I have a graph of the number of FRB detections against the Signal to Noise Ratio.
At a certain point, the Signal to Noise ratio flattens out.
The input variable (the number of FRB detections) is defined by
N_vals = numpy.logspace(0, np.log10((10)**(11)), num = 1000)
and I have a series of arrays that correspond to outputs of the Signal to Noise Ratio (they have the same length).
So far, I have used numpy.gradient() on all the Signal-to-Noise (SNR) ratios to obtain the corresponding slope at every point.
I want to obtain the index at which the Signal-to-Noise Ratio dips below a certain threshold.
Using numpy functions designed to find the inflexion point won't work in my case as the gradient continues to increase - just very gradually.
Here is some code to illustrate my initial attempt:
import numpy as np
grad100 = np.gradient(NDM100)
grad300 = np.gradient(NDM300)
grad1000 = np.gradient(NDM1000)
grad2 = np.gradient(N2)
grad5 = np.gradient(N5)
grad10 = np.gradient(N10)
glist = [np.array(grad2), np.array(grad5), np.array(grad10), np.array(grad100), np.array(grad300), np.array(grad1000)]
indexlist = []
for g in glist:
for i in g:
satdex = np.where(i == 10**(-4))[0]
Doing this just gives me a list of empty arrays - for instance:
[array([], dtype=int64),..., array([], dtype=int64)]
Does anyone know a better way of doing this? I just want the indices corresponding to the points at which the gradient is 10**(-4) for each array. This is my 'saturation point'.
Please let me know if I need to provide more information and if so, what exactly. I'm not expecting anyone to run my code as there is a lot of it; rather, I'm after some general tips or some commentary on the structure of my code. I've attached the graph that corresponds to my data (the arrows show what I mean by the point at which the SNR flattens out).
I feel that this is a fairly simple programming problem and therefore doesn't warrant the detail that would be found in questions on error messages for example.
SNR curves with arrows indicating what I mean by 'saturation points'
Alright so I think I've got it. I'm attaching my code below. Obviously it's taken out of context here and won't run by itself so this is just so anyone that finds this question can see what kind of structure works. The general idea is that for a given set of curves, I find the x and y-values at which they begin to flatten out.
x = 499
N_vals2 = N_vals[500:]
grad100 = np.gradient(NDM100)
grad300 = np.gradient(NDM300)
grad1000 = np.gradient(NDM1000)
grad2 = np.gradient(N2)
grad5 = np.gradient(N5)
grad10 = np.gradient(N10)
preg_list = [grad100, grad300, grad1000, grad2, grad5, grad10]
g_list = []
for gl in preg_list:
sneg_list = [NDM100, NDM300, NDM1000, N2, N5, N10]
sn_list = []
for sl in sneg_list:
t_list = []
gt_list = []
ic_list = []
for g in g_list:
threshold = 0.1*np.max(g)
thresh_array = np.full(len(g), fill_value = threshold)
ic = np.isclose(g, thresh_array, rtol = 0.5)
index_list = []
grad_list = []
for i in ic_list:
index = np.where(i == True)
for j in g_list:
gval = j[index]
saturation_indices = []
for gl in index_list:
first_index = gl[0][0]
saturation_points = []
sn_list_firsts = [snf[0] for snf in sn_list]
for s in saturation_indices:
n = round(N_vals2[s], 0)
sn_tuple = (n, s)
For a project I have to predict the 2D profile of a certain function C(x,y) by sampling many "rows", i.e. C(x,0) where this term will depend on a certain parameter alpha which is picked with uniform distribution on a certain interval decided a priori.
