I am trying to numerically integrate the following equation of motion and solve for omega vector(3x1) :
So the above equation is I want to numerically integrate given initial Omega_naught vector, inertia matrix(=identity matrix) and moment vector(=zero vector).
At the moment I am trying to use odeint from scipy but it throws me a ValueError: Initial condition y0 must be one-dimensional.
Here is my approach
I = np.array([[10, 0, 0], [0, 15, 0], [0, 0, 20]])
C0 = np.eye(3)
M = np.zeros(3).reshape(3, 1)
I_inv = np.linalg.inv(I)
def skew(x):
return np.array([[0, -x[2], x[1]],
[x[2], 0, -x[0]],
[-x[1], x[0], 0]])
def model(w, t):
H = np.matmul(I, w) #angular momentum
A = M - np.matmul(skew(w), H)
dwdt = np.matmul(I_inv, A)
return dwdt
#Initial condition
w0 = np.array([0.01, 10, 0]).reshape(3, 1)
#time points
t = np.linspace(0, 20)
#solve ode
w = odeint(model, w0, t)
I have never used odeint with matrix equations so I am not sure if I am using the right integration method for the equation. How can I resolve this using odeint or should I use a different integration method?
I am also open to MATLAB hints or answers.
A - 3x1 vector
[I] - 3x3 matrix
tilde_A - skew symmetric matrix
The error means that there should only be one dimension in the initial point, that is, it should be a flat numpy array. The same then also goes inside the ODE function, the interface is flat arrays, you have to establish and destroy the structure of column vectors manually. But this seems to invite strange follow-up errors, so go the other way, make everything shapeless. The rule is that matrix multiplication with a shapeless array returns a shapeless array. Do not mix, that invites "broadcasting" to a matrix.
M = np.zeros(3)
def model(w, t):
H = np.matmul(I, w) #angular momentum
A = M - np.matmul(skew(w), H)
dwdt = np.matmul(I_inv, A)
return dwdt
#Initial condition
w0 = np.array([0.01, 10, 0])
With these changes the code works for me.
I would like to numerically compute this ODE from time 0 -> T :
ODE equation where all of the sub-matrix are numerically given in a paper. Here are all of the variables :
import numpy as np
T = 1
eta = np.diag([2e-7, 2e-7])
R = [[0.33, 3.95],
[-2.52, 10.23]]
R = np.array(R)
gamma = 2e-5
GAMMA = 100
S_bar = [54.23, 27.45]
cov = [[0.47, 0.2],
[0.2, 0.14]]
cov = np.array(cov)
shape = cov.shape
Q = 0.5*np.block([[gamma*cov, R],
[np.transpose(R), np.zeros(shape)]])
Y = np.block([[np.zeros(shape), np.zeros(shape)],
[gamma*cov, R]])
U = np.block([[-linalg.inv(eta), np.zeros(shape)],
[np.zeros(shape), 2*gamma*cov]])
P_T = np.block([[-GAMMA*np.ones(shape), np.zeros(shape)],
[np.zeros(shape), np.zeros(shape)]])
Now I define de function f so that P' = f(t, P) :
n = len(P_T)
def f(t, X):
X = X.reshape([n, n])
return (Q + np.transpose(Y)#X + X#Y + X#U#X).reshape(-1)
Now my goal is to numerically solve this ODE, im trying to figure out the right function solve so that if I integrate the ODE from T to 0, then using the final value I get, I integrate back from 0 to T, the two matrices I get are actually (nearly) the same. Here is my solve function :
from scipy import integrate
def solve(interval, initial_value):
return integrate.solve_ivp(f, interval, initial_value, method="LSODA", max_step=1e-4)
Now I can test wether the computation is right :
solv = solve([T, 0], P_T.reshape(-1))
y = np.array(solv.y)
solv2 = solve([0, T], y[:, -1])
y2 = np.array(solv2.y)
# print(solv.status)
# print(solv2.status)
# this lines shows the diffenrence between the initial matrix at T and the final matrix computed at T
# the smallest is the value, the better is the computation
print(sum(sum(abs((P_T - y2[:, -1].reshape([n, n]))))))
My issue is : No matter what "solve" function im using (using different methods, different step sizes, testing all the parameters...) I always get either errors or a very bad convergence (the difference between the two matrices is too high).
