Minimax optimization in PICOS - python

I have a generic question on how to solve optimization problems of the Min-Max type, using the PICOS package in Python. I found little information in this context while searching the PICOS documentation and on the web as well.
I can imagine a simple example of the below form.
Given a matrix M, find x* = argmin_x [ max_y x^T M y ], where x > 0, y > 0, sum(x) = 1 and sum(y) = 1.
I have tried a few methods, starting with the most straightforward idea of having minimax, minmax keywords in the objective function of PICOS Problem class. It turns out that none of these keywords are valid, see the package documentation for objective functions. Furthermore, having nested objective functions also turns out to be invalid.
In the last of my naive attempts, I have two functions, Max() and Min() which are both solving a linear optimization problem. The outer function, Min(), should minimize the inner function Max(). So, I have used Max() in the objective function of the outer optimization problem.
import numpy as np
import picos as pic
import cvxopt as cvx
def MinMax(mat):
## Perform a simple min-max SDP formulated as:
## Given a matrix M, find x* = argmin_x [ max_y x^T M y ], where x > 0, y > 0, sum(x) = sum(y) = 1.
prob = pic.Problem()
## Constant parameters
M = pic.new_param('M', cvx.matrix(mat))
v1 = pic.new_param('v1', cvx.matrix(np.ones((mat.shape[0], 1))))
## Variables
x = prob.add_variable('x', (mat.shape[0], 1), 'nonnegative')
## Setting the objective function
prob.set_objective('min', Max(x, M))
## Constraints
prob.add_constraint(x > 0)
prob.add_constraint((v1 | x) == 1)
## Print the problem
print("The optimization problem is formulated as follows.")
print prob
## Solve the problem
prob.solve(verbose = 0)
objVal = prob.obj_value()
solution = np.array(x.value)
return (objVal, solution)
def Max(xVar, M):
## Given a vector l, find y* such that l y* = max_y l y, where y > 0, sum(y) = 1.
prob = pic.Problem()
# Variables
y = prob.add_variable('y', (M.size[1], 1), 'nonnegative')
v2 = pic.new_param('v1', cvx.matrix(np.ones((M.size[1], 1))))
# Setting the objective function
prob.set_objective('max', ((xVar.H * M) * y))
# Constraints
prob.add_constraint(y > 0)
prob.add_constraint((v2 | y) == 1)
# Solve the problem
prob.solve(verbose = 0)
sol = prob.obj_value()
return sol
def print2Darray(arr):
# print a 2D array in a readable (matrix like) format on the standard output
for ridx in range(arr.shape[0]):
for cidx in range(arr.shape[1]):
print("%.2e \t" % arr[ridx,cidx]),
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
## Testing the Simple min-max SDP
mat = np.random.rand(4,4)
print("## Given a matrix M, find x* = argmin_x [ max_y x^T M y ], where x > 0, y > 0, sum(x) = sum(y) = 1.")
print("M = ")
(optval, solution) = MinMax(mat)
print("Optimal value of the function is %.2e and it is attained by x = %s and that of y = %.2e." % (optval, np.array_str(solution)))
When I run the above code, it gives me the following error message.
10:stackoverflow pavithran$ python
## Given a matrix M, find x* = argmin_x [ max_y x^T M y ], where x > 0, y > 0, sum(x) = sum(y) = 1.
M =
1.46e-01 9.23e-01 6.50e-01 7.30e-01
6.13e-01 6.80e-01 8.35e-01 4.32e-02
5.19e-01 5.99e-01 1.45e-01 6.91e-01
6.68e-01 8.46e-01 3.67e-01 3.43e-01
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 80, in <module>
(optval, solution) = MinMax(mat)
File "", line 19, in MinMax
prob.set_objective('min', Max(x, M))
File "", line 54, in Max
prob.solve(verbose = 0)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/picos/", line 4135, in solve
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/picos/", line 6102, in solver_selection
raise NotAppropriateSolverError('no solver available for problem of type {0}'.format(tp)) no solver available for problem of type MIQP
10:stackoverflow pavithran$
At this point, I am stuck and unable to fix this problem.
Is it just that PICOS does not natively support min-max problem or is my way of encoding the problem, incorrect?
Please note: The reason I am insisting on using PICOS is that ideally, I would like to know the answer to my question in the context of solving a min-max semidefinite program (SDP). But I think the addition of semidefinite constraints is not hard, once I can figure out how to do a simple min-max problem using PICOS.

