Scipy solution of coupled ODEs flatlines after a critical value - python

I am trying to solve a system of two coupled ODEs using Scipy's solve_ivp function. Namely the hydro-static equilibrium and the mass for a white dwarf with full units.
My initial conditions are that the enclosed mass should be 0 at the core, and that the pressure should be 1e24 at the center. The code works for central pressures up to 1e16 but past that critical point, the solution for the pressure flatlines. The initial value does not change.
When I compile the code, there are no errors nor any warnings produced.
import numpy as np
import math as m
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
def dSdx(r, S):
p, m = S
mu = 2 # This is an approx.
gamma = 4/3
K = 1.2435e15/(mu**gamma)
G = 6.67430e-8 # cgs [cm^3 g^-1 s^-2]
if r==0:
return [0,0]
return [-m*G* K**(gamma)/(r**2 * p**gamma), 4* K**(gamma)* np.pi *r**2 /p**gamma]
S_0 = [1e24,0]
sol = solve_ivp(fun=dSdx, t_span=(0,1e9), max_step=dt, y0=S_0, method='RK45',
atol=0.01, rtol=0.001)
p_sol = sol.y[0]
m_sol = sol.y[1]/(1.989*1e33) # Solar Masses
x=sol.t*1e-5 # Km
# Plotting
fig = plt.plot(x,p_sol)
plt.title('Pressure of a Newtonian White Dwarf')
plt.xlabel("R $[Km]$")
plt.ylabel("Pressure $[erg/cm^3] $")
fig = plt.plot(x,m_sol, color='darkorange')
plt.title('Mass of a Newtonian White Dwarf')
plt.xlabel("R $[Km]$")
plt.ylabel("Mass $[M_{\oplus}]$")


Gekko optimal control. How to create multiple termination objectives/conditions?

So I am simulating plane flight. The plane flies certain distance (pathx and pathy variables) and then the simulation stops, when certain pathx and pathy values are reached. The solver is trying to minimize the fuel consumption (m.Maximize(mass*tf*final), by maximizing the mass value. The solver controls the accelerator pedal position (Tcontr).
Right now the termination condition is defined like this:
For X axis:
And for Y axis:
And right now the simulation ends when the desired X value is achieved, while desired Y values is not being achieved.
How do I force the simulation to end when both desired (X and Y) values are achieved?
My code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gekko import GEKKO
import math
#Gekko model
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
#Time points
nt = 11
tm = np.linspace(0,100,nt)
m.time = tm
# Variables
Ro = m.Var(value=1.1)#air density
g = m.Const(value=9.80665)
pressure = m.Var(value=101325)#
T = m.Var(value=281,lb=100)#temperature
T0 = m.Const(value=288)#temperature at see level
S = m.Const(value=122.6)
Cd = m.Const(value=0.1)#drag coef
Cl = m.Var(value=1)#lift couef
FuelFlow = m.Var()
D = m.Var(value=25000,lb=0)#drag
Thrmax = m.Const(value=200000)#maximum throttle
Thr = m.Var()#throttle
V = m.Var(value=100,lb=50,ub=240)#velocity
gamma = m.Var(value=0)# Flight-path angle
gammaa = gamma.value
Xi = m.Var(value=0)# Heading angle
Xii = Xi.value
x = m.Var(value=0,lb=0)#x position
y = m.Var(value=0,lb=0)#y position
h = m.Var(value=1000,lb=0)# height
mass = m.Var(value=60000,lb=10000)
pathx = m.Const(value=50000) #intended distance length
pathy = m.Const(value=50000)
L = m.Var(value=0.1)#lift
p = np.zeros(nt)
p[-1] = 1.0
final = m.Param(value=p)
m.options.MAX_ITER=10000 # iteration number
#Fixed Variable
tf = m.FV(value=1,lb=0.0001,ub=1000.0)#
tf.STATUS = 1
# Controlled parameters
Tcontr = m.MV(value=0.2,lb=0.1,ub=1)# solver controls throttle pedal position
Tcontr.STATUS = 1
Tcontr.DCOST = 0
#Mu = m.Var(value=0)
Mu = m.MV(value=0,lb=-1.5,ub=1.5)# solver controls bank angle
Mu.DCOST = 0
Muu = Mu.value
# Equations
#pressure and density part
#2D addition part
# Objective Function
m.Minimize(final*(x-pathx)**2) #1D part
m.Minimize(final*(y-pathy)**2) #2D part
m.Maximize(mass*tf*final) #objective function
m.options.IMODE = 6
m.options.NODES = 2 # it was 3 before
m.options.MV_TYPE = 1
m.options.SOLVER = 3
#m.open_folder() # to search for infeasibilities
tm = tm * tf.value[0]
fig, axs = plt.subplots(8)
Important Update
It looks like termination conditions (all of the above) work as intended. Y axis values can not be reached, because it looks like the math involving it is not working properly.
Y value is being calculated by this equation:
I have turned into this: m.Equation(y.dt()==tf*(V*(math.cos(gammaa.value))*(math.sin(Xii.value))))
Where: V is true air speed (works properly);
tf is a variable that controls simulation time (works properly);
gammaa is derived from gamma, which is flight-path angle, which is 0 in this simulation (works properly);
Xii is derived from Xi, which is heading angle (the main culprit).
Xi value is defined by this equation:
I turned it into this: m.Equation(Xi.dt()==tf*((L*math.sin(Muu.value))/(mass*V)))
Where: L is lift force (works properly);
mass is mass (works properly);
V is true air speed (works properly);
Muu is derived from Mu, which is bank angle, the solver controlled variable (probably the bad apple here).
Y value calculation should be working like this: solver changes Mu, which affects The heading angle Xi, which then should affect Y value.
After some experiments it looks like the range of changes of the Mu value during the simulation is so small, that it barely affects Y value. But it should be a lot wider since Mu boundaries are quite wide (lb=-1.5,ub=1.5). I tried to remove those boundaries, but it did not affect the results of the simulation.
What could be messing up everything here?
Try adding a hard terminal constraint for both:
Alternatively, increase the weight on the terminal condition.
w = 1e3
m.Minimize(w*final*(x-pathx)**2) #1D part
m.Minimize(w*final*(y-pathy)**2) #2D part
You may need to use one or both strategies. Terminal conditions can be challenging to solve.
Response to Important Update
Use the Gekko functions with m.sin() and m.cos() instead of the math functions. Also, don't use .value in the equations. Gekko needs the full symbolic graph so that it can compile the equations into byte-code and produce function evaluations and the derivatives with automatic differentiation.
It also helps to avoid divide by zero by multiplying any denominator over to the other side.

