django,fastcgi: how to manage a long running process? - python

I have inherited a django+fastcgi application which needs to be modified to perform a lengthy computation (up to half an hour or more). What I want to do is run the computation in the background and return a "your job has been started" -type response. While the process is running, further hits to the url should return "your job is still running" until the job finishes at which point the results of the job should be returned. Any subsequent hit on the url should return the cached result.
I'm an utter novice at django and haven't done any significant web work in a decade so I don't know if there's a built-in way to do what I want. I've tried starting the process via subprocess.Popen(), and that works fine except for the fact it leaves a defunct entry in the process table. I need a clean solution that can remove temporary files and any traces of the process once it has finished.
I've also experimented with fork() and threads and have yet to come up with a viable solution. Is there a canonical solution to what seems to me to be a pretty common use case? FWIW this will only be used on an internal server with very low traffic.

I have to solve a similar problem now. It is not going to be a public site, but similarly, an internal server with low traffic.
Technical constraints:
all input data to the long running process can be supplied on its start
long running process does not require user interaction (except for the initial input to start a process)
the time of the computation is long enough so that the results cannot be served to the client in an immediate HTTP response
some sort of feedback (sort of progress bar) from the long running process is required.
Hence, we need at least two web “views”: one to initiate the long running process, and the other, to monitor its status/collect the results.
We also need some sort of interprocess communication: send user data from the initiator (the web server on http request) to the long running process, and then send its results to the reciever (again web server, driven by http requests). The former is easy, the latter is less obvious. Unlike in normal unix programming, the receiver is not known initially. The receiver may be a different process from the initiator, and it may start when the long running job is still in progress or is already finished. So the pipes do not work and we need some permamence of the results of the long running process.
I see two possible solutions:
dispatch launches of the long running processes to the long running job manager (this is probably what the above-mentioned django-queue-service is);
save the results permanently, either in a file or in DB.
I preferred to use temporary files and to remember their locaiton in the session data. I don't think it can be made more simple.
A job script (this is the long running process),
import sys
from time import sleep
i = 0
while i < 1000:
print 'myjob:', i
django mapping:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^startjob/$', 'mysite.myapp.views.startjob'),
(r'^showjob/$', 'mysite.myapp.views.showjob'),
(r'^rmjob/$', 'mysite.myapp.views.rmjob'),
django views:
from tempfile import mkstemp
from os import fdopen,unlink,kill
from subprocess import Popen
import signal
def startjob(request):
"""Start a new long running process unless already started."""
if not request.session.has_key('job'):
# create a temporary file to save the resuls
# remember pid to terminate the job later
return HttpResponse('A new job has started.')
def showjob(request):
"""Show the last result of the running job."""
if not request.session.has_key('job'):
return HttpResponse('Not running a job.'+\
'Start a new one?')
return HttpResponse(lines[-1]+\
return HttpResponse('No results yet.'+\
return response
def rmjob(request):
"""Terminate the runining job."""
if request.session.has_key('job'):
kill(job,signal.SIGKILL) # unix only
except OSError, e:
pass # probably the job has finished already
del request.session['job']
del request.session['jobfile']
return HttpResponseRedirect('/startjob/') # start a new one

Maybe you could look at the problem the other way around.
Maybe you could try DjangoQueueService, and have a "daemon" listening to the queue, seeing if there's something new and process it.


