How do I calculate the total and average of all dice rolls? - python

I am 100% new to coding. This is my first semester in IT and Python is making 0% sense to me at all. This is the assignment I have been given:
Code this program as a while statement,
then create it a second time as a for statement
Ask the user how many times she will roll the 2 dice.
Simulate the dice roll that many times by generating 2 random numbers between 1 and 6
Immediately after each roll display the total of the roll
After all of the rolls calculate and display:
-the total of all of the rolls
-the average of all of the rolls
Use meaningful variable names
Comment the main sections of your code and any lines that aren't self-explanatory
Your program output should look like this:
How many times will you roll the dice? 2
You rolled a 1 and a 5
You rolled a 3 and a 6
Your total for all of the rolls is 15
You average for all of the rolls is 7.5
This is what I have so far, but I have spent hours reading our text-book chapters and watching recordings of the lecture and I can not figure out the rest. Please help.
from random import randint
numRolls= int(input("How many times will you roll the dice? "))
for diceRolls in range(numRolls):
d1 = randint(1,6)
d2 = randint(1,6)
print("You rolled a", d1, "and a",d2)
print("Your total for all of the rolls is", )
print("Your average for all of the rolls is", )

Without using lists and additional memory:
from random import randint
numRolls = int(input("How many times will you roll the dice? "))
s = 0
for roll in range(numRolls):
d1 = randint(1, 6)
d2 = randint(1, 6)
s += d1 + d2
print("You rolled a", d1, "and a", d2)
print("Your total for all of the rolls is", s)
print("Your average for all of the rolls is", s / numRolls)

You can use a list to store the data. You can also use the sum function to get the sum of all the values in the list, and use sum(allDiceRolls)/len(allDiceRolls) to get the average
from random import randint
numRolls = int(input("How many times will you roll the dice? "))
allDiceRolls = []
for diceRolls in range(numRolls):
d1 = randint(1,6)
d2 = randint(1,6)
print("You rolled a", d1, "and a",d2)
print("Your total for all of the rolls is", sum(allDiceRolls))
print("Your average for all of the rolls is", sum(allDiceRolls)/len(allDiceRolls))


random dice rolling game. adding up the sum of values 1,3,4,and 6 excluding 2 and 5 in python

Im trying to make a loop where I start with 5 random dice rolls. the values 1,3,4, and 6 are added up for your score, while 2s and 5s are not counted and subtract the combined amount of dice rolled with 2s and 5s from the amount of dice rolled the next turn. I can't quite figure out how to get the sum of only the dice that rolled 1,3,4,6 and roll a lesser amount of dice the next turn based off ho many dice were 2 or 5
#Stuck in the Mud Dice Game
Exit = 0
Rolls = int(5)
score = 0
def RollDice():
totalsum = 0
for die in range(0, Rolls):
number = random.randint(1,6)
print("die", die + 1, ":", number)
totalsum += number
print("score: ", totalsum)
def Menu():
print("1. Roll Dice")
print("2. Exit Program")
choice = int(input("Enter option here: "))
if(choice == 1):
if(choice == 2):
In the for-loop, use an if statement:
if number==2 or number==5:
Rolls -= 1
totalsum += number
I suppose that you also need to start your function RollDice like this:
def RollDice():
global Rolls
otherwise, it might only locally (i.e., within the function) assign a new value to the variable.
Or do you mean the number of Rolls should be different when you re-start the program? This can only be done by writing the value to a file.

Adding up total times a number was rolled on a dice in python 3

I have made a sided dice random generator , but i need for the programme to at the bottom print out
1 was rolled x amount of times
2 was rolled x amount of times
and so on.
how can I achieve this.
my code is :
import random
print("Six sided dice programme")
count = 1
while True:
answer = str(input("would you like to roll, 'y' for yes, 'n' for no:"))
if answer == 'y':
print("roll number" , str(count) , ":" , roll)
count = count + 1
if answer == "n":
print("Game over")
You keep counts in an integer count variable. Change to a list/dict representing the count of each side of the dice.
import random
counts = [0] * 6
for i in range(10):
roll = random.randint(1,6)
print("roll number" , i, ":" , roll)
counts[roll-1] += 1
for side, count in enumerate(counts):
print(side+1, "was rolled", count, "amount of times")
import random
from collections import defaultdict
counts = defaultdict(int)
for i in range(10):
roll = random.randint(1,6)
print("roll number", i+1, ":", roll)
counts[roll] += 1
for side, count in counts.items():
print(side, "was rolled", count, "amount of times")
* this will print the counts in order of the first appearance of each side

A function, adding something within a function, but printing it outside

So i'm stuck with this problem, how can i add something within a function and print it from out of the function
import random
def dieRoll():
sum = 0
for i in range (die-1):
dieThrow = random.randrange( 1, sides+1)
sum += dieThrow
print("That totals: ", sum)
return i
players = int(input("How many players are rolling dice? "))
die = int(input("How many dice does each player roll? "))
sides = int(input("How many sides does each die have? "))
for a in range(1, players+1):
print("Player",a, "rolled: ")
it's supposed to look something like:
Player 1 rolled:
that totals: 18
but i'm getting something like:
Player 1 rolled:
that totals: 9
i feel like the answer is right in front of me but i just can't see it
it's because you print what the function return in the end, if you want such output you have two choices :
return("That totals: ", sum)
or the other choice :
print("That totals: ", sum)
#replace print(dieRoll())
The problem is the line
for i in range (die-1):
Try this instead:
for i in range(0, die):
The thing is, the range function by default starts at 0 and "stops" when it gets to the last number (does not execute it), meaning you are not geting to do that last dice roll you expected.
Hope it helps.

