Insert into an unknown mysql column - python

Am trying to insert values into a mysql table with unknown database columns that are present in the db but can be found - and are passed - from inside a loop, however I am still stuck and I get the error message. I have written sample code that reproduces the error and tries to generate the mysql query dynamically. Is there a simpler way to do this with mysql? Why is my code not running? The final query seems correct
mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError: 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '%s,%s,%s,%s)' at line 1
The far that I could imagine
from Learn.callmysql import mycursor, db
datte = {}
datte["schoolfee"] = "amount"
datte["student"] = "name"
testlist = ["parent", "bothnames"] #Notte this will be generated dynamically so I have no idea the variables in it, this is a sample
thelist = []
secondlist = ""
for value in testlist:
datte[value] = "Bch" #here "Bch will be a real unknown value"
print("Final dictionary after adding degree is like: " + str(datte))
for value in datte:
breakdown = "("
count = 0
total_count_should_be = len(thelist)
for value in thelist:
if count == total_count_should_be -1:
breakdown = breakdown + value + ")"
breakdown = breakdown + value+","
count = count + 1
first_part_of_query = breakdown
print("First part of the query will be like: " + first_part_of_query)
for index in range(len(thelist)):
if index == 0:
secondlist = secondlist + "(%s,"
elif index == len(thelist)-1:
secondlist = secondlist + "%s)"
secondlist = secondlist + "%s,"
second_part_of_the_query = secondlist
print("Second part of the query will be like: " + second_part_of_the_query)
#Try to join the queries
query = "INSERT INTO testtale " + first_part_of_query + " VALUES " + second_part_of_the_query
print("Query looks like: " + query)
val = datte
mycursor.execute(query, val)

As #Rob Streeting suggested,
I have converted my dictionary into an ordered list then to a tuple like so
print("Dictionary is: " + str(datte))
list = []
for value in datte.values():
listintotupple = tuple(list)
Then passed it to the query:
#Try to join the queries
query = "INSERT INTO testtale " + first_part_of_query + " VALUES " + second_part_of_the_query
print("Query looks like: " + query)
val = listintotupple
mycursor.execute(query, val)


How can I avoid SQL DB2 issue?

When I run this query by manually it execute correctly without any issue and I can get the store number and item number but when I use it in my framework and connect my scenario step to the Db2 it gives me an error. This is the query which one is I execute:::
cursor.execute("select * from qs36f.DSTHSTP join qs36f.calendar on date_ccyymmd = dhindt where date_iso between(current date - 10 day) and current date and DHCUS# in (" + open_stores + ") and dhqtss>=1 and DHCLSS = " + class_nbr + " and dhsbcl = " + sub_class_nbr + " and ((dhqtss*dhrt5s)*DHPACK) <" + end_range + "")
I don't know what is the issue here. This is error:::
cursor.execute("select * from qs36f.DSTHSTP join qs36f.calendar on date_ccyymmd = dhindt where date_iso between(current date - 10 day) and current date and DHCUS# in (" + open_stores + ") and dhqtss>=1 and DHCLSS = " + class_nbr + " and dhsbcl = " + sub_class_nbr + " and ((dhqtss*dhrt5s)*DHPACK) <" + end_range + "")
pyodbc.ProgrammingError: ('42000', '[42000] [IBM][System i Access ODBC Driver][DB2 for i5/OS]SQL0104 - Token , was not valid. Valid tokens: FOR USE SKIP WAIT WITH FETCH LIMIT ORDER UNION EXCEPT OFFSET. (-104) (SQLExecDirectW)')
My expectations is I have to retrieve from database store number and item number.
It seems you are facing a syntax error. Having that your statement is:
select *
from qs36f.DSTHSTP
join qs36f.calendar
on date_ccyymmd = dhindt
where date_iso between (current date - 10 day) and current date
and DHCUS# in (" + open_stores + ")
and dhqtss>=1
and DHCLSS = " + class_nbr + "
and dhsbcl = " + sub_class_nbr + "
and ((dhqtss*dhrt5s)*DHPACK) <" + end_range + "
It's possible that you are not building it correctly. In such cases, try to remove one line from the WHERE clause and execute the query in order to find the one that is not correct.

