How to get current CPU and RAM usage in Python? - python
How can I get the current system status (current CPU, RAM, free disk space, etc.) in Python? Ideally, it would work for both Unix and Windows platforms.
There seems to be a few possible ways of extracting that from my search:
Using a library such as PSI (that currently seems not actively developed and not supported on multiple platforms) or something like pystatgrab (again no activity since 2007 it seems and no support for Windows).
Using platform specific code such as using a os.popen("ps") or similar for the *nix systems and MEMORYSTATUS in ctypes.windll.kernel32 (see this recipe on ActiveState) for the Windows platform. One could put a Python class together with all those code snippets.
It's not that those methods are bad but is there already a well-supported, multi-platform way of doing the same thing?
The psutil library gives you information about CPU, RAM, etc., on a variety of platforms:
psutil is a module providing an interface for retrieving information on running processes and system utilization (CPU, memory) in a portable way by using Python, implementing many functionalities offered by tools like ps, top and Windows task manager.
It currently supports Linux, Windows, OSX, Sun Solaris, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD, both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures, with Python versions from 2.6 to 3.5 (users of Python 2.4 and 2.5 may use 2.1.3 version).
Some examples:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import psutil
# gives a single float value
# gives an object with many fields
# you can convert that object to a dictionary
# you can have the percentage of used RAM
# you can calculate percentage of available memory
psutil.virtual_memory().available * 100 / psutil.virtual_memory().total
Here's other documentation that provides more concepts and interest concepts:
Use the psutil library. On Ubuntu 18.04, pip installed 5.5.0 (latest version) as of 1-30-2019. Older versions may behave somewhat differently.
You can check your version of psutil by doing this in Python:
from __future__ import print_function # for Python2
import psutil
To get some memory and CPU stats:
from __future__ import print_function
import psutil
print(psutil.virtual_memory()) # physical memory usage
print('memory % used:', psutil.virtual_memory()[2])
The virtual_memory (tuple) will have the percent memory used system-wide. This seemed to be overestimated by a few percent for me on Ubuntu 18.04.
You can also get the memory used by the current Python instance:
import os
import psutil
pid = os.getpid()
python_process = psutil.Process(pid)
memoryUse = python_process.memory_info()[0]/2.**30 # memory use in GB...I think
print('memory use:', memoryUse)
which gives the current memory use of your Python script.
There are some more in-depth examples on the pypi page for psutil.
Only for Linux:
One-liner for the RAM usage with only stdlib dependency:
import os
tot_m, used_m, free_m = map(int, os.popen('free -t -m').readlines()[-1].split()[1:])
One can get real time CPU and RAM monitoring by combining tqdm and psutil. It may be handy when running heavy computations / processing.
It also works in Jupyter without any code changes:
from tqdm import tqdm
from time import sleep
import psutil
with tqdm(total=100, desc='cpu%', position=1) as cpubar, tqdm(total=100, desc='ram%', position=0) as rambar:
while True:
It's convenient to put those progress bars in separate process using multiprocessing library.
This code snippet is also available as a gist.
Below codes, without external libraries worked for me. I tested at Python 2.7.9
CPU Usage
import os
CPU_Pct=str(round(float(os.popen('''grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat | awk '{usage=($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)} END {print usage }' ''').readline()),2))
print("CPU Usage = " + CPU_Pct) # print results
And Ram Usage, Total, Used and Free
import os
mem=str(os.popen('free -t -m').readlines())
Get a whole line of memory output, it will be something like below
[' total used free shared buffers cached\n',
'Mem: 925 591 334 14 30 355\n',
'-/+ buffers/cache: 205 719\n',
'Swap: 99 0 99\n',
'Total: 1025 591 434\n']
So, we need total memory, usage and free memory.
We should find the index of capital T which is unique at this string
Than, we can recreate the string with this information. After T we have,
"Total: " which has 14 characters, so we can start from index of T +14
and last 4 characters are also not necessary.
We can create a new sub-string using this information
The result will be like
1025 603 422
we need to find first index of the first space, and we can start our substring
from from 0 to this index number, this will give us the string of total memory
S1_ind=mem_G.index(' ')
Similarly we will create a new sub-string, which will start at the second value.
The resulting string will be like
603 422
Again, we should find the index of first space and than the
take the Used Memory and Free memory.
S2_ind=mem_G1.index(' ')
print 'Summary = ' + mem_G
print 'Total Memory = ' + mem_T +' MB'
print 'Used Memory = ' + mem_U +' MB'
print 'Free Memory = ' + mem_F +' MB'
To get a line-by-line memory and time analysis of your program, I suggest using memory_profiler and line_profiler.
# Time profiler
$ pip install line_profiler
# Memory profiler
$ pip install memory_profiler
# Install the dependency for a faster analysis
$ pip install psutil
The common part is, you specify which function you want to analyse by using the respective decorators.
Example: I have several functions in my Python file that I want to analyse. One of them is linearRegressionfit(). I need to use the decorator #profile that helps me profile the code with respect to both: Time & Memory.
Make the following changes to the function definition
def linearRegressionfit(Xt,Yt,Xts,Yts):
# More Code
For Time Profiling,
$ kernprof -l -v
Total time: 0.181071 s
Function: linearRegressionfit at line 35
Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents
35 #profile
36 def linearRegressionfit(Xt,Yt,Xts,Yts):
37 1 52.0 52.0 0.1 lr=LinearRegression()
38 1 28942.0 28942.0 75.2,Yt)
39 1 1347.0 1347.0 3.5 predict=lr.predict(Xts)
41 1 4924.0 4924.0 12.8 print("train Accuracy",lr.score(Xt,Yt))
42 1 3242.0 3242.0 8.4 print("test Accuracy",lr.score(Xts,Yts))
For Memory Profiling,
$ python -m memory_profiler
Line # Mem usage Increment Line Contents
35 125.992 MiB 125.992 MiB #profile
36 def linearRegressionfit(Xt,Yt,Xts,Yts):
37 125.992 MiB 0.000 MiB lr=LinearRegression()
38 130.547 MiB 4.555 MiB,Yt)
39 130.547 MiB 0.000 MiB predict=lr.predict(Xts)
41 130.547 MiB 0.000 MiB print("train Accuracy",lr.score(Xt,Yt))
42 130.547 MiB 0.000 MiB print("test Accuracy",lr.score(Xts,Yts))
Also, the memory profiler results can also be plotted using matplotlib using
$ mprof run
$ mprof plot
Note: Tested on
line_profiler version == 3.0.2
memory_profiler version == 0.57.0
psutil version == 5.7.0
EDIT: The results from the profilers can be parsed using the TAMPPA package. Using it, we can get line-by-line desired plots as
We chose to use usual information source for this because we could find instantaneous fluctuations in free memory and felt querying the meminfo data source was helpful. This also helped us get a few more related parameters that were pre-parsed.