The first answer is that min-max problems are not natively supported in PICOS. However, whenever the inner maximization problem is a convex optimization problem, you can reformulate it as a minimization problem (by taking the Lagrangian dual), and so you get a min-min problem.
Your particular problem is a standard zero-sum game, and can be reformulated as: (assuming M is of dimension n x m):
min_x max_{i=1...m} [M^T x]_i = min_x,t t s.t. [M^T x]_i <= t (for i=1...m)
In Picos:
import picos as pic
import cvxopt as cvx
M = cvx.normal(n,m) #generate a random matrix
P = pic.Problem()
x = P.add_variable('x',n,lower=0)
t = P.add_variable('t',1)
P.add_constraint(M.T*x <= t)
P.add_constraint( (1|x) == 1)
print 'the solution is x='
print x
If you also need the optimal y, then you can show that it corresponds to the optimal value of the constraint M'x <= t:
print 'the solution of the inner max-problem is y='
print P.constraints[0].dual


How can I solve this matrix ODE using python?

I would like to numerically compute this ODE from time 0 -> T :
ODE equation where all of the sub-matrix are numerically given in a paper. Here are all of the variables :
import numpy as np
T = 1
eta = np.diag([2e-7, 2e-7])
R = [[0.33, 3.95],
[-2.52, 10.23]]
R = np.array(R)
gamma = 2e-5
GAMMA = 100
S_bar = [54.23, 27.45]
cov = [[0.47, 0.2],
[0.2, 0.14]]
cov = np.array(cov)
shape = cov.shape
Q = 0.5*np.block([[gamma*cov, R],
[np.transpose(R), np.zeros(shape)]])
Y = np.block([[np.zeros(shape), np.zeros(shape)],
[gamma*cov, R]])
U = np.block([[-linalg.inv(eta), np.zeros(shape)],
[np.zeros(shape), 2*gamma*cov]])
P_T = np.block([[-GAMMA*np.ones(shape), np.zeros(shape)],
[np.zeros(shape), np.zeros(shape)]])
Now I define de function f so that P' = f(t, P) :
n = len(P_T)
def f(t, X):
X = X.reshape([n, n])
return (Q + np.transpose(Y)#X + X#Y + X#U#X).reshape(-1)
Now my goal is to numerically solve this ODE, im trying to figure out the right function solve so that if I integrate the ODE from T to 0, then using the final value I get, I integrate back from 0 to T, the two matrices I get are actually (nearly) the same. Here is my solve function :
from scipy import integrate
def solve(interval, initial_value):
return integrate.solve_ivp(f, interval, initial_value, method="LSODA", max_step=1e-4)
Now I can test wether the computation is right :
solv = solve([T, 0], P_T.reshape(-1))
y = np.array(solv.y)
solv2 = solve([0, T], y[:, -1])
y2 = np.array(solv2.y)
# print(solv.status)
# print(solv2.status)
# this lines shows the diffenrence between the initial matrix at T and the final matrix computed at T
# the smallest is the value, the better is the computation
print(sum(sum(abs((P_T - y2[:, -1].reshape([n, n]))))))
My issue is : No matter what "solve" function im using (using different methods, different step sizes, testing all the parameters...) I always get either errors or a very bad convergence (the difference between the two matrices is too high).
Knowing that according to the paper where this ODE comes from ( (23) in there exists a solution, how can I numerically compute it?