Knowing that according to the paper where this ODE comes from ( (23) in https://arxiv.org/pdf/2103.13773v4.pdf) there exists a solution, how can I numerically compute it?
I want to use Scipy minimize function to find the optimal values that achieve the minimum error function. I used scipy.optimize.minimize, which requires me to specify the rubber and lower bound and any constraint to be passed to the minimization function. I wanted to add an inequality constraint such that A*x < b, so here is my code:
from scipy.optimize import minimize, LinearConstraint
import numpy as np
def error_func(theta):
return theta[0] - theta[1]
theta0 = [100, 0]
A = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
b = np.array([[100], [0]])
bnds = ((0, 100), (0, 0))
constraint = LinearConstraint(A, lb=-np.inf, ub=b)
theta = minimize(error_func, theta0, method='trust-constr',constraints=constraint, bounds=bnds, options={'maxiter': 500})
But, when I run the code, I receive the following error on the optimization function line:
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/scipy/optimize/_constraints.py in __init__(self, constraint, x0, sparse_jacobian, finite_diff_bounds)
259 mask = keep_feasible & (lb != ub)
260 f0 = fun.f
--> 261 if np.any(f0[mask] < lb[mask]) or np.any(f0[mask] > ub[mask]):
262 raise ValueError("`x0` is infeasible with respect to some "
263 "inequality constraint with `keep_feasible` "
IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed
So can anyone please explain why I receive such an error? what I'm doing wrong here?
I just figured out the solution. The constraint I added will find a solution such that A*x <= b. Therefore, there will be a comparison between A*x and b. The output of the comparison is of shape (2,2) (I don't understand why although the shape of the matrix multiplication is (2,1) and so is b). Long story short, the minimization function expects the return of the constraint comparison to being a list containing two values as same as I defined initial theta. Therefore, I needed to change my constraint function such that it returns the same shape as the initial theta. Here is the correct code:
from scipy.optimize import minimize, NonlinearConstraint
import numpy as np
def error_func(theta):
return theta[0] - theta[1]
theta0 = [100, 0]
A = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
b = [100, 0]
bnds = ((0, 100), (0, 0))
func = lambda x: A.dot(x).tolist()
constraint = NonlinearConstraint(func, -np.inf, b)
theta = minimize(error_func, theta0, method='trust-constr',constraints=constraint, bounds=bnds, options={'maxiter': 500})
I have a combinatorics problem that I can't solve.
Given a set of vectors and a target vector, return a scalar for each vector, so that the average of the scaled vectors in the set is closest to the target.
Edit: Weights w_i are in range [0, 1]. This is a constrained optimisation problem:
minimise d(avg(w_i * x_i), target)
subject to sum(w_i) - 1 = 0
If i had to name this problem it would be unbounded subset average.
I have looked at the unbounded knapsack and similar problems, but a dynamic programming implementation seems to be impossible due to the interdependence of the numbers.
I also inplemented a genetic algorithm that is able to approximate the weights moderately well, but it takes too long and I was initially hoping to solve the problem using dynamic programming.
Is there any hope?
In a 2D space the solution to the problem can be represented like this
Problem class identification
As recognized by others this is a an optimization problem. You have linear constraints and a convex objective function, it can be cast to quadratic programming, (read Least squares session)
Casting to standard form
If you want to minimize the average of w[i] * x[i], this is sum(w[i] * x[i]) / N, if you arrange w[i] as the elements of a (1 x N_vectors) matrix, and each vector x[i] as the i-th row of a (N_vectors x DIM) matrix, it becomes w # X / N_vectors (with # being the matrix product operator).