import os
linux_filepath = "/proc/meminfo"
meminfo = dict(
(i.split()[0].rstrip(":"), int(i.split()[1]))
for i in open(linux_filepath).readlines()
meminfo["memory_total_gb"] = meminfo["MemTotal"] / (2 ** 20)
meminfo["memory_free_gb"] = meminfo["MemFree"] / (2 ** 20)
meminfo["memory_available_gb"] = meminfo["MemAvailable"] / (2 ** 20)
Output for reference (we stripped all newlines for further analysis)
MemTotal: 1014500 kB MemFree: 562680 kB MemAvailable: 646364 kB
Buffers: 15144 kB Cached: 210720 kB SwapCached: 0 kB Active: 261476 kB
Inactive: 128888 kB Active(anon): 167092 kB Inactive(anon): 20888 kB
Active(file): 94384 kB Inactive(file): 108000 kB Unevictable: 3652 kB
Mlocked: 3652 kB SwapTotal: 0 kB SwapFree: 0 kB Dirty: 0 kB Writeback:
0 kB AnonPages: 168160 kB Mapped: 81352 kB Shmem: 21060 kB Slab: 34492
kB SReclaimable: 18044 kB SUnreclaim: 16448 kB KernelStack: 2672 kB
PageTables: 8180 kB NFS_Unstable: 0 kB Bounce: 0 kB WritebackTmp: 0 kB
CommitLimit: 507248 kB Committed_AS: 1038756 kB VmallocTotal:
34359738367 kB VmallocUsed: 0 kB VmallocChunk: 0 kB HardwareCorrupted:
0 kB AnonHugePages: 88064 kB CmaTotal: 0 kB CmaFree: 0 kB
HugePages_Total: 0 HugePages_Free: 0 HugePages_Rsvd: 0 HugePages_Surp:
0 Hugepagesize: 2048 kB DirectMap4k: 43008 kB DirectMap2M: 1005568 kB
Here's something I put together a while ago, it's windows only but may help you get part of what you need done.
Derived from:
"for sys available mem"
"individual process information and python script examples"
NOTE: the WMI interface/process is also available for performing similar tasks
I'm not using it here because the current method covers my needs, but if someday it's needed to extend or improve this, then may want to investigate the WMI tools a vailable.
WMI for python:
The code:
Monitor window processes
derived from:
>for sys available mem
> individual process information and python script examples
NOTE: the WMI interface/process is also available for performing similar tasks
I'm not using it here because the current method covers my needs, but if someday it's needed
to extend or improve this module, then may want to investigate the WMI tools available.
WMI for python:
__revision__ = 3
import win32com.client
from ctypes import *
from ctypes.wintypes import *
import pythoncom
import pywintypes
import datetime
class MEMORYSTATUS(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('dwLength', DWORD),
('dwMemoryLoad', DWORD),
('dwTotalPhys', DWORD),
('dwAvailPhys', DWORD),
('dwTotalPageFile', DWORD),
('dwAvailPageFile', DWORD),
('dwTotalVirtual', DWORD),
('dwAvailVirtual', DWORD),
def winmem():
x = MEMORYSTATUS() # create the structure
windll.kernel32.GlobalMemoryStatus(byref(x)) # from cytypes.wintypes
return x
class process_stats:
'''process_stats is able to provide counters of (all?) the items available in perfmon.
Refer to the self.supported_types keys for the currently supported 'Performance Objects'
To add logging support for other data you can derive the necessary data from perfmon:
perfmon can be run from windows 'run' menu by entering 'perfmon' and enter.
Clicking on the '+' will open the 'add counters' menu,
From the 'Add Counters' dialog, the 'Performance object' is the self.support_types key.
--> Where spaces are removed and symbols are entered as text (Ex. # == Number, % == Percent)
For the items you wish to log add the proper attribute name in the list in the self.supported_types dictionary,
keyed by the 'Performance Object' name as mentioned above.
NOTE: The 'NETFramework_NETCLRMemory' key does not seem to log dotnet 2.0 properly.
Initially the python implementation was derived from:
def __init__(self,process_name_list=[],perf_object_list=[],filter_list=[]):
'''process_names_list == the list of all processes to log (if empty log all)
perf_object_list == list of process counters to log
filter_list == list of text to filter
print_results == boolean, output to stdout
pythoncom.CoInitialize() # Needed when run by the same process in a thread
self.process_name_list = process_name_list
self.perf_object_list = perf_object_list
self.filter_list = filter_list
self.win32_perf_base = 'Win32_PerfFormattedData_'
# Define new datatypes here!
self.supported_types = {
'NETFramework_NETCLRMemory': [
'PerfProc_Process': [
'IDProcess',# pid
def get_pid_stats(self, pid):
this_proc_dict = {}
pythoncom.CoInitialize() # Needed when run by the same process in a thread
if not self.perf_object_list:
perf_object_list = self.supported_types.keys()
for counter_type in perf_object_list:
strComputer = "."
objWMIService = win32com.client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
objSWbemServices = objWMIService.ConnectServer(strComputer,"root\cimv2")
query_str = '''Select * from %s%s''' % (self.win32_perf_base,counter_type)
colItems = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery(query_str) # "Select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process")# changed from Win32_Thread
if len(colItems) > 0:
for objItem in colItems:
if hasattr(objItem, 'IDProcess') and pid == objItem.IDProcess:
for attribute in self.supported_types[counter_type]:
eval_str = 'objItem.%s' % (attribute)
this_proc_dict[attribute] = eval(eval_str)
this_proc_dict['TimeStamp'] ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.') + str([:3]
return this_proc_dict
def get_stats(self):
Show process stats for all processes in given list, if none given return all processes
If filter list is defined return only the items that match or contained in the list
Returns a list of result dictionaries
pythoncom.CoInitialize() # Needed when run by the same process in a thread
proc_results_list = []
if not self.perf_object_list:
perf_object_list = self.supported_types.keys()
for counter_type in perf_object_list:
strComputer = "."
