SQL archenemy, map custom query to a class - python

I have a class that contains author id and article id:
class SearchResults(Base):
__abstract__ = True
author_id = Column(String)
article_id = Column(String)
I would like to return only two columns: author_id, article_id (filtering is excluded from the examples bellow)
This class cannot have a corresponding table while it's an result of a search query.
I am struggling to map it automatically to a class with the SQL archenemy.
When class is passed like an query argument like this:
search_results = db.query(SearchResults).select_from(models.Article).join(models.Author).all()
ORM is failing with an error:
sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: SQL expression, column, or mapped entity expected - got '<class 'app.db.models.SearchResults'>'
When columns are specified I am getting Tuple instead of a class:
search_results = db.query(models.Acticle.id, models.Author.author_id).select_from(models.Article).join(models.Author).all()
is it possible to map non-table results to a class?

Please take a look at the Mapping a Class against Arbitrary Selects or Mapping a Class against Multiple Tables sections of the documentation.
For the second example you can get tables for Article and Author by using:
author_table = models.Author.__table__
article_table = modesl.Article.__table__


SQL alchemy prefixes table name to columns

I am using delcarative base in sql-alchemy to query data:
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
OdsBase = declarative_base(metadata=sql.MetaData(schema='ods'))
class BagImport(OdsBase):
__tablename__ = 'bag_stg_import'
__table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True}
PAN = sql.Column(sql.String(50), primary_key = True)
GEM = sql.Column(sql.String(50))
def __repr__(self):
return "<{0} Pan: {1} - Gem: {2}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.PAN, self.GEM)
If I do, I get a proper result:
But if I want to see the query and I do:
the_query = my_session.query(BagImport)
I get the output query as:
SELECT ods.bag_stg_import."PAN" AS "ods_bag_stg_import_PAN_1", ods.bag_stg_import."GEM" AS "ods_bag_stg_import_GEM_2"
FROM ods.bag_stg_import
Why is SQL-Alchemy prefixing the table name in the alias e.g. SELECT ods.bag_stg_import."PAN" AS "ods_bag_stg_import_PAN_1"?
How can I make it AS SELECT ods.bag_stg_import."PAN" AS "PAN"?
I've figured out a way to do this. In my case, I was having issues with except_, which prefixes columns with the table name. Here's how I did that:
def _except(included_query, excluded_query, Model, prefix):
"""An SQLALchemy except_ that removes the prefixes on the columns, so they can be
referenced in a subquery by their un-prefixed names."""
query = included_query.except_(excluded_query)
subquery = query.subquery()
# Get a list of columns from the subquery, relabeled with the simple column name.
columns = []
for column_name in _attribute_names(Model):
column = getattr(subquery.c, prefix + column_name)
# Wrap the query to select the simple column names. This is necessary because
# except_ prefixes column names with a string derived from the table name.
return Model.query.from_statement(Model.query.with_entities(*columns).statement)
Old answer:
This happened to me when using the except_ query method like this:
I fixed it by changing to this pattern
excluded_subquery = excluded_query.with_entities(ModelClass.id).subquery()
just mention below meta property in your model
__tablename__ = 'Users'
them sqlaclchemy will take the proper table name

Sqlalchemy complex NOT IN another table query

First of all, i would like to apologize as my SQL knowledge level is still very low. Basically the problem is the following: I have two distinct tables, no direct relationship between them, but they share two columns: storm_id and userid.
Basically, i would like to query all posts from storm_id, that are not from a banned user and some extra filters.
Here are the models:
class Post(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key = True)
userid = db.Column(db.String(100))
storm_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('storm.id'))
class Banneduser(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
sn = db.Column(db.String(60))
userid = db.Column(db.String(100))
name = db.Column(db.String(60))
storm_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('storm.id'))
Both Post and Banneduser are another table (Storm) children. And here is the query i am trying to output. As you can see, i am trying to filter:
verified posts
by descending order
with a limit (i put it apart from the query as the elif has other filters)
# we query banned users id
bannedusers = db.session.query(Banneduser.userid)
# we do the query except the limit, as in the if..elif there are more filtering queries
joined = db.session.query(Post, Banneduser)\
# here comes the trouble
if contentsettings.filterby == 'all':
posts = joined.limit(contentsettings.maxposts)
# i am not sure if this is pythonic
posts = [item[0] for item in posts]
return render_template("stream.html", storm=storm, wall=posts)
elif ... other queries
I got two problems, one basic and one underlying problem:
1/ .filter(~Post.userid.in_(bannedusers))\ gives one output EACH TIME post.userid is not in bannedusers, so i get N repeated posts. I try to filter this with distinct, but it does not work
2/ Underlying problem: i am not sure if my approach is the correct one (the ddbb model structure/relationship plus the queries)
Use SQL EXISTS. Your query should be like this:
.filter(~ exists().where(Banneduser.storm_id==Post.storm_id))\