To cast to that form you would have to construct a matrix so that each rows of A*x < b expressing -w[i] < 0, the equality is sum(w) = 1 becomes sum(w) < 1 and -sum(w) < -1. But there there are amazing tools to automate this part.
This can be readily implemented using cvxpy, and you don't have to care about expanding all the constraints.
The following function solves the problem and if the vectors have dimension 2 plot the result.
import cvxpy;
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def place_there(X, target):
# some linear algebra arrangements
target = target.reshape((1, -1))
ncols = target.shape[1]
X = np.array(X).reshape((-1, ncols))
N_vectors = X.shape[0]
# variable of the problem
w = cvxpy.Variable((1, X.shape[0]))
# solve the problem with the objective of minimize the norm of w * X - T (# is the matrix product)
P = cvxpy.Problem(cvxpy.Minimize(cvxpy.norm((w # X) / N_vectors - target)), [w >= 0, cvxpy.sum(w) == 1])
# here it is solved
print('Distance from target is: ', P.solve())
# show the solution in a nice plot
# w.value is the w that gave the optimal solution
Y = w.value.transpose() * X / N_vectors
path = np.zeros((X.shape[0] + 1, 2))
path[1:, :] = np.cumsum(Y, axis=0)
randColors=np.random.rand( 3* X.shape[0], 3).reshape((-1, 3)) * 0.7
plt.quiver(path[:-1,0], path[:-1, 1], Y[:, 0], Y[:, 1], color=randColors, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1)
plt.plot(target[:, 0], target[:, 1], 'or')
And you can run it like this
target = np.array([[1.234, 0.456]]);
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
for i in [1,2,3]:
X = np.random.randn(20) * 100
place_there(X, target)
plt.xlim([-3, 3])
plt.ylim([-3, 3])
I am trying to use scipy to numerically solve the following differential equation
x''+x=\sum_{k=1}^{20}\delta(t-k\pi), y(0)=y'(0)=0.
Here is the code
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sympy import DiracDelta
def f(t):
sum = 0
for i in range(20):
sum = sum + 1.0*DiracDelta(t-(i+1)*np.pi)
return sum
def ode(X, t):
x = X[0]
y = X[1]
dxdt = y
dydt = -x + f(t)
return [dxdt, dydt]
X0 = [0, 0]
t = np.linspace(0, 80, 500)
sol = odeint(ode, X0, t)
x = sol[:, 0]
y = sol[:, 1]
plt.plot(t,x, t, y)
plt.legend(('x', 'y'))
# phase portrait
plt.plot(x[0], y[0], 'ro')
However what I got from python is zero solution, which is different from what I got from Mathematica. Here are the mathematica code and the graph
so=NDSolve[{x''(t)+x(t)=\sum _{i=1}^{20} DiraDelta (t-i \pi ),x(0)=0,x'(0)=0},x(t),{t,0,80}]
It seems to me that scipy ignores the Dirac delta function. Where am I wrong? Any help is appreciated.
Dirac delta is not a function. Writing it as density in an integral is still only a symbolic representation. It is, as mathematical object, a functional on the space of continuous functions. delta(t0,f)=f(t0), not more, not less.
One can approximate the evaluation, or "sifting" effect of the delta operator by continuous functions. The usual good approximations have the form N*phi(N*t) where N is a large number and phi a non-negative function, usually with a somewhat compact shape, that has integral one. Popular examples are box functions, tent functions, the Gauß bell curve, ... So you could take
def tentfunc(t): return max(0,1-abs(t))
N = 10.0
def rhs(t): return sum( N*tentfunc(N*(t-(i+1)*np.pi)) for i in range(20))
X0 = [0, 0]
t = np.linspace(0, 80, 1000)
sol = odeint(lambda x,t: [ x[1], rhs(t)-x[0]], X0, t, tcrit=np.pi*np.arange(21), atol=1e-8, rtol=1e-10)
x,v = sol.T
plt.plot(t,x, t, v)
which gives
Note that the density of the t array also influences the accuracy, while the tcrit critical points did not do much.