Trouble Solving and Plotting Solution to Simple Differential Equation

I'm trying to solve the differential equation R^{2} = 1/R with initial condition that R(0) = 0 in python. I should get the solution that R'(t) = (3/2 * t)^(2/3) as I get this from mathematica. Plot of solution to R'[t]^2 = 1/R with initial condition R(0) = 0
I used the following code in python:
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sqrt = np.sqrt
# function that returns dy/dt
def model(y,t):
#k = 1
dydt = sqrt(1/y)
return dydt
# initial condition
y0 = [0.0]
# time points
t = np.linspace(0,5)
# solve ODE
y = odeint(model,y0,t)
# plot results
however I get only 0 as I'm apparently dividing by zero at some point python plot of differential equation R'[t]^2 = 1/R, which is not correct. Could someone point out what I could do to get the solution and plot I am expecting.
Thank you
Your model needs to be changed.I get your equation for the solution would be something like this
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# function that returns dy/dt
def model(y,t):
#k = 1
dydt = 1*y**-1/2
return dydt
# initial condition
y0 = 0.1
# time points
t = np.linspace(0,20)
# solve ODE
y = odeint(model,y0,t)
# plot results
Your starting value is 0, which results in the derivative being zero (y * -1, or simpler -y), which means 0 will get added to your current y-value, thus remaining at zero for the whole integration. Your code is correct, but not your formulation.
I see a 1/R in your link, so use that, e.g. dydt = 1/y; which will fail, because it results in division by zero, so don't start at zero, because your derivative is not defined there. There also appears to be a square root somewhere, that you imported, but never use.

