This script needs to query the DC server for events. Since this is done live, each time the server is queried, it returns query results of varying lengths. The log file is long and messy, as most logs are. I need to filter only the event names and their codes and then create a DataFrame. Additionally, I need to add a third column that counts the number of times each event took place. I've done most of it but can't figure out how to fix the error I'm getting.
After doing all the filtering from Elasticsearch, I get two lists - action and code - which I have emulated here.
action_list = ['logged-out', 'logged-out', 'logged-out', 'Directory Service Access', 'Directory Service Access', 'Directory Service Access', 'logged-out', 'logged-out', 'Directory Service Access', 'created-process', 'created-process']
code_list = ['4634', '4634', '4634', '4662', '4662', '4662', '4634', '4634', '4662','4688']
I then created a list that contains only the codes that need to be filtered out.
event_code_list = ['4662', '4688']
My script is as follows:
import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter
#Create a dict that combines action and code
lists2dict = {}
lists2dict = dict(zip(action_list,code_list))
# print(lists2dict)
#Filter only wanted eventss
filtered_events = {k: v for k, v in lists2dict.items() if v in event_code_list}
# print(filtered_events)
index = 1 * pd.RangeIndex(start=1, stop=2) #add automatic index to DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(filtered_events,index=index)#Create DataFrame from filtered events
#Create Auto Index
count = Counter(df)
action_count = dict(Counter(count))
action_count_values = action_count.values()
# print(action_count_values)
#Convert Columns to Rows and Add Index
new_df = df.melt(var_name="Event",value_name="Code")
new_df['Count'] = action_count_values
Up until this point, everything works as it should. The problem is what comes next. If there are no events, the script outputs an empty DataFrame. This works fine. However, if there are events, then we should see the events, the codes, and the number of times each event occurred. The problem is that it always outputs 1. How can I fix this? I'm sure it's something ridiculous that I'm missing.
#If no alerts, create empty DataFrame
if new_df.empty:
empty_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Event','Code','Count'])
empty_df['Event'] = ['-']
empty_df['Code'] = ['-']
empty_df['Count'] = ['-']
html = empty_df.to_html()
with open('alerts.html', 'w') as f:
else: #else, output alerts + codes + count
html = new_df.to_html()
with open('alerts.html', 'w') as f:
Any help is appreciated.
It is because you are collecting the result as dictionary - the repeated records are ignored. You lost the record count here: lists2dict = dict(zip(action_list,code_list)).
You can do all these operations very easily on dataframe. Just construct a pandas dataframe from given lists, then filter by code, groupby, and aggregate as count:
df = pd.DataFrame({"Event": action_list, "Code": code_list})
df = df[df.Code.isin(event_code_list)] \
.groupby(["Event", "Code"]) \
.agg(Count = ("Code", len)) \
Event Code Count
0 Directory Service Access 4662 4
1 created-process 4688 2
Please point out where i am doing wrong or a duplicate of this question
I have 11 columns in my table, i am loading data from Ceph(AWS) bucket to Postgres and while doing that i have to filter the data with the below conditions before inserting data into Postgres
Drop the entire row if there is any empty/ Null values in any column
First name and last name should have more than a single letter. Ex : first name = A or last name = P, any record either first name or last name or both , entire record/row should be dropped
Zip code should be 5 digit or greater . Max 7 digit
First name and last name records should not have [Jr, Sr, I, II, etc] in it. or drop the entire record
i have managed to execute the first step (new to pandas) but i was blocked at the next step and i believe that it might also help me solve step3 if i find a solution for step2. While doing a quick research in google, I found that i might be complicating the process by using chunks and might have to use 'concat' to apply it for all chunks or may be i am wrong but i am dealing with huge amount of data and using chunks would help me load the data faster into Postgres.