Another way is to remember that delta is the second derivative of max(0,x), so one can construct a function that is the twice primitive of the right side,
def u(t): return sum(np.maximum(0,t-(i+1)*np.pi) for i in range(20))
so that now the equation is equivalent to
(x(t)-u(t))'' + x(t) = 0
set y = x-u then
y''(t) + y(t) = -u(t)
which now has a continuous right side.
X0 = [0, 0]
t = np.linspace(0, 80, 1000)
sol = odeint(lambda y,t: [ y[1], -u(t)-y[0]], X0, t, atol=1e-8, rtol=1e-10)
y,v = sol.T
odeint :
does not handle sympy symbolic objects
it's unlikely it can ever handle Dirac Delta terms.
The best bet is probably to turn dirac deltas into boundary conditions: assume that the function is continuous at the location of the Dirac delta, but the first derivative jumps. Integrating over infinitesimal interval around the location of the delta function gives you the boundary condition for the derivative just left and just right from the delta.
I am trying to solve the set of coupled boundary value problems such that;
U'' +aB'+ b*(cosh(lambda z))^{-2}tanh(lambda*z) = 0,
B'' + c*U' = 0,
T'' = (gamma^{-1} - 1)*(d*(U')^2 + e*(B')^2)
subject to the boundary conditions U(+/- 1/2) = +/-U_0*tanh(lambda/2), B(+/- 1/2) = 0 and T(-1/2) = 1, T(1/2) = 4. I have decomposed this set of equations into a set of first order differential equations, and used the derivative array such that [U, U', B, B', T, T']. But bvp solve is returning the error that I have a single Jacobian. When I remove the last two equations, I get a solution for U and B and that works fine. However, I am unsure why adding the other two equations results in this issue.
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_bvp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
alpha = 1E-7
zeta = 8E-3
C_k = 0.01
sigma = 0.005
Q = 30
U_0 = 0.1
gamma = 5/3
theta = 3
def fun(x, y):
return y[1], -2*U_0*Q**2*(1/np.cosh(Q*x))**2*np.tanh(Q*x)-((alpha)/(C_k*sigma))*y[3], y[3],\
-(1/(C_k*zeta))*y[1], y[4], (1/gamma - 1)*(sigma*(y[1])**2 + zeta*alpha*(y[3])**2)
def bc(ya, yb):
return ya[0]+U_0*np.tanh(Q*0.5), yb[0]-U_0*np.tanh(Q*0.5), ya[2]-0, yb[2]-0, ya[4] - 1, yb[4] - 4
x = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 500)
y = np.zeros((6, x.size))
sol = solve_bvp(fun, bc, x, y)
However, the error that I am getting is that 'setting an array with sequence'. The first function and boundary conditions solves two coupled equations, then I use these results to evaluate the equation I have given. I have tried writing all of my equations in one function, however this seems to be returning trivial solutions i.e an array full of zeros.
Any help would be appreciated.
When the expressions become larger it is often more helpful to keep the computations human readable instead of compact.
def fun(x, y):
U, dU, B, dB, T, dT = y;
d2U = -2*U_0*Q**2*(1/np.cosh(Q*x))**2*np.tanh(Q*x)-((alpha)/(C_k*sigma))*dB;
d2B = -(1/(C_k*zeta))*dU;
d2T = (1/gamma - 1)*(sigma*dU**2 + zeta*alpha*dB**2);
return dU, d2U, dB, d2B, dT, d2T
This avoids missing an index error as there are no indices in this computation, all has names close to the original formulas.
Then the solution components (using initialization with only 5 points, resulting in a refinement with 65 points) plots as