Accessing earlier values in odeint - python

I'm having some trouble using odeint function from scipy. I'm translating a discrete system into a continuous one, but some equation in the discrete model requires that I access the previous value of a variable that I'm currently integrating. How could I translate this behaviour?
import numpy as np
days_of_prediction = 15
N = 100
discrete_S0 = np.zeros((days_of_prediction, 1))
discrete_I0 = np.zeros((days_of_prediction, 1))
discrete_Q0 = np.zeros((days_of_prediction, 1))
discrete_H0 = np.zeros((days_of_prediction, 1))
discrete_D0 = np.zeros((days_of_prediction, 1))
discrete_S0[0] = 99
discrete_I0[0] = 1
discrete_Q0[0] = 0
discrete_H0[0] = 0
discrete_D0[0] = 0
alpha = 0.3
gamma = 1/21
psi = 0.2
for t in range(days_of_prediction - 1):
discrete_S0[t + 1] = discrete_S0[t] - v * discrete_S0[t] *
discrete_I0[t] / (N - discrete_Q0[t] - discrete_H0[t] - discrete_D0[t])
discrete_I0[t + 1] = discrete_I0[t] + v * discrete_S0[t] * discrete_I0[t] / (N - discrete_Q0[t] - discrete_H0[t] - discrete_D0[t]) - gamma * discrete_I0[t] - alpha * discrete_I0[t] - psi * discrete_I0[t]
discrete_Q0[t + 1] = discrete_Q0[t] + alpha * discrete_I0[t] - eta_q * discrete_Q0[t] - k_h *discrete_Q0[t] + k_q * discrete_H0[t]
discrete_H0[t + 1] = discrete_H0[t] + psi * discrete_I0[t] - eta_h * discrete_H0[t] + k_h * discrete_Q0[t] - k_q * discrete_H0[t] - zeta * discrete_H0[t]
discrete_R0[t + 1] = discrete_R0[t] + eta_q * discrete_Q0[t] + eta_h * discrete_H0[t]
I've posted a snippet of the code, the problem is with the denominator of the first two equations.
Thanks in advance.

In such an equation system, where the previous values of some variables are required in the evolution equation of other variables, you could define your function as follows:
import numpy as np
def fun(RHS, t):
# get initial boundary condition values
discrete_S0 = RHS[0]
discrete_I0 = RHS[1]
discrete_Q0 = RHS[2]
discrete_H0 = RHS[3]
discrete_D0 = RHS[4]
# calculte rate of respective variables
discrete_S0dt = - v * discrete_S0 * discrete_I0 / (N - discrete_Q0 - discrete_H0 - discrete_D0)
discrete_I0dt = v * discrete_S0 * discrete_I0 / (N - discrete_Q0 - discrete_H0 - discrete_D0) - gamma * discrete_I0 - alpha * discrete_I0 - psi * discrete_I0
discrete_Q0dt = alpha * discrete_I0 - eta_q * discrete_Q0 - k_h *discrete_Q0 + k_q * discrete_H0
discrete_H0dt = psi * discrete_I0 - eta_h * discrete_H0 + k_h * discrete_Q0 - k_q * discrete_H0 - zeta * discrete_H0
discrete_D0dt = eta_q * discrete_Q0 + eta_h * discrete_H0
# Left-hand side of ODE
LHS = np.zeros([5,])
LHS[0] = discrete_S0dt
LHS[1] = discrete_I0dt
LHS[2] = discrete_Q0dt
LHS[3] = discrete_H0dt
LHS[4] = discrete_D0dt
return LHS
Afterward, you can solve it (according to your boundary conditions) as follows:
from scipy.integrate import odeint
alpha = 0.3
gamma = 1/21
psi = 0.2
y0 = [99, 1, 0, 0, 0]
t = np.linspace(0,13,14)
res = odeint(fun, y0, t)
Here y0 is the initial boundary condition for all the variables defined in the function fun at t=0. That's why the variable t starts from 0.
Also, you can get the result of all the variables as follows:


How to implement shooting method with coupled ODEs

I want to simulate the laser power along a silica fiber. The ODEs and the used parameters can be found in the paper linked below. Note that I converted all units to SI units in my code. The authors of this paper named the shooting method as a way to numerically solve this equations.
The paper I am referring to can be found here:
I tried it in python but I did not manage to implement the root-finding. I used scypi.integrate_ivp to integrate the ODEs with a first guess. If I use a small value (~500m) at fiberlength I get a result but at a higher value in the range of km the solver does not manage to finish without an error. Can somebody please tell me how I can implement the shooting method here and also how I get the same solution as in the paper?
My code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
from scipy.integrate import solve_bvp
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
#%% ODEs und Parameter
alpha = 10**(-0.25/10)/1000 #fiber loss [1/m]
a0= alpha
a1= alpha
a2= alpha
a3= alpha
g = 0.53e-3 #RamanGain [1/(W*m)]
g1= g
g2= g*0.8
g3= g*0.6
epsilon0 = 1e-4*1e-3 #Rayleigh-scattering [1/m] REFERENZ: Paper: Third order random lasing via Raman gain and Rayleigh backscattering
epsilon1 = 5e-5*1e-3
epsilon2 = 2e-5*1e-3
epsilon3 = 1e-5*1e-3
wl_start = 1365e-9
RamanShift= 13.2e12
f1= f0 - RamanShift
f2= f1 - RamanShift
f3= f2 - RamanShift
#R_L1 = 0.99 # Reflexionskoeffizienten (Fasereingang FBG)
#R_L2 = 5e-3 # Reflexionskoeffizienten (Fasereingang)
#R_R1 = 4e-5 # Reflexionskoeffizienten (Faserausgang)
#R_R2 = 4e-5 # Reflexionskoeffizienten (Faserausgang)
R=0.6 # reflectivity
# G[i] = 4*h*f[i]*df[i]*(1+1/(np.exp((h*(f[i-1]-f[i]))/(K*T))-1))
h=6.63e-34 #Placksches Wirkungsquantum [Js]
K=1.38e-23 #Bolzmannkonstante [J/K]
T=300 #Temperature [K]
#df1= 0.18e12 #Bandbreite [Hz] REFERENZ: Paper: Third order random lasing via Raman gain and Rayleigh backscattering
#df2= 0.25e12
#df3= 0.25e12
df1= 0.18e12
df2= 0.25e12
df3= 0.25e12
Gamma1= 4*h*f1*df1*(1+(1/(np.exp(h*(f0-f1)/(K*T))-1)))
Gamma2= 4*h*f2*df2*(1+(1/(np.exp(h*(f1-f2)/(K*T))-1)))
Gamma3= 4*h*f3*df3*(1+(1/(np.exp(h*(f2-f3)/(K*T))-1)))
#start conditions
Pin = 2.7 #W
fiberlength = 90000 #m
points = fiberlength*100
P0 = [Pin, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
def odes2 (z, P):
Pump_forward = P[0]
Pump_backward = P[1]
Stokes1_forward = P[2]
Stokes1_backward = P[3]
Stokes2_forward = P[4]
Stokes2_backward = P[5]
Stokes3_forward = P[6]
Stokes3_backward = P[7]
dPump_forwarddz = - a0 * Pump_forward - g1 * f0/f1 * Pump_forward * (Stokes1_forward + Stokes1_backward + Gamma1) + epsilon0 * Pump_backward
dPump_backwarddz = + a0 * Pump_backward + g1 * f0/f1 * Pump_backward * (Stokes1_forward + Stokes1_backward + Gamma1) - epsilon0 * Pump_forward
dStokes1_forwarddz = - a1 * Stokes1_forward - g2 * f1/f2 * Stokes1_forward * (Stokes2_forward + Stokes2_backward + Gamma2) + g1 * (Stokes1_forward + 0.5 * Gamma1) * (Pump_forward + Pump_backward) + epsilon1 * Stokes1_backward
dStokes1_backwardz = + a1 * Stokes1_backward + g2 * f1/f2 * Stokes1_backward * (Stokes2_forward + Stokes2_backward + Gamma2) - g1 * (Stokes1_backward + 0.5 * Gamma1) * (Pump_forward + Pump_backward) - epsilon1 * Stokes1_forward
dStokes2_forwarddz = - a2 * Stokes2_forward - g3 * f2/f3 * Stokes2_forward * (Stokes3_forward + Stokes3_backward + Gamma3) + g2 * (Stokes2_forward + 0.5 * Gamma2) * (Stokes1_forward + Stokes1_backward) + epsilon2 * Stokes2_backward
dStokes2_backwardz = + a2 * Stokes2_backward + g3 * f2/f3 * Stokes2_backward * (Stokes3_forward + Stokes3_backward + Gamma3) - g2 * (Stokes2_backward + 0.5 * Gamma2) * (Stokes1_forward + Stokes1_backward) - epsilon2 * Stokes2_forward
dStokes3_forwarddz = - a3 * Stokes3_forward + g3 * (Stokes3_forward + 0.5 * Gamma3) * (Stokes2_forward + Stokes2_backward) + epsilon3 * Stokes3_backward
dStokes3_backwardz = + a3 * Stokes3_backward - g3 * (Stokes3_backward + 0.5 * Gamma3) * (Stokes2_forward + Stokes2_backward) - epsilon3 * Stokes3_forward
return [dPump_forwarddz, dPump_backwarddz, dStokes1_forwarddz, dStokes1_backwardz, dStokes2_forwarddz, dStokes2_backwardz, dStokes3_forwarddz, dStokes3_backwardz]
sol = solve_ivp(odes2, (0, fiberlength), P0, t_eval=np.linspace(0, fiberlength, points))
Pump_f, Pump_b, Stokes1_f, Stokes1_b, Stokes2_f, Stokes2_b, Stokes3_f, Stokes3_b = sol.y
plt.plot(x, Pump_b, label='pump')
plt.plot(x, Stokes1_b, label='stokes#1')
plt.plot(x, Stokes2_b, label='stokes#2')
plt.plot(x, Stokes3_b, label='stokes#3')
plt.legend(loc=1, fontsize='xx-small')
plt.plot(x, Pump_f, label='pump')
plt.plot(x, Stokes1_f, label='stokes#1')
plt.plot(x, Stokes2_f, label='stokes#2')
plt.plot(x, Stokes3_f, label='stokes#3')
plt.legend(loc=1, fontsize='xx-small')
I also tried the solve_bvp but it wasn't successfull.

