Python: Integrating a Graph - python

I have plotted a graph using matplotlib.pyplot. I need to integrate specific sections of this graph. All the tutorials I can find online are including drawing a graph from scratch, but what should I use if I already have a graph and just want to integrate a part of it?
Thank you!


Create a network graph with curved edges using plotly networkx

I m trying to make an interactive graph on plotly, where I first create the network graph using networkx, and then graph it with plotly so that it can be hosted and be interative and shared, very similar to what's described here:
I would like to make the edges curved -- in networkx I can do this with connectionstyle="arc3,rad=-0.3". How do I do this in Plotly?
My main problem is that edges are overlapping, I want to remove that overlapping if there is any better option please suggest but restricted to plotly only.
I searched in documentations of go.scatter too but didn't found anything relevant to my query.

Generating Network graph in python

I am trying to generate a network graph for 200+ nodes and 300+ edges using networkx using python from a file. I was able to generate and plot the graph using matplotlib in my Juypter Notebook, but its not looking good and nodes are so tightly packed.
Is there any other python package help to generate network graph ??.
My aim is to generate graph for whole data set so that I can find dependency between nodes.
If nodes being too close together is the issue, try using the draw_spring()function of networkx.
It simulates what would happen if each edge were a spring and the network were picked up and spun around, seperating the nodes, especially the ones which are not connected via many paths.
If this does not work initially, you can use the parameters of the function that draw_spring() wraps, the spring_layout() function. Try adjusting the k value parameter. This should allow you to manipulate the rough distance between nodes.
Alternatively, there are additional draw functions you might find more useful than draw_spring(). You can find them in the draw section here:
I can recommend using Netwulf. Input a networkx.Graph object to netwulf.visualize, and launch the visualization in a new browser window. The result and data can be posted back to Python.
Disclaimer: I co-author Netwulf.

Plotting histogram by using igraph python package

I'm new to igraph package as well as python. I wanted to plot a histogram for degree distribution of a graph. Here's what i did:
plot(g.degree_distribution()) #here g is my graph object
My problem is that i'm not able to change the X-Y axis scale and also display them. I looked through the documentation but was not able to find the correct attribute for doing this.
Also i tried to display the X-Y axis label using
plot(g.degree_distribution(), xlab="Degree", ylab="No. Of AS")
but the labels don't show up. Can anyone please help to sought out this problem ?

Matplotlib to generate such circular plots?

does anyone know if it's possible to generate such plots in matplotlib?
the image is taken from the following page. If not, there another 'python' solution to generate such plots?
You want to use the packange networkx which will take care of the layout and plotting (via matplotlib if you want).

Python: Simulate search algorithms in network models

I am using networkx package to draw power law graphs. I want to simulate a search algorithm on this graph and want to visually see the algorithm move from one node to another on the graph. How do I do that?
On a mac you could use NodeBox:
NetworkX supports drawing using Graphviz and matplotlib. Did you read the drawing-chapter in its documentation?