Python script execution time increases when executed multiple time parallely

I have a python script whose execution time is 1.2 second while it is being executed standalone.
But when I execute it 5-6 time parallely ( Am using postman to ping the url multiple times) the execution time shoots up.
Adding the breakdown of the time taken.
1 run -> ~1.2seconds
2 run -> ~1.8seconds
3 run -> ~2.3seconds
4 run -> ~2.9seconds
5 run -> ~4.0seconds
6 run -> ~4.5seconds
7 run -> ~5.2seconds
8 run -> ~5.2seconds
9 run -> ~6.4seconds
10 run -> ~7.1seconds
Screenshot of top command(Asked in the comment):
This is a sample code:
import psutil
import os
import time
start_time = time.time()
import cgitb
import numpy as np
import MySQLdb as mysql
import cv2
import sys
import rpy2.robjects as robj
import rpy2.robjects.numpy2ri
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
R = robj.r
DTW = importr('dtw')
process= psutil.Process(os.getpid())
print " Memory Consumed after libraries load: "
print process.memory_info()[0]/float(2**20)
# Generate our data (numpy arrays)
template = np.array([range(84),range(84),range(84)]).transpose()
query = np.array([range(2500000),range(2500000),range(2500000)]).transpose()
#time taken
print(" --- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
I also checked my memory consumption using watch -n 1 free -m and memory consumption also increases noticeably.
1) How do I make sure that the execution time of script remain constant everytime.
2) Can I load the libraries permanently so that the time taken by the script to load the libraries and the memory consumed can be minimized?
I made an enviroment and tried using
but it doesn't make any difference whatsoever.
I have AMAZON's EC2 server with 7.5GB RAM.
My php file with which am calling the python script.
$response = array("error" => FALSE);
$response["error"] = FALSE;
$command =escapeshellcmd(shell_exec("sudo /home/ec2-user/anaconda/envs/anubhaw_python/bin/python2.7 /var/www/cgi-bin/"));
} else
header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request');
$response["message"] = "Bad Request.";
echo json_encode($response);
1) You really can't ensure the execution will take always the same time, but at least you can avoid performance degradation by using a "locking" strategy like the ones described in this answer.
Basically you can test if the lockfile exists, and if so, put your program to sleep a certain amount of time, then try again.
If the program does not find the lockfile, it creates it, and delete the lockfile at the end of its execution.
Please note: in the below code, when the script fails to get the lock for a certain number of retries, it will exit (but this choice is really up to you).
The following code exemplifies the use of a file as a "lock" against parallel executions of the same script.
import time
import os
import sys
lockfilename = '.lock'
retries = 10
fail = True
for i in range(retries):
lock = open(lockfilename, 'r')
except Exception:
print('Got after {} retries'.format(i))
fail = False
lock = open(lockfilename, 'w')
if fail:
print("Cannot get the lock, exiting.")
# program execution...
# end of program execution
2) This would mean that different python instances share the same memory pool and I think it's not feasible.
More servers equals more availability
Hearsay tells me that one effective way to ensure consistent request times is to use multiple requests to a cluster. As I heard it the idea goes something like this.
The chance of a slow request
(Disclaimer I'm not much of a mathematician or statistician.)
If there is a 1% chance a request is going to take an abnormal amount of time to finish then one-in-a-hundred requests can be expected to be slow. If you as a client/consumer make two requests to a cluster instead of just one, the chance that both of them turn out to be slow would be more like 1/10000, and with three 1/1000000, et cetera. The downside is doubling your incoming requests means needing to provide (and pay for) as much as twice the server power to fulfill your requests with a consistent time, this additional cost scales with how much chance is acceptable for a slow request.
To my knowledge this concept is optimized for consistent fulfillment times.
The client
A client interfacing with a service like this has to be able to spawn multiple requests and handle them gracefully, probably including closing the unfulfilled connections as soon as it can.
The servers
On the backed there should be a load balancer that can associate multiple incoming client requests to multiple unique cluster workers. If a single client makes multiple requests to an overburdened node, its just going to compound its own request time like you see in your simple example.
In addition to having the client opportunistically close connections it would be best to have a system of sharing job fulfilled status/information so that backlogged request on other other slower-to-process nodes have a chance of aborting an already-fulfilled request.
This this a rather informal answer, I do not have direct experience with optimizing a service application in this manner. If someone does I encourage and welcome more detailed edits and expert implementation opinions.
