I want to calculate the average temperature per day within an specific time frame, for example average temperature on the date = 2021-03-11 between time = 14:23:00 and 16:53:00. I tried with a pivot_table the following:
in_range_df = pd.pivot_table(df, values=['Air_temp'],
The dataframe looks like this:
But how can I specify the time range now? Any help is appreciated.
Usually you can use between :
df[df["Datum"].between('2021-03-11 14:23:00',
'2021-03-11 16:53:00',)]["Air_temp"].mean()
First you should convert Datum column to datetime type:
df['Datum'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Datum'])
Then you can use df.loc like this:
t1 = '2021-03-11 14:23:00'
t2 = '2021-03-11 16:53:00'
df.loc[(df['Datum'] > t1) & (df['Datum'] < t2)]['Air_tmp'].mean()
My goal:
I have two time-series data frames, one with a time interval of 1m and the other with a time interval of 5m. The 5m data frame is a resampled version of the 1m data. What I'm doing is computing a set of RSI values that correspond to the 5m df using the vectorbt library, then aligning and broadcasting these values to the 1m df using df.align
The Problem:
When trying to do this line by line, it works perfectly. Here's what the final result looks like:
However, when applying it under the function, it returns the following error while having overlapping index names:
ValueError: cannot join with no overlapping index names
Here's the complete code:
import vectorbt as vbt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime
end_date = datetime.datetime.now()
start_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=3)
btc_price = vbt.YFData.download('BTC-USD',
def custom_indicator(close, rsi_window=14, ma_window=50):
close_5m = close.resample('5T').last()
rsi = vbt.RSI.run(close_5m, window=rsi_window).rsi
rsi, _ = rsi.align(close, broadcast_axis=0, method='ffill')
print(rsi) #to check
print(close) #to check
#setting up indicator factory
ind = vbt.IndicatorFactory(
param_names=['rsi_window', 'ma_window'],
res = ind.run(btc_price, rsi_window=21, ma_window=50)
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Any help would be appreciated!
if you checked the columns of both , rsi and close
print('close is', close.columns)
print('rsi is', rsi.columns)
you will find
rsi is MultiIndex([(14, 'Close')],
names=['rsi_window', None])
close is Index(['Close'], dtype='object')
as it has two indexes, one should be dropped, so it can be done by the below code
rsi.columns = rsi.columns.droplevel()
to drop one level of the indexes, so it could be align,
The problem is that the data must be a time series and not a pandas data frame for table joins using align
You need to fix the data type
# Time Series
close = close['Close']
close_5m = close.resample('15min').last()
rsi = vbt.RSI.run(close_5m, window=rsi_window).rsi
rsi, _ = rsi.align(close, broadcast_axis=0, method='ffill', join='right')
When you are aligning the data make sure to include join='right'
rsi, _ = rsi.align(close, broadcast_axis=0, method='ffill', join='right'
I have a DateTime indexed data frame called Rolling_Max. It gives the past 2520-day max (price) for each day from 1/1/11 to 1/1/21. How do I add a column to it which has the date each maximum first appeared?
dfsp = pdr.get_data_yahoo('^GSPC', start='2011-01-01', end='2021-01-01')['Adj Close']
window = 2520
Roll_Max = dfsp.rolling(window, min_periods=1).max()
The second row should have another column saying "2011-01-03"
You can try this, assuming price is a pd.Series
price_argmax = price.reset_index(drop=True).rolling(2520, min_periods=130).apply(lambda x: x.index[x.argmax()])
price_argmax = pd.Series(price.index[price_argmax.dropna().astype("int")], index = price.index[price_argmax.dropna().index]).reindex(price.index)
If you need this to be fast then you might want to write a loop with numba/numpy.
I have a dataframe of daily sales:
import pandas as pd
date = ['28-01-2017','29-01-2017','30-01-2017','31-01-2017','01-02-2017','02-02-2017']
sales = [1,2,3,4,1,2]
ym = [201701,201701,201701,201701,201702,201702]
prev_1_ym = [201612,201612,201612,201612,201701,201701]
prev_2_ym = [201611,201611,201611,201611,201612,201612]
df_test = pd.DataFrame({'date': date,'ym':ym,'prev_1_ym':prev_1_ym,'prev_2_ym':prev_2_ym,'sales':sales})
df_test['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_test['date'],format = '%d-%m-%Y')
I am trying to find total sales in the previous 1m, previous 2m etc..
My current approach is to use a list comprehension:
df_test[prev_1m_sales] = [ sum(df_test.loc[df_test['ym'] == x].sales) for x in df_test[prev_1_ym] ]
However, this proves to be very slow.