I am going to paste my code here and mention what i tried, what was the output and what would be the expected output
what i tried:
columns = [
def push_to_pg_weekly(key):
vants = []
key = _download_s3(key)
s=sp.Popen(["wc", "-l", key], stdout=sp.PIPE)
a, b = s.communicate()
total_rows = int(a.split()[0])
rows = 0
data = pd.read_csv(key, sep="|", header=None, chunksize=100000)
for chunk in data:
rows += len(chunk)
print("Processed rows: ", (float(rows)/total_rows)*100)
chunk = chunk.dropna(axis=0) #step-1 Drop the rows where at least one element is missing.
index_names = chunk[(len(chunk[0]) <= 1) | (len(chunk[1]) <= 1)].index #step2
chunk.drop(index_names, axis=0)
chunk.to_csv("/tmp/sample.csv", sep="|", header=None, index=False)
connection = psycopg2.connect(user = os.environ.get("DATABASE_USER", “USERNAME”),
password = os.environ.get("DATABASE_PASS", “PASSWORD“),
host = os.environ.get("DATABASE_HOST", ""),
port = 5432,
dbname = os.environ.get("DATABASE_NAME", "cvlpsql_db"),
options = "-c search_path=DATAVANT_O")
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
cursor.copy_from(open('/tmp/sample.csv'), "COVID1", sep='|')
def push_to_pg():
paginator = CLIENT.get_paginator('list_objects')
pages = paginator.paginate(Bucket=bucket)
for page in pages:
if "Contents" in page:
for obj in page["Contents"]:
if obj['Key'].startswith('test/covid-2020-11-10-175213') and (obj['Key'].endswith('.txt') or obj['Key'].endswith('.csv')):
output - data inserted into postgresDB:
Expected Output:
Any answers/comments will be very much appriciated, thank you
Fastest way to do operations like this on pandas is through numpy.where.
eg for String length:
data = data[np.where((data['cust_last_nm'].str.len()>1) &
(data['cust_frst_nm'].str.len()>1), True, False)]
Note: you can add postal code condition in same way. by default in your data postal codes will read in as floats, so cast them to string first, and then set length limit:
## string length & postal code conditions together
data = data[np.where((data['cust_last_nm'].str.len()>1) &
(data['cust_frst_nm'].str.len()>1) &
(data['cust_postl_cd'].astype('str').str.len()>4) &
, True, False)]
Since you working in chunks, change the data to chunk and put this inside your loop. Also, since you don't import headers (headers=0, change column names to their index values. And convert all values to strings before comparison, since otherwise NaN columns will be treated as floats eg:
chunk = chunk[np.where((chunk[0].astype('str').str.len()>1) &
(chunk[1].astype('str').str.len()>1) &
(chunk[5].astype('str').str.len()>4) &
(chunk[5].astype('str').str.len()<8), True, False)]
Create a new column in the dataframe with a value for the length:
df['name_length'] =
Index using the new column:
df = df[df.name_length > 1]
I have a csv file that carries outputs of some processes over video frames. In the file, each line is either fire or none. Each line has startTime and endTime. Now I need to cluster and print only one instance out of continuous fires with their start and end time. The point is that a few none in the middle can also be tolerated if their time is within 1 second. So to be clear, the whole point is to cluster detections of closer frames together...somehow smooth out the results. Instead of multiple 31-32, 32-33, ..., have a single line with 31-35 seconds.
How to do that?
For instance, the whole following continuous items are considered a single one since the none gaps is within 1s. So we would have something like 1,file1,name1,30.6,32.2,fire,0.83 with that score being the mean of all fire lines.
This is my attempts so far:
with open(filename) as fin:
for line in fin:
if "fire" in line:
if lastWasFire==False and line !="" and line.split(",")[5] != lastline.split(",")[5]:
I assume you don't want to use external libraries for data processing like numpy or pandas. The following code should be quite similar to your attempt:
threshold = 1.0
# We will chain a "none" object at the end which triggers the threshold to make sure no "fire" objects are left unprinted
from itertools import chain
trigger = (",,,0,{},,none,".format(threshold + 1),)
# Keys for columns of input data
keys = (
# Store last "fire" or "none" objects
last = {
"fire": [],
"none": [],
with open(filename) as f:
# Skip first line of input file
for line in chain(f, trigger):
line = dict(zip(keys, line.split(",")))
# Check threshold for "none" objects if there are previous unprinted "fire" objects
if line["object"] == "none" and last["fire"]:
if float(last["none"][-1]["endTime"]) - float(last["none"][0]["startTime"]) > threshold:
sum([float(x["score"]) for x in last["fire"]]) / len(last["fire"]),
last["fire"] = []
# Previous "none" objects don't matter anymore as soon as a "fire" object is being encountered
if line["object"] == "fire":
last["none"] = []
The input file is being processed line by line and "fire" objects are being accumulated in last["fire"]. They will be merged and printed if either
the "none" objects in last["none"] reach the threshold defined in threshold
or when the end of the input file is reached due to the manually chained trigger object, which is a "none" object of length threshold + 1, therefore triggering the threshold and subsequent merge and print.