Trying to update or insert to SQL Server using pyodbc by iterating through Panda data frame

I am trying to update if record exist and insert if no record is found. using below code
for index, row in df.iterrows():
cols = "],[".join([str(i) for i in df.columns.tolist()])
cols = "([" + cols + "])"
ucols = "] = ?,[".join([str(i) for i in df.columns.tolist()])
ucols = "[" + ucols + "] = ?"
c.execute("UPDATE " + tblname + " SET" + ucols + " WHERE [TESTNUMBER]=" + str(row['TESTNUMBER']) + " AND [ROWNUM] =" + str(row['ROWNUM']) + ";", tuple(row))
sqlr = "IF ##ROWCOUNT = 0 " \
"BEGIN " \
"INSERT INTO " + tblname + cols +" VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?); " \
"END " \
c.execute(sqlr, tuple(row))
getting below error message
{ProgrammingError}('25000', u'[25000] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates a mismatching number of BEGIN and COMMIT statements. Previous count = 2, current count = 1. (266) (SQLExecDirectW)')
no sure what i am doing wrong. appreciate your help

Dynamically passing the column name as well the values in python mysql query

This is the following code
pythonlist = ['Name','Mno']
datalist = ["qwerty",'234']
sql = "SELECT " + ",".join(pythonlist) + " FROM data WHERE name = '"+ "','".join(datalist) + "' INTO OUTFILE filename"
SELECT Name,Mno FROM data WHERE Name= 'qwerty','234'
SELECT Name,Mno FROM data WHERE Name = 'qwerty' and Mno = 234
Do note the removal of quotations marks in 'mno'.
The reason I am doing this is due because the column names, as well as values corresponding it to, will change frequently
Code :
queryparams = {'Name': 'qwerty', 'Mno': '234'}
and_clause = []
[and_clause.append(' %s = %s ') for k,v in queryparams.items()]
and_clause_str = ' and '.join(and_clause)
sql = 'SELECT %s FROM data WHERE ' + and_clause_str
params = [','.join(queryparams.keys())]
for k,v in queryparams.items():
cursor.execute(sql, params=tuple(params))
This works if you add 10/20 more items to dictionary .
Aswell as prevents SQL-injection : Using params to pass values instead of string-concatenation .
Try this:
data = {'Name': 'qwerty' , 'Mno' : '234'}
sql = "SELECT " + ", ".join(data.keys()) + " FROM data WHERE " + str(list(data.keys())[0]) + " = '" + \
str(data[list(data.keys())[0]]) + "' and " +\
str(list(data.keys())[1]) + " = " + str(data[list(data.keys())[1]])

INSERT INTO not working. Unique Constraint Failed (Python SQLite)

I am creating a sorting application that picks students out of a table and puts them in form groups. Gender should be equal across the groups. It loops through each table inserting random male students.
I have used print functions to track what is happening. It seems like the loop is working since
is printing rows out. However there hasn't been an insertion at all in the other table. And the program breaks and outputs this error:
Here is my code:
# loops through each table
for x in range(0,groupNumber):
#Adds I to table name to go through each table
nameGroup = ''.join(nameGroupList)
#loop to select a student from the main table (sessionName) and insert them into another group
#loop number is subject to the number of males that should be in 1 group
for x in range(0, formMaleInt):
selectMaleRow = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM " + sessionName + " WHERE Gender='M' ORDER BY random() Limit 1")
#-----Find ID of student selected so they can be deleted from sessionName
idMale = selectMaleRow.fetchone()
idSepChar = list(idMale)
idNum = idSepChar[0]
idNumStr = str(idNum)
#-----Find ID of student selected so they can be deleted from sessionName
insertMaleRow = cur.execute("INSERT INTO " + nameGroup + " SELECT * FROM " + sessionName + " WHERE Gender='M' ORDER BY random() Limit 1")
deleteMaleRow = cur.execute("DELETE FROM " + sessionName + " WHERE ID='" + idNumStr + "'")
Here is my sessionName table:
Here is my other table

How to introduce a switch breaker to perform insert every 50 lines

My current code basically does a bulk insert after iterating around all of the rows in my excel file. I want to introduce a switch breaker that will perform the insert every 50 lines.
db = Database(settings)
elt_insert_line = "INSERT INTO elt_data VALUES"
for row in r:
elt_insert_line = elt_insert_line + "(" + row[2] + ", " + row[3] + "),"
Using modulo operator and IF conditional
not familiar with python but i think you need something like this
db = Database(settings)
elt_insert_line = "INSERT INTO elt_data VALUES"
for row in r:
elt_insert_line = elt_insert_line + "(" + row[2] + ", " + row[3] + "),"
if r % 50 = 0 then
elt_insert_line = "INSERT INTO elt_data VALUES"
--one aditional at the end of the for

