I am trying to create a matrix with 3 columns and p rows that contains p rows of x, y and z values, later i transpose this matrix and go on. The problem is I do not know how to create this matrix. Any tips?enter code here
fphi = 2 #kampo phi daznis
ftheta = 3 #kampo i daznis
Amp = np.pi/2
phi = ()
theta = ()
points = []
for p in time:
phi = 2*np.pi*fphi*p
theta = Amp*np.sin(2*np.pi*ftheta*p)
x = r * np.cos(phi)
y = r * np.sin(phi) * np.cos(theta) - h *
z = r * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta) + h *
points = np.vstack((points, [x, y, z]))
import numpy as np
fphi = 2 #kampo phi daznis
ftheta = 3 #kampo i daznis
Amp = np.pi/2
phi = ()
theta = ()
points = []
for p in time:
phi = 2*np.pi*fphi*p
theta = Amp*np.sin(2*np.pi*ftheta*p)
x = r * np.cos(phi)
y = r * np.sin(phi) * np.cos(theta) - h * np.sin(theta)
z = r * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta) + h * np.cos(theta)
result_matrix = np.matrix(points)
U can use np.matrix() with a 2-d nested list as parameter
I am trying to rotate a triad of orthogonal axis, which origin is located on the surface of a sphere. The aim would be to rotate them in order to pass from Cartesian coordinates, to radial and transverse component of the sphere. I tried to find a python function but I haven't find anything good for my case so I built it by myself.
First I computed the three angles:
#Center of the sphere
xc = 7500
yc = 7500
zc = 8960
#File where the coordinates are located
data = pd.read_csv('file_test', header = None,delimiter =' ')
xa = np.array(data.iloc[1:,1])
ya = np.array(data.iloc[1:,2])
za = np.array(data.iloc[1:,0])
#Angles definition
theta = np.arctan2((ya-yc),(xa-xc))
phi = np.arctan2((za-zc),(xa-xc))
gamma = np.arctan2((za-zc),(ya-yc))
Then I rotate the vector x,y,z in this way:
def rotate_receivers(x, y, z, a, b, c):
x1 = x * np.cos(b) * np.cos(c) - y * (np.sin(c) * np.cos(b)) + z * (np.sin(b))
y1= x * (np.sin(a) * np.sin(b) *np.cos(c) + np.cos(a) * np.sin(c)) + y * ( - np.sin(b) * np.sin(a) * np.sin(c) + np.cos(c) * np.cos(a)) - z * (np.sin(a) * np.cos(b))
z1 = x * ( - np.cos(a) * np.sin(b) * np.cos(c) + np.sin(a) * np.sin(c)) + y * ( np.sin(b) * np.sin(c) * np.cos(a) + np.sin(a) * np.cos(c)) + z * np.cos(a) * np.cos(b)
return x1, y1, z1
Now I am expecting to rotate them in this way:
x1,y1,z1 = rotate_receivers(x[i],y[i],z[i],gamma[i],phi[i],theta[i])
Now the rotation works only for some angles and I don't understand why. It has to be something wrong maybe in the way I defined the angles but I don't understand what.
I have a colmap export of the camera pose file which named "images.txt".
# Image list with two lines of data per image:
# POINTS2D[] as (X, Y, POINT3D_ID)
# Number of images: 2, mean observations per image: 2
1 0.851773 0.0165051 0.503764 -0.142941 -0.737434 1.02973 3.74354 1 P1180141.JPG
2362.39 248.498 58396 1784.7 268.254 59027 1784.7 268.254 -1
2 0.851773 0.0165051 0.503764 -0.142941 -0.737434 1.02973 3.74354 1 P1180142.JPG
1190.83 663.957 23056 1258.77 640.354 59070
Then I want to import it into Blender.
So I wrote the following code.
First I read the text, and split it to quaternion and translation.