Is there a way to speed it up by using .groupby()?
you can use the date column to group your data, first change its data-type to pandas TimeStamps,
then you can use it directly in grouping for example
I have working code that achieves the desired calculation result, but I am currently using an algorithm that iterates over the pandas array. this is obviously slower than pure pandas DataFrame calculations. Would like some advice on how i can use pandas functions to speed up this calculation
Code to generate dummy data
df = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.date_range(start='2014-01-01', periods=365))
df['Month'] = df.index.month
df['MTD'] = (df.index.day+0.001)/10000
This is basically a pandas DataFrame with MTD figures for some value. This is purely given so that we have some data to play with.
Needed calculation
what I need is a new DataFrame that has starting (investment) dates as columns - populating them with a few beginning of month values. the index is all possible dates and the values should be the YTD figure. I am using this Dataframe as a lookup/cache for investement dates
YTD = (1+last MTD figure) * ((1+last MTD figure)... for all months to the required date
Working function
def calculate_YTD(df): # slow takes 3.5s on my machine!!!!!!
YTD_df = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index)
for investment_date in [datetime.datetime(2014,x+1,1) for x in range(12)]:
YTD_df[investment_date] =1.0 # pre-populate with dummy floats
for date in df.index: # iterate over all dates in period
h = (df[investment_date:date].groupby('Month')['MTD'].max().fillna(0) + 1).product() -1
YTD_df[investment_date][date] = h
return YTD_df
I have hardcoded the investment dates list to simplify the problem statement. On my machines this code takes 2.5 to 3.5 seconds. Any suggestions on how i can speed it up?
Here's an approach that should be reasonably quick. Quite possible there is something faster/cleaner, but this should be an improvement.
#assuming a fixed number of investments dates, build a list
investment_dates = pd.date_range('2014-1-1', periods=12, freq='MS')
#build a table, by month, which contains the cumulative MTD
#return for each invesment date. Still have to loop over the investment dates,
#but don't need to loop over each daily value
running_mtd = []
for date in investment_dates:
curr_mo = (df[df.index >= date].groupby('Month')['MTD'].last() + 1.).cumprod()
curr_mo.name = date
running_mtd_df = pd.concat(running_mtd, axis=1)
running_mtd_df = running_mtd_df.shift(1).fillna(1.)
#merge running mtd returns with base dataframe
df = df.merge(running_mtd_df, left_on='Month', right_index=True)
#calculate ytd return for each column / day, by multipling the running
#monthly return with the current MTD value
for date in investment_dates:
df[date] = np.where(df.index < date, np.nan, df[date] * (1. + df['MTD']) - 1.)
I'm a beginner of Python related environment and I have problem with using time series data.
The below is my OHLC 1 minute data.
I'd like to extract the last "CLOSE" data per each row and convert data format like the following:
2011-11-01, 248.70, 248.85, 249.15, ... 250.15, 250.60, 250.55
2011-11-02, 245.80, 246.35, 245.80, ...
I'd like to calculate the highest Close value and it's time(minute) per EACH DAY like the following:
2011-11-01, 10:23:03, 250.55
2011-11-02, 11:02:36, 251.00
Any help would be very appreciated.
Thank you in advance,
You can use the pandas library. In the case of your data you can get the max as:
import pandas as pd
# Read in the data and parse the first two columns as a
# date-time and set it as index
df = pd.read_csv('your_file', parse_dates=[[0,1]], index_col=0, header=None)
# get only the fifth column (close)
df = df[[5]]
# Resample to date frequency and get the max value for each day.
df.resample('D', how='max')
If you want to show also the times, keep them in your DataFrame as a column and pass a function that will determine the max close value and return that row:
>>> df = pd.read_csv('your_file', parse_dates=[[0,1]], index_col=0, header=None,
usecols=[0, 1, 5], names=['d', 't', 'close'])
>>> df['time'] = df.index
>>> df.resample('D', how=lambda group: group.iloc[group['close'].argmax()])
close time
2011-11-01 250.60 2011-11-01 15:04:00
2011-11-02 246.35 2011-11-02 09:01:00
And if you wan't a list of the prices per day then just do a groupby per day and return the list of all the prices from every group using the apply on the grouped object:
>>> df.groupby(lambda dt: dt.date()).apply(lambda group: list(group['close']))
2011-11-01 [248.7, 248.85, 249.15, 250.15, 250.6, 250.55]
2011-11-02 [245.8, 246.35, 245.8, 245.35]
For more information take a look at the docs: Time Series
Update for the concrete data set:
The problem with your data set is that you have some days without any data, so the function passed in as the resampler should handle those cases:
def func(group):
if len(group) == 0:
return None
return group.iloc[group['close'].argmax()]
df.resample('D', how=func).dropna()