I have a dataframe of daily sales:
import pandas as pd
date = ['28-01-2017','29-01-2017','30-01-2017','31-01-2017','01-02-2017','02-02-2017']
sales = [1,2,3,4,1,2]
ym = [201701,201701,201701,201701,201702,201702]
prev_1_ym = [201612,201612,201612,201612,201701,201701]
prev_2_ym = [201611,201611,201611,201611,201612,201612]
df_test = pd.DataFrame({'date': date,'ym':ym,'prev_1_ym':prev_1_ym,'prev_2_ym':prev_2_ym,'sales':sales})
df_test['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_test['date'],format = '%d-%m-%Y')
I am trying to find total sales in the previous 1m, previous 2m etc..
My current approach is to use a list comprehension:
df_test[prev_1m_sales] = [ sum(df_test.loc[df_test['ym'] == x].sales) for x in df_test[prev_1_ym] ]
However, this proves to be very slow.
Is there a way to speed it up by using .groupby()?
you can use the date column to group your data, first change its data-type to pandas TimeStamps,
then you can use it directly in grouping for example
I have a ~8million-ish row data frame consisting of sales for 615 products across 16 stores each day for five years.
I need to make new column/s that consists of the sales shifted back from 1 to 7 days. I've decided to sort the data frame by date, product and location. The I concatenate item and location as its own column.
Using that column I loop through each unique item/location concatenation and make the shifted sales columns. This code is below:
import pandas as pd
#sort values by item, location, date
df = df.sort_values(['date', 'product', 'location'])
df['sort_values'] = df['product']+"_"+df['location']
df1 = pd.DataFrame()
z = 0
for i in list(df['sort_values'].unique()):
df_ = df[df['sort_values']==i]
df_ = df_.sort_values('ORD_DATE')
df_['eaches_1'] = df_['eaches'].shift(-1)
df_['eaches_2'] = df_['eaches'].shift(-2)
df_['eaches_3'] = df_['eaches'].shift(-3)
df_['eaches_4'] = df_['eaches'].shift(-4)
df_['eaches_5'] = df_['eaches'].shift(-5)
df_['eaches_6'] = df_['eaches'].shift(-6)
df_['eaches_7'] = df_['eaches'].shift(-7)
df1 = pd.concat((df1, df_))
if z % 100 == 0:
The above code gets me exactly what I want, but takes FOREVER to complete. Is there a faster way to accomplish what I want?
I have a pandas dataframe with daily data. At the last day of each month, I would like to compute a quantity that depends on the daily data of the previous n months (e.g., n=3).
My current solution is to use the pandas rolling function to compute this quantity for every day, and then, only keep the quantities of the last days of each month (and discard all the other quantities). This however implies that I perform a lot of unnecessary computations.
Does somebody of you know how I can improve that?
Thanks a lot in advance!
In the following, I add two examples. In both cases, I compute rolling regressions of stock returns. The first (short) example shows the problem described above and is a sub-problem of my actual problem. The second (long) example shows my actual problem. Therefore, I would either need a solution of the first example that can be embedded in my algorithm for solving the second example or a completely different solution of the second example. Note: The dataframe that I'm using is very large, which means that multiple copies of the entire dataframe are not feasible.