objWMIService = win32com.client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
objSWbemServices = objWMIService.ConnectServer(strComputer,"root\cimv2")
query_str = '''Select * from %s%s''' % (self.win32_perf_base,counter_type)
colItems = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery(query_str) # "Select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process")# changed from Win32_Thread
if len(colItems) > 0:
for objItem in colItems:
found_flag = False
this_proc_dict = {}
if not self.process_name_list:
found_flag = True
# Check if process name is in the process name list, allow print if it is
for proc_name in self.process_name_list:
obj_name = objItem.Name
if proc_name.lower() in obj_name.lower(): # will log if contains name
found_flag = True
if found_flag:
for attribute in self.supported_types[counter_type]:
eval_str = 'objItem.%s' % (attribute)
this_proc_dict[attribute] = eval(eval_str)
this_proc_dict['TimeStamp'] ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.') + str([:3]
except pywintypes.com_error, err_msg:
# Ignore and continue (proc_mem_logger calls this function once per second)
return proc_results_list
def get_sys_stats():
''' Returns a dictionary of the system stats'''
pythoncom.CoInitialize() # Needed when run by the same process in a thread
x = winmem()
sys_dict = {
'dwAvailPhys': x.dwAvailPhys,
return sys_dict
if __name__ == '__main__':
# This area used for testing only
sys_dict = get_sys_stats()
stats_processor = process_stats(process_name_list=['process2watch'],perf_object_list=[],filter_list=[])
proc_results = stats_processor.get_stats()
for result_dict in proc_results:
print result_dict
import os
this_pid = os.getpid()
this_proc_results = stats_processor.get_pid_stats(this_pid)
print 'this proc results:'
print this_proc_results
I feel like these answers were written for Python 2, and in any case nobody's made mention of the standard resource package that's available for Python 3. It provides commands for obtaining the resource limits of a given process (the calling Python process by default). This isn't the same as getting the current usage of resources by the system as a whole, but it could solve some of the same problems like e.g. "I want to make sure I only use X much RAM with this script."
This aggregate all the goodies:
psutil + os to get Unix & Windows compatibility:
That allows us to get:
import os
import psutil # need: pip install psutil
In [32]: psutil.virtual_memory()
Out[32]: svmem(total=6247907328, available=2502328320, percent=59.9, used=3327135744, free=167067648, active=3671199744, inactive=1662668800, buffers=844783616, cached=1908920320, shared=123912192, slab=613048320)
In [33]: psutil.virtual_memory().percent
Out[33]: 60.0
In [34]: psutil.cpu_percent()
Out[34]: 5.5
In [35]: os.sep
Out[35]: '/'
In [36]: psutil.disk_usage(os.sep)
Out[36]: sdiskusage(total=50190790656, used=41343860736, free=6467502080, percent=86.5)
In [37]: psutil.disk_usage(os.sep).percent
Out[37]: 86.5
Taken feedback from first response and done small changes
#!/usr/bin/env python
#Execute commond on windows machine to install psutil>>>>python -m pip install psutil
import psutil
print (' ')
print ('----------------------CPU Information summary----------------------')
print (' ')
# gives a single float value
print ('Total number of CPUs :',vcc)
print ('Total CPUs utilized percentage :',vcpu,'%')
print (' ')
print ('----------------------RAM Information summary----------------------')
print (' ')
# you can convert that object to a dictionary
# gives an object with many fields
def forloop():
for i in x:
print (i,"--",x[i]/1024/1024/1024)#Output will be printed in GBs
print (' ')
print ('----------------------RAM Utilization summary----------------------')
print (' ')
# you can have the percentage of used RAM
print('Percentage of used RAM :',psutil.virtual_memory().percent,'%')
# you can calculate percentage of available memory
print('Percentage of available RAM :',psutil.virtual_memory().available * 100 / psutil.virtual_memory().total,'%')
"... current system status (current CPU, RAM, free disk space, etc.)" And "*nix and Windows platforms" can be a difficult combination to achieve.
The operating systems are fundamentally different in the way they manage these resources. Indeed, they differ in core concepts like defining what counts as system and what counts as application time.
"Free disk space"? What counts as "disk space?" All partitions of all devices? What about foreign partitions in a multi-boot environment?
I don't think there's a clear enough consensus between Windows and *nix that makes this possible. Indeed, there may not even be any consensus between the various operating systems called Windows. Is there a single Windows API that works for both XP and Vista?
This script for CPU usage:
import os
def get_cpu_load():
""" Returns a list CPU Loads"""
result = []
cmd = "WMIC CPU GET LoadPercentage "
response = os.popen(cmd + ' 2>&1','r').read().strip().split("\r\n")
for load in response[1:]:
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
print get_cpu_load()
For CPU details use psutil library
For RAM Frequency (in MHz) use the built in Linux library dmidecode and manipulate the output a bit ;). this command needs root permission hence supply your password too. just copy the following commend replacing mypass with your password
import os
os.system("echo mypass | sudo -S dmidecode -t memory | grep 'Clock Speed' | cut -d ':' -f2")
------------------- Output ---------------------------
1600 MT/s
1600 MT/s
Unknown 0
more specificly
[i for i in os.popen("echo mypass | sudo -S dmidecode -t memory | grep 'Clock Speed' | cut -d ':' -f2").read().split(' ') if i.isdigit()]
-------------------------- output -------------------------
['1600', '1600']
you can read /proc/meminfo to get used memory
file1 = open('/proc/meminfo', 'r')
for line in file1:
if 'MemTotal' in line:
x = line.split()
memTotal = int(x[1])
if 'Buffers' in line:
x = line.split()
buffers = int(x[1])
if 'Cached' in line and 'SwapCached' not in line:
x = line.split()
cached = int(x[1])
if 'MemFree' in line:
x = line.split()
memFree = int(x[1])
percentage_used = int ( ( memTotal - (buffers + cached + memFree) ) / memTotal * 100 )
Based on the cpu usage code by #Hrabal, this is what I use:
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
def get_cpu_usage():
''' Get CPU usage on Linux by reading /proc/stat '''
sub = Popen(('grep', 'cpu', '/proc/stat'), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
top_vals = [int(val) for val in sub.communicate()[0].split('\n')[0].split[1:5]]
return (top_vals[0] + top_vals[2]) * 100. /(top_vals[0] + top_vals[2] + top_vals[3])
You can use psutil or psmem with subprocess
example code
import subprocess
cmd = subprocess.Popen(['sudo','./ps_mem'],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out,error = cmd.communicate()
memory = out.splitlines()
You can always use the library recently released SystemScripter by using the command pip install SystemScripter. This is a library that uses the other library like psutil among others to create a full library of system information that spans from CPU to disk information.
