Devising objective function for integer linear programming - python

I am working to devise a objective function for a integer linear programming model. The goal is to determine the copy number of two genes as well as if a gene conversion event has happened (where one copy is overwritten by the other, which looks like one was deleted but the net copy number has not changed).
The problem involves two data vectors, P_A and P_B. The vectors contain continuous values larger than zero that correspond to a measure of copy number made at each position. P_{A,i} is not necessarily the same spot across the gene as P_{B,i} is, because the positions are unique to each copy (and can be mapped to an absolute position in the genome).
Given this, my plan was to try and minimize the difference between my decision variables and the measured data across different genome windows, giving me different slices of the two data vectors that correspond to the same region.
Decision variables:
A_w = copy number of A in window in {0,1,2,3,4}
B_w = copy number of B in window in {0,1,2,3,4}
C_w = gene conversion in {-2,-1,0,1,2}
The goal then would be to minimize the difference between the left and right sides of the below equations:
A_w - C_w ~= mean(P_{A,W})
B_w + C_w ~= mean(P_{B,W})
Subject to a handful of constraints such as 2 <- A_w + B_w <= 4
But I am unsure how to formulate this into a function to minimize. I have two equations that are not really a function, and the decision variables have no coefficients.
I am also unsure of how to handle the negative values of C_w.
I also am unsure of how to bring the results back together; after I solve the LP in each window, I still need to merge it into one gene-wide call (and ideally identify which window(s) had non-zero values of C_w.

Create the LpProblem instance:
problem = LpProblem("Another LpProblem", LpMinimize)
Objective (per what you've vaguely described above):
problem += (mean(P_{A,W}) - (A_w - C_w)) + (mean(P_{B,W}) - (B_w + C_w))
This is all I could tell from your really rather vague question. You'll need to be much more specific with what you mean by terms like "bring the results back together", or "handle the negative values in C_w". Add in your current code snippets and the errors you're getting for more details.


OR-Tools solution to partition the data so that subset of rows where every feature falls in the corresponding range maximizes the objective function

Cross-posted from
I have searched around for some time but couldn't find a similar example to my problem.
It looks common enough that I would expect it to be solved. It lies between search and optimization/regression.
The goal is to find a range of values for each feature, so that the subset of rows where every feature falls in the corresponding range maximizes the objective function.
Assume we have a matrix with Yi and corresponding set of features Xi (say around 40).
Number of samples relatively large, 100k+.
Table example
So in this case for the total data Sum(Y_i) = 73 and the mean(Y_i)= 6.0833
The problem is to:
Max sum(Yi) subj to:
mean(Y_i) > 7$
sum(i) > 5000
, where i are the row index and rows are selected by imposing 2 constraints ( < and > ) or each feature.
I have managed to get solution using DEoptim in R for 5-6 variables with 2 conditions (partitions) "<" and ">". For more features it gets slow/fail to converge.
Seeing the (somewhat) similar question (and answer) here : Pandas find subset of rows minimizing the sum of a column under other column constraint
I am wondering if there is a way to formulate my problem in OR-Tools as well. I have went through the documentation on the but still struggle to understand how to express my problem.
Would appreciate any pointers as to how to formulate (solve) this problem in OR-tools in the general case, where there is a dataset with features + response variable and the objective is find the splits on features to maximize (minimize) the sum (or other function) of the response variable.
The number of splits should be 2 per feature as we want solution to be locally monotonic wrt to features.

How to implement a cost minimization objective function correctly in Gurobi?

