Converting Intersystems cache objectscript into a python function - python

I am accessing an Intersystems cache 2017.1.xx instance through a python process to get various attributes about the database in able to monitor the database.
One of the items I want to monitor is license usage. I wrote a objectscript script in a Terminal window to access license usage by user:
s Rset=##class(%ResultSet).%New("%SYSTEM.License.UserListAll")
s r=Rset.Execute()
s ncol=Rset.GetColumnCount()
While (Rset.Next()) {f i=1:1:ncol w !,Rset.GetData(i)}
But, I have been unable to determine how to convert this script into a Python equivalent. I am using the intersys.pythonbind3 import for connecting and accessing the cache instance. I have been able to create python functions that accessing most everything else in the instance but this one piece of data I can not figure out how to translate it to Python (3.7).

Following should work (based on the documentation):
query = intersys.pythonbind.query(database)
# Fetch each row in the result set, and print the
# name and value of each column in a row:
while 1:
cols = query.fetch([None])
if len(cols) == 0: break
print str(cols[0])
Also, notice that InterSystems IRIS -- successor to the Caché now has Python as an embedded language. See more in the docs

Since the noted query "UserListAll" is not defined correctly in the library; not SqlProc. So to resolve this issue would require a ObjectScript with the query and the use of #Result set or similar in Python to get the results. So I am marking this as resolved.

Not sure which Python interface you're using for Cache/IRIS, but this Open Source 3rd party one is worth investigating for the kind of things you're trying to do:


Struggling with how to iterate data

I am learning Python3 and I have a fairly simple task to complete but I am struggling how to glue it all together. I need to query an API and return the full list of applications which I can do and I store this and need to use it again to gather more data for each application from a different API call.
applistfull = requests.get(url,authmethod)
if applistfull.ok:
data = applistfull.json()
for app in data["_embedded"]["applications"]:
summaryguid = app["guid"]
I next have I think 'summaryguid' and I need to again query a different API and return a value that could exist many times for each application; in this case the compiler used to build the code.
I can statically call a GUID in the URL and return the correct information but I haven't yet figured out how to get it to do the below for all of the above and build a master list:
summary = requests.get(f"url{summaryguid}moreurl",authmethod)
if summary.ok:
fulldata = summary.json()
for appsummary in fulldata["static-analysis"]["modules"]["module"]:
I would prefer to not yet have someone just type out the right answer but just drop a few hints and let me continue to work through it logically so I learn how to deal with what I assume is a common issue in the future. My thought right now is I need to move my second if up as part of my initial block and continue the logic in that space but I am stuck with that.
You are on the right track! Here is the hint: the second API request can be nested inside the loop that iterates through the list of applications in the first API call. By doing so, you can get the information you require by making the second API call for each application.
import requests
applistfull = requests.get("url", authmethod)
if applistfull.ok:
data = applistfull.json()
for app in data["_embedded"]["applications"]:
summaryguid = app["guid"]
summary = requests.get(f"url/{summaryguid}/moreurl", authmethod)
fulldata = summary.json()
for appsummary in fulldata["static-analysis"]["modules"]["module"]:

How to change username of job in print queue using python & win32print

I am trying to change the user of a print job in the queue, as I want to create it on a service account but send the job to another users follow-me printing queue. I'm using the win32 module in python. Here is an example of my code:
from win32 import win32print
pclExample = open("sample.pcl")
printer_name = win32print.GetDefaultPrinter()
hPrinter = win32print.OpenPrinter(printer_name)
jobID = win32print.StartDocPrinter(hPrinter, 1, ("PCL Data test", None, "RAW"))
# Here we try to change the user by extracting the job and then setting it again
jobInfoDict = win32print.GetJob(hPrinter, jobID , JOB_INFO_LEVEL )
jobInfoDict["pUserName"] = "exampleUser"
win32print.SetJob(hPrinter, jobID , JOB_INFO_LEVEL , jobInfoDict , win32print.JOB_CONTROL_RESUME )
win32print.WritePrinter(hPrinter, pclExample)
The problem is I get an error at the win32print.SetJob() line. If JOB_INFO_LEVEL is set to 1, then I get the following error:
(1804, 'SetJob', 'The specified datatype is invalid.')
This is a known bug to do with how the C++ works in the background (Issue here).
If JOB_INFO_LEVEL is set to 2, then I get the following error:
(1798, 'SetJob', 'The print processor is unknown.')
However, this is the processor that came from win32print.GetJob(). Without trying to change the user this prints fine, so I'm not sure what is wrong.
Any help would be hugely appreciated! :)
Using Python 3.8.5 and Pywin32 303
At the beginning I thought it was a misunderstanding (I was also a bit skeptical about the bug report), mainly because of the following paragraph (which apparently seems to be wrong) from [MS.Docs]: SetJob function (emphasis is mine):
The following members of a JOB_INFO_1, JOB_INFO_2, or JOB_INFO_4 structure are ignored on a call to SetJob: JobId, pPrinterName, pMachineName, pUserName, pDrivername, Size, Submitted, Time, and TotalPages.
But I did some tests and ran into the problem. The problem is as described in the bug: filling JOB_INFO_* string members (which are LPTSTRs) with char* data.
Submitted [GitHub]: mhammond/pywin32 - Fix: win32print.SetJob sending ANSI to UNICODE API (and none of the 2 errors pops up). It was merged to main on 220331.
When testing the fix, I was able to change various properties of an existing job, I was amazed that it didn't have to be valid data (like below), I'm a bit curious to see what would happen when the job would be executed (as now I don't have a connection to a printer):
Change pUserName to str(random.randint(0, 10000)) to make sure it changes on each script run (PrintScreens taken separately and assembled in Paint):
Ways to go further:
Wait for a new PyWin32 version (containing this fix) to be released. This is the recommended approach, but it will also take more time (and it's unclear when it will happen)
Get the sources, either:
from main
from b303 (last stable branch), and apply the (above) patch(1)
build the module (.pyd) and copy it in the PyWin32's site-packages directory on your Python installation(s). Faster, but it requires some deeper knowledge, and maintenance might become a nightmare
#1: Check [SO]: Run / Debug a Django application's UnitTests from the mouse right click context menu in PyCharm Community Edition? (#CristiFati's answer) (Patching UTRunner section) for how to apply patches (on Win).

