Single process Python WSGI Server? - python

Are there any single threaded Python WSGI servers out there? It seems that every single one of the last generation of Python servers has an arbiter processes that exists to ensure a worker count. For instance, when you start Gunicorn you actually start at a bare minimum 3 processes; one root process, one arbiter process, and the actual worker.
This really doesn't play nice in Kubernetes, because it generally assumes you have one process and a ThreadPool. Having multiple processes can mess with things like OOM killer. And having an arbiter process is redundant when you have healthchecks and multiple pods. It can cause more problems than it solves when you have multiple things doing the same thing.
Are there any reliable single threaded Python WSGI servers around? In the past I've written hacks around Gunicorn.
If not, what should I be aware of? (i.e signals etc).


Is it common to run 20 python workers which uses Redis as Queue ?

This program listen to Redis queue. If there is data in Redis, worker start to do their jobs. All these jobs have to run simultaneously that's why each worker listen to one particular Redis queue.
My question is : Is it common to run more than 20 workers to listen to Redis ?
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Having multiple worker processes (and when I mean "multiple" I'm talking hundreds or more), possibly running on different machines, fetching jobs from a job queue is indeed a common pattern nowadays. There even are whole packages/frameworks devoted to such workflows, like for example Celery.
What is less common is trying to write the whole task queues system from scratch in a seemingly ad-hoc way instead of using a dedicated task queues system like Celery, ZeroMQ or something similar.
If your worker need to do a long task with data, it's a solution. but each data must be treated by a single worker.
By this way, you can easly (without thread,etc..) distribute your tasks, it's better if your worker doesn't work in the same server

How to do logging with multiple django WSGI processes + celery on the same webserver

I've got a mod_wsgi server setup with 5 processes and a celery worker queue (2 of them) all on the same VM. I'm running into problems where the loggers are stepping on each other and while it appears there are some solutions if you are using python multiprocessing, I don't see how that applies to mod_wsgi processes combined also with celery processes.
What is everyone else doing with this problem? The celery tasks are using code that logs in the same files as the webserver code.
Do I somehow have to add a pid to the logfilename? That seems like it could get messy fast with lots of logfiles with unique names and no real coherent way to pull them all back together.
Do I have to write a log daemon that allows all the processes to log to it? If so, where do you start it up so that it is ready for all of the processes that might want to log.....
Surely there is some kind of sane pattern out there for this, I just don't know what it is yet.
As mentioned in the docs, you could use a separate server process which listens on a socket and logs to different destinations, and has whatever logging configuration you want (in terms of files, console and so on). The other processes just configure a SocketHandler to send their events to the server process. This is generally better than separate log files with pids in their filenames.
The logging docs contain an example socket server implementation which you can adapt to your needs.

How to tell uWSGI to prefer processes to threads for load balancing

I've installed Nginx + uWSGI + Django on a VDS with 3 CPU cores. uWSGI is configured for 6 processes and 5 threads per process. Now I want to tell uWSGI to use processes for load balancing until all processes are busy, and then to use threads if needed. It seems uWSGI prefer threads, and I have not found any config option to change this behaviour. First process takes over 100% CPU time, second one takes about 20%, and another processes are mostly not used.
Our site receives 40 r/s. Actually even having 3 processes without threads is anough to handle all requests usually. But request processing hangs from time to time for various reasons like locked shared resources, etc. In such cases we have -1 process. Users don't like to wait and click the link again and again. As a result all processes hangs and all users have to wait.
I'd add even more threads to make the server more robust. But the problem is probably python GIL. Threads wan't use all CPU cores. So multiple processes work much better for load balancing. But threads may help a lot in case of locked shared resources and i/o wait delays. A process may do much work while one of it's thread is locked.
I don't want to decrease time limits until there is no another solution. It is possible to solve this problem with threads in theory, and I don't want to show error messages to user or to make him waiting on every request until there is no another choice.
So, the solution is:
Upgrade uWSGI to recent stable version (as roberto suggested).
Use --thunder-lock option.
Now I'm running with 50 threads per process and all requests are distributed between processes equally.
Every process is effectively a thread, as threads are execution contexts of the same process.
For such a reason there is nothing like "a process executes it instead of a thread". Even without threads your process has 1 execution context (a thread). What i would investigate is why you get (perceived) poor performances when using multiple threads per process. Are you sure you are using a stable (with solid threading support) uWSGI release ? (1.4.x or 1.9.x)
Have you thought about dynamically spawning more processes when the server is overloaded ? Check the uWSGI cheaper modes, there are various algorithm available. Maybe one will fit your situation.
The GIL is not a problem for you, as from what you describe the problem is the lack of threads for managing new requests (even if from your numbers it looks you may have a too much heavy lock contention on something else)

Python Celery task to restart celery worker

In celery, is there a simple way to create a (series of) task(s) that I could use to automagically restart a worker?
The goal is to have my deployment automagically restart all the child celery workers every time it gets a new source from github. So I could then send out a restartWorkers() task to my management celery instance on that machine that would kill (actually stopwait) all the celery worker processes on that machine, and restart them with the new modules.
The plan is for each machine to have:
Management node [Queues: Management, machine-specific] - Responsible for managing the rest of the workers on the machine, bringing up new nodes and killing old ones as necessary
Worker nodes [Queues: git revision specific, worker specific, machine specific] - Actually responsible for doing the work.
It looks like the code I need is somewhere in dist_packages/celery/bin/, but the source is rather opaque for starting workers, and I can't tell how it's supposed to work or where it's actually starting the nodes. (It looks like shutdown_nodes is the correct code to be calling for killing the processes, and I'm slowly debugging my way through it to figure out what my arguments should be)
Is there a function/functions restart_nodes(self, nodes) somewhere that I could call or am I going to be running shell scripts from within python?
/Also, is there a simpler way to reload the source into Python than killing and restarting the processes? If I knew that reloading the module actually worked(Experiments say that it doesn't. Changes to functions do not percolate until I restart the process), I'd just do that instead of the indirection with management nodes.
I can now shutdown, thanks to broadcast(Thank you mihael. If I had more rep, I'd upvote). Any way to broadcast a restart? There's pool_restart, but that doesn't kill the node, which means that it won't update the source.
I've been looking into some of the behind the scenes source in celery.bin.celeryd:WorkerCommand().run(), but there's some weird stuff going on before and after the run call, so I can't just call that function and be done because it crashes. It just makes 0 sense to call a shell command from a python script to run another python script, and I can't believe that I'm the first one to want to do this.
You can try to use broadcast functionality of Celery.
Here you can see some good examples:

Preventing management commands from running more than one at a time

I'm designing a long running process, triggered by a Django management command, that needs to run on a fairly frequent basis. This process is supposed to run every 5 min via a cron job, but I want to prevent it from running a second instance of the process in the rare case that the first takes longer than 5 min.
I've thought about creating a touch file that gets created when the management process starts and is removed when the process ends. A second management command process would then check to make sure the touch file didn't exist before running. But that seems like a problem if a process dies abruptly without properly removing the touch file. It seems like there's got to be a better way to do that check.
Does anyone know any good tools or patterns to help solve this type of issue?
For this reason I prefer to have a long-running process that gets its work off of a shared queue. By long-running I mean that its lifetime is longer than a single unit of work. The process is then controlled by some daemon service such as supervisord which can take over control of restarting the process when it crashes. This delegates the work appropriately to something that knows how to manage process lifecycles and frees you from having to worry about the nitty gritty of posix processes in the scope of your script.
If you have a queue, you also have the luxury of being able to spin up multiple processes that can each take jobs off of the queue and process them, but that sounds like it's out of scope of your problem.