Caching imports
yes that is a thing, and its awesome!
I would personally recommend setting up django+gunicorn+nginx. Nginx can cache static content and keep a request backlog, gunicorn provides application caching and multiple threads&worker management (not to mention awesome administration and statistic tools), django embeds best practices for database migrations, auth, request routing, as well as off-the-shelf plugins for providing semantic rest endpoints and documentation, all sorts of goodness.
If you really insist on building it from scratch yourself you should study uWsgi, a great Wsgi implementation that can be interfaced with gunicorn to provide application caching. Gunicorn isn't the only option either, Nicholas Piël has a Great write up comparing performance of various python web serving apps.
Here's what we have:
EC2 instance type is m3.large box which has only 2 vCPUs
We need to run a CPU- and memory-hungry script which takes over a second to execute when CPU is not busy
You're building an API than needs to handle concurrent requests and running apache
From the screenshot I can conclude that:
your CPUs are 100% utilized when 5 processes are run. Most likely they would be 100% utilized even when fewer processes are run. So this is the bottleneck and no surprise that the more processes are run the more time is required — you CPU resources just get shared among concurrently running scripts.
each script copy eats about ~300MB of RAM so you have lots of spare RAM and it's not a bottleneck. The amount of free + buffers memory on your screenshot confirms that.
The missing part is:
are requests directly sent to your apache server or there's a balancer/proxy in front of it?
why do you need PHP in your example? There are plently of solutions available using python ecosystem only without a php wrapper ahead of it
Answers to your questions:
That's infeasible in general case
The most you can do is to track your CPU usage and make sure its idle time doesn't drop below some empirical threshold — in this case your scripts would be run in more or less fixed amount of time.
To guarantee that you need to limit the number of requests being processed concurrently.
But if 100 requests are sent to your API concurrently you won't be able to handle them all in parallel! Only some of them will be handled in parallel while others waiting for their turn. But your server won't be knocked down trying to serve them all.
Yes and no
No because unlikely can you do something in your present architecture when a new script is launched on every request through a php wrapper. BTW it's a very expensive operation to run a new script from scratch each time.
Yes if a different solution is used. Here are the options:
use a python-aware pre-forking webserver which will handle your requests directly. You'll spare CPU resources on python startup + you might utilize some preloading technics to share RAM among workers, i.e You'd also need to limit the number of parallel workers to be run to adress your first requirement.
if you need PHP for some reason you might setup some intermediary between PHP script and python workers — i.e. a queue-like server.
Than simply run several instances of your python scripts which would wait for some request to be availble in the queue. Once it's available it would handle it and put the response back to the queue and php script would slurp it and return back to the client. But it's a more complex to build this that the first solution (if you can eliminate your PHP script of course) and more components would be involved.
reject the idea to handle such heavy requests concurrently, and instead assign each request a unique id, put the request into a queue and return this id to the client immediately. The request will be picked up by an offline handler and put back into the queue once it's finished. It will be client's responsibility to poll your API for readiness of this particular request
1st and 2nd combined — handle requests in PHP and request another HTTP server (or any other TCP server) handling your preloaded .py-scripts
The ec2 cloud does not guarantee 7.5gb of free memory on the server. This would mean that the VM performance is severely impacted like you are seeing where the server has less than 7.5gb of physical free ram. Try reducing the amount of memory the server thinks it has.
This form of parallel performance is very expensive. Typically with 300mb requirement, the ideal would be a script which is long running, and re-uses the memory for multiple requests. The Unix fork function allows a shared state to be re-used. The os.fork gives this in python, but may not be compatible with your libraries.
It might be because of the way computers are run.
Each program gets a slice of time on a computer (quote Help Your Kids With Computer Programming, say maybe 1/1000 of a second)
Answer 1: Try using multiple threads instead of parallel processes.
It'll be less time-consuming, but the program's time to execute still won't be completely constant.
Note: Each program has it's own slot of memory, so that is why memory consumption is shooting up.