For current CPU usage use the function:
SystemScripter.CPU.CpuPerCurrentUtil(SystemScripter.CPU()) #class init as self param if not work
This gets the usage percentage or use:
Run with crontab won't print pid
Setup: */1 * * * * sh this line in crontab -e
import os
import re
CUT_OFF = 90
def get_cpu_load():
cmd = "ps -Ao user,uid,comm,pid,pcpu --sort=-pcpu | head -n 2 | tail -1"
response = os.popen(cmd, 'r').read()
arr = re.findall(r'\S+', response)
needKill = float(arr[-1]) > CUT_OFF
if needKill:
r = os.popen(f"kill -9 {arr[-2]}")
print('kill:', r)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Test CPU with
# $ stress --cpu 1
# crontab -e
# Every 1 min
# */1 * * * * sh
# ctlr o, ctlr x
# crontab -l
Shell-out not needed for #CodeGench's solution, so assuming Linux and Python's standard libraries:
def cpu_load():
with open("/proc/stat", "r") as stat:
(key, user, nice, system, idle, _) = (stat.readline().split(None, 5))
assert key == "cpu", "'cpu ...' should be the first line in /proc/stat"
busy = int(user) + int(nice) + int(system)
return 100 * busy / (busy + int(idle))
I don't believe that there is a well-supported multi-platform library available. Remember that Python itself is written in C so any library is simply going to make a smart decision about which OS-specific code snippet to run, as you suggested above.
Shell script converted all digits after the second digit, from my python script into zeroes?
I have a python script that calculates Memory Used on a mac. It runs fine via terminal: ie. $>python | grep 'Memory Used' | awk '{print $5 }' 14264 ** ** # Get process info ps = subprocess.Popen(['ps', '-caxm', '-orss,comm'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].decode() vm = subprocess.Popen(['vm_stat'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].decode() # Iterate processes processLines = ps.split('\n') sep = re.compile('[\s]+') rssTotal = 0 # kB for row in range(1,len(processLines)): rowText = processLines[row].strip() rowElements = sep.split(rowText) try: rss = float(rowElements[0]) * 1024 except: rss = 0 # ignore... rssTotal += rss # Process vm_stat vmLines = vm.split('\n') sep = re.compile(':[\s]+') vmStats = {} for row in range(1,len(vmLines)-2): rowText = vmLines[row].strip() rowElements = sep.split(rowText) vmStats[(rowElements[0])] = int(rowElements[1].strip('\.')) * 4096 #App_Memory = sysctl vm.page_pageable_internal_count - Pages Purgable (from vm_stat) cmd = "sysctl vm.page_pageable_internal_count" proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (out, rc) = proc.communicate() vmpage_pageable_internal_count = out.strip().decode('ascii').split(': ')[1] vmpage_pageable_internal_count = int(vmpage_pageable_internal_count) * 4096 #print("Purgable internal count %d" % (vmpage_pageable_internal_count)) AppMemory = (vmpage_pageable_internal_count - vmStats["Pages purgeable"])/1024/1024 WiredMemory = vmStats["Pages wired down"]/1024/1024 ActiveMemory = vmStats["Pages active"]/1024/1024 InactiveMemory = vmStats["Pages inactive"]/1024/1024 CompressedMemory = vmStats["Pages occupied by compressor"] /1024/1024 UsedMemory = AppMemory + WiredMemory + CompressedMemory print('Memory Used: %.3f GB %d MB' % (float(UsedMemory/1024), float(UsedMemory/1024 * 1000))) However, when i tried to call it via any shell scripts, i.e: do shell script in applescript or os.system or subproces.Popen, run, call, etc... or even via back tick `` command in bash, it will return exactly the first two digits only with the rest being zeroes?: ie.: ./ 14000 content of out=$(python | grep 'Memory Used' | awk '{print $5 }') echo $out Noticed last 3 digits are all gone and converted or rounded up to 0s? I needed to get the last 3 digits as well, as these represents MB used, to be correctly calculated. Rounding it to GB is not accurate enough for my application. I've tried using 10# to specify decimal in my bash script to no avail. I've tried casting it as integer in my python script, still no luck. Only way i can get it to work is call it directly in terminal. But, i can't automate this via any scripting mechanism, because it would rely on shell underneath. Any suggestions?
If you are doing any arithmetic in your shell script, be aware that most shells (ksh being an exception) cannot do floating point math. You might be doing something like: $ x=14264789 $ echo $((x / 10**6 * 10**3)) 14000 Fill in some more details in your question.
Python memory profile using psutil
I am trying to use psutil to measure the memory usage. However, I found a strange behavior that even if I don't store or load anything, I see that memory usage is keep increasing in a nested for loop. For example, if I run the following code, import os import psutil for i in range(10): print(i) for j in range(5): mem_usage = psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info()[0] / 2 ** 20 print("{}{} MB".format(j,mem_usage)) I get the following output 0 0178 MB 1178 MB 2178 MB 3178 MB 4178 MB 1 0178 MB 1178 MB 2178 MB 3178 MB 4178 MB What is going on here? Is psutil not doing what I intend to do?