To set things up:
x = linspace(0,1,50)
y = linspace(0,1,50)
Once I defined the function I want to predict through its 1D profiles, I want use least square method to find a numerical solution. Thus first we have to define a matrix M:
def matrix_of_profiles(x,y): #x is an array, y is float64
M = empty((0,50))
random_alpha =empty(1)
riga = []
for i in range(0,5000): #genrate the 1Dim profile of C(x,y)
random_alpha = random.uniform(1,3+1e-12) #pick a different distribution?
riga = C(x,y, random_alpha)
M = r_[M, [riga]]
return M
Then, as polynomial (which I found through some Taylor expansion):
def predicting_poly(x,shift):
return y
My final goal is to obtain a 50 x 50 matrix which should resemble the 2D I wanted to reconstruct. But now: if I was to run:
M = matrix_of_profiles(x,0)
t = linspace(0,1, 5000)
value_poly = predicting_poly(t,0)
value_poly = value_poly[:,newaxis]
col_1 = linalg.lstsq(M,value_poly, rcond=None)
then col_1 behaves as I wished (a sinusoid). While, if I go for:
def predicted_profile(x):
t = linspace(0,1, 5000)
prediction = empty((50,50))
M = matrix_of_profiles(x,0)
for j in range(0,50):
shift = -1+j/50
value_poly = predicting_poly(t,shift)
value_poly = value_poly[:,newaxis]
predicted_value = linalg.lstsq(M,value_poly, rcond=None)
predicted_value = predicted_value[0].reshape(50,)
prediction[:,j] = predicted_value[0]
return prediction
the column of the new matrix prediction should behave similar to what I previously defined as col_1 but it does not: it is now just a line and I do not understand why. Did I mess up in the last function?
I am writing code to remove plateau outliers from time series data. I proceeded after receiving advice to use np.diff, but there was a problem that it could not be recognized if it was not the same value.
def find_plateaus(F, min_length=200, tolerance = 0.75, smoothing=15):
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.filters import uniform_filter1d
# calculate smooth gradients
smoothF = uniform_filter1d(F, size = smoothing)
dF = uniform_filter1d(np.gradient(smoothF),size = smoothing)
d2F = uniform_filter1d(np.gradient(dF),size = smoothing)
def zero_runs(x):
iszero = np.concatenate(([0], np.equal(x, 0).view(np.int8), [0]))
absdiff = np.abs(np.diff(iszero))
ranges = np.where(absdiff == 1)[0].reshape(-1, 2)
return ranges
# Find ranges where second derivative is zero
# Values under eps are assumed to be zero.
eps = np.quantile(abs(d2F),tolerance)
smalld2F = (abs(d2F) <= eps)
# Find repititions in the mask "smalld2F" (i.e. ranges where d2F is constantly zero)
p = zero_runs(np.diff(smalld2F))
# np.diff(p) gives the length of each range found.
# only accept plateaus of min_length
plateaus = p[(np.diff(p) > min_length).flatten()]
return (plateaus)
plateaus = find_plateaus(test, min_length=5, tolerance = 0.02, smoothing=11)
plateaus = np.ravel(plateaus, order = 'A')
plateaus = plateaus.tolist()
test2['T&F'] = np.nan
for i in test2.index:
if i in plateaus:
test2.loc[i,['T&F']] = test2.loc[i,'data']
else :
test2.loc[i,['T&F']] = 0
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,6))
ax.plot(test2.index, test2['data'], color='black', label = 'time_series')
ax.scatter(test2.index,test2['T&F'], color='red', label = 'D910')
Do you know any libraries or methods that can be used?
I want to recognize the parts marked in the picture below.
enter image description here
Still in progress, but found the answer.
First, make the np array multidimensional.
ex) time_step = 3
Then, using np.std(), find the standard deviation,
After checking, you can set the standard deviation range to recognize the included range.
I'm trying to calculate the Fourier transform of three muon polarization signals, which are simply cosine functions multiplied by an exponential decay.
So, doing the Fourier transform, we are going to see broadened peaks centered at the corresponding frequency.
The problem is that I have already tried to do the Fourier transform, but I do not know if it's correct; furthermore, I'm trying to calculate the FWHM using the scipy.stats.moment function, using the 2-nd moment: is it correct?
Can you tell me if the code is correct?
I put here the three signals in .npy file and the code used for the Fourier analysis.
The signals are signal[0], signal[1] and signal[2], arrays of 10 dimension.
Each signal[k] contains 10 polarization functions (1 for each applied magnetic field), which are signals of 400 points.
The corresponding files are signal_100, signal_110, signal_111, provided here:
Ah, the frequencies range from 0 Hz to 40 MHz.