How to show a 'processing' or 'in progress' view while pyramid is running a process?

I've got a simple pyramid app up and running, most of the views are a fairly thin wrapper around an sqlite database, with forms thrown in to edit/add some information.
A couple of times a month a new chunk of data will need to be added to this system (by csv import). The data is saved in an SQL table (the whole process right till commit takes about 4 seconds).
Every time a new chunk of data is uploaded, this triggers a recalculation of other tables in the database. The recalculation process takes a fairly long time (about 21-50 seconds for a month's worth of data).
Currently I just let the browser/client sit there waiting for the process to finish, but I do foresee the calculation process taking more and more time as the system gets more usage. From a UI perspective, this obviously looks like a hung process.
What can I do to indicate to the user that:-
That the long wait is normal/expected?
How MUCH longer they should have to wait (progress bar etc.)?
Note: I'm not asking about long-polling or websockets here, as this isn't really an interactive application and based on my basic knowledge websockets/async are overkill for my purposes.
I guess a follow-on question at this point, am I doing the wrong thing running processes in my view functions? Hardly seem to see that being done in examples/tutorials around the web. Am I supposed to be using celery or similar in this situation?
You're right, doing long calculations in a view function is generally frowned upon - I mean, if it's a typical website with random visitors who are able to hung a webserver thread for a minute then it's a recipe for a DoS vulnerability. But in some situations (internal website, few users, only admin has access to the "upload csv" form) you may get away with it. In fact, I used to have maintenance scripts which ran for hours :)
The trick here is to avoid browser timeouts - at the moment your client sends the data to the server and just sits there waiting for any reply, without any idea whether their request is being processed or not. Generally, at about 60 seconds the browser (or proxy, or frontend webserver) may become impatient and close the connection. Your server process will then get an error trying writing anything to the already closed connection and crash/raise an error.
To prevent this from happening the server needs to write something to the connection periodically, so the client sees that the server is alive and won't close the connection.
"Normal" Pyramid templates are buffered - i.e. the output is not sent to the client until the whole template to generated. Because of that you need to directly use response.app_iter / response.body_file and output some data there periodically.
As an example, you can duplicate the Todo List Application in One File example from Pyramid Cookbook and replace the new_view function with the following code (which itself has been borrowed from this question):
#view_config(route_name='new', request_method='GET', renderer='new.mako')
def new_view(request):
return {}
#view_config(route_name='new', request_method='POST')
def iter_test(request):
import time
if request.POST.get('name'):
'insert into tasks (name, closed) values (?, ?)',
[request.POST['name'], 0])
def test_iter():
i = 0
while True:
i += 1
if i == 5:
yield str('<p>Done! Click here to see the results</p>')
raise StopIteration
yield str('<p>working %s...</p>' % i)
print time.time()
return Response(app_iter=test_iter())
(of cource, this solution is not too fancy UI-wise, but you said you didn't want to mess with websockets and celery)
So is the long running process triggered by browser action? I.e., the user is uploading the CSV that gets processed and then the view is doing the processing right there? For short-ish running browser processes I've used a loading indicator via jQuery or javascript, basically popping a modal animated spinner or something while a process runs, then when it completes hiding the spinner.
But if you're getting into longer and longer processes I think you should really look at some sort of background processing that will offload it from the UI. It doesn't have to be a message based worker, but even something like the end user uploads the file and a "to be processed" entry gets set in a database. Then you could have a pyramid script scheduled periodically in the background polling the status table and running anything it finds. You can move your file processing that is in the view to a separate method, and that can be called from the command line script. Then when the processing is finished it can update the status table indicating it is finished and that feedback could be presented back to the user somewhere, and not blocking their UI the whole time.

how to write endless loop crawler in python?