Given transport costs, per single unit of delivery, for a supermarket from three distribution centers to ten separate stores.
Note: Please look in the #data section of my code to see the data that I'm not allowed to post in photo form. ALSO note while my costs are a vector with 30 entries. Each distribution centre can only access 10 costs each. So DC1 costs = entries 1-10, DC2 costs = entries 11-20 etc..
I want to minimize the transport cost subject to each of the ten stores demand (in units of delivery).
This can be done by inspection. The the minimum cost being $150313. The problem being implementing the solution with Python and Gurobi and producing the same result.
What I've tried is a somewhat sloppy model of the problem in Gurobi so far. I'm not sure how to correctly index and iterate through my sets that are required to produce a result.
This is my main problem: The objective function I define to minimize transport costs is not correct as I produce a non-answer.
The code "runs" though. If I change to maximization I just get an unbounded problem. So I feel like I am definitely not calling the correct data/iterations through sets into play.
My solution so far is quite small, so I feel like I can format it into the question and comment along the way.
from gurobipy import *
Distro = ["DC0","DC1","DC2"]
Stores = ["S0", "S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6", "S7", "S8", "S9"]
D = range(len(Distro))
S = range(len(Stores))
Here I define my sets of distribution centres and set of stores. I am not sure where or how to exactly define the D and S iteration variables to get a correct answer.
Demand = [10,16,11,8,8,18,11,20,13,12]
Costs = [1992,2666,977,1761,2933,1387,2307,1814,706,1162,
Just a block of my relevant data. I am not sure if my cost data should be 3 separate sets considering each distribution centre only has access to 10 costs and not 30. Or if there is a way to keep my costs as one set but make sure each centre can only access the costs relevant to itself I would not know.
m = Model("WonderMarket")
X = {}
for d in D:
for s in S:
X[d,s] = m.addVar()
Declaring my objective variable. Again, I'm blindly iterating at this point to produce something that works. I've never programmed before. But I'm learning and putting as much thought into this question as possible.
#set objective
m.setObjective(quicksum(Costs[s] * X[d, s] * Demand[s] for d in D for s in S), GRB.MINIMIZE)
My objective function is attempting to multiply the cost of each delivery from a centre to a store, subject to a stores demand, then make that the smallest value possible. I do not have a non zero constraint yet. I will need one eventually?! But right now I have bigger fish to fry.
I produce a 0 row, 30 column with 0 nonzero entries model that gives me a solution of 0. I need to set up my program so that I get the value that can be calculated easily by hand. I believe the issue is my general declaring of variables and low knowledge of iteration and general "what goes where" issues. A lot of thinking for just a study exercise!
Appreciate anyone who has read all the way through. Thank you for any tips or help in advance.
Your objective is 0 because you do not have defined any constraints. By default all variables have a lower bound of 0 and hence minizing an unconstrained problem puts all variables to this lower bound.
A few comments:
Unless you need the names for the distribution centers and stores, you could define them as follows:
D = 3
S = 10
Distro = range(D)
Stores = range(S)
You could define the costs as a 2-dimensional array, e.g.
Costs = [[1992,2666,977,1761,2933,1387,2307,1814,706,1162],
Then the cost of transportation from distribution center d to store s are stored in Costs[d][s].
You can add all variables at once and I assume you want them to be binary:
X = m.addVars(D, S, vtype=GRB.BINARY)
(or use Distro and Stores instead of D and S if you need to use the names).
Your definition of the objective function then becomes:
m.setObjective(quicksum(Costs[d][s] * X[d, s] * Demand[s] for d in Distro for s in Stores), GRB.MINIMIZE)
(This is all assuming that each store can only be delivered from one distribution center, but since your distribution centers do not have a maximal capacity this seems to be a fair assumption.)
You need constraints ensuring that the stores' demands are actually satisfied. For this it suffices to ensure that each store is being delivered from one distribution center, i.e., that for each s one X[d, s] is 1.
m.addConstrs(quicksum(X[d, s] for d in Distro) == 1 for s in Stores)
When I optimize this, I indeed get an optimal solution with value 150313.

Find subset with similar mean as full set

I have 50 lists, each one filled with 0s ans 1s. I know the overall proportion of 1s when you consider all the 50 lists pooled together. I want to find the 10 lists that pooled together best resemble the overall proportion of 1s.
The function I want to minimise is abs(mean(pooled subset) - mean(pooled full set))
For those who know pandas:
In pandas terms, I have a dataframe as follows
and so on, with a total of 50 labels, each one with a number of values ranging between 100 and 1000.
I want to find the subset of 10 labels that minimises d, where d
d = abs(df.loc[df.label.isin(subset), 'Value'].mean() - df.Value.mean())
I tried to apply dynamic programming solutions to the knapsack problem, but the issue is that the contribution of each list (label) to the final sample mean changes depending on which other lists you will include afterwards (because they will increase the sample size in unpredictable ways). It's like having knapsack problem where every new item you pick changes the value of the items you previously picked. Tricky.
Is there a better algorithm to solve this problem?
There is a way, somewhat cumbersome, to formulate this problem as a MIP (Mixed Integer Programming) problem.
We need the following data:
mu : mean of all data
mu(i) : mean of each subset i
n(i) : number of elements in each subset
N : number of subsets we need to select
And we need some binary decision variables
delta(i) = 1 if subset i is selected and 0 otherwise
A formal statement of the optimization problem can look like:
min | mu - sum(i, mu(i)*n(i)*delta(i)) / sum(i, n(i)*delta(i)) |
subject to
sum(i, delta(i)) = N
delta(i) in {0,1}
Here sum(i, mu(i)*n(i)*delta(i)) is the total value of the selected items and sum(i, n(i)*delta(i)) is the total number of selected items.
The objective is clearly nonlinear (we have an absolute value and a division). This is sometimes called an MINLP problem (MINLP for Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming). Although MINLP solvers are readily available, we actually can do better. Using some gymnastics we can reformulate this problem into a linear problem (by adding some extra variables and extra inequality constraints). The full details are here. The resulting MIP model can be solved with any MIP solver.
Interestingly we don't need the data values in the model, just n(i),mu(i) for each subset.