Example 1:
import pandas as pd
import random
import statsmodels.api as sm
# Generate a time index
dates = pd.date_range("2018-01-01", periods=365, freq="D", name='date')
df = pd.DataFrame(index=dates,columns=['Y','X']).sort_index()
# Generate Data
df['X'] = np.array(range(0,365))
df['Y'] = 3.1*X-2.5
df = df.iloc[random.sample(range(365),280)] # some days are missing
df.iloc[random.sample(range(280),20),0] = np.nan # some observations are missing
df = df.sort_index()
# Compute Beta
def estimate_beta(ser):
return sm.OLS(df.loc[ser.index,'Y'], sm.add_constant(df.loc[ser.index,'X']), missing = 'drop').fit().params[-1]
df['beta'] = df['Y'].rolling('60D', min_periods=10).apply(estimate_beta) # use last 60 days and require at least 10 observations
# Get last entries per month
df_monthly = df[['beta']].groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='M', level='date')]).agg('last')
Example 2:
import pandas as pd
from pandas import IndexSlice as idx
import random
import statsmodels.api as sm
# Generate a time index
dates = pd.date_range("2018-01-01", periods=365, freq="D", name='date')
arrays = [dates.tolist()+dates.tolist(),["10000"]*365+["10001"]*365]
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(zip(*arrays)), names=["Date", "Stock"])
df = pd.DataFrame(index=index,columns=['Y','X']).sort_index()
# Generate Data
df.loc[idx[:,"10000"],'X'] = X = np.array(range(0,365)).astype(float)
df.loc[idx[:,"10000"],'Y'] = 3*X-2
df.loc[idx[:,"10001"],'X'] = X
df.loc[idx[:,"10001"],'Y'] = -X+1
df = df.iloc[random.sample(range(365*2),360*2)] # some days are missing
df.iloc[random.sample(range(280*2),20*2),0] = np.nan # some observations are missing
# Estimate beta
def estimate_beta_grouped(df_in):
def estimate_beta(ser):
return sm.OLS(df.loc[ser.index,'Y'].astype(float),sm.add_constant(df.loc[ser.index,'X'].astype(float)), missing = 'drop').fit().params[-1]
df = df_in.droplevel('Stock').reset_index().set_index(['Date']).sort_index()
df['beta'] = df['Y'].rolling('60D',min_periods=10).apply(estimate_beta)
return df[['beta']]
df_beta = df.groupby(level='Stock').apply(estimate_beta_grouped)
# Extract beta at last day per month
df_monthly = df.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq='M', level='Date'), df.index.get_level_values(1)]).agg('last') # get last observations
df_monthly = df_monthly.merge(df_beta, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='left') # merge beta on df_monthly
I am working on a personal project collecting the data on Covid-19 cases. The data set only shows the total number of Covid-19 cases per state cumulatively. I would like to add a column that contains the new cases added that day. This is what I have so far:
import pandas as pd
from datetime import date
from datetime import timedelta
import numpy as np
#read the CSV from github
hist_US_State = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nytimes/covid-19-data/master/us-states.csv")
#some code to get yesterday's date and the day before which is needed later.
today = date.today()
yesterday = today - timedelta(days = 1)
yesterday = str(yesterday)
day_before_yesterday = today - timedelta(days = 2)
day_before_yesterday = str(day_before_yesterday)
#Extracting yesterday's and the day before cases and combine them in one dataframe
yesterday_cases = hist_US_State[hist_US_State["date"] == yesterday]
day_before_yesterday_cases = hist_US_State[hist_US_State["date"] == day_before_yesterday]
total_cases = pd.DataFrame()
total_cases = day_before_yesterday_cases.append(yesterday_cases)
#Adding a new column called "new_cases" and this is where I get into trouble.
total_cases["new_cases"] = yesterday_cases["cases"] - day_before_yesterday_cases["cases"]
Can you please point out what I am doing wrong?
Because you defined total_cases as a concatenation (via append) of yesterday_cases and day_before_yesterday_cases, its number of rows is equal to the sum of the other two dataframes. It looks like yesterday_cases and day_before_yesterday_cases both have 55 rows, and so total_cases has 110 rows. Thus your last line is trying to assign 55 values to a series of 110 values.
You may either want to reshape your data so that each date is its own column, or work in arrays of dataframes.
I have a lisit of DataFrames that come from the census api, i had stored each year pull into a list.
So at the end of my for loop i have a list with dataframes per year and a list of years to go along side the for loop.
The problem i am having is merging all the DataFrames in the list while also taging them with a list of years.
