How to tell uWSGI to prefer processes to threads for load balancing - python

I've installed Nginx + uWSGI + Django on a VDS with 3 CPU cores. uWSGI is configured for 6 processes and 5 threads per process. Now I want to tell uWSGI to use processes for load balancing until all processes are busy, and then to use threads if needed. It seems uWSGI prefer threads, and I have not found any config option to change this behaviour. First process takes over 100% CPU time, second one takes about 20%, and another processes are mostly not used.
Our site receives 40 r/s. Actually even having 3 processes without threads is anough to handle all requests usually. But request processing hangs from time to time for various reasons like locked shared resources, etc. In such cases we have -1 process. Users don't like to wait and click the link again and again. As a result all processes hangs and all users have to wait.
I'd add even more threads to make the server more robust. But the problem is probably python GIL. Threads wan't use all CPU cores. So multiple processes work much better for load balancing. But threads may help a lot in case of locked shared resources and i/o wait delays. A process may do much work while one of it's thread is locked.
I don't want to decrease time limits until there is no another solution. It is possible to solve this problem with threads in theory, and I don't want to show error messages to user or to make him waiting on every request until there is no another choice.

So, the solution is:
Upgrade uWSGI to recent stable version (as roberto suggested).
Use --thunder-lock option.
Now I'm running with 50 threads per process and all requests are distributed between processes equally.

Every process is effectively a thread, as threads are execution contexts of the same process.
For such a reason there is nothing like "a process executes it instead of a thread". Even without threads your process has 1 execution context (a thread). What i would investigate is why you get (perceived) poor performances when using multiple threads per process. Are you sure you are using a stable (with solid threading support) uWSGI release ? (1.4.x or 1.9.x)
Have you thought about dynamically spawning more processes when the server is overloaded ? Check the uWSGI cheaper modes, there are various algorithm available. Maybe one will fit your situation.
The GIL is not a problem for you, as from what you describe the problem is the lack of threads for managing new requests (even if from your numbers it looks you may have a too much heavy lock contention on something else)


Concurrency: multiprocessing, threading, greenthreads and asyncio

I'm currently working on Python project that receives a lot os AWS SQS messages (more than 1 million each day), process these messages, and send then to another SQS queue with additional data. Everything works fine, but now we need to speed up this process a lot!
From what we have seen, or biggest bottleneck is in regards to HTTP requests to send and receive messages from AWS SQS api. So basically, our code is mostly I/O bound due to these HTTP requests.
We are trying to escalate this process by one of the following methods:
Using Python's multiprocessing: this seems like a good idea, but our workers run on small machines, usually with a single core. So creating different process may still give some benefit, since the CPU will probably change process as one or another is stuck at an I/O operation. But still, that seems a lot of overhead of process managing and resources for an operations that doesn't need to run in parallel, but concurrently.
Using Python's threading: since GIL locks all threads at a single core, and threads have less overhead than processes, this seems like a good option. As one thread is stuck waiting for an HTTP response, the CPU can take another thread to process, and so on. This would get us to our desired concurrent execution. But my question is how dos Python's threading know that it can switch some thread for another? Does it knows that some thread is currently on an I/O operation and that he can switch her for another one? Will this approach absolutely maximize CPU usage avoiding busy wait? Do I specifically has to give up control of a CPU inside a thread or is this automatically done in Python?
Recently, I also read about a concept called green-threads, using Eventlet on Python. From what I saw, they seem the perfect match for my project. The have little overhead and don't create OS threads like threading. But will we have the same problems as threading referring to CPU control? Does a green-thread needs to warn the CPU that it may take another one? I saw on some examples that Eventlet offers some built-in libraries like Urlopen, but no Requests.
The last option we considered was using Python's AsyncIo and async libraries such as Aiohttp. I have done some basic experimenting with AsyncIo and wasn't very pleased. But I can understand that most of it comes from the fact that Python is not a naturally asynchronous language. From what I saw, it would behave something like Eventlet.
So what do you think would be the best option here? What library would allow me to maximize performance on a single core machine? Avoiding busy waits as much as possible?