I have a that crawls certain sites every 10 minutes and sends me some emails regarding these site. The crawler is ready and working locally.
How can I adjust it so that the following two things will happen :
It will run in endless loop on the hosting that I'll upload it to?
Sometimes I will be able to stop it ( e.g. for debugging).
At first, I thought of doing endless loop e.g.
while True:
sleep(10 minutes)
However, according to answers I got below, this would be impossible since hosting providers kill processes after a while (just for the question sake, let's assume proccesses are killed every 30 min). Therefore, my endless loop process would be killed at some point.
Therefore, I have thought pf a different solution:
Lets assume that my crawler is located at "\" and each time it is accessed, it executes the function run():
sleep(10 minutes)
call URL "\"
Thus, there will be no endless loop. In fact, every time my crawler runs, it would also access the URL which will execute the same crawler again. Therefore, there would be no endless loop, no process with a long-running time, and my crawler will continue operating forever.
Will my idea work?
Are there any hidden drawbacks I haven't thought of?
As you stated in the comments, you are running on a public shared server like GoDaddy and so on. Therefore cron is not available there and long running scripts are usually forbidden - your process would be killed even if you were using sleep.
Therefore, the only solution I see is to use an external server on which you have to control to connect to your public server and run the script, every 10 minutes. One solution could be using cron on your local machine to connect with wget or curl to a specific page on your host. **
Maybe you can find on-line services that allow running a script periodically, and use those, but I know none.
** Bonus: you can get the results directly as response without having to send yourself an email.
So, in your updated question you propose yo use your script to call itself with an HTTP request. I thought of it before, but I didn't consider it in my previous answer because I believe it won't work (in general).
My concern is: will the server kill a script if the HTTP connection requesting it is closed before the script terminates?
In other words: if you open and it takes 60 seconds to run, and you close the connection with the server after 10 seconds, will the script run till its regular end?
I thought that the answer was obviously "no, the script will be killed", therefore that method would be useless, because you should guarantee that a script calling itself via a HTTP request stays alive longer than the called script. I did a little experiment using flask, and it proved me wrong:
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello_world():
import time
print('Script started...')
print('5 seconds passed...')
print('Script finished')
return 'Script finished'
if __name__ == '__main__':
If I run this script and make an HTTP request to localhost:5000, and close the connection after 2 seconds, the scripts continues to run until the end and the messages are still printed.
Therefore, with flask, if you can do an asynchronous request to yourself, you should be able to have an "infinite loop" script.
I don't know the behavior on other servers, though. You should make a test.
Assuming your server allows you to do a GET request and have the script running even if the connection is closed, you have few things to take care of, for example that your script still has to run fast enough to complete during the maximum server time allowance, and that to make your script run every 10 minutes, with a maximum allowance of 1 minute, you have to count every time 10 calls.
In addition, this mechanism has to be controlled, because you cannot interrupt it for debug as you requested. At least, not directly.
Therefore, I suggest you to use files: use a file to split your crawling in smaller steps, each capable to finish in less than one minute, and then continue again when the script is called again.
Use a file to count how many times the script is called, before actually doing the crawling. This is necessary if, for example, the script is allowed to live 90 seconds, but you want to crawl every 10 hours.
Use a file to control the script: store a boolean flag that you use to stop the recursion mechanism if you need to.
If you're using Linux you should just do a cron job for your script. Info:
If you are running linux I would setup and upstart script to turn it into a service.
It offers a lot of advantages like:
-Starting at system boot
-Auto restart on crashes
-Manageable: service mycrawler restart
Or if you would prefer to have it run every 10 minutes forget about the endless loop and do a cronjob

