How to change default options using cyclups module? - python

I can successfully add a printer using the pycups module, and can print a test page, but how can I modify the default options in ppd?
The default values and options list for all options can be easily obtained with the following code, but when I try to modify the default values, it doesn't work.
ppd = cups.PPD(ppdfile)
groups = ppd.optionGroups
for group in groups:
for opt in group.options:
print (opt.keyword + ":" + opt.defchoice)
print (list (map (lambda x: x["text"], opt.choices)))
Below is my code to modify the options,After the operation is completed, it does not work.
I found a lot of information, but there are no related problems. Only this is related to the introduction of custom size, but the author did not give a reply.
set custom default page size


Converting Intersystems cache objectscript into a python function

I am accessing an Intersystems cache 2017.1.xx instance through a python process to get various attributes about the database in able to monitor the database.
One of the items I want to monitor is license usage. I wrote a objectscript script in a Terminal window to access license usage by user:
s Rset=##class(%ResultSet).%New("%SYSTEM.License.UserListAll")
s r=Rset.Execute()
s ncol=Rset.GetColumnCount()
While (Rset.Next()) {f i=1:1:ncol w !,Rset.GetData(i)}
But, I have been unable to determine how to convert this script into a Python equivalent. I am using the intersys.pythonbind3 import for connecting and accessing the cache instance. I have been able to create python functions that accessing most everything else in the instance but this one piece of data I can not figure out how to translate it to Python (3.7).
Following should work (based on the documentation):
query = intersys.pythonbind.query(database)
# Fetch each row in the result set, and print the
# name and value of each column in a row:
while 1:
cols = query.fetch([None])
if len(cols) == 0: break
print str(cols[0])
Also, notice that InterSystems IRIS -- successor to the Caché now has Python as an embedded language. See more in the docs
Since the noted query "UserListAll" is not defined correctly in the library; not SqlProc. So to resolve this issue would require a ObjectScript with the query and the use of #Result set or similar in Python to get the results. So I am marking this as resolved.
Not sure which Python interface you're using for Cache/IRIS, but this Open Source 3rd party one is worth investigating for the kind of things you're trying to do:

Python GTK get selected value from the treeview

I am working on a mini GUI project , I am currently struggling to figure out how to get selected value from the list and then return that value to the main function so that I can use that value in somewhere else . Can someone help me please !!!!
self.device_list_store = gtk.ListStore(str,str,str,str,str)
for device in self.get_dev_list():
device_list_treeview = gtk.TreeView(self.device_list_store)
selected_row = device_list_treeview.get_selection()
def item_selected(self,selection):
model,row = selection.get_selected()
if row is not None:
selected_device = model[row][0]
at the moment ,the item_selected function is not returning anything , I want to return selected_device back to the main function so I can use it in other functions as well .
EDIT: I've edited code above to remove formatting errors #jcoppens
As you can see in the documentation, the item_selected function is called with one parameter, tree_selection. But if you define the function inside a class, it requires the self parameter too, which is normally added automatically. In your (confusing) example, there is no class defined, so I suspect the problem is your program which is incomplete.
Also, I suspect you don't want device_list_treeview = gtk.T... in the for loop:
for device in self.get_dev_list():
device_list_treeview = gtk.TreeView(self.device_list_store)
And I suspect you want selected_device = mod... indented below the if:
if row is not None:
selected_device = model[row][0]
Please convert your example in a complete program, and formatted correctly.
BTW: item_selected is not a good name for the signal handler. It is also called if the item is unselected (which is why the signal is called 'changed')!
And important: Even though you should first read the basic Python tutorials and Gtk tutorials, you should then consider using lazka's excellent reference for all the Python APIs. There's a link on the page to download it completely and have it at hand in your computer.