It's the formatting of your string which is not correct: "{}{} MB".format(j,mem_usage) There is no space between "j" and "mem_usage" so it looks like the memory increases when it's not. Also, your math to calculate MB is not correct. It should be: import os import psutil p = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) for i in range(10): print(i) for j in range(5): mem_usage = p.memory_info().rss / 1024 / 1024 print("{} {} MB".format(j, mem_usage))
How to get CPU and RAM usage from windows machine using python? [duplicate]
How can I get the current system status (current CPU, RAM, free disk space, etc.) in Python? Ideally, it would work for both Unix and Windows platforms. There seems to be a few possible ways of extracting that from my search: Using a library such as PSI (that currently seems not actively developed and not supported on multiple platforms) or something like pystatgrab (again no activity since 2007 it seems and no support for Windows). Using platform specific code such as using a os.popen("ps") or similar for the *nix systems and MEMORYSTATUS in ctypes.windll.kernel32 (see this recipe on ActiveState) for the Windows platform. One could put a Python class together with all those code snippets. It's not that those methods are bad but is there already a well-supported, multi-platform way of doing the same thing?
The psutil library gives you information about CPU, RAM, etc., on a variety of platforms: psutil is a module providing an interface for retrieving information on running processes and system utilization (CPU, memory) in a portable way by using Python, implementing many functionalities offered by tools like ps, top and Windows task manager. It currently supports Linux, Windows, OSX, Sun Solaris, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD, both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures, with Python versions from 2.6 to 3.5 (users of Python 2.4 and 2.5 may use 2.1.3 version). Some examples: #!/usr/bin/env python import psutil # gives a single float value psutil.cpu_percent() # gives an object with many fields psutil.virtual_memory() # you can convert that object to a dictionary dict(psutil.virtual_memory()._asdict()) # you can have the percentage of used RAM psutil.virtual_memory().percent 79.2 # you can calculate percentage of available memory psutil.virtual_memory().available * 100 / psutil.virtual_memory().total 20.8 Here's other documentation that provides more concepts and interest concepts:
Use the psutil library. On Ubuntu 18.04, pip installed 5.5.0 (latest version) as of 1-30-2019. Older versions may behave somewhat differently. You can check your version of psutil by doing this in Python: from __future__ import print_function # for Python2 import psutil print(psutil.__version__) To get some memory and CPU stats: from __future__ import print_function import psutil print(psutil.cpu_percent()) print(psutil.virtual_memory()) # physical memory usage print('memory % used:', psutil.virtual_memory()[2]) The virtual_memory (tuple) will have the percent memory used system-wide. This seemed to be overestimated by a few percent for me on Ubuntu 18.04. You can also get the memory used by the current Python instance: import os import psutil pid = os.getpid() python_process = psutil.Process(pid) memoryUse = python_process.memory_info()[0]/2.**30 # memory use in GB...I think print('memory use:', memoryUse) which gives the current memory use of your Python script. There are some more in-depth examples on the pypi page for psutil.
Only for Linux: One-liner for the RAM usage with only stdlib dependency: import os tot_m, used_m, free_m = map(int, os.popen('free -t -m').readlines()[-1].split()[1:])
One can get real time CPU and RAM monitoring by combining tqdm and psutil. It may be handy when running heavy computations / processing. It also works in Jupyter without any code changes: from tqdm import tqdm from time import sleep import psutil with tqdm(total=100, desc='cpu%', position=1) as cpubar, tqdm(total=100, desc='ram%', position=0) as rambar: while True: rambar.n=psutil.virtual_memory().percent cpubar.n=psutil.cpu_percent() rambar.refresh() cpubar.refresh() sleep(0.5) It's convenient to put those progress bars in separate process using multiprocessing library. This code snippet is also available as a gist.
Below codes, without external libraries worked for me. I tested at Python 2.7.9 CPU Usage import os CPU_Pct=str(round(float(os.popen('''grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat | awk '{usage=($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)} END {print usage }' ''').readline()),2)) print("CPU Usage = " + CPU_Pct) # print results And Ram Usage, Total, Used and Free import os mem=str(os.popen('free -t -m').readlines()) """ Get a whole line of memory output, it will be something like below [' total used free shared buffers cached\n', 'Mem: 925 591 334 14 30 355\n', '-/+ buffers/cache: 205 719\n', 'Swap: 99 0 99\n', 'Total: 1025 591 434\n'] So, we need total memory, usage and free memory. We should find the index of capital T which is unique at this string """ T_ind=mem.index('T') """ Than, we can recreate the string with this information. After T we have, "Total: " which has 14 characters, so we can start from index of T +14 and last 4 characters are also not necessary. We can create a new sub-string using this information """ mem_G=mem[T_ind+14:-4] """ The result will be like 1025 603 422 we need to find first index of the first space, and we can start our substring from from 0 to this index number, this will give us the string of total memory """ S1_ind=mem_G.index(' ') mem_T=mem_G[0:S1_ind] """ Similarly we will create a new sub-string, which will start at the second value. The resulting string will be like 603 422 Again, we should find the index of first space and than the take the Used Memory and Free memory. """ mem_G1=mem_G[S1_ind+8:] S2_ind=mem_G1.index(' ') mem_U=mem_G1[0:S2_ind] mem_F=mem_G1[S2_ind+8:] print 'Summary = ' + mem_G print 'Total Memory = ' + mem_T +' MB' print 'Used Memory = ' + mem_U +' MB' print 'Free Memory = ' + mem_F +' MB'
