sqlalchemy relational mapping - python

Hi I have a simple question - i have 2 tables (addresses and users - user has one address, lot of users can live at the same address)... I created a sqlalchemy mapping like this:
when I get my session and try to query something like
class Person(object):
idPerson = Column("idPerson", Integer, primary_key = True)
name = Column("name", String)
surname = Column("surname", String)
idAddress = Column("idAddress", Integer, ForeignKey("pAddress.idAddress"))
idState = Column("idState", Integer, ForeignKey("pState.idState"))
Address = relationship(Address, primaryjoin=idAddress==Address.idAddress)
class Address(object):
Class to represent table address object
idAddress = Column("idAddress", Integer, primary_key=True)
street = Column("street", String)
number = Column("number", Integer)
postcode = Column("postcode", Integer)
country = Column("country", String)
residents = relationship("Person",order_by="desc(Person.surname, Person.name)", primaryjoin="idAddress=Person.idPerson")
self.tablePerson = sqlalchemy.Table("pPerson", self.metadata, autoload=True)
sqlalchemy.orm.mapper(Person, self.tablePerson)
self.tableAddress = sqlalchemy.Table("pAddress", self.metadata, autoload=True)
sqlalchemy.orm.mapper(Address, self.tableAddress)
myaddress = session.query(Address).get(1);
print myaddress.residents[1].name
=> I get TypeError: 'RelationshipProperty' object does not support indexing
I understand residents is there to define the relationship but how the heck can I get the list of residents that the given address is assigned to?!

You define a relationship in a wrong place. I think you are mixing Declarative Extension with non-declarative use:
when using declarative, you define your relations in your model.
otherwise, you define them when mapping model to a table
If option-2 is what you are doing, then you need to remove both relationship definitions from the models, and add it to a mapper (only one is enought):
mapper(Address, tableAddress,
properties={'residents': relationship(Person, order_by=(desc(Person.name), desc(Person.surname)), backref="Address"),}
Few more things about the code above:
Relation is defined only on one side. The backref takes care about the other side.
You do not need to specify the primaryjoin (as long as you have a ForeignKey specified, and SA is able to infer the columns)
Your order_by configuration is not correct, see code above for the version which works.

You might try defining Person after Address, with a backref to Address - this will create the array element:
class Address(object):
__tablename__ = 'address_table'
idAddress = Column("idAddress", Integer, primary_key=True)
class Person(object):
idPerson = Column("idPerson", Integer, primary_key = True)
address_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('address_table.idAddress'))
address = relationship(Address, backref='residents')
Then you can query:
myaddress = session.query(Address).get(1);
for residents in myaddress.residents:
print name
Further, if you have a lot of residents at an address you can further filter using join:
resultset = session.query(Address).join(Address.residents).filter(Person.name=='Joe')
# or
resultset = session.query(Person).filter(Person.name=='Joe').join(Person.address).filter(Address.state='NY')
and resultset.first() or resultset[0] or resultset.get(...) etc...


SQLAlchemy: Query filter including extra data from association table

I am trying to build an ORM mapped SQLite database. The conception of the DB seems to work as intended but I can't seem to be able to query it properly for more complex cases. I have spent the day trying to find an existing answer to my question but nothing works. I am not sure if the issue is with my mapping, my query or both. Or if maybe querying with attributes from a many to many association table with extra data works differently.
This the DB setup:
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///')
Base = declarative_base(bind=engine)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
class User(Base):
__tablename__ = 'users'
# Columns
id = Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True)
first = Column('first_name', String(100))
last = Column('last_name', String(100))
age = Column('age', Integer)
quality = Column('quality', String(100))
unit = Column('unit', String(100))
# Relationships
cases = relationship('UserCaseLink', back_populates='user_data')
def __repr__(self):
return f"<User(first='{self.first}', last='{self.last}', quality='{self.quality}', unit='{self.unit}')>"
class Case(Base):
__tablename__ = 'cases'
# Columns
id = Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True)
num = Column('case_number', String(100))
type = Column('case_type', String(100))
# Relationships
users = relationship('UserCaseLink', back_populates='case_data')
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Case(num='{self.num}', type='{self.type}')>"
class UserCaseLink(Base):
__tablename__ = 'users_cases'
# Columns
user_id = Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey('users.id'), primary_key=True)
case_id = Column('case_id', Integer, ForeignKey('cases.id'), primary_key=True)
role = Column('role', String(100))
# Relationships
user_data = relationship('User', back_populates='cases')
case_data = relationship('Case', back_populates='users')
if __name__ == '__main__':
session = Session()
and I would like to retrieve all the cases on which a particular person is working under a certain role.
So for example I want a list of all the cases a person named 'Alex' is working on as an 'Administrator'.
In other words I would like the result of this query:
SELECT [cases].*,
FROM [main].[cases]
INNER JOIN [main].[users_cases] ON [main].[cases].[id] = [main].[users_cases].[case_id]
INNER JOIN [main].[users] ON [main].[users].[id] = [main].[users_cases].[user_id]
WHERE [main].[users].[first_name] = 'Alex'
AND [main].[users_cases].[role] = 'Administrator';
So far I have tried many things along the lines of:
cases = session.query(Case).filter(User.first == 'Alex', UserCaseLink.role == 'Administrator')
but it is not working as I would like it to.
How can I modify the ORM mapping so that it does the joining for me and allows me to query easily (something like the query I tried)?
According to your calsses, the quivalent query for:
SELECT [cases].*,
FROM [main].[cases]
INNER JOIN [main].[users_cases] ON [main].[cases].[id] = [main].[users_cases].[case_id]
INNER JOIN [main].[users] ON [main].[users].[id] = [main].[users_cases].[user_id]
WHERE [main].[users].[first_name] = 'Alex'
AND [main].[users_cases].[role] = 'Administrator';
cases = session.query(
Case.id, Case.num,Cas.type,
also, you can:
cases = Case.query\
.filter( (User.first=='Alex') & (User.first=='Alex') )\
Good Luck
After comment
based in your comment, I think you want something like:
cases = Case.query\
.filter( (Case.case_data.cases.first=='Alex') & (Case.case_data.cases.first=='Alex') )\
where case_data connect between Case an UserCaseLink and cases connect between UserCaseLink and User as in your relations.
But,that case causes error:
AttributeError: Neither 'InstrumentedAttribute' object nor 'Comparator' object associated with dimpor.org_type has an attribute 'org_type_id'
The missage shows that the attributes combined in filter should belong to the table class
So I ended up having to compromise.
It seems the query cannot be aware of all the relationships present in the ORM mapping at all times. Instead I had to manually give it the path between the different classes for it to find all the data I wanted:
cases = session.query(Case)\
.filter(User.first == 'Alex', UserCaseLink.role == 'Administrator')\
However, as it does not meet all the criteria for my original question (ie I still have to specify the joins), I will not mark this answer as the accepted one.