Optimizing function parameters

I explain briefly what the attached program code should do. We give a number of passes before runs = 100. and we give I = 10.
For example we set the area_factor = 1. Then the function HH_model(I,area_factor) does the following:
run 100 times with this I and this area_factor and return the number of times the barrier 60 is broken -- this is checked in the if max(v[:]-v_Rest) > 60 query.
Now I want to do the following: Determine that area_factor so that the number of count matches observations as well as possible.
For example, I know from measurements
HH_model(2*I,area_factor) = 70
HH_model(0.5*I,area_factor) = 30
how can I find the area_factor for a given I, so that the difference to the observations becomes minimal.
import matplotlib.pyplot as py
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as optimize
# HH parameters
v_Rest = -65 # in mV
gNa = 120 # in mS/cm^2
gK = 36 # in mS/cm^2
gL = 0.3 # in mS/cm^2
vNa = 115 # in mV
vK = -12 # in mV
vL = 10.6 # in mV
#Number of runs
runs = 30
c = 1 # in uF/cm^2
#performing bisection-procedure
ROOT = True
def HH_model(I,area_factor):
count = 0
t_end = 10 # in ms
delay = 1 # in ms
duration = 0.3 # in ms
dt = 0.01 # in ms
I = I
area_factor = area_factor
d = 2 # diameter in um
r = d/2 # Radius in um
l = 10 # Length of the compartment in um
A = (2 * np.pi * r * l * 1e-8)*area_factor # surface [cm^2]
C = c * A # uF
for j in range(0,runs):
# Introduction of equations and channels
def alphaM(v): return 12 * ((2.5 - 0.1 * (v)) / (np.exp(2.5 - 0.1 * (v)) - 1))
def betaM(v): return 12 * (4 * np.exp(-(v) / 18))
def betaH(v): return 12 * (1 / (np.exp(3 - 0.1 * (v)) + 1))
def alphaH(v): return 12 * (0.07 * np.exp(-(v) / 20))
def alphaN(v): return 12 * ((1 - 0.1 * (v)) / (10 * (np.exp(1 - 0.1 * (v)) - 1)))
def betaN(v): return 12 * (0.125 * np.exp(-(v) / 80))
# compute the timesteps
t_steps= t_end/dt+1
# Compute the initial values
v0 = 0
m0 = alphaM(v0)/(alphaM(v0)+betaM(v0))
h0 = alphaH(v0)/(alphaH(v0)+betaH(v0))
n0 = alphaN(v0)/(alphaN(v0)+betaN(v0))
# Allocate memory for v, m, h, n
v = np.zeros((int(t_steps), 1))
m = np.zeros((int(t_steps), 1))
h = np.zeros((int(t_steps), 1))
n = np.zeros((int(t_steps), 1))
# Set Initial values
v[:, 0] = v0
m[:, 0] = m0
h[:, 0] = h0
n[:, 0] = n0
### Noise component
knoise= 0.003 #uA/(mS)^1/2
### --------- Step3: SOLVE
for i in range(0, int(t_steps)-1, 1):
# Get current states
vT = v[i]
mT = m[i]
hT = h[i]
nT = n[i]
# Stimulus current
IStim = 0
if delay / dt <= i <= (delay + duration) / dt:
IStim = I * A # in uA
IStim = 0
# Compute change of m, h and n
m[i + 1] = (mT + dt * alphaM(vT)) / (1 + dt * (alphaM(vT) + betaM(vT)))
h[i + 1] = (hT + dt * alphaH(vT)) / (1 + dt * (alphaH(vT) + betaH(vT)))
n[i + 1] = (nT + dt * alphaN(vT)) / (1 + dt * (alphaN(vT) + betaN(vT)))
# Ionic currents
iNa = gNa * m[i + 1] ** 3. * h[i + 1] * (vT - vNa)
iK = gK * n[i + 1] ** 4. * (vT - vK)
iL = gL * (vT-vL)
Inoise = (np.random.normal(0, 1) * knoise * np.sqrt(gNa * A))
IIon = ((iNa + iK + iL) * A) + Inoise #
# Compute change of voltage
v[i + 1] = vT + ((-IIon + IStim) / C) * dt # in ((uA / cm ^ 2) / (uF / cm ^ 2)) * ms == mV
# adjust the voltage to the resting potential
v = v + v_Rest
# test if there was a spike
if max(v[:]-v_Rest) > 60:
count += 1
return count
Ich habe folgendes versucht:
I = 30
xdata = np.array([0.92*I,I,1.05*I])
ydata = np.array([28,100,110])
def g(y,xdata,ydata):
return ydata - HH_model(xdata,y)
fit = optimize.leastsq(g, y0, args=(xdata, ydata))
File "", line
126, in HH_model
v[i + 1] = vT + ((-IIon + IStim) / C) * dt
ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (3) into shape
how can I get around this and make the input in the correct format?
The result of your line 126 is a three dimensional array with three times the same value. This size-3 array does not fit into an element of v, which has size-1 elements as you initialized them this way.
Therefore, you could add a [0]:
v[i + 1] = (vT + ((-IIon + IStim) / C) * dt)[0]
Furthermore, I think you do not need to allocate memory. You could for example use numpy.append in line 126.