Thank you!
N = 400 # Number of signal points.
N1 = 40000000
T = 1./800. # Sampling spacing.
xf = np.fft.rfftfreq(N1, T)
yf1 = FWHM1 = sigma1 = delta1 = bhar1 = np.zeros(fields, dtype = object)
yf2 = FWHM2 = sigma2 = delta2 = bhar2 = np.zeros(fields, dtype = object)
yf3 = FWHM3 = sigma3 = delta3 = bhar3 = np.zeros(fields, dtype = object)
for j in range(fields):
# Fourier transform.
yf1[j] = np.fft.rfft(signal[0][j])
yf2[j] = np.fft.rfft(signal[1][j])
yf3[j] = np.fft.rfft(signal[2][j])
FWHM1[j] = moment(yf1[j], moment=2)
FWHM2[j] = moment(yf2[j], moment=2)
FWHM3[j] = moment(yf3[j], moment=2)
sigma1[j] = np.sqrt(np.abs(FWHM3[j]))/2.355
sigma2[j] = np.sqrt(np.abs(FWHM2[j]))/2.355
sigma3[j] = np.sqrt(np.abs(FWHM3[j]))/2.355
delta1[j] = sigma1[j]/gamma_Cu
delta2[j] = sigma2[j]/gamma_Cu
delta3[j] = sigma3[j]/gamma_Cu
bhar1[j] = (((a*angtom)**3)/(1e-7*gamma_Cu*hbar))*delta1[j]
bhar2[j] = (((a*angtom)**3)/(1e-7*gamma_Cu*hbar))*delta2[j]
bhar3[j] = (((a*angtom)**3)/(1e-7*gamma_Cu*hbar))*delta3[j]
Currently i work in a python project with same object. I've a set of data of magnetic field B(x,y,z), i think ideal would be to organize your data periodically at event and deduce Fe (sampling_rate).
f(A, t)=A*( cos(2*pi*fe*t) - sin(2*pi*fe*t)
B=[ 50, 50, 10, 3 ] # where each data is |B| normal at second
res=[ f(a, time) for time, a in enumerate(B) ]
fourrier_transform=np.fft.fft( res )
frequency= fftfreq([ time for time in range(len(B)) ]) # U can use fftfreq provide by scipy
Please star this project, research ressource to contribute
RFSignalToolkit github project
I simply want to see how long it takes this code to execute. There is a similar question here:
timeit module in python does not recognize numpy module
and I understand what they are saying, but I don't get where these lines of code should be placed. Here is what I have. I know its a little long to scroll through, but you can see where I have placed the timeit commands at the beginning and end. This is not working and I am guessing it is because I have placed these lines of code for timeit incorrectly. The code works if I delete the timeit stuff.
import timeit
u = timeit.Timer("np.arange(1000)", setup = 'import numpy as np')
#set up variables
m = 4.54
g = 9.81
GR = 8
r_pulley = .1
th1=np.pi/4 #based on motor 1 encoder counts. Number of degrees rotated from + x-axis of base frame 0
th2=np.pi/4 #based on motor 2 encoder counts. Number of degrees rotated from + x-axis of m1 frame 1
th3_motor = np.pi/4*12
th3_pulley = th3_motor/GR
#required forces in x,y,z at end effector
fx = 1
fy = 1
fz = m*g #need to figure this out
#Build Homogeneous Tranforms Matrices
H1_0 = np.array(([np.cos(th1),-np.sin(th1),0,0],[np.sin(th1),np.cos(th1),0,0],[0,0,1,l3],[0,0,0,1]))
H2_1 = np.array(([np.cos(th2),-np.sin(th2),0,l1],[np.sin(th2),np.cos(th2),0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]))
H3_2 = np.array(([1,0,0,l2],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]))
H2_0 = np.dot(H1_0,H2_1)
H3_0 = np.dot(H2_0,H3_2)
#These HTMs are using the way I derived them, not the "correct" way.
#The answers are the same, but I think the processing time will be the same.
#This is because either way the two matrices with all the sines and cosines...
#will be the same. Only difference is in one method the ones and zeroes...
#matrix is the first HTM, in the other method it is the last HTM. So its the...
#same number of matrices with the same information, just being dot-producted...
#in a different order.
#Build Jacobian
#np.cross(x, y)
d10 = H1_0[0:3, 3]
d20 = H2_0[0:3, 3]
d30 = H3_0[0:3, 3]
subt1 = d30-d10
subt2 = d30-d20
#tsubt1 = subt1.transpose()
#tsubt2 = subt2.transpose()
zeroes = np.array(([0,0,1]))
cross1 = np.cross(zeroes, subt1)
cross2 = np.cross(zeroes, subt2)
#These cross products are correct but need to be tranposed into columns, right now they are a single row.
#dont actually need these transposes but I didnt want to forget the command.
# build jacobian (J)
#J = np.zeros((6,2))
#J[0:3,0] = cross1
#J[0:3,1] = cross2
#J[3:6,0] = zeroes
#J[3:6,1] = zeroes
#find torques
J_force = np.zeros((2,3))
#build force matrix
forces = np.array(([fx],[fy],[fz]))
torques = np.dot(J_force,forces)
torques #top number is theta 1 (M1) and bottom number is theta 2 (M2)
#need to add z axis?
# u is a timer eval np.arange(1000)
u = timeit.Timer("np.arange(1000)", setup = 'import numpy as np')
# print how many seconds needed to run np.arange(1000) 1000000 times
# 1000000 is the default value, you can set by passing a int here.
So the following is what you want.
import timeit
def main():
#set up variables
m = 4.54
g = 9.81
GR = 8
r_pulley = .1
th1=np.pi/4 #based on motor 1 encoder counts. Number of degrees rotated from + x-axis of base frame 0
th2=np.pi/4 #based on motor 2 encoder counts. Number of degrees rotated from + x-axis of m1 frame 1
th3_motor = np.pi/4*12
th3_pulley = th3_motor/GR
#required forces in x,y,z at end effector
fx = 1
fy = 1
fz = m*g #need to figure this out
#Build Homogeneous Tranforms Matrices
H1_0 = np.array(([np.cos(th1),-np.sin(th1),0,0],[np.sin(th1),np.cos(th1),0,0],[0,0,1,l3],[0,0,0,1]))
H2_1 = np.array(([np.cos(th2),-np.sin(th2),0,l1],[np.sin(th2),np.cos(th2),0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]))
H3_2 = np.array(([1,0,0,l2],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]))
H2_0 = np.dot(H1_0,H2_1)
H3_0 = np.dot(H2_0,H3_2)
#These HTMs are using the way I derived them, not the "correct" way.
#The answers are the same, but I think the processing time will be the same.
#This is because either way the two matrices with all the sines and cosines...
#will be the same. Only difference is in one method the ones and zeroes...
#matrix is the first HTM, in the other method it is the last HTM. So its the...
#same number of matrices with the same information, just being dot-producted...
#in a different order.
#Build Jacobian
#np.cross(x, y)
d10 = H1_0[0:3, 3]
d20 = H2_0[0:3, 3]
d30 = H3_0[0:3, 3]
subt1 = d30-d10
subt2 = d30-d20
#tsubt1 = subt1.transpose()
#tsubt2 = subt2.transpose()
zeroes = np.array(([0,0,1]))
cross1 = np.cross(zeroes, subt1)
cross2 = np.cross(zeroes, subt2)
#These cross products are correct but need to be tranposed into columns, right now they are a single row.
#dont actually need these transposes but I didnt want to forget the command.
# build jacobian (J)
#J = np.zeros((6,2))
#J[0:3,0] = cross1
#J[0:3,1] = cross2
#J[3:6,0] = zeroes
#J[3:6,1] = zeroes
#find torques
J_force = np.zeros((2,3))
#build force matrix
forces = np.array(([fx],[fy],[fz]))
torques = np.dot(J_force,forces)
torques #top number is theta 1 (M1) and bottom number is theta 2 (M2)
#need to add z axis?
u = timeit.Timer(main)
I am attempting to create a "rolling spline" using polynomials via polyfit and polyval.
However I either get an error that "offset" is not defined... or, the spline doesn't plot.