SQL to SQLAlchemy translation

I have a, somewhat odd, query that gets me all the items in a parent table that have no matches in its corresponding child table.
If possible, id like to turn it into an SQLAlchemy query. But I have no idea how. I can do basic gets and filters, but this one is beyond my experience so far. Any help you folks might give would be greatly appreciated.
class customerTranslations(Base):
"""parent table. holds customer names"""
__tablename__ = 'customer_translation'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
class customerEmails(Base):
"""child table. hold emails for customers in translation table"""
__tablename__ = 'customer_emails'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
parent_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('customer_translation.id'))
I want to build:
SELECT * FROM customer_translation
WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT parent_id FROM customer_emails)
You have a subquery, so create one first:
all_emails_stmnt = session.query(customerEmails.parent_id).subquery()
and then you can use that to filter your other table:
translations_with_no_email = session.query(customerTranslations).filter(
This produces the same SQL (but with all the column names expanded, rather than using *, the ORM then can create your objects):
>>> all_emails_stmnt = session.query(customerEmails.parent_id).subquery()
>>> print(all_emails_stmnt)
SELECT customer_emails.parent_id
FROM customer_emails
>>> translations_with_no_email = session.query(customerTranslations).filter(
... ~customerTranslations.id.in_(all_emails_stmnt))
>>> print(translations_with_no_email)
SELECT customer_translation.id AS customer_translation_id
FROM customer_translation
WHERE customer_translation.id NOT IN (SELECT customer_emails.parent_id
FROM customer_emails)
You could also use NOT EXISTS:
from sqlalchemy.sql import exists
has_no_email_stmnt = ~exists().where(customerTranslations.id == customerEmails.parent_id)
translations_with_no_email = session.query(customerTranslations).filter(has_no_email_stmnt)
or, if you have a a backreference on the customerTranslations class pointing to emails, named emails, use .any() on the relationship and invert:
Back in 2010 NOT EXISTS was a little slower on MySQL but you may want to re-assess if that is still the case.

Cannot access column in PostgreSQL table from Python model

I have defined a python class "Students", like this:
class Students(DeclarativeBase):
__tablename__ = 'students'
id_ = Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column('nombre', Unicode(50))
date_of_birth = Column(Date)
If I do select * from students, I can see all of these columns plus a few more, namely: _created and _updated.
I need to use the values stored in the columns _created and _updated. So I try to access them like this:
#get student with id = 1
>>> s = dbs.query(Students).get(1)
# print its name
>>> print(s.name)
# try to print when it was created
>>> print (s._created)
AttributeError: 'Students' object has no attribute '_created'
Of course I get that message because the attribute _created is not defined in the model.
How can I access the value stored in the table Students even though it is not an attribute of the class Student?
SQLAlchemy needs the definition of each column it will access. (There are ways to auto-discover by reflecting the database, but explicit is better than implicit.) Add the column definitions to the model. I'm assuming they're DateTimes. You can use default= and onupdate= to provide new values when a row is inserted or updated.
class Student(Base):
__tablename__ = 'student'
id = Column('id_', Integer, primary_key=True)
# other columns...
created = Column('_created', DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow)
updated = Column('_updated', DateTime, onupdate=datetime.utcnow)