Projectile with air resistance find time when y = 0

I have to find the time when y = 0.
I have this formula
y(t) = m/k(v0sinθ + mkg)(1−e^[−k/m * t])−m/k * (gt)
I isolated the t like that
t = [m/k(v0sinθ + mkg)(1−e^[−k/m * t]) * k] / gm
I already did something similar for x=a(1− e^−x).
Right now I don't see what I'm doing wrong.
m = 0.5
k = 1
v0 = 20
theta = 25
g = 9.8
i = 1
a = ((m/k)*(v0 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(theta)) + (m/k) * g))
tolerance = 0.001
t0 = a
t1 = a * (1 - exp(- (k/m) * a)) * k / (m*g)
error = t0 - t1
while error > tolerance:
t0 = t1
t1 = a * (1 - exp(- (k/m) * t1)) * k / (m*g)
error = t0 - t1

Integrate Over Multiple Columns in 1 List to Fill Additional List With Same Number Of Columns

I am intending to take a list of random variables and alter a previous list in each column by said random variables. However, for the purpose of my function, each variable must be used in a Gamma function as well as integrated.
x[t] = c * (1 / (2 ** (v / 2) + test[t - 1]) * (gamma((v / 2) + test[t - 1]))) * integrate.\
quad(lambda h: np.exp(-h / 2) * h ** ((v / 2) + test[t - 1] - 1), 0, np.inf)
x[ t ] is an np.zeros((x , y)) list, and test[t - 1] is an np.zeros((x - 1, y)) list
I have filled test[ ] with the appropriate random variables, but I am unable to pass them through this equation to complete the columns of row [ t ] in x
When I try to run my current code, I receive:
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Shared\Python37_64\lib\site-packages\scipy\integrate\", line 450, in _quad
return _quadpack._qagie(func,bound,infbounds,args,full_output,epsabs,epsrel,limit)
TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
Is there a different special function which allows me to use each column's variable to solve for my desired x[ t ]?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import stats
import mpmath as mp
import scipy.integrate as integrate
from scipy.special import gamma
T = 1
beta = 0.5
x0 = 0.05
q = 0
mu = x0 - q
alpha = - (2 - beta) * mu
sigma0 = 0.1
sigma = (2 - beta) * sigma0
b = - ((1 - beta) / (2 * mu) * (sigma0 ** 2))
simulations = 100
M = 50
dt = T / M
def srd_sampled_nxc2():
x = np.zeros((M + 1, simulations))
x[0] = x0
test = np.zeros((M, simulations))
for t in range(1, M + 1):
v = 4 * b * alpha / sigma ** 2
c = (sigma ** 2 * (1 - np.exp(-alpha * dt))) / (4 * alpha)
nc = np.exp(-alpha * dt) / c * x[t - 1]
if v > 1:
x[t] = c * ((np.random.standard_normal(simulations) + nc ** 0.5) ** 2 + mp.nsum(
lambda i: np.random.standard_normal(simulations) ** 2, [0, v - 1]))
max_array = []
nc_over_2 = [l / 2 for l in nc]
for p in range(simulations):
sump = []
poisson_start = 0
while poisson_start <= 1:
x_i = sum(-np.log(np.random.uniform(0, 1, simulations)) / nc_over_2)
