I was trying to parallelize the generation of normally-distributed random arrays with the numpy.random.normal() function but it looks like the calls from the threads are executed sequentially instead.
import numpy as np
start = time.time()
active_threads = 0
for i in range(100000):
t = threading.Thread(target=lambda x : np.random.normal(0,2,4000), args = [0])
while active_threads >= 12:
end = time.time()
If i measure the time for a 1 thread process i get the same result as the 12 thread one.
I know this kind of parallelization suffers from a lot of overhead, but even then it should still get some time off with the multithread version.
np.random.normal use a seed variable internally. This variable is retrieved from default_rng() and it is certainly shared between thread so it is not safe to call it using multiple threads (due to possible race conditions). In fact, the documentation provides examples for such a case (see here and there). Alternatively, you can use multiple processes (you need to configure the seed to get different results in different processes). Another solution is to use custom random number generators (RNG) so to use a different RNG object in each thread.
I'm relatively new to Dask. I'm trying to parallelize a "custom" function that doesn't use Dask containers. I would just like to speed up the computation. But my results are that when I try parallelizing with dask.delayed, it has significantly worse performance than running the serial version. Here is a minimal implementation demonstrating the issue (the code I actually want to do this with is significantly more involved :) )
import dask,time
def mysum(rng):
# CPU intensive
z = 0
for i in rng:
z += i
return z
# serial
b = time.time(); zz = mysum(range(1, 1_000_000_000)); t = time.time() - b
print(f'time to run in serial {t}')
# parallel
ms_parallel = dask.delayed(mysum)
ss = []
ncores = 10
m = 100_000_000
for i in range(ncores):
lower = m*i
upper = (i+1) * m
r = range(lower, upper)
s = ms_parallel(r)
j = dask.delayed(ss)
b = time.time(); yy = j.compute(); t = time.time() - b
print(f'time to run in parallel {t}')
Typical results are:
time to run in serial 55.682398080825806
time to run in parallel 135.2043571472168
It seems I'm missing something basic here.
You are running a pure CPU-bound computation in threads by default. Because of python's Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), only one thread is actually running at a time. In short, you are only adding overhead to your original compute, due to thread switching and task executing.
To actually get faster for this workload, you should use dask-distributed. Just adding
import dask.distributed
client = dask.distributed.Client(threads_per_worker=1)
at the start of your script may well give you a decent speed up, since this invokes a certain number of processes, each with their own GIL. This scheduler becomes the default one just by creating it.
EDIT: ignore the following, I see you are already doing it :). Leaving here for others, unless people want it gone ...The second problem, for dask, is the sheer number of tasks. For any task execution system, there is an overhead associated with each task (actually, this is higher for distributed than the default threads scheduler). You could get around it by computing batches of function calls per task. This is, in practice, what dask.array and dask.dataframe do: they operate on largeish pieces of the overall problem, such that the overhead becomes small compared to the useful CPU execution time.
I use joblib to work in parallel, I want to write the results in parallel in a list.
So as to avoid problems, I create an ldata = [] list beforehand, so that it can be easily accessed.
During parallelization, the data are available in the list, but no longer when they are put together.
How can data be saved in parallel?
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import multiprocessing
data = []
def worker(i):
ldata = []
... # create list ldata
for i in range(0, 1000):
num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(worker)(i) for i in range(0, 1000))
resultlist = []
for i in range(0, 1000):
You should look at Parallel as a parallel map operation that does not allow for side effects. The execution model of Parallel is that it by default starts new worker copies of the master processes, serialises the input data, sends it over to the workers, have them iterate over it, then collects the return values. Any change a worker performs on data stays in its own memory space and is thus invisible to the master process. You have two options here:
First, you can have your workers return ldata instead of updating data[i]. In that case, data will have to be assigned the result returned by Parallel(...)(...):
def worker(i):
return ldata
data = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(worker)(i) for i in range(0, 1000))
Second option is to force a shared memory semantics that uses threads instead of processes. When works execute in threads, their memory space is that of the master process, which is where data lies originally. To enforce this semantics, add require='sharedmem' keyword argument in the call to Parallel:
Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores, require='sharedmem')(delayed(worker)(i) for i in range(0, 1000))
The different modes and semantics are explained in the joblib documentation here.
Keep in mind that your worker() function is written in pure Python and is therefore interpreted. This means that worker threads can't run fully concurrently even if there is just one thread per CPU due to the dreaded Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). This is also explained in the documentation. Therefore, you'd better stick with the first solution in general, despite the marshalling and interprocess communication overheads.
I have a function which I will run using multi-processing. However the function returns a value and I do not know how to store that value once it's done.
I read somewhere online about using a queue but I don't know how to implement it or if that'd even work.
cores = []
for i in range(os.cpu_count()):
cores.append(Process(target=processImages, args=(dataSets[i],)))
for core in cores:
for core in cores:
Where the function 'processImages' returns a value. How do I save the returned value?
In your code fragment you have input dataSets which is a list of some unspecified size. You have a function processImages which takes a dataSet element and apparently returns a value you want to capture.
cpu_count == dataset length ?