To get a line-by-line memory and time analysis of your program, I suggest using memory_profiler and line_profiler. Installation: # Time profiler $ pip install line_profiler # Memory profiler $ pip install memory_profiler # Install the dependency for a faster analysis $ pip install psutil The common part is, you specify which function you want to analyse by using the respective decorators. Example: I have several functions in my Python file that I want to analyse. One of them is linearRegressionfit(). I need to use the decorator #profile that helps me profile the code with respect to both: Time & Memory. Make the following changes to the function definition #profile def linearRegressionfit(Xt,Yt,Xts,Yts): lr=LinearRegression(),Yt) predict=lr.predict(Xts) # More Code For Time Profiling, Run: $ kernprof -l -v Output Total time: 0.181071 s File: Function: linearRegressionfit at line 35 Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents ============================================================== 35 #profile 36 def linearRegressionfit(Xt,Yt,Xts,Yts): 37 1 52.0 52.0 0.1 lr=LinearRegression() 38 1 28942.0 28942.0 75.2,Yt) 39 1 1347.0 1347.0 3.5 predict=lr.predict(Xts) 40 41 1 4924.0 4924.0 12.8 print("train Accuracy",lr.score(Xt,Yt)) 42 1 3242.0 3242.0 8.4 print("test Accuracy",lr.score(Xts,Yts)) For Memory Profiling, Run: $ python -m memory_profiler Output Filename: Line # Mem usage Increment Line Contents ================================================ 35 125.992 MiB 125.992 MiB #profile 36 def linearRegressionfit(Xt,Yt,Xts,Yts): 37 125.992 MiB 0.000 MiB lr=LinearRegression() 38 130.547 MiB 4.555 MiB,Yt) 39 130.547 MiB 0.000 MiB predict=lr.predict(Xts) 40 41 130.547 MiB 0.000 MiB print("train Accuracy",lr.score(Xt,Yt)) 42 130.547 MiB 0.000 MiB print("test Accuracy",lr.score(Xts,Yts)) Also, the memory profiler results can also be plotted using matplotlib using $ mprof run $ mprof plot Note: Tested on line_profiler version == 3.0.2 memory_profiler version == 0.57.0 psutil version == 5.7.0 EDIT: The results from the profilers can be parsed using the TAMPPA package. Using it, we can get line-by-line desired plots as
We chose to use usual information source for this because we could find instantaneous fluctuations in free memory and felt querying the meminfo data source was helpful. This also helped us get a few more related parameters that were pre-parsed. Code import os linux_filepath = "/proc/meminfo" meminfo = dict( (i.split()[0].rstrip(":"), int(i.split()[1])) for i in open(linux_filepath).readlines() ) meminfo["memory_total_gb"] = meminfo["MemTotal"] / (2 ** 20) meminfo["memory_free_gb"] = meminfo["MemFree"] / (2 ** 20) meminfo["memory_available_gb"] = meminfo["MemAvailable"] / (2 ** 20) Output for reference (we stripped all newlines for further analysis) MemTotal: 1014500 kB MemFree: 562680 kB MemAvailable: 646364 kB Buffers: 15144 kB Cached: 210720 kB SwapCached: 0 kB Active: 261476 kB Inactive: 128888 kB Active(anon): 167092 kB Inactive(anon): 20888 kB Active(file): 94384 kB Inactive(file): 108000 kB Unevictable: 3652 kB Mlocked: 3652 kB SwapTotal: 0 kB SwapFree: 0 kB Dirty: 0 kB Writeback: 0 kB AnonPages: 168160 kB Mapped: 81352 kB Shmem: 21060 kB Slab: 34492 kB SReclaimable: 18044 kB SUnreclaim: 16448 kB KernelStack: 2672 kB PageTables: 8180 kB NFS_Unstable: 0 kB Bounce: 0 kB WritebackTmp: 0 kB CommitLimit: 507248 kB Committed_AS: 1038756 kB VmallocTotal: 34359738367 kB VmallocUsed: 0 kB VmallocChunk: 0 kB HardwareCorrupted: 0 kB AnonHugePages: 88064 kB CmaTotal: 0 kB CmaFree: 0 kB HugePages_Total: 0 HugePages_Free: 0 HugePages_Rsvd: 0 HugePages_Surp: 0 Hugepagesize: 2048 kB DirectMap4k: 43008 kB DirectMap2M: 1005568 kB
Here's something I put together a while ago, it's windows only but may help you get part of what you need done. Derived from: "for sys available mem" "individual process information and python script examples" NOTE: the WMI interface/process is also available for performing similar tasks I'm not using it here because the current method covers my needs, but if someday it's needed to extend or improve this, then may want to investigate the WMI tools a vailable. WMI for python: The code: ''' Monitor window processes derived from: >for sys available mem > individual process information and python script examples NOTE: the WMI interface/process is also available for performing similar tasks I'm not using it here because the current method covers my needs, but if someday it's needed to extend or improve this module, then may want to investigate the WMI tools available. WMI for python: ''' __revision__ = 3 import win32com.client from ctypes import * from ctypes.wintypes import * import pythoncom import pywintypes import datetime class MEMORYSTATUS(Structure): _fields_ = [ ('dwLength', DWORD), ('dwMemoryLoad', DWORD), ('dwTotalPhys', DWORD), ('dwAvailPhys', DWORD), ('dwTotalPageFile', DWORD), ('dwAvailPageFile', DWORD), ('dwTotalVirtual', DWORD), ('dwAvailVirtual', DWORD), ] def winmem(): x = MEMORYSTATUS() # create the structure windll.kernel32.GlobalMemoryStatus(byref(x)) # from cytypes.wintypes return x class process_stats: '''process_stats is able to provide counters of (all?) the items available in perfmon. Refer to the self.supported_types keys for the currently supported 'Performance Objects' To add logging support for other data you can derive the necessary data from perfmon: --------- perfmon can be run from windows 'run' menu by entering 'perfmon' and enter. Clicking on the '+' will open the 'add counters' menu, From the 'Add Counters' dialog, the 'Performance object' is the self.support_types key. --> Where spaces are removed and symbols are entered as text (Ex. # == Number, % == Percent) For the items you wish to log add the proper attribute name in the list in the self.supported_types dictionary, keyed by the 'Performance Object' name as mentioned above. --------- NOTE: The 'NETFramework_NETCLRMemory' key does not seem to log dotnet 2.0 properly. Initially the python implementation was derived from: ''' def __init__(self,process_name_list=[],perf_object_list=[],filter_list=[]): '''process_names_list == the list of all processes to log (if empty log all) perf_object_list == list of process counters to log filter_list == list of text to filter print_results == boolean, output to stdout ''' pythoncom.CoInitialize() # Needed when run by the same process in a thread self.process_name_list = process_name_list self.perf_object_list = perf_object_list self.filter_list = filter_list self.win32_perf_base = 'Win32_PerfFormattedData_' # Define new datatypes here! self.supported_types = { 'NETFramework_NETCLRMemory': [ 'Name', 'NumberTotalCommittedBytes', 'NumberTotalReservedBytes', 'NumberInducedGC', 'NumberGen0Collections', 'NumberGen1Collections', 'NumberGen2Collections', 'PromotedMemoryFromGen0', 'PromotedMemoryFromGen1', 'PercentTimeInGC', 'LargeObjectHeapSize' ], 'PerfProc_Process': [ 'Name', 'PrivateBytes', 'ElapsedTime', 'IDProcess',# pid 'Caption', 'CreatingProcessID', 'Description', 'IODataBytesPersec', 'IODataOperationsPersec', 'IOOtherBytesPersec', 'IOOtherOperationsPersec', 'IOReadBytesPersec', 'IOReadOperationsPersec', 'IOWriteBytesPersec', 'IOWriteOperationsPersec' ] } def get_pid_stats(self, pid): this_proc_dict = {} pythoncom.CoInitialize() # Needed when run by the same process in a thread if not self.perf_object_list: perf_object_list = self.supported_types.keys() for counter_type in perf_object_list: strComputer = "." objWMIService = win32com.client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") objSWbemServices = objWMIService.ConnectServer(strComputer,"root\cimv2") query_str = '''Select * from %s%s''' % (self.win32_perf_base,counter_type) colItems = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery(query_str) # "Select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process")# changed from Win32_Thread if len(colItems) > 0: for objItem in colItems: if hasattr(objItem, 'IDProcess') and pid == objItem.IDProcess: for attribute in self.supported_types[counter_type]: eval_str = 'objItem.