SQLAlchemy exclude_properties not working in Declarative

In declarative approach, I want to exclude one property, its working properly when my column name and property name are same. But if I give different name then its not working.
Here is my sample code.
Base = declarative_base()
class tblUser(Base):
__tablename__ = 'tblUser'
User_Id = Column('User_Id', String(100), primary_key=True)
SequenceNo = Column('Sequence_No', Integer)
FullName = Column('FullName', String(50))
__mapper_args__ = {'exclude_properties' :['Sequence_No']}
user = tblUser()
user.User_Id = '1000001'
user.SequenceNo = 101
In the above sample I don't want the SequenceNo property to be updated in database even if I assign some value to it. So I used exclude_properties but still its updating the value in db. But if I change the property name from SequenceNo to Sequence_No (same as the column name) then its working as per the behaviour. Can anyone help me?
Unfortunately, __mapper_args__ is probably the wrong approach. It is intended to control the reflection of an existing database table into a mapper, not make a column 'read-only'.
I think a better approach would be to use a hybrid property:
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
Base = declarative_base()
class tblUser(Base):
__tablename__ = 'tblUser'
User_Id = Column('User_Id', String(100), primary_key=True)
FullName = Column('FullName', String(50))
_Sequence_No = Column('Sequence_No', Integer)
_local_Sequence_No = None
def SequenceNo(self):
if self._local_Sequence_No is not None:
return self._local_Sequence_No
return self._SequenceNo
def SequenceNo(self, value):
self._local_Sequence_No = value
The original Sequence_No column is available via a private attribute, and the SequenceNo property intercepts writes and stores them on the instance to be re-used later, but not written to the database.

sqlalchemy / table setup

I have items, warehouses, and items are in warehouses.
So I have table that has information about items (sku, description, cost ...) and a table that describes warehouses(location, code, name, ...). Now I need a way to store inventory so that I know I have X items in warehouse Y. An item can be in any warehouse.
How would I go about setting up the relationship between them and storing the qty?
class Item(DeclarativeBase):
__tablename__ = 'items'
item_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True,autoincrement=True)
item_code = Column(Unicode(35),unique=True)
item_description = Column(Unicode(100))
item_long_description = Column(Unicode())
item_cost = Column(Numeric(precision=13,scale=4))
item_list = Column(Numeric(precision=13,scale=2))
def __init__(self,code,description,cost,list):
self.item_code = code
self.item_description = description
self.item_cost = cost
self.item_list = list
class Warehouse(DeclarativeBase):
__tablename__ = 'warehouses'
warehouse_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
warehouse_code = Column(Unicode(15),unique=True)
warehouse_description = Column(Unicode(55))
If I am correct I would setup the many to many using an intermediate table something like ...
item_warehouse = Table(
'item_warehouse', Base.metadata,
Column('item_id', Integer, ForeignKey('items.item_id')),
Column('warehouse_id', Integar, ForeignKey('warehouses.warehouse_id'))
But i would need to start the qty available on this table but since its not its own class I am not sure how that would work.
What would be the "best" practice for modeling this and having it usable in my app?
As mentioned by #Lafada, you need an Association Object. As such I would create a SA-persistent object and not only a table:
class ItemWarehouse(Base):
# version-1:
__tablename__ = 'item_warehouse'
__table_args__ = (PrimaryKeyConstraint('item_id', 'warehouse_id', name='ItemWarehouse_PK'),)
# version-2:
#__table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('item_id', 'warehouse_id', name='ItemWarehouse_PK'),)
#id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
# other columns
item_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('items.id'), nullable=False)
warehouse_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('warehouses.id'), nullable=False)
quantity = Column(Integer, default=0)
This covers the model requirement with the following:
added a PrimaryKey
added a UniqueConstraint covering the (item_id, warehouse_id) pairs.
In the code above this is solved in two ways:
version-1: uses composite primary key (which must be unique)
version-2: uses simple primary key, but also adds an explicit unique constraint [I personally prefer this option]
Relationship: Association Object
Now. You can use the Association Object as is, which will look similar to this:
w = Warehouse(...)
i = Item(name="kindle", price=...)
iw = ItemWarehouse(quantity=50)
iw.item = i
Relationship: Association Proxy extension
or, you could go one step further and use the Composite Association Proxies example, and you may configure dictionary-like access to the association object similar to this:
w = Warehouse(...)
i = Item(name="kindle", price=...)
w[i] = 50 # sets the quantity to 50 of item _i_ in warehouse _w_
i[w] = 50 # same as above, if you configure it symmetrically
Beware: the code for the relationships definition might look really not easily readable, but the usage pattern is really nice. So if this option is too much to digest, I would start with Association Object with maybe some helper functions to add/get/update the item stocks, and eventually move to the Association Proxy extesion.
You have to use "Association Object".
I try to give you hint for your problem you have to create table like you mention in your question
item_warehouse = Table( 'item_warehouse',
Now you can add warehouse, item and qty in single object and you have to write method which will take warehouse_id and item_id and get the sum of qty for those itmes.
Hope this will help you to solve your problem.