Getting Keys Within Range/Finding Nearest Neighbor From Dictionary Keys Stored As Tuples

I have a dictionary which has coordinates as keys. They are by default in 3 dimensions, like dictionary[(x,y,z)]=values, but may be in any dimension, so the code can't be hard coded for 3.
I need to find if there are other values within a certain radius of a new coordinate, and I ideally need to do it without having to import any plugins such as numpy.
My initial thought was to split the input into a cube and check no points match, but obviously that is limited to integer coordinates, and would grow exponentially slower (radius of 5 would require 729x the processing), and with my initial code taking at least a minute for relatively small values, I can't really afford this.
I heard finding the nearest neighbor may be the best way, and ideally, cutting down the keys used to a range of +- a certain amount would be good, but I don't know how you'd do that when there's more the one point being used.Here's how I'd do it with my current knowledge:
dimensions = 3
minimumDistance = 0.9
#example dictionary + input
keyToAdd = [0,1,1]
closestMatch = 2**1000
tooClose = False
for keys in dictionary:
#calculate distance to new point
originalCoordinates = str(split( dictionary[keys], "," ) ).replace("(","").replace(")","")
for i in range(dimensions):
distanceToPoint = #do pythagors with originalCoordinates and keyToAdd
#if you want the overall closest match
if distanceToPoint < closestMatch:
closestMatch = distanceToPoint
#if you want to just check it's not within that radius
if distanceToPoint < minimumDistance:
tooClose = True
However, performing calculations this way may still run very slow (it must do this to millions of values). I've searched the problem, but most people seem to have simpler sets of data to do this to. If anyone can offer any tips I'd be grateful.
You say you need to determine IF there are any keys within a given radius of a particular point. Thus, you only need to scan the keys, computing the distance of each to the point until you find one within the specified radius. (And if you do comparisons to the square of the radius, you can avoid the square roots needed for the actual distance.)
One optimization would be to sort the keys based on their "Manhattan distance" from the point (that is, add the component offsets), since the Euclidean distance will never be less than this. This would avoid some of the more expensive calculations (though I don't think you need and trigonometry).
If, as you suggest later in the question, you need to handle multiple points, you can obviously process each individually, or you could find the center of those points and sort based on that.

how do I detect zero-vectors that make k-means cosine crash Matlab?

I'm running kmeans on a large dataset and I'm always getting the error below:
Error using kmeans (line 145)
Some points have small relative magnitudes, making them effectively zero.
Either remove those points, or choose a distance other than 'cosine'.
Error in runkmeans (line 7)
[L, C]=kmeans(data, 10, 'Distance', 'cosine', 'EmptyAction', 'drop')
My problem is that even when I add a 1 to all the vectors, I still get this error. I would expect it to pass then, but apparently there are too many zero's still (that is what is causing it, right?).
My question is this: what is the condition that makes Matlab decide that a point has "a small relative magnitude" and "is effectively zero"?
I want to remove all these points from my dataset using python, before I hand over the data to Matlab, because I need to compare my results with a gold standard that I process in python.
Thanks in advance!
The correct answer was given below, but in case someone finds this question through Google, here's how you remove the "effectively zero-vectors" from your matrix in python. Every row (!) is a data point, so you want to transpose in python or Matlab if you're running kmeans:
def getxnorm(data):
return np.sqrt(np.sum(data ** 2, axis=1))
def remove_zero_vector(data, startxnorm, excluded=[]):
eps = 2.2204e-016
xnorm = getxnorm(data)
if np.min(xnorm) <= (eps * np.max(xnorm)):
local_index=np.transpose(np.where(xnorm == np.min(xnorm)))[0][0]
global_index=np.transpose(np.where(startxnorm == np.min(xnorm)))[0][0]
data=np.delete(data, local_index, 0) # data with zero vector removed
excluded.append(global_index) # add global index to list of excluded vectors
return remove_zero_vector(data, startxnorm, excluded)
return (data, excluded)
I'm sure there's a much more scipythonic way for doing this, but it'll do :-)
If you're using this kmeans, then the relevant code that is throwing the error is:
case 'cosine'
Xnorm = sqrt(sum(X.^2, 2));
if any(min(Xnorm) <= eps * max(Xnorm))
error(['Some points have small relative magnitudes, making them ', ...
'effectively zero.\nEither remove those points, or choose a ', ...
'distance other than ''cosine''.'], []);
So there's your test.
As you can see, what's important is relative size, so adding one to everything only makes things worse (max(Xnorm) is getting larger too). A good fix might be to scale all the data by a constant.
In your other question it looked like your data was scalar. If your input vectors only have one feature/dimension the cosine distance between them will always be undefined (or zero) because by definition they are pointing in the same direction (along the single axis). The cosine measure gives the angle between two vectors, which can only be non-zero if the vectors can point in different directions (ie dimension > 1).

