best crossover for route optimization - python

I was checking on crossover techniques for route optimization and have gone through few of thgem as mentioned below
1 - single point crossover
2 - two point crossover
3 - uniform crossover
In single point crossover, we generally swap one variable from each parent and get the child. The same with two point crossover where we swap two variables from two parents .
In my problems, the parents length's are not same, for example p1: ['a','b','c'] and p2:['v','n','m','h','k'] . As we the length of both parents are not same, I was able to use single point crossover based on the even and odd technique.
Now I want to use the uniform crossover with masking and finding it difficult to use with different lengths.
Any suggestions ?

What length are the offspring to be, if they are to be the same length of the parents then you could just do a normal uniform order. For example
[a,b,c] = p1
[v,n,m,h,k] = p2
[0,0,1,0,1] = mask (this should be random)
[v,n,c] = o1
[a,b,m,h,k] = o2
You could even randomly place where the smaller one sits on the mask for example:
so offspring would be


Is there a non brute force based solution to optimise the minimum sum of a 2D array only using 1 value from each row and column

I have a 2 arrays; one is an ordered array generated from a set of previous positions for connected points; the second is a new set of points specifying the new positions of the points. The task is to match up each old point with the best fitting new position. The differential between each set of points is stored in a new Array which is of size n*n. The objective is to find a way to map each previous point to a new point resulting in the smallest total sum. As such each old point is a row of the matrix and must match to a single column.
I have already looked into a exhaustive search. Although this works it has complexity O(n!) which is just not a valid solution.
The code below can be used to generate test data for the 2D array.
import numpy as np
def make_data():
org = np.random.randint(5000, size=(100, 2))
new = np.random.randint(5000, size=(100, 2))
arr = []
# ranges = []
for i,j in enumerate(org):
values = np.linalg.norm(new-j, axis=1)
# print(arr)
# print(ranges)
arr = np.array(arr)
return arr
Here are some small examples of the array and the expected output.
Ex. 1
1 3 5
0 2 3
5 2 6
The above output should return [0,2,1] to signify that row 0 maps to column 0, row 1 to column 2 and row 2 to column 1. As the optimal solution would b 1,3,2
The algorithm would be nice to be 100% accurate although something much quicker that is 85%+ would also be valid.
Google search terms: "weighted graph minimum matching". You can consider your array to be a weighted graph, and you're looking for a matching that minimizes edge length.
The assignment problem is a fundamental combinatorial optimization problem. It consists of finding, in a weighted bipartite graph, a matching in which the sum of weights of the edges is as large as possible. A common variant consists of finding a minimum-weight perfect matching.
The Hungarian method is a combinatorial optimization algorithm that solves the assignment problem in polynomial time and which anticipated later primal-dual methods.
I'm not sure whether to post the whole algorithm here; it's several paragraphs and in wikipedia markup. On the other hand I'm not sure whether leaving it out makes this a "link-only answer". If people have strong feelings either way, they can mention them in the comments.

Getting Keys Within Range/Finding Nearest Neighbor From Dictionary Keys Stored As Tuples

I have a dictionary which has coordinates as keys. They are by default in 3 dimensions, like dictionary[(x,y,z)]=values, but may be in any dimension, so the code can't be hard coded for 3.
I need to find if there are other values within a certain radius of a new coordinate, and I ideally need to do it without having to import any plugins such as numpy.
My initial thought was to split the input into a cube and check no points match, but obviously that is limited to integer coordinates, and would grow exponentially slower (radius of 5 would require 729x the processing), and with my initial code taking at least a minute for relatively small values, I can't really afford this.
I heard finding the nearest neighbor may be the best way, and ideally, cutting down the keys used to a range of +- a certain amount would be good, but I don't know how you'd do that when there's more the one point being used.Here's how I'd do it with my current knowledge:
dimensions = 3
minimumDistance = 0.9
#example dictionary + input
keyToAdd = [0,1,1]
closestMatch = 2**1000
tooClose = False
for keys in dictionary:
#calculate distance to new point
originalCoordinates = str(split( dictionary[keys], "," ) ).replace("(","").replace(")","")
for i in range(dimensions):
distanceToPoint = #do pythagors with originalCoordinates and keyToAdd
#if you want the overall closest match
if distanceToPoint < closestMatch:
closestMatch = distanceToPoint
#if you want to just check it's not within that radius
if distanceToPoint < minimumDistance:
tooClose = True
However, performing calculations this way may still run very slow (it must do this to millions of values). I've searched the problem, but most people seem to have simpler sets of data to do this to. If anyone can offer any tips I'd be grateful.
You say you need to determine IF there are any keys within a given radius of a particular point. Thus, you only need to scan the keys, computing the distance of each to the point until you find one within the specified radius. (And if you do comparisons to the square of the radius, you can avoid the square roots needed for the actual distance.)
One optimization would be to sort the keys based on their "Manhattan distance" from the point (that is, add the component offsets), since the Euclidean distance will never be less than this. This would avoid some of the more expensive calculations (though I don't think you need and trigonometry).
If, as you suggest later in the question, you need to handle multiple points, you can obviously process each individually, or you could find the center of those points and sort based on that.