Sqlalchemy one to many relationship join?

I am trying to do a simple join query like this,
SELECT food._id, food.food_name, food_categories.food_categories FROM food JOIN food_categories ON food.food_category_id = food_categories._id
but keep receiving an error. Here is how my classes are setup.
class Food_Categories(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'food_categories'
_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
food_categories = db.Column(db.String(30))
class Food(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'food'
_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
food_name = db.Column(db.String(40))
food_category_id = db.Column(db.Integer, ForeignKey(Food_Categories._id))
food_category = relationship("Food_Categories")
My query function looks like this.
def foodlist():
if request.method == 'GET':
results = Food.query.join(Food_Categories.food_categories).all()
json_results = []
for result in results:
d = {'_id': result._id,
'food': result.food_name,
'food_category': result.food_categories}
return jsonify(user=json_results)
I am using Flask. When I call the route I get this error.
AttributeError: 'ColumnProperty' object has no attribute 'mapper'
I essentially want this:
| id | food_name | food_category |
and have the food_category_id column replaced with the actual name of the food category located in other table.
Are my tables/relationships set up correctly? Is my query setup correctly?
Your tables and relationships are setup correctly. Your query needs a change.
The reason for an error is the fact that you try to perform a join on the column (Food_Categories.food_categories) instead of a Table (or mapped model object). Technically, you should replace your query with the one below to fix the error:
results = Food.query.join(Food_Categories).all()
This will fix the error, but will not generate the SQL statement you desire, because it will return instances of Food only as a result even though there is a join.
In order to build a query which will generate exactly the SQL statement you have in mind:
results = (db.session.query(Food._id, Food.food_name,
for x in results:
# print(x)
print(x._id, x.food_name, x.food_categories)
Please note that in this case the results are not instances of Food, but rather tuples with 3 column values.

Flask how to calculate tags count

I developing simple blog with tagging support. Actually I would like to add tags cloud functionality and I need to get count of each tag used in blog.
My Blog and Tag models looks like:
class Blog(db.Model, ObservableModel):
__tablename__ = "blogs"
id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.Sequence('blog_id_seq'), primary_key=True)
title = db.Column(db.String(200), unique=True, nullable=True)
tags = relationship('Tag', secondary=tags_to_blogs_association_table)
class Post(db.Model, ObservableModel):
__tablename__ = "posts"
blog = relationship('Blog', backref = db.backref('blogs', lazy='dynamic'))
tags = relationship('Tag', secondary=tags_to_posts_association_table)
class Tag(db.Model):
__tablename__ = "tags"
id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.Sequence('post_id_seq'), primary_key=True)
title = db.Column(db.String(30), unique=False, nullable=True)
I want to collect dictionary of pairs like tag_name : count and only one way is to iterate over Blog.tags collection with retrieving posts which contains tag item.
Actually I am not sure that it is the best (from performance point of view) solution, maybe flask-sqlalchemy provides join function?
Question: how to implement in Python using Flask-SQLAlchemy query like following:
from tags t
join tags_to_blogs b on t.id=b.tag_id
join tags_to_posts p on t.id=p.tag_id
group by (t.id)
having b.blog_id=1
Try this:
query = db.session.query(Tag, db.count(Post.id))
query = query.filter(
(tags_to_posts_association_table.tag_id == Tag.id) & \
(tags_to_posts_association_table.post_id == Post.id)
query = query.group_by(Tag.id)
This generates this query:
SELECT tags.id AS tags_id, tags.title AS tags_title, count(posts.id) AS count_1
FROM tags, posts, tags_to_posts
WHERE tags_to_posts.tag_id = tags.id AND tags_to_posts.post_id = posts.id GROUP BY tags.id
A cleaner way could be something like this:
query = db.session.query(Tag, db.func.count(Post.id))
# This works but the preferred way is what's below it
#query = query.join(tags_to_posts_association_table, Post)
query = query.join(Post.tags)
query = query.group_by(Tag.id)
This generates this query:
SELECT tags.id AS tags_id, tags.title AS tags_title, count(posts.id) AS count_1
FROM tags INNER JOIN tags_to_posts ON tags.id = tags_to_posts.tag_id INNER JOIN posts ON posts.id = tags_to_posts.post_id GROUP BY tags.id
All these produce the same result, and you can chain them just like this:
query = db.session.query(Tag.title, db.func.count(Post.id)).join(Post.tags).group_by(Tag.id)
# This will give you a dictionary with keys the tag titles, and values the count of each
# Because you can iterate over the query, which will give you the results
# Or you can use query.all() and use it as you prefer.
results = dict(query)
Also, I'm not sure if it's db.func.count or db.count. In any way you can always from sqlalchemy import func and use func.count.
I would do it this way (pseudo code, can't remember the proper alchemy syntax but you should be able to 'convert' it quiet easily)
tags = Tags.findAll()
for tag in tags:
myDict[tag] = Post.find(tags=tag).count()
And at the and you should have all tags in myDict with their count

