How to load MoCo model weights that are stored as an state_dict? - python

I am new to PyTorch and I am trying to load the MoCo model in order to use it.
In the following repo I have found the code and also, I downloaded the pre-trained model (moco_v2_800ep_pretrain.pth.tar) which is a state_dict with the model’s weights.
I know that in order to use a model I need to create a model instance first and then load the state_dict.
My problem is that I can not create an instance model of MoCo. I saw the code on GiHub and I end up with the following code:
moco = torch.load('moco_v2_800ep_pretrain.pth.tar')
moco_state_dict = moco['state_dict']
my_moco_model = MoCo(base_encoder, dim=128, K=65536, m=0.999, T=0.07, mlp=False)
I do not know what to put in the base_encoder parameter or tell me if there is another way to load the model.
Can anyone help me please?


keras demo code save and load model?

According to the demo code
"Image similarity estimation using a Siamese Network with a contrastive loss"
I'm trying to save model by to h5 or hdf5; however, after I used load_model (even tried load_weights)
it showed error message for : unknown opcode
Have done googling job which all tells me it's python version problem between py3.5~py3.6
But actually I use only python 3.8....
other info say that there's some extra job need to be done either in model building or load_model
It would be very kind for any one to help provide the save and load model part
to make this demo code more completed
Actually here they are using two individual factors which come in a custom object.
Custom objects:
contrastive loss
embedding layer: where we are finding euclidean_distance.
Saving model:
for the saving model, it's straightforward
Loading model:
Here the good part will come model will not load directly here because it doesn't have an understanding of two things one is your custom layer and 2nd is your loss.
model = tf.keras.models.load_model('siamese_contrastive.h5', custom_objects={ })
In the custom object mentioned above, you have to provide the definition of those two objects.
After that, it will accept your model and it will run separately at inferencing time.
Still figuring out how??
Have a look at my implementation let me know if you still have any questions:

How to open and analyze Google Tables model using python/tf?

I read several discussions about this and still cannot make it work for my case
Have a classification model trained using Google Tables.
Exported the model and download the directory with cli.
My goal is to get a better understanding of the model trained by google, study it, understand its decisions. And later try to prune it to improve performance.
I'm using this code, just to start:
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
import struct2tensor
location = "model_dir"
model = tf.saved_model.load(location)
I get this error:
AttributeError: 'AutoTrackable' object has no attribute 'summary'
the variable model is of type:
< at 0x7fa8eaa7ed30>
And I stuck there, don't know how to continue. Using Python 3.8 and the last version of those libraries. Any idea of how can I proceed?
The proper method to load your model depends on your file formatting.
You can see in the Tensorflow documentation that "The object returned by tf.saved_model.load is not a Keras object (i.e. doesn't have .fit, .predict, etc. methods)" and "Use tf.keras.models.load_model to restore the Keras model".
I'm not sure if you want to use the keras module or not, but since you have imported it I assume you do. In that case I would recommend checking this other Stackoverflow thread where it is explained how to use the tf.keras.models.load_model method depending if your model is saved as .pb or .h5.
If the model is saved as .pb you should use it with the string pointing to the directory where the model is saved, as you did in your code snippet but in this case using the keras method:
model = tf.keras.models.load_model('model_dir')
If instead it's saved as .h5 you should use it specifying it:
model = tf.keras.models.load_model('my_model_in_h5.h5')

Save entire model but load weights only

I have defined a deep learning model my_unet() in tensorflow. During training I set save_weigths=False since I wanted to save the entire model (not only the wieghts bu the whole configuration). The generated file is path_to_model.hdf5.
However, when loading back the model I used the earlier version (I forgot to update it) in which I first called the model and then load the model using:
model = my_unet()
Instead of simply using: model = tf.keras.models.load_model(path_to_model.hdf5) to load the entire model.
Both ways of loading the model and the weights provided the same predictions when run in some dummy data and there were no errors.
My question is: Why loading the entire model using model.load_weights() does not generate any problem? What is the structure of the hdf5 file and how theese two ways of loading exactly work? Where can I find this information?
You can please see the documentation here for any future reference:

How to convert a pretrained tensorflow pb frozen graph into a modifiable h5 keras model?

I have been searching for a method to do this for so long, and I can not find an answer. Most threads I found are of people wanting to do the opposite.
I am experimenting with some pre-trained models provided by the tensorflow/models repository. The models are saved as .pb frozen graphs. I want to fine-tune some of these models by changing the final layers to suit my application.
Hence, I want to load the models inside a jupyter notebook as a normal keras h5 model.
How can I do that?
do you have a better way to do so?
seems like all you would have to do is download the model files and store them in a directory. Call the directory for example c:\models. Then load the model.
model = tf.keras.models.load_model(r'c:\models')
model.summary() # prints out the model layers
# generate code to modify the model as you typically do for transfer learning
# compile the changed model
# train the model
# save the trained model as a .h5 file
dir=r'path to the directory you want to save the model to'
model_identifier= 'abcd.h5' # for abcd use whatever identification you want
save_path=os.path.join(dir, model_identifier)

keras problems loading custom model from yolov2

I've searched around for a couple of answers regarding the load_model from keras but I still have a question.
I am following this model really closely (, and am training on a custom dataset.
I have done the training which gives me a yolov2.h5 file, basically model weights to fit into the keras model. But I am encountering some problems with the loading of the model.
After loading the model (in a file)
model = load_model('file_dir/yolov2.h5')
First I encounter the issue
NameError: name 'tf' is not defined
Which I then searched up to modify my code to add custom objects as such:
model = load_model('file_dir/yolov2.h5', custom_objects={'tf':tf})
This clears the first error but results in another
ValueError: Unknown loss function : custom_loss
I used the custom_loss function from the yolov2 (, so i tried to solve it by
from frontend import YOLO
model = load_model('file_dir/yolov2.h5' custom_objects={'tf':tf, 'custom_loss':YOLO.custom_loss)
But ran into another error:
TypeError: custom_loss() missing 1 required positional argument
I got rather stuck here because I have no idea how to fit in the parameters for custom_loss. Seek some help regarding this (Don't particularly understand this part since I'm loading my model in a different python script Thank you so much!
(Edit: This fix doesn't work for me either)
model = load_model('file_dir/yolov2.h5', compile = False)
To resolve this problem, as you already have the network at hand, only save trained weights (like what keras trainer does in callback).
For testing, make model, no need to compile, and then load trained weights using model.load_weights(path/to/saved/weights).
You also can use "by_name=True" if you make the network in a different way, this time you should keep layer names.
Another option id to manually set weights; for this you will load .h5 file bu "h5py" (h5py.File(path/to/weights, mode='r')) for example (have look how keras do that), then try to correspond layer names of the model and loaded weights.