Devising objective function for integer linear programming

I am working to devise a objective function for a integer linear programming model. The goal is to determine the copy number of two genes as well as if a gene conversion event has happened (where one copy is overwritten by the other, which looks like one was deleted but the net copy number has not changed).
The problem involves two data vectors, P_A and P_B. The vectors contain continuous values larger than zero that correspond to a measure of copy number made at each position. P_{A,i} is not necessarily the same spot across the gene as P_{B,i} is, because the positions are unique to each copy (and can be mapped to an absolute position in the genome).
Given this, my plan was to try and minimize the difference between my decision variables and the measured data across different genome windows, giving me different slices of the two data vectors that correspond to the same region.
Decision variables:
A_w = copy number of A in window in {0,1,2,3,4}
B_w = copy number of B in window in {0,1,2,3,4}
C_w = gene conversion in {-2,-1,0,1,2}
The goal then would be to minimize the difference between the left and right sides of the below equations:
A_w - C_w ~= mean(P_{A,W})
B_w + C_w ~= mean(P_{B,W})
Subject to a handful of constraints such as 2 <- A_w + B_w <= 4
But I am unsure how to formulate this into a function to minimize. I have two equations that are not really a function, and the decision variables have no coefficients.
I am also unsure of how to handle the negative values of C_w.
I also am unsure of how to bring the results back together; after I solve the LP in each window, I still need to merge it into one gene-wide call (and ideally identify which window(s) had non-zero values of C_w.
Create the LpProblem instance:
problem = LpProblem("Another LpProblem", LpMinimize)
Objective (per what you've vaguely described above):
problem += (mean(P_{A,W}) - (A_w - C_w)) + (mean(P_{B,W}) - (B_w + C_w))
This is all I could tell from your really rather vague question. You'll need to be much more specific with what you mean by terms like "bring the results back together", or "handle the negative values in C_w". Add in your current code snippets and the errors you're getting for more details.

Performance of a "fuzzy" Jaccard index implementation

I'm a trying to calculate a kind of fuzzy Jaccard index between two sets with the following rationale: as the Jaccard index, I want to calculate the ratio between the number of items that are common to both sets and the total number of different items in both sets. The problem is that I want to use a similarity function with a threshold to determine what what counts as the "same" item being in both sets, so that items that are similar:
Aren't counted twice in the union
Are counted in the intersection.
I have a working implementation here (in python):
def fuzzy_jaccard(set1, set2, similarity, threshold):
intersection_size = union_size = len(set1 & set2)
shorter_difference, longer_difference = sorted([set2 - set1, set1 - set2], key=len)
while len(shorter_difference) > 0:
item1, item2 = max(
itertools.product(longer_difference, shorter_difference),
key=lambda (a, b): similarity(a, b)
if similarity(item1, item2) > threshold:
union_size += 1
intersection_size += 1
union_size += 2
union_size = union_size + len(longer_difference)
return intersection_size / union_size
The problem here is the this is quadratic in the size of the sets, because in itertools.product I iterate in all possible pairs of items taken one from each set(*). Now, I think I must do this because I want to match each item a from set1 with the best possible candidate b from set2 that isn't more similar to another item a' from set1.
I have a feeling that there should be a O(n) way of doing that I'm not grasping. Do you have any suggestions?
There are other issues two, like recalculating the similarity for each pair once I get the best match, but I don't care to much about them.
I doubt there's any way that would be O(n) in the general case, but you can probably do a lot better than O(n^2) at least for most cases.
Is similarity transitive? By this I mean: can you assume that distance(a, c) <= distance(a, b) + distance(b, c)? If not, this answer probably won't help. I'm treating similarities like distances.
Try clumping the data:
Pick a radius r. Based on intuition, I suggest setting r to one-third of the average of the first 5 similarities you calculate, or something.
The first point you pick in set1 becomes the centre of your first clump. Classify the points in set2 as being in the clump (similarity to the centre point <= r) or outside the clump. Also keep track of points that are within 2r of the clump centre.
You can require that clump centre points be at least a distance of 2r from each other; in that case some points may not be in any clump. I suggest making them at least r from each other. (Maybe less if you're dealing with a large number of dimensions.) You could treat every point as a clump centre but then you wouldn't save any processing time.
When you pick a new point, first compare it with the clump centre points (even though they're in the same set). Either it's in an already existing clump, or it becomes a new clump centre, (or perhaps neither if it's between r and 2r of a clump centre). If it's within r of a clump centre, then compare it with all points in the other set that are within 2r of that clump centre. You may be able to ignore points further than 2r from the clump centre. If you don't find a similar point within the clump (perhaps because the clump has no points left), then you may have to scan all the rest of the points for that case. Hopefully this would mostly happen only when there aren't many points left in the set. If this works well, then in most cases you'd find the most similar point within the clump and would know that it's the most similar point.
This idea may require some tweaking.
If there are a large number of dimenstions involved, then you might find that for a given radius r, frustratingly many points are within 2r of each other while few are within r of each other.
Here's another algorithm. The more time-consuming it is to calculate your similarity function (as compared to the time it takes to maintain sorted lists of points) the more index points you might want to have. If you know the number of dimensions, it might make sense to use that number of index points. You might reject a point as a candidate index point if it's too similar to another index point.
For each of the first point you use and any others you decide to use as index points, generate a list of all the remaining points in the other set, sorted in order of distance from the index point,
When you're comparing a point P1 to points in the other set, I think you can skip over sets for two possible reasons. Consider the most similar point P2 you've found to P1. If P2 is similar to an index point then you can skip all points which are sufficiently dissimilar from that index point. If P2 is dissimilar to an index point then you can skip over all points which are sufficiently similar to that index point. I think in some cases you can skip over some of both types of point for the same index point.