Green-threads and thread in Python

As Wikipedia states:
Green threads emulate multi-threaded environments without relying on any native OS capabilities, and they are managed in user space instead of kernel space, enabling them to work in environments that do not have native thread support.
Python's threads are implemented as pthreads (kernel threads),
and because of the global interpreter lock (GIL), a Python process only runs one thread at a time.
But in the case of Green-threads (or so-called greenlet or tasklets),
Does the GIL affect them? Can there be more than one greenlet
running at a time?
What are the pitfalls of using greenlets or tasklets?
If I use greenlets, how many of them can a process can handle? (I am wondering because in a single process you can open threads up to
ulimit(-s, -v) set in your *ix system.)
I need a little insight, and it would help if someone could share their experience, or guide me to the right path.
You can think of greenlets more like cooperative threads. What this means is that there is no scheduler pre-emptively switching between your threads at any given moment - instead your greenlets voluntarily/explicitly give up control to one another at specified points in your code.
Does the GIL affect them? Can there be more than one greenlet running
at a time?
Only one code path is running at a time - the advantage is you have ultimate control over which one that is.
What are the pitfalls of using greenlets or tasklets?
You need to be more careful - a badly written greenlet will not yield control to other greenlets. On the other hand, since you know when a greenlet will context switch, you may be able to get away with not creating locks for shared data-structures.
If I use greenlets, how many of them can a process can handle? (I am wondering because in a single process you can open threads up to umask limit set in your *ix system.)
With regular threads, the more you have the more scheduler overhead you have. Also regular threads still have a relatively high context-switch overhead. Greenlets do not have this overhead associated with them. From the bottle documentation:
Most servers limit the size of their worker pools to a relatively low
number of concurrent threads, due to the high overhead involved in
switching between and creating new threads. While threads are cheap
compared to processes (forks), they are still expensive to create for
each new connection.
The gevent module adds greenlets to the mix. Greenlets behave similar
to traditional threads, but are very cheap to create. A gevent-based
server can spawn thousands of greenlets (one for each connection) with
almost no overhead. Blocking individual greenlets has no impact on the
servers ability to accept new requests. The number of concurrent
connections is virtually unlimited.
There's also some further reading here if you're interested:
I assume you're talking about evenlet/gevent greenlets
1) There can be only one greenlet running
2) It's cooperative multithreading, which means that if a greenlet is stuck in an infinite loop, your entire program is stuck, typically greenlets are scheduled either explicitly or during I/O
3) A lot more than threads, it depends of the amount of RAM available

Is the max thread limit actually a non-relevant issue for Python / Linux?