%s' % (attribute) this_proc_dict[attribute] = eval(eval_str) this_proc_dict['TimeStamp'] ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.') + str([:3] break return this_proc_dict def get_stats(self): ''' Show process stats for all processes in given list, if none given return all processes If filter list is defined return only the items that match or contained in the list Returns a list of result dictionaries ''' pythoncom.CoInitialize() # Needed when run by the same process in a thread proc_results_list = [] if not self.perf_object_list: perf_object_list = self.supported_types.keys() for counter_type in perf_object_list: strComputer = "." objWMIService = win32com.client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") objSWbemServices = objWMIService.ConnectServer(strComputer,"root\cimv2") query_str = '''Select * from %s%s''' % (self.win32_perf_base,counter_type) colItems = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery(query_str) # "Select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process")# changed from Win32_Thread try: if len(colItems) > 0: for objItem in colItems: found_flag = False this_proc_dict = {} if not self.process_name_list: found_flag = True else: # Check if process name is in the process name list, allow print if it is for proc_name in self.process_name_list: obj_name = objItem.Name if proc_name.lower() in obj_name.lower(): # will log if contains name found_flag = True break if found_flag: for attribute in self.supported_types[counter_type]: eval_str = 'objItem.%s' % (attribute) this_proc_dict[attribute] = eval(eval_str) this_proc_dict['TimeStamp'] ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.') + str([:3] proc_results_list.append(this_proc_dict) except pywintypes.com_error, err_msg: # Ignore and continue (proc_mem_logger calls this function once per second) continue return proc_results_list def get_sys_stats(): ''' Returns a dictionary of the system stats''' pythoncom.CoInitialize() # Needed when run by the same process in a thread x = winmem() sys_dict = { 'dwAvailPhys': x.dwAvailPhys, 'dwAvailVirtual':x.dwAvailVirtual } return sys_dict if __name__ == '__main__': # This area used for testing only sys_dict = get_sys_stats() stats_processor = process_stats(process_name_list=['process2watch'],perf_object_list=[],filter_list=[]) proc_results = stats_processor.get_stats() for result_dict in proc_results: print result_dict import os this_pid = os.getpid() this_proc_results = stats_processor.get_pid_stats(this_pid) print 'this proc results:' print this_proc_results
I feel like these answers were written for Python 2, and in any case nobody's made mention of the standard resource package that's available for Python 3. It provides commands for obtaining the resource limits of a given process (the calling Python process by default). This isn't the same as getting the current usage of resources by the system as a whole, but it could solve some of the same problems like e.g. "I want to make sure I only use X much RAM with this script."
This aggregate all the goodies: psutil + os to get Unix & Windows compatibility: That allows us to get: CPU memory disk code: import os import psutil # need: pip install psutil In [32]: psutil.virtual_memory() Out[32]: svmem(total=6247907328, available=2502328320, percent=59.9, used=3327135744, free=167067648, active=3671199744, inactive=1662668800, buffers=844783616, cached=1908920320, shared=123912192, slab=613048320) In [33]: psutil.virtual_memory().percent Out[33]: 60.0 In [34]: psutil.cpu_percent() Out[34]: 5.5 In [35]: os.sep Out[35]: '/' In [36]: psutil.disk_usage(os.sep) Out[36]: sdiskusage(total=50190790656, used=41343860736, free=6467502080, percent=86.5) In [37]: psutil.disk_usage(os.sep).percent Out[37]: 86.5
Taken feedback from first response and done small changes #!/usr/bin/env python #Execute commond on windows machine to install psutil>>>>python -m pip install psutil import psutil print (' ') print ('----------------------CPU Information summary----------------------') print (' ') # gives a single float value vcc=psutil.cpu_count() print ('Total number of CPUs :',vcc) vcpu=psutil.cpu_percent() print ('Total CPUs utilized percentage :',vcpu,'%') print (' ') print ('----------------------RAM Information summary----------------------') print (' ') # you can convert that object to a dictionary #print(dict(psutil.virtual_memory()._asdict())) # gives an object with many fields vvm=psutil.virtual_memory() x=dict(psutil.virtual_memory()._asdict()) def forloop(): for i in x: print (i,"--",x[i]/1024/1024/1024)#Output will be printed in GBs forloop() print (' ') print ('----------------------RAM Utilization summary----------------------') print (' ') # you can have the percentage of used RAM print('Percentage of used RAM :',psutil.virtual_memory().percent,'%') #79.2 # you can calculate percentage of available memory print('Percentage of available RAM :',psutil.virtual_memory().available * 100 / psutil.virtual_memory().total,'%') #20.8
"... current system status (current CPU, RAM, free disk space, etc.)" And "*nix and Windows platforms" can be a difficult combination to achieve. The operating systems are fundamentally different in the way they manage these resources. Indeed, they differ in core concepts like defining what counts as system and what counts as application time. "Free disk space"? What counts as "disk space?" All partitions of all devices? What about foreign partitions in a multi-boot environment? I don't think there's a clear enough consensus between Windows and *nix that makes this possible. Indeed, there may not even be any consensus between the various operating systems called Windows. Is there a single Windows API that works for both XP and Vista?