sqlalchemy relational mapping

Hi I have a simple question - i have 2 tables (addresses and users - user has one address, lot of users can live at the same address)... I created a sqlalchemy mapping like this:
when I get my session and try to query something like
class Person(object):
idPerson = Column("idPerson", Integer, primary_key = True)
name = Column("name", String)
surname = Column("surname", String)
idAddress = Column("idAddress", Integer, ForeignKey("pAddress.idAddress"))
idState = Column("idState", Integer, ForeignKey("pState.idState"))
Address = relationship(Address, primaryjoin=idAddress==Address.idAddress)
class Address(object):
Class to represent table address object
idAddress = Column("idAddress", Integer, primary_key=True)
street = Column("street", String)
number = Column("number", Integer)
postcode = Column("postcode", Integer)
country = Column("country", String)
residents = relationship("Person",order_by="desc(Person.surname, Person.name)", primaryjoin="idAddress=Person.idPerson")
self.tablePerson = sqlalchemy.Table("pPerson", self.metadata, autoload=True)
sqlalchemy.orm.mapper(Person, self.tablePerson)
self.tableAddress = sqlalchemy.Table("pAddress", self.metadata, autoload=True)
sqlalchemy.orm.mapper(Address, self.tableAddress)
myaddress = session.query(Address).get(1);
print myaddress.residents[1].name
=> I get TypeError: 'RelationshipProperty' object does not support indexing
I understand residents is there to define the relationship but how the heck can I get the list of residents that the given address is assigned to?!
You define a relationship in a wrong place. I think you are mixing Declarative Extension with non-declarative use:
when using declarative, you define your relations in your model.
otherwise, you define them when mapping model to a table
If option-2 is what you are doing, then you need to remove both relationship definitions from the models, and add it to a mapper (only one is enought):
mapper(Address, tableAddress,
properties={'residents': relationship(Person, order_by=(desc(Person.name), desc(Person.surname)), backref="Address"),}
Few more things about the code above:
Relation is defined only on one side. The backref takes care about the other side.
You do not need to specify the primaryjoin (as long as you have a ForeignKey specified, and SA is able to infer the columns)
Your order_by configuration is not correct, see code above for the version which works.
You might try defining Person after Address, with a backref to Address - this will create the array element:
class Address(object):
__tablename__ = 'address_table'
idAddress = Column("idAddress", Integer, primary_key=True)
class Person(object):
idPerson = Column("idPerson", Integer, primary_key = True)
address_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('address_table.idAddress'))
address = relationship(Address, backref='residents')
Then you can query:
myaddress = session.query(Address).get(1);
for residents in myaddress.residents:
print name
Further, if you have a lot of residents at an address you can further filter using join:
resultset = session.query(Address).join(Address.residents).filter(Person.name=='Joe')
# or
resultset = session.query(Person).filter(Person.name=='Joe').join(Person.address).filter(Address.state='NY')
and resultset.first() or resultset[0] or resultset.get(...) etc...