GLPK (python swiglpk) "Problem has no primal feasible solution" but ok with CVXPY

I'm trying to solve a simple optimization problem:
max x+y
s.t. -x <= -1
x,y in {0,1}^2
using following code
import swiglpk
import numpy as np
def solve_boolean_lp_swig(obj: np.ndarray, aub: np.ndarray, bub: np.ndarray, minimize: bool) -> tuple:
Solves following optimization problem
s.t <= bub
x \in {0, 1}
obj : m vector
aub : nxm matrix
bub : n vector
# init problem
ia = swiglpk.intArray(1+aub.size); ja = swiglpk.intArray(1+aub.size)
ar = swiglpk.doubleArray(1+aub.size)
lp = swiglpk.glp_create_prob()
# set obj to minimize if minimize==True else maximize
swiglpk.glp_set_obj_dir(lp, swiglpk.GLP_MIN if minimize else swiglpk.GLP_MAX)
# number of rows and columns as n, m
swiglpk.glp_add_rows(lp, int(aub.shape[0]))
swiglpk.glp_add_cols(lp, int(aub.shape[1]))
# setting row constraints (-inf < x <= bub[i])
for i, v in enumerate(bub):
swiglpk.glp_set_row_bnds(lp, i+1, swiglpk.GLP_UP, 0.0, float(v))
# setting column constraints (x in {0, 1})
for i in range(aub.shape[1]):
# not sure if this is needed but perhaps for presolving
swiglpk.glp_set_col_bnds(lp, i+1, swiglpk.GLP_FR, 0.0, 0.0)
# setting x in {0,1}
swiglpk.glp_set_col_kind(lp, i+1, swiglpk.GLP_BV)
# setting aub
for r, (i,j) in enumerate(np.argwhere(aub != 0)):
ia[r+1] = int(i)+1; ja[r+1] = int(j)+1; ar[r+1] = float(aub[i,j])
# solver settings
iocp = swiglpk.glp_iocp()
iocp.msg_lev = swiglpk.GLP_MSG_ALL
iocp.presolve = swiglpk.GLP_ON
iocp.binarize = swiglpk.GLP_ON
# setting objective
for i,v in enumerate(obj):
swiglpk.glp_set_obj_coef(lp, i+1, float(v))
swiglpk.glp_load_matrix(lp, r, ia, ja, ar)
info = swiglpk.glp_intopt(lp, iocp)
# use later
#status = swiglpk.glp_mip_status(lp)
x = np.array([swiglpk.glp_mip_col_val(lp, int(i+1)) for i in range(obj.shape[0])])
# for now, keep it simple. info == 0 means optimal
# solution (there are others telling feasible solution)
return (info == 0), x
and the following instance (as given on top)
obj = np.array([ 1, 1]),
aub = np.array([[-1, 0]]),
bub = np.array([-1]),
minimize = False
In my mind x=[1,0] should be a valid solution since dot([-1, 0], x) <= -1 (and [1,0] are boolean) holds but solver says PROBLEM HAS NO PRIMAL FEASIBLE SOLUTION. However, if i run the same problem instance using the lib CVXOPT instead, with cvxopt.glpk.ilp, the solver finds an optimal solution. I've seen the c-code underneath cvxopt and has done the same so I suspect something small that I cannot see..
Add to the model:
Then you'll see immediately what the problem is:
\* Problem: Unknown *\
obj: + z_1 + z_2
Subject To
r_1: 0 z_1 <= -1
0 <= z_1 <= 1
0 <= z_2 <= 1
I noticed that r=0, so the ne argument for the load call is already wrong. If you set r=1 things look better.
The constraints
x <= -1
x,y in {0,1}^2
are obviously infeasible. I suspect your code does not reflect the model.