And then calculate optical center use -R^T*t, and camera rotation use R^T
colmap_pose = r"/Users/chunibyo/Desktop/images.txt"
rc_pose = r'flight_log.csv'
image_list_file = r'select.bat'
pose_list_file = r'blender.py'
import math
import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d
def euler_from_quaternion(x, y, z, w):
Convert a quaternion into euler angles (roll, pitch, yaw)
roll is rotation around x in radians (counterclockwise)
pitch is rotation around y in radians (counterclockwise)
yaw is rotation around z in radians (counterclockwise)
t0 = +2.0 * (w * x + y * z)
t1 = +1.0 - 2.0 * (x * x + y * y)
roll_x = math.atan2(t0, t1)
t2 = +2.0 * (w * y - z * x)
t2 = +1.0 if t2 > +1.0 else t2
t2 = -1.0 if t2 < -1.0 else t2
pitch_y = math.asin(t2)
t3 = +2.0 * (w * z + x * y)
t4 = +1.0 - 2.0 * (y * y + z * z)
yaw_z = math.atan2(t3, t4)
return roll_x, pitch_y, yaw_z # in radians
def quaternion_rotation_matrix(q0, q1, q2, q3):
# w, x, y ,z
Covert a quaternion into a full three-dimensional rotation matrix.
:param Q: A 4 element array representing the quaternion (q0,q1,q2,q3)
:return: A 3x3 element matrix representing the full 3D rotation matrix.
This rotation matrix converts a point in the local reference
frame to a point in the global reference frame.
# Extract the values from Q
# First row of the rotation matrix
r00 = 2 * (q0 * q0 + q1 * q1) - 1
r01 = 2 * (q1 * q2 - q0 * q3)
r02 = 2 * (q1 * q3 + q0 * q2)
# Second row of the rotation matrix
r10 = 2 * (q1 * q2 + q0 * q3)
r11 = 2 * (q0 * q0 + q2 * q2) - 1
r12 = 2 * (q2 * q3 - q0 * q1)
# Third row of the rotation matrix
r20 = 2 * (q1 * q3 - q0 * q2)
r21 = 2 * (q2 * q3 + q0 * q1)
r22 = 2 * (q0 * q0 + q3 * q3) - 1
# 3x3 rotation matrix
rot_matrix = np.array([[r00, r01, r02],
[r10, r11, r12],
[r20, r21, r22]])
return rot_matrix
def rotmat2qvec(R):
Rxx, Ryx, Rzx, Rxy, Ryy, Rzy, Rxz, Ryz, Rzz = R.flat
K = np.array([
[Rxx - Ryy - Rzz, 0, 0, 0],
[Ryx + Rxy, Ryy - Rxx - Rzz, 0, 0],
[Rzx + Rxz, Rzy + Ryz, Rzz - Rxx - Ryy, 0],
[Ryz - Rzy, Rzx - Rxz, Rxy - Ryx, Rxx + Ryy + Rzz]]) / 3.0
eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(K)
qvec = eigvecs[[3, 0, 1, 2], np.argmax(eigvals)]
if qvec[0] < 0:
qvec *= -1
return qvec
def qvec2rotmat(qvec):
# w, x, y, z
return np.array([
[1 - 2 * qvec[2] ** 2 - 2 * qvec[3] ** 2,
2 * qvec[1] * qvec[2] - 2 * qvec[0] * qvec[3],
2 * qvec[3] * qvec[1] + 2 * qvec[0] * qvec[2]],
[2 * qvec[1] * qvec[2] + 2 * qvec[0] * qvec[3],
1 - 2 * qvec[1] ** 2 - 2 * qvec[3] ** 2,
2 * qvec[2] * qvec[3] - 2 * qvec[0] * qvec[1]],
[2 * qvec[3] * qvec[1] - 2 * qvec[0] * qvec[2],
2 * qvec[2] * qvec[3] + 2 * qvec[0] * qvec[1],
1 - 2 * qvec[1] ** 2 - 2 * qvec[2] ** 2]])
def main():
with open(colmap_pose) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
rc_lines = []
image_list = []
pose_list = []
point_cloud = []
accuracy = 10
for index, temp_line in enumerate(lines):
line = temp_line.strip()
if not line.startswith('#') and (line.endswith('.png') or line.endswith('jpg')):
temp = line.split(' ')
qw = float(temp[1])
qx = float(temp[2])
qy = float(temp[3])
qz = float(temp[4])
tx = float(temp[5])
ty = float(temp[6])
tz = float(temp[7])
name = temp[9]
rotation_matrix = qvec2rotmat([qw, qx, qy, qz])
optical_center = -rotation_matrix.T # np.array([tx, ty, tz])
tx = float(optical_center[0])
ty = float(optical_center[1])
tz = float(optical_center[2])
_qw, _qx, _qy, _qz = rotmat2qvec(rotation_matrix.T)
roll_x, pitch_y, yaw_z = euler_from_quaternion(_qx, _qy, _qz, _qw)
image_list.append(f"xcopy {name} select\n")
# f"camera_object{index}.rotation_euler = Euler(({yaw_z}, {pitch_y}, {roll_x}), 'ZYX')\n" \
# f"camera_object{index}.rotation_quaternion = Quaternion(({qw}, {qx}, {qy}, {qz}))\n" \
blender_script = f"camera_data{index} = bpy.data.cameras.new(name='{name}')\n" \
f"camera_object{index} = bpy.data.objects.new('{name}', camera_data{index})\n" \
f"bpy.context.scene.collection.objects.link(camera_object{index})\n" \
f"camera_object{index}.location = ({tx}, {ty}, {tz})\n" \
f"camera_object{index}.rotation_euler = Euler(({yaw_z}, {pitch_y}, {roll_x}), 'ZYX')\n" \
f"camera_object{index}.rotation_mode = 'ZYX'\n" \
f"bpy.data.cameras['{name}'].lens = 30\n\n"
point_cloud.append([tx, ty, tz])
# selected image
with open(image_list_file, 'w') as f:
f.write('#echo off\nmkdir select\n')
# blender
with open(pose_list_file, 'w') as f:
f.write('import bpy\nfrom mathutils import Euler, Quaternion\n\n')
# ply
pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.array(point_cloud))
o3d.io.write_point_cloud("pcl.ply", pcd, write_ascii=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
But I got the wrong rotation of the cameraļ¼the original pose and the imported pose are shown in the figure.