The first problem I notice is that os.cpu_count() drives the range of values i which then determines which datasets you process. I'm going to assume you would prefer these two things to be independent. That is, you want to be able to crunch some X number of datasets and you want it to work on any machine, having anywhere from 1 - 1000 (or more...) cores.
An aside about CPU-bound work
I'm also going to assume that you have already determined that the task really is CPU-bound, thus it makes sense to split by core. If, instead, your task is disk io-bound, you would want more workers. You could also be memory bound or cache bound. If optimal parallelization is important to you, you should consider doing some trials to see which number of workers really gives you maximum performance.
Here's more reading if you like
Pool class
Anyway, as mentioned by Michael Butscher, the Pool class simplifies this for you. Yours is a standard use case. You have a set of work to be done (your list of datasets to be processed) and a number of workers to do it (in your code fragment, your number of cores).
Use those simple multiprocessing concepts like this:
from multiprocessing import Pool
# Renaming this variable just for clarity of the example here
work_queue = datasets
# This is the number you might want to find experimentally. Or just run with cpu_count()
worker_count = os.cpu_count()
# This will create processes (fork) and join all for you behind the scenes
worker_pool = Pool(worker_count)
# Farm out the work, gather the results. Does not care whether dataset count equals cpu count
processed_work = worker_pool.map(processImages, work_queue)
# Do something with the result
You cannot return the variable from another process. The recommended way would be to create a Queue (multiprocessing.Queue), then have your subprocess put the results to that queue, and once it's done, you may read them back -- this works if you have a lot of results.
If you just need a single number -- using Value or Array could be easier.
Just remember, you cannot use a simple variable for that, it has to be wrapped with above mentioned classes from multiprocessing lib.
If you want to use the result object returned by a multiprocessing, try this
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
def fun(fun_argument1, ... , fun_argumentn):
return object_1, object_2
pool = ThreadPool(processes=number_of_your_process)
async_num1 = pool.apply_async(fun, (fun_argument1, ... , fun_argumentn))
object_1, object_2 = async_num1.get()
then you can do whatever you want.
I have to do my study in a parallel way to run it much faster. I am new to multiprocessing library in python, and could not yet make it run successfully.
Here, I am investigating if each pair of (origin, target) remains at certain locations between various frames of my study. Several points:
It is one function, which I want to run faster (It is not several processes).
The process is performed subsequently; it means that each frame is compared with the previous one.
This code is a very simpler form of the original code. The code outputs a residece_list.
I am using Windows OS.
Can someone check the code (the multiprocessing section) and help me improve it to make it work. Thanks.
import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import Pool, freeze_support
def Main_Residence(total_frames, origin_list, target_list):
Previous_List = {}
residence_list = []
for frame in range(total_frames): #Each frame
Current_List = {} #Dict of pair and their residence for frames
for origin in range(origin_list):
for target in range(target_list):
Pair = (origin, target) #Eahc pair
if Pair in Current_List.keys(): #If already considered, continue
if origin == target:
if (Pair in Previous_List.keys()): #If remained from the previous frame, add residence
print "Origin_Target remained: ", Pair
Current_List[Pair] = (Previous_List[Pair] + 1)
else: #If new, add it to the current
Current_List[Pair] = 1
for pair in Previous_List.keys(): #Add those that exited from residence to the list
if pair not in Current_List.keys():
Previous_List = Current_List
return residence_list
if __name__ == '__main__':
pool = Pool(processes=5)
Residence_List = pool.apply_async(Main_Residence, args=(20, 50, 50))
print Residence_List.get(timeout=1)
Residence_List = np.array(Residence_List) * 5
Multiprocessing does not make sense in the context you are presenting here.
You are creating five subprocesses (and three threads belonging to the pool, managing workers, tasks and results) to execute one function once. All of this is coming at a cost, both in system resources and execution time, while four of your worker processes don't do anything at all. Multiprocessing does not speed up the execution of a function. The code in your specific example will always be slower than plainly executing Main_Residence(20, 50, 50) in the main process.
For multiprocessing to make sense in such a context, your work at hand would need to be broken down to a set of homogenous tasks that can be processed in parallel with their results potentially being merged later.
As an example (not necessarily a good one), if you want to calculate the largest prime factors for a sequence of numbers, you can delegate the task of calculating that factor for any specific number to a worker in a pool. Several workers would then do these individual calculations in parallel:
def largest_prime_factor(n):
p = n
i = 2
while i * i <= n:
if n % i:
i += 1
n //= i
return p, n
if __name__ == '__main__':
pool = Pool(processes=3)
start = datetime.now()
# this delegates half a million individual tasks to the pool, i.e.
# largest_prime_factor(0), largest_prime_factor(1), ..., largest_prime_factor(499999)
pool.map(largest_prime_factor, range(500000))
print "pool elapsed", datetime.now() - start
start = datetime.now()
# same work just in the main process
[largest_prime_factor(i) for i in range(500000)]
print "single elapsed", datetime.now() - start
pool elapsed 0:00:04.664000
single elapsed 0:00:08.939000
(the largest_prime_factor function is taken from #Stefan in this answer)
As you can see, the pool is only roughly twice as fast as single process execution of the same amount of work, all while running in three processes in parallel. That's due to the overhead introduced by multiprocessing/the pool.
So, you stated that the code in your example has been simplified. You'll have to analyse your original code to see if it can be broken down to homogenous tasks that can be passed down to your pool for processing. If that is possible, using multiprocessing might help you speed up your program. If not, multiprocessing will likely cost you time, rather than save it.
Since you asked for suggestions on the code. I can hardly say anything about your function. You said yourself that it is just a simplified example to provide an MCVE (much appreciated by the way! Most people don't take the time to strip down their code to its bare minimum). Requests for a code review are anyway better suited over at Codereview.
Play around a bit with the available methods of task delegation. In my prime factor example, using apply_async came with a massive penalty. Execution time increased ninefold, compared to using map. But my example is using just a simple iterable, yours needs three arguments per task. This could be a case for starmap, but that is only available as of Python 3.3.Anyway, the structure/nature of your task data basically determines the correct method to use.
I did some q&d testing with multiprocessing your example function.
The input was defined like this:
inp = [(20, 50, 50)] * 5000 # that makes 5000 tasks against your Main_Residence
I ran that in Python 3.6 in three subprocesses with your function unaltered, except for the removal of the print statment (I/O is costly). I used, starmap, apply, starmap_async and apply_async and also iterated through the results each time to account for the blocking get() on the async results.
Here's the output:
starmap elapsed 0:01:14.506600
apply elapsed 0:02:11.290600
starmap async elapsed 0:01:27.718800
apply async elapsed 0:01:12.571200
# btw: 5k calls to Main_Residence in the main process looks as bad
# as using apply for delegation
single elapsed 0:02:12.476800
As you can see, the execution times differ, although all four methods do the same amount of work; the apply_async you picked appears to be the fastest method.
Coding Style. Your code looks quite ... unconventional :) You use Capitalized_Words_With_Underscore for your names (both, function and variable names), that's pretty much a no-no in Python. Also, assigning the name Previous_List to a dictionary is ... questionable. Have a look at PEP 8, especially the section Naming Conventions to see the commonly accepted coding style for Python.
Judging by the way your print looks, you are still using Python 2. I know that in corporate or institutional environments that's sometimes all you have available. Still, keep in mind that the clock for Python 2 is ticking
first question on stack overflow so please bear with. I am looking to calculate the variance for group ratings (long numpy arrays). Running the program without parallel processing works fine, but given each process can run independently and there are 32 groups I am looking to make use of multiprocessing to speed things up. This works OK for small numbers of groups < 10, but after this the program will often just seemingly stop running with no error messages at an unspecified number of groups ( usually between 20 and 30 ) although less frequently will run all the way through. The arrays are quite large ( 21451 x 11462 user item ratings) and so I am wondering if the problem is caused by not enough memory, although no error messages are printed.
import numpy as np
from functools import partial
import multiprocessing
def variance_parallel(extra_matrices, group_num):
# do some variation calculation
# print confirmation that we have entered function, and group number
return single_group_var
def variance(extra_matrices, num_groups):
variance_partial = partial(variance_parallel, extra_matrices)
for g in list(range(num_groups)):
group_var = pool.map(variance_partial,range(g))
num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=num_cores)
variance(extra_matrices, num_groups)
Running the above code shows the program progressively building the number of groups it is checking variance on ([0],[0,1],[0,1,2],...) before eventually printing nothing.
Thanks in advance for any help and apologies if my formatting / question is a bit off!
Multiple processes do not share data
Data sent to processes needs to be copied
Since the arrays are large, the issue is very likely to do with said copying of large arrays to the processes. Further more in Python's multiprocessing, sending data to processes is done by serialisation which is (a) CPU intensive and (b) takes extra memory in and by it self.
In short multi processing is not a good fit for your use case. Since numpy is a native code extension (where GIL does not apply) and is thread safe, best to use threading instead of multiprocessing. With threading, the worker threads can share data via their parent process's address space which makes away with having to copy.
That should stop the program from running out of memory.
However, for threads to share address space the data they share needs to be bound to an object, like in a python class.
Something like the below - untested as the code sample is incomplete.
import numpy as np
from functools import partial
from threading import Thread
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
class Variance(Thread):
def __init__(self, extra_matrices, group_num):
self.extra_matrices = extra_matrices
self.group_num = group_num
self.output = None
def run(self):
# do some variation calculation
# print confirmation that we have entered function, and group number
self.output = single_group_var
num_cores = cpu_count() - 1
results = []
for g in list(range(num_groups)):
workers = [Variance(extra_matrices, range(g))
for _ in range(num_cores)]
# Start threads
for worker in workers:
# Wait for completion
for worker in workers:
results.extend([w.output for w in workers])
print results