poisson_start += x_i
x_n = max(sump)
sump = []
test[t - 1] = max_array
x[t] = c * (1 / (2 ** ((v / 2) + test[t - 1])) * (gamma((v / 2) + test[t - 1]))) * integrate.\
quad(lambda h: np.exp(-h / 2) * h ** ((v / 2) + test[t - 1] - 1), 0, np.inf)
max_array = []
return x
Ultimately ended up finding a workaround which is simple to implement:
max_array = []
for p in range(simulations):
k = nc[t - 1, p]
lam = k / 2
poisson_samp = 0
while poisson_samp <= 1:
x_i = -math.log(np.random.uniform(0, 1)) / lam
poisson_samp += x_i
test[t - 1, p] = len(max_array) - 1
for f in range(simulations):
n = test[t - 1, f]
z = integrate.quad(lambda h: np.exp(-h / 2) * h ** ((v / 2) + n - 1), 0, 1)
new[t - 1, f] = z[0]
x[t] = c * (1 / (2 ** ((v / 2) + test[t - 1]) * (gamma((v / 2) + test[t - 1]))) * new[0])
The only real problem is the shrinkage of x[t] which leads to dividing by zero--just a formula problem.

scipy.optimize three variables and hundreds of solutions

I am trying to use scipy to find the values of three variables (x,y,z) in a nonlinear equation of the type:
g(x) * h(y) * k(z) = F
where F is a vector with hundreds of values.
I successfully used scipy.optimize.minimize where F only had 3 values, but that failed when the size of F was greater than 3.
How can I find (x,y,z) using all values in F?
Here the code:
import numpy as np
# Inputs:
thetas = np.array([25.4,65,37,54.9,26,21.3,24.1,35.7,46.1,61.1,57.2,41.9,20.5,24,55.6,56.9,42.2,39.9,30.8,59,28.8])
thetav = np.array([28.7,5.4,22.6,14.4,23.5,25,12.8,31.2,15.3,9,7.4,24.4,29.7,15.3,15.5,26.8,8.8,16.6,25.1,18.5,12])
azs = np.array([130.3,158,150.2,164.8,152.4,143.5,144.2,151.8,167.4,169.7,162.2,161.4,138.2,147.8,172.9,168.6,158.3,159.8,151.7,160.8,144.5])
azv = np.array([55.9,312.8,38.6,160.4,324.2,314.5,236.3,86.1,313.3,2.1,247.6,260.4,118.9,199.9,277,103.1,150.5,339.2,35.6,14.7,24.9])
F = np.array([0.61745,0.43462,0.60387,0.56595,0.48926,0.55615,0.54351,0.64069,0.54228,0.51716,0.39157,0.51831,0.7053,0.62769,0.21159,0.29964,0.52126,0.53656,0.575,0.40306,0.60471])
relphi = np.abs(azs-azv)
thetas = np.deg2rad(thetas)
thetav = np.deg2rad(thetav)
relphi = np.deg2rad(relphi)
# Compute the trigonometric functions:
coss = np.abs (np.cos(thetas))
cosv = np.cos(thetav)
sins = np.sqrt(1.0 - coss * coss)
sinv = np.sqrt(1.0 - cosv * cosv)
cosp = -np.cos(relphi)
tans = sins / coss
tanv = sinv / cosv
csmllg = coss * cosv + sins * sinv * cosp
bigg = np.sqrt(tans * tans + tanv * tanv - 2.0 * tans * tanv * cosp)
# Function to solve
def fun(x):
return x[0] * ((coss * cosv) ** (x[1] - 1.0)) * ((coss + cosv) ** (x[1] - 1.0)) * (1.0 - x[2] * x[2]) / ((1.0 + x[2] * x[2] + 2.0 * x[2] * csmllg) ** (1.5) + 1e-12) * (1.0 + ((1 - x[0]) / (1.0 + bigg))) - F
# Find unknown x[0], x[1], x[2]