This script for CPU usage: import os def get_cpu_load(): """ Returns a list CPU Loads""" result = [] cmd = "WMIC CPU GET LoadPercentage " response = os.popen(cmd + ' 2>&1','r').read().strip().split("\r\n") for load in response[1:]: result.append(int(load)) return result if __name__ == '__main__': print get_cpu_load()
For CPU details use psutil library For RAM Frequency (in MHz) use the built in Linux library dmidecode and manipulate the output a bit ;). this command needs root permission hence supply your password too. just copy the following commend replacing mypass with your password import os os.system("echo mypass | sudo -S dmidecode -t memory | grep 'Clock Speed' | cut -d ':' -f2") ------------------- Output --------------------------- 1600 MT/s Unknown 1600 MT/s Unknown 0 more specificly [i for i in os.popen("echo mypass | sudo -S dmidecode -t memory | grep 'Clock Speed' | cut -d ':' -f2").read().split(' ') if i.isdigit()] -------------------------- output ------------------------- ['1600', '1600']
you can read /proc/meminfo to get used memory file1 = open('/proc/meminfo', 'r') for line in file1: if 'MemTotal' in line: x = line.split() memTotal = int(x[1]) if 'Buffers' in line: x = line.split() buffers = int(x[1]) if 'Cached' in line and 'SwapCached' not in line: x = line.split() cached = int(x[1]) if 'MemFree' in line: x = line.split() memFree = int(x[1]) file1.close() percentage_used = int ( ( memTotal - (buffers + cached + memFree) ) / memTotal * 100 ) print(percentage_used)
Based on the cpu usage code by #Hrabal, this is what I use: from subprocess import Popen, PIPE def get_cpu_usage(): ''' Get CPU usage on Linux by reading /proc/stat ''' sub = Popen(('grep', 'cpu', '/proc/stat'), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) top_vals = [int(val) for val in sub.communicate()[0].split('\n')[0].split[1:5]] return (top_vals[0] + top_vals[2]) * 100. /(top_vals[0] + top_vals[2] + top_vals[3])
You can use psutil or psmem with subprocess example code import subprocess cmd = subprocess.Popen(['sudo','./ps_mem'],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out,error = cmd.communicate() memory = out.splitlines() Reference
You can always use the library recently released SystemScripter by using the command pip install SystemScripter. This is a library that uses the other library like psutil among others to create a full library of system information that spans from CPU to disk information. For current CPU usage use the function: SystemScripter.CPU.CpuPerCurrentUtil(SystemScripter.CPU()) #class init as self param if not work This gets the usage percentage or use: SystemScripter.CPU.CpuCurrentUtil(SystemScripter.CPU())
Run with crontab won't print pid Setup: */1 * * * * sh this line in crontab -e import os import re CUT_OFF = 90 def get_cpu_load(): cmd = "ps -Ao user,uid,comm,pid,pcpu --sort=-pcpu | head -n 2 | tail -1" response = os.popen(cmd, 'r').read() arr = re.findall(r'\S+', response) print(arr) needKill = float(arr[-1]) > CUT_OFF if needKill: r = os.popen(f"kill -9 {arr[-2]}") print('kill:', r) if __name__ == '__main__': # Test CPU with # $ stress --cpu 1 # crontab -e # Every 1 min # */1 * * * * sh # ctlr o, ctlr x # crontab -l print(get_cpu_load())
Shell-out not needed for #CodeGench's solution, so assuming Linux and Python's standard libraries: def cpu_load(): with open("/proc/stat", "r") as stat: (key, user, nice, system, idle, _) = (stat.readline().split(None, 5)) assert key == "cpu", "'cpu ...' should be the first line in /proc/stat" busy = int(user) + int(nice) + int(system) return 100 * busy / (busy + int(idle))
I don't believe that there is a well-supported multi-platform library available. Remember that Python itself is written in C so any library is simply going to make a smart decision about which OS-specific code snippet to run, as you suggested above.
Python resource.getrusage says no new memory allocated
In the following, I try to measure the current process's memory usage with resource.getrusage. I allocate a large array (and can see the system memory increase with psutil), but getrusage reports that same rss value before and after allocating the array. What's up with that? import psutil import os import resource import numpy as np def total_memory(): v = psutil.virtual_memory() s = psutil.swap_memory() return v.used + s.used result = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF) print "resource START ", result.ru_maxrss, result.ru_ixrss, result.ru_idrss, result.ru_isrss init = total_memory() print "psutil START ", init data = np.random.rand(10000,10000) result = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF) print "resource END ", result.ru_maxrss, result.ru_ixrss, result.ru_idrss, result.ru_isrss print "psutil END+", total_memory()-init reports: resource START 1586580 0 0 0 psutil START 5074391040 resource END 1586580 0 0 0 # same psutil END+ 793374720 # total memory increase by this much Python 2.7.6. Ubuntu 14
heapy reports memory usage << top
NB: This is my first foray into memory profiling with Python, so perhaps I'm asking the wrong question here. Advice re improving the question appreciated. I'm working on some code where I need to store a few million small strings in a set. This, according to top, is using ~3x the amount of memory reported by heapy. I'm not clear what all this extra memory is used for and how I can go about figuring out whether I can - and if so how to - reduce the footprint. from guppy import hpy import gc hp = hpy() # do setup here - open files & init the class that holds the data print 'gc', gc.collect() hp.setrelheap() raw_input('relheap set - enter to continue') # top shows 14MB resident for python # load data from files into the class print 'gc', gc.collect() h = hp.heap() print h raw_input('enter to quit') # top shows 743MB resident for python The output is: $ python gc 5 relheap set - enter to continue gc 2 Partition of a set of 3197065 objects. Total size = 263570944 bytes. Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class) 0 3197061 100 263570168 100 263570168 100 str 1 1 0 448 0 263570616 100 types.FrameType 2 1 0 280 0 263570896 100 dict (no owner) 3 1 0 24 0 263570920 100 float 4 1 0 24 0 263570944 100 int So in summary, heapy shows 264MB while top shows 743MB. What's using the extra 500MB? Update: I'm running 64 bit python on Ubuntu 12.04 in VirtualBox in Windows 7. I installed guppy as per the answer here: sudo pip install