So i have tried using the reduce function, but it looks like it only taking 2 of the 6 Dataframes i have.
concat just adds them to the dataframe with out tagging or changing anything
# Dependencies
import pandas as pd
import requests
import json
import pprint
import requests
from census import Census
from us import states
# Census
from config import (api_key, gkey)
year = 2012
c = Census(api_key, year)
for length in range(6):
c = Census(api_key, year)
data = c.acs5.get(('NAME', "B25077_001E","B25064_001E",
{'for': 'zip code tabulation area:*'})
data_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
data_df = data_df.rename(columns={"NAME": "Name",
"zip code tabulation area": "Zipcode",
"B25077_001E":"Median Home Value",
"B25064_001E":"Median Rent",
"B15003_022E":"Bachelor Degrees",
"B19013_001E":"Median Income"})
data_df = data_df.astype({'Zipcode':'int64'})
filtervalue = data_df['Median Home Value']>0
filtervalue2 = data_df['Median Rent']>0
filtervalue3 = data_df['Median Income']>0
cleandata = data_df[filtervalue][filtervalue2][filtervalue3]
cleandata = cleandata.dropna()
year += 1
so this generates the two seperate list one with the year and other with dataframe.
So my output came out to either one Dataframe with missing Dataframe entries or it just concatinated all without changing columns.
what im looking for is how to merge all within a list, but datalst[0] to be tagged with yearlst[0] when merging if at all possible
No need for year list, simply assign year column to data frame. Plus avoid incrementing year and have it the iterator column. In fact, consider chaining your process:
for year in range(2012, 2019):
c = Census(api_key, year)
data = c.acs5.get(('NAME', "B25077_001E","B25064_001E", "B15003_022E","B19013_001E"),
{'for': 'zip code tabulation area:*'})
cleandata = (pd.DataFrame(data)
.rename(columns={"NAME": "Name",
"zip code tabulation area": "Zipcode",
"B25077_001E": "Median_Home_Value",
"B25064_001E": "Median_Rent",
"B15003_022E": "Bachelor_Degrees",
"B19013_001E": "Median_Income"})
.query('(Median_Home_Value > 0) & (Median_Rent > 0) & (Median_Income > 0)')
.assign(year_column = year)
final_data = pd.concat(datalst, ignore_index = True)
I have working code that achieves the desired calculation result, but I am currently using an algorithm that iterates over the pandas array. this is obviously slower than pure pandas DataFrame calculations. Would like some advice on how i can use pandas functions to speed up this calculation
Code to generate dummy data
df = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.date_range(start='2014-01-01', periods=365))
df['Month'] = df.index.month
df['MTD'] = (df.index.day+0.001)/10000
This is basically a pandas DataFrame with MTD figures for some value. This is purely given so that we have some data to play with.
Needed calculation
what I need is a new DataFrame that has starting (investment) dates as columns - populating them with a few beginning of month values. the index is all possible dates and the values should be the YTD figure. I am using this Dataframe as a lookup/cache for investement dates
YTD = (1+last MTD figure) * ((1+last MTD figure)... for all months to the required date
Working function
def calculate_YTD(df): # slow takes 3.5s on my machine!!!!!!
YTD_df = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index)
for investment_date in [datetime.datetime(2014,x+1,1) for x in range(12)]:
YTD_df[investment_date] =1.0 # pre-populate with dummy floats
for date in df.index: # iterate over all dates in period
h = (df[investment_date:date].groupby('Month')['MTD'].max().fillna(0) + 1).product() -1
YTD_df[investment_date][date] = h
return YTD_df
I have hardcoded the investment dates list to simplify the problem statement. On my machines this code takes 2.5 to 3.5 seconds. Any suggestions on how i can speed it up?
Here's an approach that should be reasonably quick. Quite possible there is something faster/cleaner, but this should be an improvement.
#assuming a fixed number of investments dates, build a list
investment_dates = pd.date_range('2014-1-1', periods=12, freq='MS')
#build a table, by month, which contains the cumulative MTD
#return for each invesment date. Still have to loop over the investment dates,
#but don't need to loop over each daily value
running_mtd = []
for date in investment_dates:
curr_mo = (df[df.index >= date].groupby('Month')['MTD'].last() + 1.).cumprod()
curr_mo.name = date
running_mtd_df = pd.concat(running_mtd, axis=1)
running_mtd_df = running_mtd_df.shift(1).fillna(1.)
#merge running mtd returns with base dataframe
df = df.merge(running_mtd_df, left_on='Month', right_index=True)
#calculate ytd return for each column / day, by multipling the running
#monthly return with the current MTD value
for date in investment_dates:
df[date] = np.where(df.index < date, np.nan, df[date] * (1. + df['MTD']) - 1.)