How does the KD-tree nearest neighbor search work?

I am looking at the Wikipedia page for KD trees. As an example, I implemented, in python, the algorithm for building a kd tree listed.
The algorithm for doing KNN search with a KD tree, however, switches languages and isn't totally clear. The English explanation starts making sense, but parts of it (such as the area where they "unwind recursion" to check other leaf nodes) don't really make any sense to me.
How does this work, and how can one do a KNN search with a KD tree in python? This isn't meant to be a "send me the code!" type question, and I don't expect that. Just a brief explanation please :)
This book introduction, page 3:
Given a set of n points in a d-dimensional space, the kd-tree is constructed
recursively as follows. First, one finds a median of the values of the ith
coordinates of the points (initially, i = 1). That is, a value M is computed,
so that at least 50% of the points have their ith coordinate greater-or-equal
to M, while at least 50% of the points have their ith coordinate smaller
than or equal to M. The value of x is stored, and the set P is partitioned
into PL and PR , where PL contains only the points with their ith coordinate
smaller than or equal to M, and |PR | = |PL |±1. The process is then repeated
recursively on both PL and PR , with i replaced by i + 1 (or 1, if i = d).
When the set of points at a node has size 1, the recursion stops.
The following paragraphs discuss its use in solving nearest neighbor.
Or, here is the original 1975 paper by Jon Bentley.
EDIT: I should add that SciPy has a kdtree implementation:
another Stack Overflow question
I've just spend some time puzzling out the Wikipedia description of the algorithm myself, and came up with the following Python implementation that may help:
The first phase of closest_point is a simple depth first search to find the best matching leaf node.
Instead of simply returning the best node found back up the call stack, a second phase checks to see if there could be a closer node on the "away" side: (ASCII art diagram)
n current node
b | best match so far
| p | point we're looking for
|< >| | error
|< >| distance to "away" side
|< | >| error "sphere" extends to "away" side
| x possible better match on the "away" side
The current node n splits the space along a line, so we only need to look on the "away" side if the "error" between the point p and the best match b is greater than the distance from point p and the line though n. If it is, then we check to see if there are any points on the "away" side that are closer.
Because our best matching node is passed into this second test, it doesn't have to do a full traversal of the branch and will stop pretty quickly if it's on the wrong track (only heading down the "near" child nodes until it hits a leaf.)
To compute the distance between the point p and the line splitting the space through the node n, we can simply "project" the point down onto the axis by copying the appropriate coordinate as the axes are all orthogonal (horizontal or vertical).
lets consider a example,for simplicity consider d=2 and the result of the Kd tree is show below
Your query point is Q and you want to find out k-nearest neighbours
The above tree is represents of kd-tree
we will search through the tree to fall into one of the regions.In kd-tree each region is represented by a single point.
then we will find out the distance between this point and query point
Then we will draw a circle with radius of that distance to ensure whether is there any point which are nearer to the query point.
Then axis which are fall in that circle area,we backtrack to those axis and find near point

