CVXPY numerical instability - python

I noticed that if you add to your target something multiplied by zero it will affect the solution significantly. I found this bug when using cvxpy on my dataset which I cant upload of course. But here is an example from their official resource:
import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np
# Generate a random SDP.
n = 3
p = 3
C = np.random.randn(n, n)
A = []
b = []
for i in range(p):
A.append(np.random.randn(n, n))
# Define and solve the CVXPY problem.
# Create a symmetric matrix variable.
X = cp.Variable((n,n), symmetric=True)
# The operator >> denotes matrix inequality.
constraints = [X >> 0]
constraints += [
cp.trace(A[i] # X) == b[i] for i in range(p)]
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.trace(C # X)),
# Print result.
print("The optimal value is", prob.value)
print("A solution X is")
Now do the same but change
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.trace(C # X) + 0*cp.trace(C # X)**9),
You will see that value of X will change.


cvxpy - How to obtain the variable value after each iteration?

I am using cvxpy to solve a second order cone program. I have used the boilerplate code as mentioned in the cvxpy website - cvxpy SOCP webpage. I do not know how to obtain the variable value after each iteration...
Code from the link:
# Import packages.
import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np
# Generate a random feasible SOCP.
m = 3
n = 10
p = 5
n_i = 5
f = np.random.randn(n)
A = []
b = []
c = []
d = []
x0 = np.random.randn(n)
for i in range(m):
A.append(np.random.randn(n_i, n))
d.append(np.linalg.norm(A[i] # x0 + b, 2) - c[i].T # x0)
# Define and solve the CVXPY problem.
x = cp.Variable(n)
# We use cp.SOC(t, x) to create the SOC constraint ||x||_2 <= t.
soc_constraints = [
cp.SOC(c[i].T # x + d[i], A[i] # x + b[i]) for i in range(m)
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(f.T#x), soc_constraints)
# Print result.
print("The optimal value is", prob.value)
print("A solution x is")
x.value here only gives the variable value after all the iterations are done. I want x.value after each iteration.

Solving LP using PuLP with numpy array

I want to use numpy matrix with PuLP to set constraints.
I've a 2x4x4 numpy matrix and I want to use this matrix for constraints but the problem I've is how to use this. Actually I'm facing problem in indexing as I've to loop over all variables and fix the contraints.
These are the matrices.
P = np.array([[[0.7, 0.3,0,0],
C = np.array([[100,80,50,10],[-100,-100,-100,-100]])
beta = 0.9
P matrix is probability matrix and second one is cost matrix.
Every 4x4 matrix depicts the transition probability from one state to another.
and my constraint is
Here V is variable.
I'm going to assume two things;
That in that last constraint you mean C[d][i] on right-hand side, rather than C[i][d]... because P.shape[0] = d = 2, and C.shape[0] = 2.
That you are wanting the constraints to be for all d, as well as for all i.
Assuming the above, the following should do what you want:
from pulp import *
import numpy as np
P = np.array([[[0.7, 0.3,0,0],
C = np.array([[100,80,50,10],[-100,-100,-100,-100]])
beta = 0.9
set_D = range(0, P.shape[0])
set_I = range(0, P.shape[1])
# Generate proble, & Create variables
prob = LpProblem("numpy_constraints", LpMinimize)
V = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("V", set_I, cat='Continuous')
# Make up an objective, let's say sum of V_i
prob += lpSum([V[i] for i in set_I])
# Apply constraints
for d in set_D:
for i in set_I:
prob += V[i] - beta*lpSum([P[d][i][j]*V[j] for j in set_I]) >= C[d][i]
# Solve problem
# Print results:
V_soln = np.array([V[i].varValue for i in set_I])
print (("Status:"), LpStatus[prob.status])
print("V_soln: ")
With which I get the following. I've not checked your constraints are satisfied but they should be.
Status: Optimal
[690.23142 575.50231 492.35502 490.23142]

Minimax optimization in PICOS

I have a generic question on how to solve optimization problems of the Min-Max type, using the PICOS package in Python. I found little information in this context while searching the PICOS documentation and on the web as well.
I can imagine a simple example of the below form.
Given a matrix M, find x* = argmin_x [ max_y x^T M y ], where x > 0, y > 0, sum(x) = 1 and sum(y) = 1.
I have tried a few methods, starting with the most straightforward idea of having minimax, minmax keywords in the objective function of PICOS Problem class. It turns out that none of these keywords are valid, see the package documentation for objective functions. Furthermore, having nested objective functions also turns out to be invalid.
In the last of my naive attempts, I have two functions, Max() and Min() which are both solving a linear optimization problem. The outer function, Min(), should minimize the inner function Max(). So, I have used Max() in the objective function of the outer optimization problem.
import numpy as np
import picos as pic
import cvxopt as cvx
def MinMax(mat):
## Perform a simple min-max SDP formulated as:
## Given a matrix M, find x* = argmin_x [ max_y x^T M y ], where x > 0, y > 0, sum(x) = sum(y) = 1.
prob = pic.Problem()
## Constant parameters
M = pic.new_param('M', cvx.matrix(mat))
v1 = pic.new_param('v1', cvx.matrix(np.ones((mat.shape[0], 1))))
## Variables
x = prob.add_variable('x', (mat.shape[0], 1), 'nonnegative')
## Setting the objective function
prob.set_objective('min', Max(x, M))
## Constraints
prob.add_constraint(x > 0)
prob.add_constraint((v1 | x) == 1)
## Print the problem
print("The optimization problem is formulated as follows.")
print prob
## Solve the problem
prob.solve(verbose = 0)
objVal = prob.obj_value()
solution = np.array(x.value)
return (objVal, solution)
def Max(xVar, M):
## Given a vector l, find y* such that l y* = max_y l y, where y > 0, sum(y) = 1.
prob = pic.Problem()
# Variables
y = prob.add_variable('y', (M.size[1], 1), 'nonnegative')
v2 = pic.new_param('v1', cvx.matrix(np.ones((M.size[1], 1))))
# Setting the objective function
prob.set_objective('max', ((xVar.H * M) * y))
# Constraints
prob.add_constraint(y > 0)
prob.add_constraint((v2 | y) == 1)
# Solve the problem
prob.solve(verbose = 0)
sol = prob.obj_value()
return sol
def print2Darray(arr):
# print a 2D array in a readable (matrix like) format on the standard output
for ridx in range(arr.shape[0]):
for cidx in range(arr.shape[1]):
print("%.2e \t" % arr[ridx,cidx]),
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
## Testing the Simple min-max SDP
mat = np.random.rand(4,4)
print("## Given a matrix M, find x* = argmin_x [ max_y x^T M y ], where x > 0, y > 0, sum(x) = sum(y) = 1.")
print("M = ")
(optval, solution) = MinMax(mat)
print("Optimal value of the function is %.2e and it is attained by x = %s and that of y = %.2e." % (optval, np.array_str(solution)))
When I run the above code, it gives me the following error message.
10:stackoverflow pavithran$ python
## Given a matrix M, find x* = argmin_x [ max_y x^T M y ], where x > 0, y > 0, sum(x) = sum(y) = 1.
M =
1.46e-01 9.23e-01 6.50e-01 7.30e-01
6.13e-01 6.80e-01 8.35e-01 4.32e-02
5.19e-01 5.99e-01 1.45e-01 6.91e-01
6.68e-01 8.46e-01 3.67e-01 3.43e-01
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 80, in <module>
(optval, solution) = MinMax(mat)
File "", line 19, in MinMax
prob.set_objective('min', Max(x, M))
File "", line 54, in Max
prob.solve(verbose = 0)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/picos/", line 4135, in solve
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/picos/", line 6102, in solver_selection
raise NotAppropriateSolverError('no solver available for problem of type {0}'.format(tp)) no solver available for problem of type MIQP
10:stackoverflow pavithran$
At this point, I am stuck and unable to fix this problem.
Is it just that PICOS does not natively support min-max problem or is my way of encoding the problem, incorrect?
Please note: The reason I am insisting on using PICOS is that ideally, I would like to know the answer to my question in the context of solving a min-max semidefinite program (SDP). But I think the addition of semidefinite constraints is not hard, once I can figure out how to do a simple min-max problem using PICOS.
The first answer is that min-max problems are not natively supported in PICOS. However, whenever the inner maximization problem is a convex optimization problem, you can reformulate it as a minimization problem (by taking the Lagrangian dual), and so you get a min-min problem.
Your particular problem is a standard zero-sum game, and can be reformulated as: (assuming M is of dimension n x m):
min_x max_{i=1...m} [M^T x]_i = min_x,t t s.t. [M^T x]_i <= t (for i=1...m)
In Picos:
import picos as pic
import cvxopt as cvx
M = cvx.normal(n,m) #generate a random matrix
P = pic.Problem()
x = P.add_variable('x',n,lower=0)
t = P.add_variable('t',1)
P.add_constraint(M.T*x <= t)
P.add_constraint( (1|x) == 1)
print 'the solution is x='
print x
If you also need the optimal y, then you can show that it corresponds to the optimal value of the constraint M'x <= t:
print 'the solution of the inner max-problem is y='
print P.constraints[0].dual