Multiply randomints from Input?

import random
def Dice():
num_dice = raw_input("How many dice are you rolling? ")
user_dice = raw_input("How many sides do you want on your dice? ")
user_diceint = int(user_dice)
dice_rolling1 = random.randint(0, user_diceint)
print dice_rolling, "was your dice roll."
if user_dice > 0 and user_dice.isdigit():
print "This is correct."
if len(num_dice) <= 0:
num_dice = 2
print num_dice, "is the number of dice you rolled"
print num_dice * user_dice, "is your total roll"
print "Number of Dice has an error"
print "This is not a number."
So I am new to coding/programming and I thought I would try my hand at doing a Dice roll generator. So in the code I have num_dice which is the number of dice("duh"). But I was wondering how would I do a different randint for each of the dice. So say someone enters '5' dice. How would I get my code to generate 5 different randomints to simulate 5 actual dice being rolled? Would some kind of loop work for this? Please excuse the bad code, I am new and it's still being worked on! Thank you.
You can put a for loop in your Dice function to handle that
def Dice():
num_dice = int(raw_input("How many dice are you rolling? "))
user_dice = int(raw_input("How many sides do you want on your dice? "))
for roll in range(1, num_dice+1):
dice_roll = random.randint(1, user_dice)
print "Roll number", roll, "was: ", dice_roll
num_dice = 5 # 5 rolls
user_dice = 8 # 8 sided dice
Roll number 1 was: 2
Roll number 2 was: 1
Roll number 3 was: 8
Roll number 4 was: 4
Roll number 5 was: 6
You can do that by creating a list of rolling dice num_dice times:
list_of_values = [random.randint(0, user_diceint) for _ in range(num_dice)]
Your Code
def Dice():
num_dice = raw_input("How many dice are you rolling? ")
user_dice = raw_input("How many sides do you want on your dice? ")
user_diceint = int(user_dice)
list_of_values = [random.randint(0, user_diceint) for _ in range(num_dice)]
print list_of_values, "were your dice rolls."

Python - Dice Simulator

This is my homework question:
Write a program that simulates rolling a set of six-sided dice multiple times. The program should use a dictionary to record the results and then display the results.
Input: The program should prompt for the number of dice to roll and the number of times to roll the dice.
The program is to display how many times each possible value was rolled. The format of the output must be as shown below:
The first column is the number shown on the dice when they are rolled. The brackets are only as wide as needed and the number inside the brackets is right justified. Note the minimum and maximum values in the sample runs below.
The second column is the number of times that value was rolled. This column is right justified.
The last column is the percent of times that the number was rolled. The percentages are displayed with an accuracy of one decimal place.
This is the code I have so far:
import random
from math import floor, ceil
one = 0
two = 0
three = 0
four = 0
five = 0
six = 0
rand = float(0)
rolltotal = int(input("How many times do you want to roll? "))
q = 0
while q < rolltotal:
q = q + 1
rand = ceil(6*(random.random()))
if rand == 1:
one = one + 1
elif rand == 2:
two = two + 1
elif rand == 3:
three = three + 1
elif rand == 4:
four = four + 1
elif rand == 5:
five = five + 1
six = six + 1
total = one + two + three + four + five + six
print("[1]", one, " ",round(100*one/total, 1),"%")
print("[2]", two, " ",round(100*two/total, 1),"%")
print("[3]", three, " ",round(100*three/total, 1),"%")
print("[4]", four, " ",round(100*four/total, 1),"%")
print("[5]", five, " ",round(100*five/total, 1),"%")
print("[6]", six, " ",round(100*six/total, 1),"%")
My question is: I just know how to roll one dice. how can i get more than one .
from collections import defaultdict
import random
dice = int(input("How many dice do you want to roll? "))
rolls = int(input("How many times do you want to roll them? "))
irange = xrange
sides = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
d = defaultdict(int)
for r in irange(rolls):
d[sum( random.choice(sides) for d in irange(dice) )] += 1
total = float(rolls)
for k in sorted(d.keys()):
print "[%d] %d %.1f%%" % (k, d[k], 100.0*d[k]/total)
You would rather do the following:-
import random #This allows python to import built in "random" function.
while loop is True:
dice=input("Which sided dice would you like to roll? (You can only choose 4,6 or 12) \n") # "\n" allows python to add a new line.
if dice=="4":
print("You have chosen to roll dice 4\nYour score is... \n", random.randint(1,4)) #This allows python to generate a random number from 1 to 4.
elif dice=="6":
print("You have chosen to roll dice 6\nYour score is...\n", random.randint(1,6)) #This allows python to generate a random number from 1 to 6.
elif dice=="12":
print("You have chosen to roll dice 12\nYour score is...\n", random.randint(1,12)) #This allows python to generate a random number from 1 to 12.
else: print("Invalid option! Please try again!")
loop2=input("Do you want to roll again? (Yes or No) \n")
if loop2=="yes" or loop2=="Yes": # "or" funtion allows python to accept any of the two answers input by the user.
else: break # This function allows program to close.

