Save entire model but load weights only - python

I have defined a deep learning model my_unet() in tensorflow. During training I set save_weigths=False since I wanted to save the entire model (not only the wieghts bu the whole configuration). The generated file is path_to_model.hdf5.
However, when loading back the model I used the earlier version (I forgot to update it) in which I first called the model and then load the model using:
model = my_unet()
Instead of simply using: model = tf.keras.models.load_model(path_to_model.hdf5) to load the entire model.
Both ways of loading the model and the weights provided the same predictions when run in some dummy data and there were no errors.
My question is: Why loading the entire model using model.load_weights() does not generate any problem? What is the structure of the hdf5 file and how theese two ways of loading exactly work? Where can I find this information?

You can please see the documentation here for any future reference:


Is there a way to save the weights and load them on another file

So, is simple as the title of the question, is there a way to save the weights after training like this
and then load them on another project only with
model = load_weights("path")
is it possible ?
yes. it is possible if you call the right path
for instance, you have this path
- project1/
- project2/
you train with and the model is saved inside project1's folder. then you want to load the model in
just call load_model function with path ../project1/weigh.h5
If you only want to save/load the weights, you can use
and then to reload (potentially in another python project / in another interpreter, you just have to update the path accordingly)
However both models should have the same architecture (instances of the same class), and Python/tensorflow/keras versions should be the same. See the doc for more info.
You can save both weights and architecture through"path/to/my_model.hdf5")for saving on disk and keras.models.load_model("path/to/my_model.hdf5")for loading from disk (once again, the documentation should provide details).
Once loaded in memory, you can retrain your model, or use predict on it, predictions should be identical between projects

keras demo code save and load model?

According to the demo code
"Image similarity estimation using a Siamese Network with a contrastive loss"
I'm trying to save model by to h5 or hdf5; however, after I used load_model (even tried load_weights)
it showed error message for : unknown opcode
Have done googling job which all tells me it's python version problem between py3.5~py3.6
But actually I use only python 3.8....
other info say that there's some extra job need to be done either in model building or load_model
It would be very kind for any one to help provide the save and load model part
to make this demo code more completed
Actually here they are using two individual factors which come in a custom object.
Custom objects:
contrastive loss
embedding layer: where we are finding euclidean_distance.
Saving model:
for the saving model, it's straightforward
Loading model:
Here the good part will come model will not load directly here because it doesn't have an understanding of two things one is your custom layer and 2nd is your loss.
model = tf.keras.models.load_model('siamese_contrastive.h5', custom_objects={ })
In the custom object mentioned above, you have to provide the definition of those two objects.
After that, it will accept your model and it will run separately at inferencing time.
Still figuring out how??
Have a look at my implementation let me know if you still have any questions:

How to load MoCo model weights that are stored as an state_dict?

I am new to PyTorch and I am trying to load the MoCo model in order to use it.
In the following repo I have found the code and also, I downloaded the pre-trained model (moco_v2_800ep_pretrain.pth.tar) which is a state_dict with the model’s weights.
I know that in order to use a model I need to create a model instance first and then load the state_dict.
My problem is that I can not create an instance model of MoCo. I saw the code on GiHub and I end up with the following code:
moco = torch.load('moco_v2_800ep_pretrain.pth.tar')
moco_state_dict = moco['state_dict']
my_moco_model = MoCo(base_encoder, dim=128, K=65536, m=0.999, T=0.07, mlp=False)
I do not know what to put in the base_encoder parameter or tell me if there is another way to load the model.
Can anyone help me please?

Is it possible to save the class/label mapping directly inside a keras model.h5 file?

Using I am able to save the trained model. However, upon using the model for predictions, I still need to recover the respective class/label mappings (0: 'cat', 1: 'dog' ... etc.). Currently I am saving the .class_indices from my train_generator and reload it to prepare my test-data to accomplish this. However this is quite inconvenient since it forces me to keep the mapping file somewhere save for future use of my saved model.h5 file.
Hence, I wonder if there is a simpler way of saving the class information i.e. saving it inside the model file. I can't find any information on this in the keras docs, only this post Attaching class labels to a Keras model where someone tried to come up with a 'workaround' but I assume there must be a better way.

Saving model in tensorflow

Tensorflow allows us to save/load model's structure, using method tf.train.write_graph, so that we can restore it in the future to continue our training session. However, I'm wondering that if this is necessary because I can create a module, e.g, and use this module to re-create the model.
So, which is the better way to save the model structure or are there any rule of thumb that suggest which way should I use when saving a model?
First of all you have to understand, that tensorflow graph does not have current weights in it (until you save them manually there) and if you load model structure from graph.pb, you will start you train from the very beginning. But if you want to continue train or use your trained model, you have to save checkpoint (using tf Saver) with the values of the variables in it, not only the structure.
Check out this tread: Tensorflow: How to restore a previously saved model (python)