My code is below, please offer suggestions or insights. I am a polyfit newby.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
x = np.array([ 3893.50048173, 3893.53295003, 3893.5654186 , 3893.59788744,
3893.63035655, 3893.66282593, 3893.69529559, 3893.72776551,
3893.76023571, 3893.79270617, 3893.82517691, 3893.85764791,
3893.89011919, 3893.92259074, 3893.95506256, 3893.98753465,
3894.02000701, 3894.05247964, 3894.08495254])
y = np.array([ 0.3629712 , 0.35187397, 0.31805825, 0.3142261 , 0.35417492,
0.34981215, 0.24416184, 0.17012087, 0.03218199, 0.04373861,
0.08108644, 0.22834105, 0.34330638, 0.33380814, 0.37836754,
0.38993407, 0.39196328, 0.42456769, 0.44078106])
e = np.array([ 0.0241567 , 0.02450775, 0.02385632, 0.02436235, 0.02653321,
0.03023715, 0.03012712, 0.02640219, 0.02095554, 0.020819 ,
0.02126918, 0.02244543, 0.02372675, 0.02342232, 0.02419184,
0.02426635, 0.02431787, 0.02472135, 0.02502038])
xk = np.array([])
yk = np.array([])
w0 = np.where((y<=(e*3))&(y>=(-e*3)))
w1 = np.where((y<=(1+e*3))&(y>=(1-e*3)))
mask = np.ones(x.size)
mask[w0] = 0
mask[w1] = 0
for i in range(0,x.size):
if mask[i] == 0:
if ((abs(y[i]) < abs(e[i]*3))and(abs(y[i])<(abs(y[i-1])-abs(e[i])))):
imin = i-2
imax = i+3
if imin < 0:
imin = 0
if imax >= x.size:
imax = x.size
offset = np.mean(x)
for order in range(20):
coeff = np.polyfit(x-offset,y,order)
model = np.polyval(coeff,x-offset)
chisq = ((model-y)/e)**2
chisqred = np.sum(chisq)/(x.size-order-1)
if chisqred < 1.5:
xt = x[i]
yt = np.polyval(coeff,xt-offset)
imin = i-1
imax = i+2
if imin < 0:
imin = 0
if imax >= x.size:
imax = x.size
offset = np.mean(x)
for order in range(20):
coeff = np.polyfit(x-offset,y,order)
model = np.polyval(coeff,x-offset)
chisq = ((model-y)/e)**2
chisqred = np.sum(chisq)/(x.size-order-1)
if chisqred < 1.5:
xt = x[i]
yt = np.polyval(coeff,xt-offset)
xk = np.append(xk,xt)
yk = np.append(yk,yt)
#print order,chisqred
plt.plot(xk+offset,yk,'b-') # This is the non-plotting plot
So I edited the code, removing all of the if conditions that do not apply to this small sample of data.
I also added the changes that I made which allow the code to plot the desired points... however, now that the plot is visible, I have a new problem.
The plot isn't a polynomial of the order the code is telling me it should be.
Before the plot command, I added a print, to display the order of the polynomial and the chisqred, just to be certain that it was working.
First, thank you for providing a self-contained sample (not many newbies do that)! If you want to improve your question, you should remove all debugging code from the sample, as now it clutters the code. The code is quite long and not very self-explanatory. (At least to me - the problem may be between my ears, as well.)
Let us unroll the problem from the end. The proximal reason why you get an empty plot is that you have empty xkand yk (empty arrays).
Why is that? That is because you have 19 points, and thus your for loop is essentially:
for i in range(12, 19-1-12):
There is nothing to iterate from 12..6! So actually your loop is run through exactly zero times and nothing is ever appended to xk and yk.
The same explanation explains the problem with offset. If the loop is never run through, there is no offset defined in yout plot command (xk+offset), hence the NameError.
This was the simple part. However, I do not quite understand your code. Especially the loops where you loop order form 0..19 look strange, as only the result form the last cycle will be used. Maybe there is something to fix?
(If you still have problems with the code after this analysis, please fix the things you can, simplify the code as much as possible, and edit your question. Then we can have another look into this!)