The current Python application that I'm working on has a need to utilize 1000+ threads (Pythons threading module). Not that any single thread is working at max cpu cycles, this is just a web server load test app I'm creating. I.E. emulate 200 firefox clients all longing into web server and downloading small web components, basically emulating humans that operate in seconds as opposed to microseconds.
So, I was reading through the various topics such as "how many threads does python support on Linux / windows, etc, and I saw a lot of varied answers. One users said its all about memory and the Linux kernel by default only sets aside 8Meg for threads, if it exceeds that then threads start being killed by the Kernel.
One guy stated this is a non issue for CPython because only 1 thread is running at a time anyway (because of the GIL) so we can specify a gazillion threads??? What's the actual truth on this?
"One thread is running at a time because of the GIL." Well, sort of. The GIL means that only one thread can be executing Python code at a time. However, any number of threads could be doing IO, various other syscalls, or other code that doesn't hold the GIL.
It sounds like your threads will be doing mostly network I/O, and any number of threads can do I/O simultaneously. The GIL competition might be pretty fierce with 1000 threads, but you can always create multiple Python processes and divide the I/O threads between them (i.e., fork a couple times before you start).
"The Linux kernel by default only sets aside 8Meg for threads." I'm not sure where you heard that. Maybe what you actually heard was "On Linux, the default stack size is often 8 MiB," which is true. Each thread will use up 8 MiB of address space for stack (no problem on 64-bit) plus kernel resources for the additional memory maps and the thread process itself. You can change the stack size using the threading.stack_size library function, which helps if you have a lot of threads that don't make deep calls.
>>> import threading
>>> threading.stack_size()
0 # platform default, probably 8 MiB
>>> threading.stack_size(64*1024) # 64 KiB stack size for future threads
Others in this thread have suggested using an asynchronous / nonblocking framework. Well, you can do that. However, on the modern Linux kernel, a multithreaded model is competitive with asynchronous (select/poll/epoll) I/O multiplexing techniques. Rewriting your code to use an asynchronous model is a non-trivial amount of work, so I'd only do it if I couldn't get the required performance from a threaded model. If your threads are really trying to simulate human latency (e.g., spend most of their time sleeping), there are a lot of scenarios in which the asynchronous approach is actually slower. I'm not sure if this applies to Python, where the reduced GIL contention alone might merit the switch.
Both of those are partially true:
Each thread does have a stack, and you can run out of address space for the stack if you create enough threads.
Python also does have something called a GIL, which only allows one Python thread to run at a time. However, once Python code calls into C code, that C code can run while a different Python thread runs. However, threads in Python are still physical, and there is still the stack space limit.
If you're planning on having many connections, rather than using many threads, consider using an asynchronous design. Twisted would probably work well here.

Python multiprocessing queue scaling to large numbers of workers

I have a python (2.6.5 64-bit, Windows 2008 Server R2) app that launches worker processes. The parent process puts jobs in a job queue, from which workers pick them up. Similarly it has a results queue. Each worker performs its job by querying a server. CPU usage by the workers is low.
When the number of workers grows, CPU usage on the servers actually shrinks. The servers themselves are not the bottleneck, as I can load them up further from other applications.
Anyone else seen similar behavior? Is there an issue with python multiprocessing queues when a large number of processes are reading or writing to the same queues?
Two different ideas for performance constraints:
The bottleneck is the workers fighting each other and the parent for access to the job queue.
The bottleneck is connection rate-limits (syn-flood protection) on the servers.
Gathering more information:
Profile the amount of work done: tasks completed per second, use this as your core performance metric.
Use packet capture to view the network activity for network-level delays.
Have your workers document how long they wait for access to the job queue.
Possible improvements:
Have your workers use persistent connections if available/applicable (e.g. HTTP).
Split the tasks into multiple job queues fed to pools of workers.
Not exactly sure what is going on unless you provide all the details.
However, remember that the real concurrency is bounded by the actual number of hardware threads. If the number of processes launched is much larger than the actual number of hardware threads, at some point the context-switching overhead will be more than the benefit of having more concurrent processes.
Creating of new thead is very expensive operation.
One of the simplest ways for controling a lot of paralell network connections is to use stackless threads with support of asyncronical sockets. Python had great support and a bunch of libraries for that.
My favorite one is gevent, which has a great and comletely transparent monkey-patching utility.

Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) workaround on multi-core systems using taskset on Linux?

So I just finished watching this talk on the Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)
The gist of it is that the GIL is a pretty good design for single core systems (Python essentially leaves the thread handling/scheduling up to the operating system). But that this can seriously backfire on multi-core systems and you end up with IO intensive threads being heavily blocked by CPU intensive threads, the expense of context switching, the ctrl-C problem[*] and so on.
So since the GIL limits us to basically executing a Python program on one CPU my thought is why not accept this and simply use taskset on Linux to set the affinity of the program to a certain core/cpu on the system (especially in a situation with multiple Python apps running on a multi-core system)?
So ultimately my question is this: has anyone tried using taskset on Linux with Python applications (especially when running multiple applications on a Linux system so that multiple cores can be used with one or two Python applications bound to a specific core) and if so what were the results? is it worth doing? Does it make things worse for certain workloads? I plan to do this and test it out (basically see if the program takes more or less time to run) but would love to hear from others as to your experiences.
Addition: David Beazley (the guy giving the talk in the linked video) pointed out that some C/C++ extensions manually release the GIL lock and if these extensions are optimized for multi-core (i.e. scientific or numeric data analysis/etc.) then rather than getting the benefits of multi-core for number crunching the extension would be effectively crippled in that it is limited to a single core (thus potentially slowing your program down significantly). On the other hand if you aren't using extensions such as this
The reason I am not using the multiprocessing module is that (in this case) part of the program is heavily network I/O bound (HTTP requests) so having a pool of worker threads is a GREAT way to squeeze performance out of a box since a thread fires off an HTTP request and then since it's waiting on I/O gives up the GIL and another thread can do it's thing, so that part of the program can easily run 100+ threads without hurting the CPU much and let me actually use the network bandwidth that is available. As for stackless Python/etc I'm not overly interested in rewriting the program or replacing my Python stack (availability would also be a concern).
[*] Only the main thread can receive signals so if you send a ctrl-C the Python interpreter basically tries to get the main thread to run so it can handle the signal, but since it doesn't directly control which thread is run (this is left to the operating system) it basically tells the OS to keep switching threads until it eventually hits the main thread (which if you are unlucky may take a while).
Another solution is:
Note 1: This is not a limitation of the Python language, but of CPython implementation.
Note 2: With regard to affinity, your OS shouldn't have a problem doing that itself.
I have never heard of anyone using taskset for a performance gain with Python. Doesn't mean it can't happen in your case, but definitely publish your results so others can critique your benchmarking methods and provide validation.
Personally though, I would decouple your I/O threads from the CPU bound threads using a message queue. That way your front end is now completely network I/O bound (some with HTTP interface, some with message queue interface) and ideal for your threading situation. Then the CPU intense processes can either use multiprocessing or just be individual processes waiting for work to arrive on the message queue.
In the longer term you might also want to consider replacing your threaded I/O front-end with Twisted or some thing like eventlets because, even if they won't help performance they should improve scalability. Your back-end is now already scalable because you can run your message queue over any number of machines+cpus as needed.
An interesting solution is the experiment reported by Ryan Kelly on his blog:
The results seems very satisfactory.
I've found the following rule of thumb sufficient over the years: If the workers are dependent on some shared state, I use one multiprocessing process per core (CPU bound), and per core a fix pool of worker threads (I/O bound). The OS will take care of assigining the different Python processes to the cores.
The Python GIL is per Python interpreter. That means the only to avoid problems with it while doing multiprocessing is simply starting multiple interpreters (i.e. using seperate processes instead of threads for concurrency) and then using some other IPC primitive for communication between the processes (such as sockets). That being said, the GIL is not a problem when using threads with blocking I/O calls.
The main problem of the GIL as mentioned earlier is that you can't execute 2 different python code threads at the same time. A thread blocking on a blocking I/O call is blocked and hence not executin python code. This means it is not blocking the GIL. If you have two CPU intensive tasks in seperate python threads, that's where the GIL kills multi-processing in Python (only the CPython implementation, as pointed out earlier). Because the GIL stops CPU #1 from executing a python thread while CPU #0 is busy executing the other python thread.
Until such time as the GIL is removed from Python, co-routines may be used in place of threads. I have it on good authority that this strategy has been implemented by two successful start-ups, using greenlets in at least one case.
This is a pretty old question but since everytime I search about information related to python and performance on multi-core systems this post is always on the result list, I would not let this past before me an do not share my thoughts.
You can use the multiprocessing module that rather than create threads for each task, it creates another process of cpython compier interpreting your code.
It would make your application to take advantage of multicore systems.
The only problem that I see on this approach is that you will have a considerable overhead by creating an entire new process stack on memory. (
Python Multiprocessing module:
"The reason I am not using the multiprocessing module is that (in this case) part of the program is heavily network I/O bound (HTTP requests) so having a pool of worker threads is a GREAT way to squeeze performance out of a box..."
About this, I guess that you can have also a pool of process too:

