x = np.append(0, (radii*np.cos(angles)).flatten())
y = np.append(0, (radii*np.sin(angles)).flatten())
z = np.sin(-x*y)
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(x=x,y=y,z=z))
+ aes(x='x', y='y', z='z')
+ geom_polygon_3d(size=0.01)
+ theme_minimal()