scipy fft returns null imaginary part

First of all, I apologize for being an absolute beginner in both python and signal processing.
I am trying to simulate an impulse signal (or a delta function) propagating along spatial x-axis over time. Then, I would like to perform Fourier Transformation on amplitude vs x-axis for each time and then amplitude vs t-axis for each point in space. The problem I'm facing is that the Fourier coefficients are all real valued. If I "implot" the imaginary part over spatial and temporal axis, you can see, all of these are shown to be zero. However, my understanding was that, the impulse signal at t = 0, x = 0, should have null imaginary coefficient. But after that, for all the other t and/or x's, there should be a real valued imaginary coefficient.
Please refer to this site where one can interactively make waveforms and observe the Fourier Transformation. In the f(x) box, please put "spike(x-0)", "spike(x-1)" etc. to simulate my problem and expected result.
I have tried the following code using scipy.fftpack. There are some extra lines to analyze the impulse signal travelling in x axis and x-t plane.
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal
import math
import scipy.fftpack
from scipy import ndimage
L = 10
k = np.pi/L
w = np.pi*2
n = 5
# Number of samplepoints
Nx = 1000
Nt = 500
# sample spacing
l = 1.0/Nx
T = 1.0/Nt
x = np.linspace(0, Nx*l*L, Nx)
t = np.linspace(0, Nt*T*L, Nt)
x = np.round(x,2)
t = np.round(t,2)
# function to produce impulse
def gw(xx, tt):
if xx == tt:
kk = 1
kk = 0
return (kk)
fig = plt.figure()
yg = np.array([gw(i, j) for j in t for i in x])
YG = yg.reshape(Nt, Nx)
# how impulse propagate in x-t plane
plt.imshow(YG, interpolation='bilinear',aspect='auto')
# how impulse propagate in x-axis for t = 2 and t = 100
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x, YG[2,:], x, YG[100,:])
# FFT in x-axis at each point in time
yxf = np.zeros((Nt, Nx))
for i in range(Nt):
yx = YG[i,:]
yxf[i,:] = scipy.fftpack.fft(yx)
plt.imshow(np.imag(yxf[:,:Nx]), interpolation='bilinear',aspect='auto')
# FFT in t-axis at each point in space
ytf = np.zeros((Nt, Nx))
for i in range(Nx):
yt = YG[:,i]
ytf[:,i] = scipy.fftpack.fft(yt)
plt.imshow(np.imag(ytf[:Nt,:]), interpolation='bilinear',aspect='auto')

How to animate motion of a dynamical system in Python?

Here's the how cart pendulum looks like
Imagine you have a 4 differantial equations which represents the motion of a dynamic system (pendulum on a cart) and you solved these equations using scipy.integrate.odeint for 10 seconds with interval of 0.01 seconds.
Finally you get the solution matrix with size (1000,4). For each diff eqs you get 1000 data points. Everything is ok so far. For example, If I plot one of the motion I can get beautiful graphics.(Below image shows the motion of the pendulum rod(oscillating))
Here's Graph of theta angle
But, instead of boring graphics and I want to make an animation that shows the motion of the cart as Steve Brunton did it as below link with using Matlab.
Here's link of the cart-pend video!
To animate the figures I actually tried to do what Steve Brunton did in Matlab, with Python. But the result is just a frozen figure instead of moving one. Actually If I run this script from Spyder IDE, I get 1000 figures in the IPython console.(Each figure represents a snapshot of the system's instantaneous motion which is good. But I want just one figure with 1000 sequantial frames on it.)
Here's the snap of frozen cart-pend
I've written two python scripts. One for only plotting the other is for solving the diff eqs and feed the results to the other one.
This code is for plotting the animated figures.
from math import sqrt, sin, cos
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
def draw_cart(states, m, M, L):
x = states[0] # Position of the center of the cart
theta = states[3] # Angle of the pendulum rod
W = 1*sqrt(M/5) # Cart width
H = .5*sqrt(M/5) # Cart Height
wr = .2 # Wheel radius
mr = .3*sqrt(m) # Mass Radius
y = wr/2+ H/2 # Cart Vertical Position
w1x = x-.9*W/2 # Left Wheel x coordinate
w1y = 0 # Left wheel y coordinate
w2x = x+(.9*W/2) # Right Wheel x coordinate
w2y = 0 # Right Wheel y coordinate
# Pendulum Mass x-y coordinates
px = x+(L*sin(theta))
py = y-(L*cos(theta))
#Identfying Figure
plt.axes(xlim=(-5, 5), ylim=(-2, 2.5))
# Plotting the base line
line = plt.Line2D((-10, 10), (0, 0), color='k', linewidth=2)
# Shapes
rectangle1 = plt.Rectangle((x-(W/2), (y-H/2)), W, H, fill=True, color='b') # Cart
rectangle2= plt.Rectangle((px-(mr/2), py-(mr/2)), mr, mr, fill=True, color='r') # Pendulum mass
circle2 = plt.Circle((w1x, w1y), wr/2, fill=True, color='g') #Left whell
circle3 = plt.Circle((w2x, w2y), wr/2, fill=True, color='g') #Right whell
plt.plot((x, px), (y, py), 'k', lw=2) #Pendulum rod
#Adding shapes to the figure
# Showing the figure
This is the other code for solving the diff eqs and feeding the solution to the above code.
from math import pi, sin, cos
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import draw_cart_pend_rt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# System Parameters
m = 1
M = 5
L = 2
g = -10
d = 1
u = 0
def cart_pend_dynamics(states, tspan):
Sy = sin(states[2])
Cy = cos(states[2])
D = m*L*L*(M+(m*(1-(Cy**2))))
state_derivatives = np.zeros_like(states)
state_derivatives[0] = states[1]
state_derivatives[1] = ((1/D)*(((-m**2)*(L**2)*g*Cy*Sy)+(m*(L**2)*(m*L*(states[3]**2)*Sy-d*(states[1])))))+(m*L*L*(1/D)*u)
state_derivatives[2] = states[3]
state_derivatives[3] = ((1/D)*((m+M)*m*g*L*Sy-m*L*Cy*(m*L*(states[3])**2*Sy-d*states[1])))-(m*L*Cy*(1/D)*u)+(0.01*1)
return state_derivatives
def solution_of_cartpend(dt):
# Initial conditions to solve diff eqs
states = np.array([0.0, 0.0, pi, 0.5]) # Left to right, cart; position-velocity, pend mass; angle-angular velocity
tspan = np.arange(0, 10, dt)
state_sol = odeint(cart_pend_dynamics, states, tspan)
return state_sol
# Time Interval
dt = 0.01
solution = solution_of_cartpend(dt)
x_den, y_den = solution.shape
# Validating the solution
plt.axes(xlim=(0,10), ylim=(-10,10))
t = np.arange(0, 10, dt)
plt.gca().plot(t, (solution[:, 2]), 'b', label='theta1')
# Animating the figures
for i in range(x_den):
draw_cart_pend_rt.draw_cart(solution[i,:], m, M, L)