Building an HTTP API for continuously running python process

TL;DR: I have a beautifully crafted, continuously running piece of Python code controlling and reading out a physics experiment. Now I want to add an HTTP API.
I have written a module which controls the hardware using USB. I can script several types of autonomously operating experiments, but I'd like to control my running experiment over the internet. I like the idea of an HTTP API, and have implemented a proof-of-concept using Flask's development server.
The experiment runs as a single process claiming the USB connection and periodically (every 16 ms) all data is read out. This process can write hardware settings and commands, and reads data and command responses.
I have a few problems choosing the 'correct' way to communicate with this process. It works if the HTTP server only has a single worker. Then, I can use python's multiprocessing.Pipe for communication. Using more-or-less low-level sockets (or things like zeromq) should work, even for request/response, but I have to implement some sort of protocol: send {'cmd': 'set_voltage', 'value': 900} instead of calling hardware.set_voltage(800) (which I can use in the stand-alone scripts). I can use some sort of RPC, but as far as I know they all (SimpleXMLRPCServer, Pyro) use some sort of event loop for the 'server', in this case the process running the experiment, to process requests. But I can't have an event loop waiting for incoming requests; it should be reading out my hardware! I googled around quite a bit, but however I try to rephrase my question, I end up with Celery as the answer, which mostly fires off one job after another, but isn't really about communicating with a long-running process.
I'm confused. I can get this to work, but I fear I'll be reinventing a few wheels. I just want to launch my app in the terminal, open a web browser from anywhere, and monitor and control my experiment.
Update: The following code is a basic example of using the module:
from pysparc.muonlab.muonlab_ii import MuonlabII
muonlab = MuonlabII()
lifetimes = []
while True:
data = muonlab.read_lifetime_data()
if data:
print "Muon decays detected with lifetimes", data
The module lives at
My current implementation of the HTTP API lives at
I'm pretty happy with the module (with lots of tests) but the HTTP API runs using Flask's single-threaded development server (which the documentation and the internet tells me is a bad idea) and passes dictionaries through a Pipe as some sort of IPC. I'd love to be able to do something like this in the above script:
while True:
data = muonlab.read_lifetime_data()
if data:
print "Muon decays detected with lifetimes", data
where process_remote_requests is a fairly short function to call the muonlab instance or return data. Then, in my Flask views, I'd have something like:
muonlab = RemoteMuonlab()
#app.route('/pmt1_voltage', methods=['GET', 'PUT'])
def get_data():
if request.method == 'PUT':
voltage = request.form['voltage']
voltage = muonlab.get_pmt1_voltage()
return jsonify(voltage=voltage)
Getting the measurement data from the app is perhaps less of a problem, since I could store that in SQLite or something else that handles concurrent access.
But... you do have an IO loop; it runs every 16ms.
You can use BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer in such a case; just set the timeout attribute to something small. bascially...
class XmlRPCApi:
def do_something(self):
print "doing something"
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000))
server.timeout = 0
while True:
Edit: python has a built in server, also built on BaseHTTPServer, capable of serving a flask app. since flask.Flask() happens to be a wsgi compliant application, your process_remote_requests() should look like this:
import wsgiref.simple_server
remote_server = wsgire.simple_server('localhost', 8000, app)
# app here is just your Flask() application!
# as before, set timeout to zero so that you can go right back
# to your event loop if there are no requests to handle
remote_server.timeout = 0
def process_remote_requests():
This works well enough if you have only short running requests; but if you need to handle requests that may possibly take longer than your event loop's normal polling interval, or if you need to handle more requests than you have polls per unit of time, then you can't use this approach, exactly.
You don't necessarily need to fork off another process, though, You can potentially get by using a pool of workers in another thread. roughly:
import threading
import wsgiref.simple_server
remote_server = wsgire.simple_server('localhost', 8000, app)
POOL_SIZE = 10 # or some other value.
pool = [threading.Thread(target=remote_server.serve_forever) for dummy in xrange(POOL_SIZE)]
for thread in pool:
thread.daemon = True
while True:
pass # normal experiment processing here; don't handle requests in this thread.
However; this approach has one major shortcoming, you now have to deal with concurrency! It's not safe to manipulate your program state as freely as you could with the above loop, since you might be, concurrently manipulating that same state in the main thread (or another http server thread). It's up to you to know when this is valid, wrapping each resource with some sort of mutex lock or whatever is appropriate.

Creating a processing queue in python

I have an email account set up that triggers a python script whenever it receives an email. The script goes through several functions which can take about 30 seconds and writes an entry into a MYSQL database.
Everything runs smoothly until a second email is sent in less than 30 seconds after the first. The second email is processed correctly, but the first email creates a corrupted entry into the database.
I'm looking to hold the email data,
in a queue if the script has not finished processing the prior email.
I'm using python 2.5.
Can anyone recommend a package/script that would accomplish this?
I find this a simple way to avoid running a cronjob while the previous cronjob is still running.
fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
This will raise an IOError that I then handle by having the process kill itself.
See for more info.
Anyways you can easily use the same idea to only allow a single job to run at a time, which really isn't the same as a queue (since any process waiting could potentially acquire the lock), but it achieves what you want.
import fcntl
import time
fd = open('lock_file', 'w')
fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
# optionally write pid to another file so you have an indicator
# of the currently running process
print 'Hello'
You could also just use, which does exactly what you want.
While Celery is a very fine piece of software, using it in this scenario is akin to driving in a nail with a sledgehammer. At a conceptual level, you are looking for a job queue (which is what celery provides) but the e-mail inbox you are using to trigger the script is also a capable job-queue.
The more direct solution is to have the Python worker script poll the mail server itself (using the built in poplib for example) retrieve all new mail every few seconds, then process any new e-mails one at a time. This will serialize the work your script is doing, thereby preventing two copies from running at once.
For example, you would wrap your existing script in a function like this (from the documentation linked above):
import getpass, poplib
from time import sleep
M = poplib.POP3('localhost')
while True:
numMessages = len(M.list()[1])
for i in range(numMessages):
email = '\n'.join(M.retr(i+1)[1])
# This is what your script normally does:
edit: grammar
I would look into
I'm fairly certain that will meet your needs exactly.

