When I run this query by manually it execute correctly without any issue and I can get the store number and item number but when I use it in my framework and connect my scenario step to the Db2 it gives me an error. This is the query which one is I execute:::
cursor.execute("select * from qs36f.DSTHSTP join qs36f.calendar on date_ccyymmd = dhindt where date_iso between(current date - 10 day) and current date and DHCUS# in (" + open_stores + ") and dhqtss>=1 and DHCLSS = " + class_nbr + " and dhsbcl = " + sub_class_nbr + " and ((dhqtss*dhrt5s)*DHPACK) <" + end_range + "")
I don't know what is the issue here. This is error:::
cursor.execute("select * from qs36f.DSTHSTP join qs36f.calendar on date_ccyymmd = dhindt where date_iso between(current date - 10 day) and current date and DHCUS# in (" + open_stores + ") and dhqtss>=1 and DHCLSS = " + class_nbr + " and dhsbcl = " + sub_class_nbr + " and ((dhqtss*dhrt5s)*DHPACK) <" + end_range + "")
pyodbc.ProgrammingError: ('42000', '[42000] [IBM][System i Access ODBC Driver][DB2 for i5/OS]SQL0104 - Token , was not valid. Valid tokens: FOR USE SKIP WAIT WITH FETCH LIMIT ORDER UNION EXCEPT OFFSET. (-104) (SQLExecDirectW)')
My expectations is I have to retrieve from database store number and item number.
It seems you are facing a syntax error. Having that your statement is:
select *
from qs36f.DSTHSTP
join qs36f.calendar
on date_ccyymmd = dhindt
where date_iso between (current date - 10 day) and current date
and DHCUS# in (" + open_stores + ")
and dhqtss>=1
and DHCLSS = " + class_nbr + "
and dhsbcl = " + sub_class_nbr + "
and ((dhqtss*dhrt5s)*DHPACK) <" + end_range + "
It's possible that you are not building it correctly. In such cases, try to remove one line from the WHERE clause and execute the query in order to find the one that is not correct.
I am executing PostgreSQL13 queries coding them in python 3.9 using the psycopg2 library. I also am working with PostGIS extension over PostgreSQL.
Kindly look for the comment which points out the line which causes the syntax error. I am having trouble both understanding what is the syntax error and how to debug it since I need to execute PostgreSQL queries using python so any tips will be greatly appreciated.
def corefunc(rf, openConnection):
pcur = openConnection.cursor(name="pcur" + rf)
rcur = openConnection.cursor(name="rcur" + rf)
acur = openConnection.cursor()
rcur.execute("SELECT geom FROM " + rf)
for number in range (1, 5):
acur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + "pf"+ rf)
acur.execute("CREATE TABLE " + "pf" + rf + " (index integer, sums integer)")
pcur.execute("SELECT geom FROM " + "pf" + str(number))
row = 1
for each in rcur.fetchall():
if number == 1: acur.execute("INSERT INTO " + "pf" + rf + " (index, sums) VALUES (" + str(row) + ",0)")
for eachone in pcur.fetchall():
#-------------------------------------------- the statement below gives the syntax error
acur.execute("UPDATE TABLE " + "pf" + rf + " SET sums = sums + "\
+"ST_Contains(" + " ' " + each[0] + " ' " + ", " + " ' " + eachone[0] + " ' " + ")::int WHERE index = " + str(row))
row = row + 1
def parallelJoin (pointsTable, rectsTable, outputTable, outputPath, openConnection):
#Implement ParallelJoin Here.
cursor = openConnection.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + pointsTable)
size_data = (cursor.fetchall())[0][0]
for number in range(1, 5):
cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pf" + str(number))
cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE pf" + str(number) + " AS SELECT * FROM "
+ pointsTable + " LIMIT " + str(size_data/4)
+ " OFFSET " + str(((number-1)*size_data)/4))
cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + rectsTable)
size_rects = (cursor.fetchall())[0][0]
for number in range(1, 5):
cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rf" + str(number))
cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE rf" + str(number) + " AS SELECT * FROM "
+ pointsTable + " LIMIT " + str(size_rects/4)
+ " OFFSET " + str(((number - 1) * size_rects)/4))
threads = dict()
for number in range(0, 4):
threads[number] = threading.Thread(target=corefunc, args=("rf" + str(number + 1), openConnection))
while threads[0].is_alive() or threads[1].is_alive()\
or threads[2].is_alive() or threads[3].is_alive(): pass
# more shit to do
Nevermind, I just thought checking out the syntax from somewhere and I found the problem. To update table, the query begins with "UPDATE...." not "UPDATE TABLE.....".
I am trying to update if record exist and insert if no record is found. using below code
for index, row in df.iterrows():
cols = "],[".join([str(i) for i in df.columns.tolist()])
cols = "([" + cols + "])"
ucols = "] = ?,[".join([str(i) for i in df.columns.tolist()])
ucols = "[" + ucols + "] = ?"
c.execute("UPDATE " + tblname + " SET" + ucols + " WHERE [TESTNUMBER]=" + str(row['TESTNUMBER']) + " AND [ROWNUM] =" + str(row['ROWNUM']) + ";", tuple(row))
sqlr = "IF ##ROWCOUNT = 0 " \
"BEGIN " \
"INSERT INTO " + tblname + cols +" VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?); " \
"END " \
c.execute(sqlr, tuple(row))
getting below error message
{ProgrammingError}('25000', u'[25000] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates a mismatching number of BEGIN and COMMIT statements. Previous count = 2, current count = 1. (266) (SQLExecDirectW)')
no sure what i am doing wrong. appreciate your help
this is the code I have in Python:
for y in cursor.fetchone():
# for test - print current product attribute ID
print("Updated at Id_product_attribute: " + str(y))
# I want to select ID stock based on Id_product_attribute
idStockAvailble = "SELECT id_stock_available FROM ps_stock_available WHERE id_product_attribute = " + str(y) + ";"
# for test - print stock ID
print("Id stock availble: " + str(idStockAvailble))
When I print "idStockAvailble" i get:
Id stock availble: SELECT id_stock_available FROM ps_stock_available WHERE id_product_attribute = 136;
How can I get the value of "id_stock_available "
I have to connect the sql database to python so that I can add new user data via python.
I have tried the int conversion which puts me in further trouble of null types dataset.
i have tried the bracket placement. It doesn't work.
import os
import datetime
import pyodbc
import sqlite3
file_open = open("filenames.txt","r")
path = 'C:\\Users\\Timble\\Desktop\\Face_recognition\\user-id_filenames\\'
flag_loc = 1
flag_proc = 0
flag_vis = 0
file_read_lines = file_open.readlines()
for line in file_read_lines:
for character in line:
if character == "_":
details = line.split("_")
now = datetime.datetime.now()
name = line
print("name:", name) #col-3
print("type of name:", type(name))
user_id = int(details[1])
print("user_id:", details[1]) #col-2
print("type of user_id:", type(user_id))
date = details[2]
print("date on which photo is taken:", details[2]) #col-4
print("type of data:",type(details[2]))
now = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
print("Current date and time: ", now) #col-6
print("type of current date:", type(now))
path2 = path + details[1]
if os.path.exists(path2):
date = str(date)
print("type of date", type(date))
user_id = str(user_id)
print("type of user_id", type(user_id))
name = str(name)
print("type of name",type(name))
now = str(now)
print("type of now", type(now))
flag_loc = str(flag_loc)
print("type loc flag", type(flag_loc))
flag_proc = str(flag_proc)
print("type proc flag", type(flag_proc))
flag_vis = str(flag_vis)
print("type vis flag", type(flag_vis))
conn = pyodbc.connect(
"DRIVER={SQl Server};"
cur = conn.cursor()
sqlInsertUser = "Insert Into retraining (date, user_id, image_name,location_flagged, processing_flagged, insert_date, visible)Values( "+ date + " , " + user_id + " , " + name + " , " + flag_loc + " , " + flag_proc + " , " + now + " , " + flag_vis + " )"
The actual results tell me that print(sqlInsertUser) prints all the right values.
I am expecting the execute command to work and sql data added there.
This line is the problem:
sqlInsertUser = "Insert Into retraining (date, user_id, image_name,location_flagged, processing_flagged, insert_date, visible)Values( "+ date + " , " + user_id + " , " + name + " , " + flag_loc + " , " + flag_proc + " , " + now + " , " + flag_vis + " )"
For example if name contains some invalid characters e.g. "[" or "]", then the execute call fails because the name string is not properly enclosed. (It should be enclosed in a pair of quote)
You can use the parameter substitution support in pyodbc e.g.
sqlInsertUser = "Insert Into retraining (date, user_id,
image_name, location_flagged, processing_flagged, insert_date,
visible) Values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
then run
cur.execute(sqlInsertUser, date, user_id, name, flag_loc, flag_proc, now, flag_vis)
(My sample code above is untested. You might need to fix some syntax errors)
For more details about the syntax see https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0249/#paramstyle or https://github.com/mkleehammer/pyodbc/wiki/Cursor
I'm trying to analyze a sqlite3 file and printing the results to a text file. If i test the code with print it all works fine. When i write it to a file it cuts out at the same point every time.
import sqlite3
import datetime
import time
conn = sqlite3.connect("History.sqlite")
curs = conn.cursor()
results = curs.execute("SELECT visits.id, visits.visit_time, urls.url, urls.visit_count \
FROM visits INNER JOIN urls ON urls.id = visits.url \
ORDER BY visits.id;")
exportfile = open('chrome_report.txt', 'w')
for row in results:
timestamp = row[1]
epoch_start = datetime.datetime(1601,1,1)
delta = datetime.timedelta(microseconds=int(timestamp))
fulltime = epoch_start + delta
string = str(fulltime)
timeprint = string[:19]
exportfile.write("ID: " + str(row[0]) + "\t")
exportfile.write("visit time: " + str(timeprint) + "\t")
exportfile.write("Url: " + str(row[2]) + "\t")
exportfile.write("Visit count: " + str(row[3]))
print "ID: " + str(row[0]) + "\t"
print "visit time: " + str(timeprint) + "\t"
print "Url: " + str(row[2]) + "\t"
print "Visit count: " + str(row[3])
print "\n"
So the print results give the proper result but the export to the file stops in the middle of a url.
OK, I would start by replacing the for loop with the one below
with open('chrome_report.txt', 'w') as exportfile:
for row in results:
timestamp = row[1]
epoch_start = datetime.datetime(1601,1,1)
delta = datetime.timedelta(microseconds=int(timestamp))
fulltime = epoch_start + delta
string = str(fulltime)
timeprint = string[:19]
exportfile.write("ID: " + str(row[0]) + "\t")
exportfile.write("visit time: " + str(timeprint) + "\t")
exportfile.write("Url: " + str(row[2]) + "\t")
exportfile.write("Visit count: " + str(row[3]))
print "ID: " + str(row[0]) + "\t"
print "visit time: " + str(timeprint) + "\t"
print "Url: " + str(row[2]) + "\t"
print "Visit count: " + str(row[3])
print "\n"
except Exception as err:
By using the "with" statement (context manager) we eliminate the need to close the file. By using the try/except we capture the error and print it. This will show you where your code is failing and why.