Could you give me some help, please?
After loading R and T try this and use quaternions for camera direction.
w2c = np.eye(4)
w2c[:3,:3] = R
w2c[:3,3] = T
c2w = np.linalg.inv(w2c)
# quaternions
q = Rotation.from_matrix(c2w[:3, :3).as_quat()
# translation
t = c2w[:3, 3]
I am trying to curve fit the following equation with parameters d, D, Ar, Tr each of them bounded in some range. The physical constants are: gamma = 26.76E7, n = 6.59E28, Ad = 2.099E-20
The equation is broken into several parts.
#Fitting function
def func(x, d, D, Ar, Tr):
pi = math.pi
#define the variables
w1 = 2 * pi * x
z1 = (2 * w1 * d**2 / D)**0.5
w2 = 2 *w1
z2 = ( 2 * w2 * d**2 / D)**0.5
J1 = (
(1 + 5 * z1 / 8 + z1**2 / 8) /
( 1 + z1 + z1**2 / 2 + z1**3 / 6 + z1**5 / 81 + z1**6 / 648)
J2 = (
(1 + 5 * z2 / 8 + z2**2 / 8) /
( 1 + z2 + z2**2 / 2 + z2**3 / 6 + z2**5 / 81 + z2**6 / 648)
gamma = 26.76E7 #unit = 1/(T*s)
n = 6.59E28
#define the normalization constant A_d
Ad = (8 / 45) * pi * gamma**4* sc.hbar**2 * (
sc.mu_0 / (4 * pi)
)**2 * n
R1_diff = Ad * (J1 + 4 * J2 ) / (d * D )
R1_rot = Ar * (Tr / (1 + w1**2 * Tr**2) + 4 * Tr / (
1 + w2**2 * Tr**2)
R1_IL = R1_diff + R1_rot
return R1_IL
This is the x and y data sets -
#Experimental x and y data points
xData = np.array([
yData = np.array([
The range for the parameters are: d = [3.00E-10, 4.00E-10], D = [12.5E-12, 14.00E-12], Ar = [3.00E9, 4.00E9], Tr = [1.00E-10, 2.5E-10]
This is the code that I wrote which is not giving me the correct fit and the right parameter values.
popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, xData, yData, bounds = ([3.00E-10,12.5E-12,2.5E9,1.00E-10],[4.0E-10,14.0E-12,4.00E9,2.00E-10]))
#x values for the fitted function
xFit = np.arange(3.00E+04, 2.00E+07, 10.00)
#Plot the fitted function
plt.loglog(xFit, func(xFit, *popt), 'r') #label='fit params: d=%5.3f, D=%5.3f, Ar=%5.3f, Tr=%5.3f' % tuple(popt))
#Plot experimental data points
plt.loglog(xData, yData, 'bo') #label='experimental-data')
Anything would be really appreciated. The curve_fit is way off when I run this code.
For information only :
The power function below appears to be well fitted to the data.
I am trying to rotate and translate arbitrary planes around some arbitrary axis.
For testing purposes I have written a simple python program that rotates a random plane around the X axis in degrees.