I've been trying to pass some code from Matlab to Python. I have the same convex optimization problem working on Matlab but I'm having problems passing it to either CVXPY or CVXOPT.
n = 1000;
i = 20;
y = rand(n,1);
A = rand(n,i);
variable x(n);
variable lambda(i);
subject to
x == A*lambda;
lambda >= zeros(i,1);
lambda'*ones(i,1) == 1;
This is what I tried with Python and CVXPY.
import numpy as np
from cvxpy import *
# Problem data.
n = 100
i = 20
y = np.random.randn(n)
A = np.random.randn(n, i)
# Construct the problem.
x = Variable(n)
lmbd = Variable(i)
objective = Minimize(sum_squares(x - y))
constraints = [x ==, lmbd),
lmbd <= np.zeros(itr),
np.sum(lmbd) == 1]
prob = Problem(objective, constraints)
print("status:", prob.status)
print("optimal value", prob.value)
Nonetheless, it's not working. Does any of you have any idea how to make it work? I'm pretty sure my problem is in the constraints. And also it would be nice to have it with CVXOPT.
I think I got it, I had one of the constraints wrong =), I added a random seed number in order to compare the results and check that are in fact the same in both languages. I leave the data here so maybe this is useful for somebody someday ;)
rand('twister', 0);
n = 100;
i = 20;
y = rand(n,1);
A = rand(n,i);
variable x(n);
variable lmbd(i);
subject to
x == A*lmbd;
lmbd >= zeros(i,1);
lmbd'*ones(i,1) == 1;
import numpy as np
import cvxpy as cp
# random seed
# Problem data.
n = 100
i = 20
y = np.random.rand(n)
# A = np.random.rand(n, i) # normal
A = np.random.rand(i, n).T # in this order to test random numbers
# Construct the problem.
x = cp.Variable(n)
lmbd = cp.Variable(i)
objective = cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(x - y))
constraints = [x == A*lmbd,
lmbd >= np.zeros(i),
cp.sum(lmbd) == 1]
prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
result = prob.solve(verbose=True)
CVXOPT is pending.....