You could replace print with a call to write into an output file, of course.
This is close to what you are looking for and may be an acceptable alternative.
If your sample rate is quite stable (looks to be about 0.12s or 50 Hz) then you can find the equivalent number of samples you can tolerate to be 'none'. Let's say that's 8.
This code will read in the data and fill the 'none' values with up to 8 of the last valid value.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
def groups_of_true_values(x):
"""Returns array of integers where each True value in x
is replaced by the count of the group of consecutive
True values that it was found in.
return (np.diff(np.concatenate(([0], np.array(x, dtype=int)))) == 1).cumsum()*x
df = pd.read_csv('test.csv', index_col=0)
# Forward-fill the 'none' values to a limit
df['filled'] = df['object'].replace('none', None).fillna(method='ffill', limit=8)
# Find the groups of consecutive fire values
df['group'] = groups_of_true_values(df['filled'] == 'fire')
# Produce sum of scores by group
group_scores = df[['group', 'score']].groupby('group').sum()
# Find firing start and stop times
df['start'] = ((df['filled'] == 'fire') & (df['filled'].shift(1) == 'none'))
df['stop'] = ((df['filled'] == 'none') & (df['filled'].shift(1) == 'fire'))
start_times = df.loc[df['start'], 'startTime'].to_list()
stop_times = df.loc[df['stop'], 'startTime'].to_list()
print(start_times, stop_times)
1 10.347362
[] []
Hopefully, the output would be more interesting if there were longer sequences of no firing...
My approach, using pandas and groupby:
Combine continuous lines of the same object (fire or none) into a spell
Drop none-fire spells with duration less than 1 second
Combine continuous series of spells of the same object (fire or none) into a superspell, and calculate the corresponding score
I assume the data is sorted by time (otherwise we need to add a sort after reading the data). The trick to combining continuous lines of the same object into spells/superspells is: first, identify where the new spell/superspell starts (i.e. when the object type changes), and second, assign a unique id to each spell (= the number of new spell before it)
import pandas as pd
# preparing the test data
data = '''frame_num,uniqueId,title,startTime,endTime,startTime_fmt,object,score
with open("a.txt", 'w') as f:
print(data, file=f)
df1 = pd.read_csv("a.txt")
# mark new spell (the start of a series of continuous lines of the same object)
# new spell if the current object is different from the previous object
df1['newspell'] = df1.object != df1.object.shift(1)
# give each spell a unique spell number (equal to the total number of new spell before it)
df1['spellnum'] = df1.newspell.cumsum()
# group lines from the same spell together
spells = df1.groupby(by=["uniqueId", "title", "spellnum", "object"]).agg(
first_frame = ('frame_num', 'min'),
last_frame = ('frame_num', 'max'),
startTime = ('startTime', 'min'),
endTime = ('endTime', 'max'),
totalScore = ('score', 'sum'),
cnt = ('score', 'count')).reset_index()
# remove none-fire spells with duration less than 1
spells = spells[(spells.object == 'fire') | (spells.endTime > spells.startTime + 1)]
# Now group conitnous fire spells into superspells
# mark new superspell
spells['newsuperspell'] = spells.object != spells.object.shift(1)
# give each superspell a unique number
spells['superspellnum'] = spells.newsuperspell.cumsum()
superspells = spells.groupby(by=["uniqueId", "title", "superspellnum", "object"]).agg(
first_frame = ('first_frame', 'min'),
last_frame = ('last_frame', 'max'),
startTime = ('startTime', 'min'),
endTime = ('endTime', 'max'),
totalScore = ('totalScore', 'sum'),
cnt = ('cnt', 'sum')).reset_index()
superspells['score'] = superspells.totalScore/superspells.cnt
superspells.drop(columns=['totalScore', 'cnt'], inplace=True)
# output