how to use intField to set a values into a variable

introducing that I'm new in python, I'm tring to use the intField command to set a number of iterations for this attribute: 'aiSubdivIterations'.
The script should work like that: when I run the scripts it open a window where I can set my value and when I press enter it should automatically set the same value in the 'aiSubdivIterations' slot.
import maya.cmds as pm
def aiSetIter(iterValue):
objSelect=, dag=True, leaf=True)
for obj in objSelect:
pm.setAttr( obj + '.aiSubdivIterations', iterValue)
pm.window(title = 'Interations')
pm.columnLayout ('mainColumn', adjustableColumn = True)
pm.gridLayout ('nameGridLayout01', numberOfRowsColumns = (2,2), cellWidthHeight = (80,30), parent = 'mainColumn')
pm.text (label = 'number')
pm.intField (minValue=0, maxValue=10, step=1, vcc = 'aiSetIter(iterValue)')
Could some one help to make this script working?
Thanks in advance
the easiest for your script to work is to just specify the function you want to call (with no arguments and the rest of your code unchanged):
pm.intField('valueField', minValue=0, maxValue=10, step=1, vcc=aiSetIter)
You can assume that Maya's intField will call the specified function by automatically passing the value it stores.
In the above case, your function will be called only when the UI is made visible or closed.
If you need your function to be called every time the value changes, you want to add a "changeCommand" (or "cc") flag too:
pm.intField('valueField', minValue=0, maxValue=10, step=1, vcc=aiSetIter, cc=aiSetIter)
For more complex scenarios, you might want to consider lambda functions (you can read here a nice post about it); this will allow delayed evaluation of your function.
What follows is a super-simple example of a lambda function retrieving the current time when the intField value changes and passing it, along with the value itself, to myLambdaFunc:
import maya.cmds as pm
import time
def myLambdaFunc(iterValue, now):
print iterValue, now
lambdafunc = lambda arg: myLambdaFunc(arg, time.time())
pm.columnLayout ('mainColumn', adjustableColumn=True)
pm.gridLayout ('nameGridLayout01', numberOfRowsColumns=(2,2), cellWidthHeight=(80,30), parent='mainColumn')
pm.text (label='number')
pm.intField('valueField', minValue=0, maxValue=10, step=1, vcc=lambdafunc, cc=lambdafunc)
A minor integration, since I bumped into this just now:
It is a useful and exhaustive article by theodox about Maya UI and callbacks, found via this; worth a read.

Making all attributes and methods available for a socket server in Python

I use a Raspberry Pi to collect sensor data and set digital outputs, to make it easy for other applications to set and get values I'm using a socket server. But I am having some problems finding an elegant way of making all the data available on the socket server without having to write a function for each data type.
Some examples of values and methods I have that I would like to make available on the socket server:
do[2].set_low() # set digital output 2 low
do[2].value=0 # set digital output 2 low
do[2].toggle() # toggle digital output 2
di[0].value # read value for digital input 0
ai[0].value # read value for analog input 0
ai[0].average # get the average calculated value for analog input 0
ao[4].value=255 # set analog output 4 to byte value 255
ao[4].percent=100 # set analog output 4 to 100%
I've tried eval() and exec():
self.request.sendall(str.encode(str(eval('item.' + recv_string)) + '\n'))
eval() works unless I am using equal sign (=), but I'm not to happy about the solution because of dangers involved. exec() does the work but does not return any value, also dangerous.
I've also tried getattr():
recv_string = bytes.decode(';')
values = getattr(item, recv_string[0])
self.request.sendall(str.encode(str(values[int(recv_string[1])].value) + '\n'))
This works for getting my attributes, and the above example works for getting the value of the attribute I am getting with getattr(). But I can not figure out how to use getattr() on the value attribute as well.
The semi-colon (;) is used to split the incoming command, I've experimented with multiple ways of formatting the commands:
# unit means that I want to talk to a I/O interface module,
# and the name specified which one
I am free to choose the format since I am also writing the software that uses these commands. I have not yet found a good format which covers all my needs.
Any suggestions how I can write an elegant way of accessing and returning the data above? Preferably with having to add new methods to the socket server every time a new value type or method is added to my I/O ports.
Edit: This is not public, it's only available on my LAN.
Make your API all methods so that eval can always be used:
def value_m(self, newValue=None):
if newValue is not None:
self.value = newValue
return self.value
Then you can always do
result = str(eval(message))
self.request.sendall(str.encode(result + '\n'))
For your message, I would suggest that your messages are formatted to include the exact syntax of the command exactly so that it can be evaled as-is, e.g.
message = 'do[1].value_m()' # read a value, alternatively...
message = 'do[1].value_m(None)'
or to write
message = 'do[1].value_m(0)' # write a value
This will make it easy to keep your messages up-to-date with your API, because they must match exactly, you won't have a second DSL to deal with. You really don't want to have to maintain a second API, on top of your IO one.
This is a very simple scheme, suitable for a home project. I would suggest some error handling in evaluation, like so:
import traceback
result = str(eval(message))
except Exception:
result = traceback.format_exc()
self.request.sendall(str.encode(result + '\n'))
This way your caller will receive a printout of the exception traceback in the returned message. This will make it much, much easier to debug bad calls.
NOTE If this is public-facing, you cannot do this. All input must be sanitised. You will have to parse each instruction and compare it to the list of available (and desirable) commands, and verify input validity and validity ranges for everything. For such a scenario you are better off simply using one of the input validation systems used for web services, where this problem receives a great deal of attention.