scipy.optimize solution using python for the following equation

I am very new to scipy and doing data analysis in python. I am trying to solve the following regularized optimization problem and unfortunately I haven't been able to make too much sense from the scipy documentation. I am looking to solve the following constrained optimization problem using scipy.optimize
Here is the function I am looking to minimize:
here A is an m X n matrix , the first term in the minimization is the residual sum of squares, the second is the matrix frobenius (L2 norm) of a sparse n X n matrix W, and the third one is an L1 norm of the same matrix W.
In the function A is an m X n matrix , the first term in the minimization is the residual sum of squares, the second term is the matrix frobenius (L2 norm) of a sparse n X n matrix W, and the third one is an L1 norm of the same matrix W.
I would like to know how to minimize this function subject to the constraints that:
wj >= 0
wj,j = 0
I would like to use coordinate descent (or any other method that scipy.optimize provides) to solve the above problem. I would like so direction on how to achieve this as I have no idea how to take the frobenius norm or how to tune the parameters beta and lambda or whether the scipy.optimize will tune and return the parameters for me. Any help regarding these questions would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
How large is m and n?
Here is a basic example for how to use fmin:
from scipy import optimize
import numpy as np
m = 5
n = 3
a = np.random.rand(m, n)
idx = np.arange(n)
def func(w, beta, lam):
w = w.reshape(n, n)
w2 = np.abs(w)
w2[idx, idx] = 0
return 0.5*((a -, w2))**2).sum() + lam*w2.sum() + 0.5*beta*(w2**2).sum()
w = optimize.fmin(func, np.random.rand(n*n), args=(0.1, 0.2))
w = w.reshape(n, n)
w[idx, idx] = 0
w = np.abs(w)
print w
If you want to use coordinate descent, you can implement it by theano.
Your problem seems tailor-made for cvxopt -
and in particular
using fmin would likely be slower, since it does not take advantage of gradient / Hessian information.
The code in HYRY's answer also has the drawback that as far as fmin is concerned the diagonal W is a variable and fmin would try to move the W-diagonal values around until it realizes that they don't do anything (since the objective function resets them to zero). Here is the implementation in cvxopt of HYRY's code that explicitly enforces the zero-constraints and uses gradient info, WARNING: I couldn't derive the Hessian for your objective... and you might double-check the gradient as well:
'''CVXOPT version:'''
from numpy import *
from cvxopt import matrix, mul
''' warning: CVXOPT uses column-major order (Fortran) '''
m = 5
n = 3
n_active = (n)*(n-1)
A = matrix(random.rand(m*n),(m,n))
ids = arange(n)
beta = 0.1;
lam = 0.2;
W = matrix(zeros(n*n), (n,n));
def cvx_objective_func(w=None, z=None):
if w is None:
num_nonlinear_constraints = 0;
w_0 = matrix(1, (n_active,1), 'd');
return num_nonlinear_constraints, w_0
#main call:
'calculate objective:'
'form W matrix, warning _w is column-major order (Fortran)'
'''column-major order!'''
_w = matrix(w, (n, n-1))
for k in xrange(n):
W[k, 0:k] = _w[k, 0:k]
W[k, k+1:n] = _w[k, k:n-1]
squared_error = A - A*W
objective_value = .5 * sum( mul(squared_error,squared_error)) +\
.5* beta*sum(mul(W,W)) +\
lam * sum(abs(W));
'not sure if i calculated this right...'
_Df = -A.T*(squared_error) + beta*W + lam;
'''column-major order!'''
Df = matrix(0., (1, n*(n-1)))
for jdx in arange(n):
for idx in list(arange(0,jdx)) + list(arange(jdx+1,n)):
idx = int(idx);
jdx = int(jdx)
Df[0, jdx*(n-1) + idx] = _Df[idx, jdx]
if z is None:
return objective_value, Df
'''Also form hessian of objective+non-linear constraints
(but there are no nonlinear constraints) :
This is the trickiest part...
WARNING: H is for sure coded wrong'''
H = matrix(1., (n_active, n_active))
return objective_value, Df, H
m, w_0 = cvx_objective_func()
print cvx_objective_func(w_0)
G = -matrix(diag(ones(n_active),), (n_active,n_active))
h = matrix(0., (n_active,1), 'd')
from cvxopt import solvers
print solvers.cp(cvx_objective_func, G=G, h=h)
having said that, the tricks to eliminate the equality/inequality constraints in HYRY's code are quite cute