Unfortunately when checking the angle between the planes I get inconsistent results. This is the code:
def angle_between_planes(plane1, plane2):
plane1 = (plane1 / np.linalg.norm(plane1))[:3]
plane2 = (plane2/ np.linalg.norm(plane2))[:3]
cos_a = np.dot(plane1.T, plane2) / (np.linalg.norm(plane1) * np.linalg.norm(plane2))
print(np.arccos(cos_a)[0, 0])
def test():
axis = np.array([1, 0, 0])
theta = np.pi / 2
translation = np.array([0, 0, 0])
T = get_transformation(translation, axis * theta)
for i in range(1, 10):
source = np.append(np.random.randint(1, 20, size=3), 0).reshape(4, 1)
target = np.dot(T, source)
angle_between_planes(source, target)
It prints:
When debugging this code I see that the transformation matrix is correct, as it shows that it is
I'm not sure what's wrong and would love any assistance here.
The code that generates the transformation matrix is:
def get_transformation(translation_vec, rotation_vec):
r_4 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]).reshape(1, 4)
rotation_vec= rotation_vec.reshape(3, 1)
theta = np.linalg.norm(rotation_vec)
axis = rotation_vec/ theta
R = get_rotation_mat_from_axis_and_angle(axis, theta)
T = translation_vec.reshape(3, 1)
R_T = np.append(R, T, axis = 1)
return np.append(R_T, r_4, axis=0)
def get_rotation_mat_from_axis_and_angle(axis, theta):
axis = axis / np.linalg.norm(axis)
a, b, c = axis
omct = 1 - np.cos(theta)
ct = np.cos(theta)
st = np.sin(theta)
rotation_matrix = np.array([a * a * omct + ct, a * b * omct - c * st, a * c * omct + b * st,
a * b * omct + c * st, b * b * omct + ct, b * c * omct - a * st,
a * c * omct - b * st, b * c * omct + a * st, c * c * omct + ct]).reshape(3, 3)
rotation_matrix[abs(rotation_matrix) < 1e-8] = 0
return rotation_matrix
The source you generate is not a vector. In order to be one, it should have its fourth coordinate equal to zero.
You could generate valid ones with:
source = np.append(np.random.randint(1, 20, size=3), 0).reshape(4, 1)
Note that your code can't be tested as you pasted it in your question: for example, vec = vec.reshape(3, 1) in get_transformation uses vec that hasn't been defined anywhere before...
I am trying to crate a program that randomly generates line segments using parametric equations. What I have created kinds of does the job, but instead of the lines being disconnected from one another they form one continues line. This is what I have written in python.
enter import numpy as np
import random as rand
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
npoints = 10
V = np.zeros(npoints)
def point1 (npoints):
x0 = np.zeros(npoints)
y0 = np.zeros(npoints)
z0 = np.zeros(npoints)
for k in range (npoints):
theta = rand.uniform(0.0, np.pi)
phi = rand.uniform(0.0, (2 * np.pi))
x0[k] = 10 * np.sin(phi) * np.cos(theta)
y0[k] = 10 * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta)
z0[k] = 10 * np.cos(theta)
return np.array([x0,y0,z0])
def point2 (npoints):
x1 = np.zeros(npoints)
y1 = np.zeros(npoints)
z1 = np.zeros(npoints)
for j in range (npoints):
theta = rand.uniform(0.0, np.pi)
phi = rand.uniform(0.0, (2 * np.pi))
x1[j] = 10 * np.sin(phi) * np.cos(theta)
y1[j] = 10 * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta)
z1[j] = 10 * np.cos(theta)
return np.array([x1,y1,z1])
n = 10
def t_parameter(n):
t = np.zeros(n)
for i in range (n):
t[i] = rand.uniform(-10,10)
return np.array([t])
p1 = point1(npoints)
p2 = point2(npoints)
V = p2-p1
d = t_paramiter(n)
Lx = d*V[0]+p1[0]
Ly = d*V[1]+p1[1]
Lz = d*V[2]+p1[2]
When I run the code this is what is generated plot of what is generated. What I would like to code to do is keep the values of the initial point and direction vector constant while just updating the d with random values.
I have tried doing something like this
Lx = np.zeros(npoints)
Ly = np.zeros(npoints)
Lz = np.zeros(npoints)
for i in range (n):
Lx[i] = d[i]*V[i]+p1[i]
Ly[i] = d[i]*V[i]+p1[i]
Lz[i] = d[i]*V[i]+p1[i]
but I get an error "setting an array element with a sequence".