Inconsistency in solutions using CVXPY

Please, consider the following optimisation problem. Specifically, x and b are (1,n) vectors, C is (n,n) symmetric matrix, k is an arbitrary constant and i is a (1,n) vector of ones.
Please, also consider the following equivalent optimisation problem. In such case, k is determined during the optimisation process so there is no need to scale the values in x to obtain the solution y.
Please, also consider the following code for solving both the problems with cvxpy.
import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np
def problem_1(C):
n, t = np.shape(C)
x = cp.Variable(n)
b = np.array([1 / n] * n)
obj = cp.quad_form(x, C)
constraints = [b.T # cp.log(x)>=0.5, x >= 0]
cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj), constraints).solve()
return (x.value / (np.ones(n).T # x.value))
def problem_2(C):
n, t = np.shape(C)
y = cp.Variable(n)
k = cp.Variable()
b = np.array([1 / n] * n)
obj = cp.quad_form(y, C)
constraints = [b.T # cp.log(y)>=k, np.ones(n)#y.T==1, y >= 0]
cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj), constraints).solve()
return y.value
While the first function do provide me with the correct solution for a sample set of data I am using, the second does not. Specifically, values in y differ heavily while employing the second function with some of them being equal to zero (which cannot be since all values in b are positive and greater than zero). I am wondering wether or not the second function minimise also k. Its value should not be minimised on the contrary it should just be determined during the optimisation problem as the one that leads to the solution that minimise the objective function.
I just found that the solution that I obtain with the second formulation of the problem is equal to the one derived with the following equations and function. It appears that the constraint with the logarithmic barrier and the k variable is ignored.
def problem_3(C):
n, t = np.shape(C)
y = cp.Variable(n)
k = cp.Variable()
b = np.array([1 / n] * n)
obj = cp.quad_form(y, C)
constraints = [np.ones(n)#y.T==1, y >= 0]
cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj), constraints).solve()
return y.value
Here is the link to a sample input C - In such case the correct output for both problem_1 and problem_2 is approximately equal to [0.0659 0.068 0.0371 0.1188 0.1647 0.3387 0.1315 0.0311 0.0441] since they are equivalent by definition. I am able to obtain the the correct output by solving only problem_1. Solving problem_2 leads to [0.0227 0. 0. 0.3095 0.3392 0.3286 0. 0. 0. ] which is wrong since it happens to be the correct output for problem_3.
To be clear, by definition problem_2 exhibits solution equal to the solution of problem_3 when the parameter k goes to minus infinity.
Please consider the following code that is for solving problem_1 using SciPy Optimize instead CVXPY. By imposing k=9 the correct optimal solution can still be achieved which is consistent with problem_1 being independent of the parameter.
import scipy.optimize as opt
def obj(x, C):
return x.T # C # x
def problem_1_1(C):
n, t = np.shape(C)
b = np.array([1 / n] * n)
constraints = [{"type": "eq", "fun": lambda x: (b * np.log(x)).sum() - 9}]
res = opt.minimize(
x0 = np.array([1 / n] * n),
args = (C),
bounds = ((0, None),) * n,
constraints = constraints
return (res['x'] / (np.ones(n).T # res['x']))
By considering the code in UPDATE_4, whenever k is set equal to 10 the correct solution is still achieved however appears the following warning. I suppose that is due to rounding error that might occur during the optimisation process. RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in
log {"type": "eq", "fun": lambda x: (b * np.log(x)).sum() - 10}
I am wondering if there is a way to impose strict inequality constraint with CVXPY or apply a condition on the logarithm argument. Please consider the following modified code for problem_1_1.
import scipy.optimize as opt
def obj(x, C):
return x.T # C # x
def problem_1_1(C):
n, t = np.shape(C)
b = np.array([1 / n] * n)
constraints = [{"type": "eq", "fun": lambda x: (b * np.log(x if x.all() > 0 else 1e-100)).sum() - 10}]
res = opt.minimize(
x0 = np.array([1 / n] * n),
args = (C),
bounds = ((0, None),) * n,
constraints = constraints
return (res['x'] / (np.ones(n).T # res['x']))
To be thorough, the correct value of optimal k is approximatively -2.4827186402337564.
If you let be arbitrary then you are basically saying that is greater or equal to some arbitrary number, which is trivially true, so the constraint becomes irrelevant.
I believe you should either fix the value of or turn this problem into a minimax problem by determining a tadeoff betweenmaximizing and minimizing .

Is there a DP solution for my subset average problem?