How to assign a 2d libreoffice calc named range to a python variable. Can do it in Libreoffice Basic

I can't seem to find a simple answer to the question. I have this successfully working in Libreoffice Basic:
NamedRange = ThisComponent.NamedRanges.getByName("transactions_detail")
RefCells = NamedRange.getReferredCells()
Set MainRange = RefCells.getDataArray()
Then I iterate over MainRange and pull out the rows I am interested in.
Can I do something similar in a python macro? Can I assign a 2d named range to a python variable or do I have to iterate over the range to assign the individual cells?
I am new to python but hope to convert my iteration intensive macro function to python in hopes of making it faster.
Any help would be much appreciated.
LibreOffice can be manipulated from Python with the library pyuno. The documentation of pyuno is unfortunately incomplete but going through this tutorial may help.
To get started:
Python-Uno, the library to communicate via Uno, is already in the LibreOffice Python’s path. To initialize your context, type the following lines in your python shell :
import socket # only needed on win32-OOo3.0.0
import uno
# get the uno component context from the PyUNO runtime
localContext = uno.getComponentContext()
# create the UnoUrlResolver
resolver = localContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
"", localContext )
# connect to the running office
ctx = resolver.resolve( "uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext" )
smgr = ctx.ServiceManager
# get the central desktop object
desktop = smgr.createInstanceWithContext( "",ctx)
# access the current writer document
model = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
Then to get a named range and access the data as an array, you can use the following methods:
NamedRange = model.NamedRanges.getByName(“Test Name”)
MainRange = NamedRange.getDataArray()
However I am unsure that this will result in a noticeable preformance gain.

Python script to get last execution results from testlink

I'm new to python, i need to get last execution results from teslink.
i have already reported testcase results to teslink by using API
result = api.reportTCResult(testcaseID, testplanID, Build, 'P', notes)
Now i need the results back so, please help me with how to get execution results and which API need to use for that?
Assuming that type(api) == 'testlink.testlinkapigeneric.TestlinkAPIClient'
api.getLastExecutionResult(testplanID, testcaseID, [buildid = build_number])[0]
Build number is optional.
You can use this to generate Python TestLink API documentation and explore other TestLink methods/APIs.
for m in testlink.testlinkargs._apiMethodsArgs.keys():
print(tls.whatArgs(m), '\n')

How to debug a SQL/Python UDF in MonetDB

Using native Python code in SQL UDFs in Monetdb is really powerful. BUT, debugging such UDFs could benefit from more support. In particular, if I use the old-fashioned print('debugging info') it disappears in the big black void.
create function dummy()
returns string
language python{
print('Entering the dummy UDF')
return 'hello';
How to retrieve this information from the server or MonetDB client.
I was debugging some Python UDF last week :)
Step 1: first make sure your Python code at least works in a Python interpreter.
Step 2: in a Python UDF, write your debugging info. to a file, e.g.:
f = open('/tmp/debug.out', 'w')
f.write('my debugging info\n')
This isn't ideal, but it works. Also, I used this to export the parameter values of my Python UDF. In this way, I can run the body of my Python UDF in a Python interpreter with the exact data I receive from MonetDB.
In case someone is still interested in this problem.
There are two novel ways of debugging MonetDB's Python/UDFs.
1) Using the python client pymonetdb (
You can install it throw pip
pip install numpy
To use it, think of the following setting with a table that holds an integer and a UDF that computes the mean absolute deviation of a given column.
INSERT INTO integers VALUES (1), (3), (6), (8), (10);
mean = 0.0
for i in range (0, len(column)):
mean += column[I]
mean = mean / len(column)
distance = 0.0
for i in range (0, len(column)):
distance += column[i] - mean
deviation = distance/len(column)
return deviation;
To debug your function using terminal debugging (i.e., pdb) you just need to open a database connection using pymonetdb.connect(), later you get a cursor object from the connection, and through the cursor object you call the debug() function, sending as parameters the SQL you want to examine and the UDF name you wish to debug.
import pymonetdb
conn = pymonetdb.connect(database='demo') #Open Database connection
c = conn.cursor()
sql = 'select mean_deviation(i) from integers;'
c.debug(sql, 'mean_deviation') #Console Debugging
There is an optional sampling step that only transfers a uniform random sample of the data instead of the full input data set. If you wish to sample you just need to send the number of elements you wish to get from the sampling (e.g., c.debug(sql, 'mean_deviation', 10) in case you desire the subset of 10 elements)
2) Using a POC plugin for PyCharm called devudf, which you can install throw the plugin page of pycharm, or by directly going to the JetBrains page: It adds an option to the main menu called "UDF Development" and allows for you do directly import and export UDFs from your database directly to pycharm, and enjoy the IDE's debugging capabilities.