Python Code: Geometric Brownian Motion - what's wrong?

I'm pretty new to Python, but for a paper in University I need to apply some models, using preferably Python. I spent a couple of days with the code I attached, but I can't really help, what's wrong, it's not creating a random process which looks like standard brownian motions with drift. My parameters like mu and sigma (expected return or drift and volatility) tend to change nothing but the slope of the noise process. That's my problem, it all looks like noise. Hope my problem is specific enough, here is my coode:
import math
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from numpy import *
from numpy.random import standard_normal
geometric brownian motion with drift!
mu=drift factor [Annahme von Risikoneutralitaet]
sigma: volatility in %
T: time span
dt: lenght of steps
S0: Stock Price in t=0
W: Brownian Motion with Drift N[0,1]
t=(arange(0, Steps))
x=arange(0, Steps)
W=(standard_normal(size=Steps)+mu*t)### standard brownian motion###
X=(mu-0.5*sigma**2)*dt+(sigma*sqrt(dt)*W) ###geometric brownian motion####
According to Wikipedia,
So it appears that
X=(mu-0.5*sigma**2)*t+(sigma*W) ###geometric brownian motion####
rather than
Since T represents the time horizon, I think t should be
t = np.linspace(0, T, N)
Now, according to these Matlab examples (here and here), it appears
W = np.random.standard_normal(size = N)
W = np.cumsum(W)*np.sqrt(dt) ### standard brownian motion ###
Please check the math, however, I could be wrong.
So, putting it all together:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
T = 2
mu = 0.1
sigma = 0.01
S0 = 20
dt = 0.01
N = round(T/dt)
t = np.linspace(0, T, N)
W = np.random.standard_normal(size = N)
W = np.cumsum(W)*np.sqrt(dt) ### standard brownian motion ###
X = (mu-0.5*sigma**2)*t + sigma*W
S = S0*np.exp(X) ### geometric brownian motion ###
plt.plot(t, S)
An additional implementation using the parametrization of the gaussian law though the normal fonction (instead of standard_normal), a bit shorter.
import numpy as np
T = 2
mu = 0.1
sigma = 0.01
S0 = 20
dt = 0.01
N = round(T/dt)
# reversely you can specify N and then compute dt, which is more common in financial litterature
X = np.random.normal(mu * dt, sigma* np.sqrt(dt), N)
X = np.cumsum(X)
S = S0 * np.exp(X)