I have a combinatorics problem that I can't solve.
Given a set of vectors and a target vector, return a scalar for each vector, so that the average of the scaled vectors in the set is closest to the target.
Edit: Weights w_i are in range [0, 1]. This is a constrained optimisation problem:
minimise d(avg(w_i * x_i), target)
subject to sum(w_i) - 1 = 0
If i had to name this problem it would be unbounded subset average.
I have looked at the unbounded knapsack and similar problems, but a dynamic programming implementation seems to be impossible due to the interdependence of the numbers.
I also inplemented a genetic algorithm that is able to approximate the weights moderately well, but it takes too long and I was initially hoping to solve the problem using dynamic programming.
Is there any hope?
In a 2D space the solution to the problem can be represented like this
Problem class identification
As recognized by others this is a an optimization problem. You have linear constraints and a convex objective function, it can be cast to quadratic programming, (read Least squares session)
Casting to standard form
If you want to minimize the average of w[i] * x[i], this is sum(w[i] * x[i]) / N, if you arrange w[i] as the elements of a (1 x N_vectors) matrix, and each vector x[i] as the i-th row of a (N_vectors x DIM) matrix, it becomes w # X / N_vectors (with # being the matrix product operator).
To cast to that form you would have to construct a matrix so that each rows of A*x < b expressing -w[i] < 0, the equality is sum(w) = 1 becomes sum(w) < 1 and -sum(w) < -1. But there there are amazing tools to automate this part.
This can be readily implemented using cvxpy, and you don't have to care about expanding all the constraints.
The following function solves the problem and if the vectors have dimension 2 plot the result.
import cvxpy;
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def place_there(X, target):
# some linear algebra arrangements
target = target.reshape((1, -1))
ncols = target.shape[1]
X = np.array(X).reshape((-1, ncols))
N_vectors = X.shape[0]
# variable of the problem
w = cvxpy.Variable((1, X.shape[0]))
# solve the problem with the objective of minimize the norm of w * X - T (# is the matrix product)
P = cvxpy.Problem(cvxpy.Minimize(cvxpy.norm((w # X) / N_vectors - target)), [w >= 0, cvxpy.sum(w) == 1])
# here it is solved
print('Distance from target is: ', P.solve())
# show the solution in a nice plot
# w.value is the w that gave the optimal solution
Y = w.value.transpose() * X / N_vectors
path = np.zeros((X.shape[0] + 1, 2))
path[1:, :] = np.cumsum(Y, axis=0)
randColors=np.random.rand( 3* X.shape[0], 3).reshape((-1, 3)) * 0.7
plt.quiver(path[:-1,0], path[:-1, 1], Y[:, 0], Y[:, 1], color=randColors, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1)
plt.plot(target[:, 0], target[:, 1], 'or')
And you can run it like this
target = np.array([[1.234, 0.456]]);
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
for i in [1,2,3]:
X = np.random.randn(20) * 100
place_there(X, target)
plt.xlim([-3, 3])
plt.ylim([-3, 3])

Specify the shift for numpy.correlate

I wonder if there is a possibility to specify the shift expressed by k variable for the cross-correlation of two 1D arrays. Because with the numpy.correlate function and its mode parameter set to 'full' I will get cross-correlate coefficients for each k shift for whole length of the taken array (assuming that both arrays are the same size). Let me show you what I mean exactly on below example:
import numpy as np
# Define signal 1.
signal_1 = np.array([1, 2 ,3])
# Define signal 2.
signal_2 = np.array([1, 2, 3])
# Other definitions.
Xi = signal_1
Yi = signal_2
N = np.size(Xi)
k = 3
Xs = np.average(Xi)
Ys = np.average(Yi)
# Cross-covariance coefficient function.
def crossCovariance(Xi, Yi, N, k, Xs, Ys, forCorrelation = False):
autoCov = 0
for i in np.arange(0, N-k):
autoCov += ((Xi[i+k])-Xs)*(Yi[i]-Ys)
if forCorrelation == True:
return autoCov/N
return (1/(N-1))*autoCov
# Expected value function.
def E(X, P):
expectedValue = 0
for i in np.arange(0, np.size(X)):
expectedValue += X[i] * (P[i] / np.size(X))
return expectedValue
# Cross-correlation coefficient function.
def crossCorrelation(Xi, Yi, k):
# Calculate the covariance coefficient.
cov = crossCovariance(Xi, Yi, N, k, Xs, Ys, forCorrelation = True)
# Calculate standard deviations.
EX = E(Xi, np.ones(np.size(Xi)))
SDX = (E((Xi - EX) ** 2, np.ones(np.size(Xi)))) ** (1/2)
EY = E(Yi, np.ones(np.size(Yi)))
SDY = (E((Yi - EY) ** 2, np.ones(np.size(Yi)))) ** (1/2)
# Calculate correlation coefficient.
return cov / (SDX * SDY)
# Express cross-covariance or cross-correlation function in a form of a 1D vector.
def array(k, norm = True):
# If norm = True, return array of autocorrelation coefficients.
# If norm = False, return array of autocovariance coefficients.
vector = np.array([])
shifts = np.abs(np.arange(-k, k+1, 1))
for i in shifts:
if norm == True:
vector = np.append(crossCorrelation(Xi, Yi, i), vector)
vector = np.append(crossCovariance(Xi, Yi, N, i, Xs, Ys), vector)
return vector
In my example, calling the method array(k, norm = True) for different values of k will give resuslt as I shown below:
k = 3, [ 0. -0.5 0. 1. 0. -0.5 0. ]
k = 2, [-0.5 0. 1. 0. -0.5]
k = 1, [ 0. 1. 0.]
k = 0, [ 1.]
My approach is good for the learning purposes but I need to move to the native numpy functions in order to speed up my analysis. How one could specify the k shift value while using the native numpy.correlate function? PS k parameter specify the "time" shift between two arrays. Thank you in advance.
Whilst I'm not aware of any built-in function for computing the cross-correlation for a particular range of signal lags, you can speed your version up a lot by vectorization, i.e. performing operations on arrays rather than single elements in an array.
This version uses only a single Python loop over the lags:
import numpy as np
def xcorr(x, y, k, normalize=True):
n = x.shape[0]
# initialize the output array
out = np.empty((2 * k) + 1, dtype=np.double)
lags = np.arange(-k, k + 1)
# pre-compute E(x), E(y)
mu_x = x.mean()
mu_y = y.mean()
# loop over lags
for ii, lag in enumerate(lags):
# use slice indexing to get 'shifted' views of the two input signals
if lag < 0:
xi = x[:lag]
yi = y[-lag:]
elif lag > 0:
xi = x[:-lag]
yi = y[lag:]
xi = x
yi = y
# x - mu_x; y - mu_y
xdiff = xi - mu_x
ydiff = yi - mu_y
# E[(x - mu_x) * (y - mu_y)]
out[ii] = / n
# NB: == (xdiff * ydiff).sum()
if normalize:
# E[(x - mu_x) * (y - mu_y)] / (sigma_x * sigma_y)
out /= np.std(x) * np.std(y)
return lags, out
Some more general points of advice:
As I mentioned in the comments, you should try to give your functions names that are informative, and that aren't likely to conflict with other things in your namespace (e.g. array vs np.array).
It's much better to make your functions self-contained. In your version, N, k, Xs and Ys are defined outside the main function. In this situation you might accidentally modify or overwrite one of these variables, and it can get tricky to debug errors caused by this sort of thing.
Appending to numpy arrays (e.g. using np.append or np.concatenate) is slow, so avoid it whenever you can. If, as in this case, you know the size of the output ahead of time, it's much faster to pre-allocate the output array (e.g. using np.empty or np.zeros), then fill in the elements. If you absolutely have to do concatenation, it's often faster to append to a normal Python list, then convert it to a numpy array at the end.
It's available by specifying maxlags:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xcorr = plt.xcorr(signal_1, signal_2, maxlags=1)
Documentation can be found here. This implementation is based on np.correlate.