How do you escape a dash in Jython/Websphere?

I have a Jython script that is used to set up a JDBC datasource on a Websphere 7.0 server. I need to set several properties on that datasource. I am using this code, which works, unless value is '-'.
def setCustomProperty(datasource, name, value):
parms = ['-propertyName', name, '-propertyValue', value]
AdminTask.setResourceProperty(datasource, parms)
I need to set the dateSeparator property on my datasource to just that - a dash. When I run this script with setCustomProperty(ds, 'dateSeparator', '-') I get an exception that says, "Invalid property: ". I figured out that it thinks that the dash means that another parameter/argument pair is expected.
Is there any way to get AdminTask to accept a dash?
NOTE: I can't set it via AdminConfig because I cannot find a way to get the id of the right property (I have multiple datasources).
Here is a solution that uses AdminConfig so that you can set the property value to the dash -. The solution accounts for multiple data sources, finding the correct one by specifying the appropriate scope (i.e. the server, but this could be modified if your datasource exists within a different scope) and then finding the datasource by name. The solution also accounts for modifying the existing "dateSeparator" property if it exists, or it creates it if it doesn't.
The code doesn't look terribly elegant, but I think it should solve your problem :
def setDataSourceProperty(cell, node, server, ds, propName, propVal) :
scopes = AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:%s/Node:%s/Server:%s/" % (cell, node, server)).splitlines()
datasources = AdminConfig.list("DataSource", scopes[0]).splitlines()
for datasource in datasources :
if AdminConfig.showAttribute(datasource, "name") == ds :
propertySet = AdminConfig.list("J2EEResourcePropertySet", datasource).splitlines()
customProp = [["name", propName], ["value", propVal]]
for property in AdminConfig.list("J2EEResourceProperty", propertySet[0]).splitlines() :
if AdminConfig.showAttribute(property, "name") == propName :
AdminConfig.modify(property, customProp)
AdminConfig.create("J2EEResourceProperty", propertySet[0], customProp)
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
setDataSourceProperty("myCell01", "myNode01", "myServer", "myDataSource", "dateSeparator", "-")
Please see the Management Console preferences settings. You can do what you are attempting now and you should get to see the Jython equivalent that the Management Console is creating for its own use. Then just copy it.
#Schemetrical solution worked for me. Just giving another example with jvm args.
Not commenting on the actual answer because I don't have enough reputation.
server_name = 'server1'
AdminTask.setGenericJVMArguments('[ -serverName %s -genericJvmArguments "-agentlib:getClasses" ]' % (server_name))
Try using a String instead of an array to pass the parameters using double quotes to surround the values starting with a dash sign
AdminTask.setVariable('-variableName JDK_PARAMS -variableValue "-Xlp -Xscm250M" -variableDescription "-Yes -I -can -now -use -dashes -everywhere :-)" -scope Cell=MyCell')

