Matplotlib to generate such circular plots? - python

does anyone know if it's possible to generate such plots in matplotlib?
the image is taken from the following page. If not, there another 'python' solution to generate such plots?

You want to use the packange networkx which will take care of the layout and plotting (via matplotlib if you want).


converting matplotlib figure into a plotly figure

I am currently working in a project where i need to display Enthalpy/Pressure diagram which look like this:
Diagram enthalpy/Pressure
I am doing it with matplotlib & Coolprop using this kind of code:code diagram
I want an interactive figure where i can see the values of all the points i draw just by passing my mouse on them.
I know that plotly allow this kind of thing, so my question is how can i convert my matplotlib figure into a plotly one or how can i change my code to use plotly instead of matplotlib ?
Thank you

contour plot in bokeh

I would like to use pyplot.contour feature in bokeh. Is there any way I can use it?? I know pyplot.pcolormesh and bokeh.plotting.image. Can I use conotur plot with it?
pyplot.contour is part of Matplotlib, not Bokeh. As of Bokeh 2.3.0 there is no built-in contouring function or capability. Recently a MultiPolygons glyph that can support "polygons with holes" was added. This is a first necessary step to being able to have real contour plots in Bokeh. A next step would be for someone to write a set of functions that can accept array inputs and generate the multi-polygon data necessary to drive Bokeh graphics, but this has not been done by anyone yet.
If image contour plots (similar to pcolormesh) or line (unfilled) contours suit your needs, that you can consider using Holoviews, which can generate Bokeh contour plots for those kinds of cases:

UI Adjustable Matplotlib Color Range

I am using Python's scientific plotting library matplotlib. I am trying to use matplotlib to show an image using imshow. I would like to be able to adjust the color range with in the figure with some type of UI. From what I can tell, there isn't a built-in way to do this in matplotlib, and I have found much on this issue. This is a fairly common use-case and easy to do in MATLAB. How does one do this in matplotlib?
I'm assuming you want to change the cmap attribute. You could use the built-in function input to read some new value from the command line (not really a GUI) or you could use the matplotlib.widgets package which includes e.g. a slider and buttons (see this link for examples).

Creating a box-plot like scatter-plot with matplotlib

Is there any (simple or complex) way to recreate this plot in matplotlib?
I've tried plotting it using a scatter plot with two different x-values, while adding a small random number to it, but obviously it didn't produce the nice "ordered" effect seen above.
There's a package built on top of matplotlib called beeswarm that positions the points as requested.

Barchart (o plot) 3D in Python

I need to plot some data in various forms. Currently I'm using Matplotlib and I'm fairly happy with the plots I'm able to produce.
This question is on how to plot the last one. The data is similar to the "distance table", like this (just bigger, my table is 128x128 and still have 3 or more number per element).
Now, my data is much better "structured" than a distance table (my data doesn't varies "randomly" like in a alphabetically sorted distance table), thus a 3D barchart, or maybe 3 of them, would be perfect. My understanding is that such a chart is missing in Matplotlib.
I could use a (colored) Countor3d like these or something in 2D like imshow, but it isn't really well representative of what the data is (the data has meaning just in my 128 points, there isn't anything between two points). And the height of bars is more readable than color, IMO.
Thus the questions:
is it possible to create 3D barchart in Matplotlib? It should be clear that I mean with a 2D domain, not just a 2D barchart with a "fake" 3D rendering for aesthetics purposes
if the answer to the previous question is no, then is there some other library able to do that? I strongly prefer something Python-based, but I'm OK with other Linux-friendly possibilities
if the answer to the previous question is no, then do you have any suggestions on how to show that data? E.g. create a table with the values, superimposed to the imshow or other colored way?
For some time now, matplotlib had no 3D support, but it has been added back recently. You will need to use the svn version, since no release has been made since, and the documentation is a little sparse (see examples/mplot3d/ I don't know if mplot3d supports real 3D bar charts, but one of the demos looks a little like it could be extended to something like that.
Edit: The source code for the demo is in the examples but for some reason the result is not. I mean the test_polys function, and here's how it looks like:
example figure
The test_bar2D function would be even better, but it's commented out in the demo as it causes an error with the current svn version. Might be some trivial problem, or something that's harder to fix.
MyavaVi2 can make 3D barcharts (scroll down a bit). Once you have MayaVi/VTK/ETS/etc. installed it all works beautifully, but it can be some work getting it all installed. Ubuntu has all of it packaged, but they're the only Linux distribution I know that does.
One more possibility is Gnuplot, which can draw some kind of pseudo 3D bar charts, and allows interfacing to Gnuplot from Python. I have not tried it myself, though.
This is my code for a simple Bar-3d using matplotlib.
import mpl_toolkits
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
## The value you want to plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d')
for i in range(0,15,1):
ax.bar3d(ypos[i], xpos[i], zpos[i], dx[i], dy[i], dz[i],
You might check out Chart Director:
It has a pretty wide variety of charts and graphs and has a nice Python (and several other languages) API.
There are two editions: The free version puts a blurb on the generated image, and the
pay version is pretty reasonably priced.
Here's one of the more interesting looking 3d stacked bar charts:

