How to avoid computation every time a python module is reloaded - python

I have a python module that makes use of a huge dictionary global variable, currently I put the computation code in the top section, every first time import or reload of the module takes more then one minute which is totally unacceptable. How can I save the computation result somewhere so that the next import/reload doesn't have to compute it? I tried cPickle, but loading the dictionary variable from a file(1.3M) takes approximately the same time as computation.
To give more information about my problem,
FD = FreqDist(word for word in brown.words()) # this line of code takes 1 min

Just to clarify: the code in the body of a module is not executed every time the module is imported - it is run only once, after which future imports find the already created module, rather than recreating it. Take a look at sys.modules to see the list of cached modules.
However, if your problem is the time it takes for the first import after the program is run, you'll probably need to use some other method than a python dict. Probably best would be to use an on-disk form, for instance a sqlite database, one of the dbm modules.
For a minimal change in your interface, the shelve module may be your best option - this puts a pretty transparent interface between the dbm modules that makes them act like an arbitrary python dict, allowing any picklable value to be stored. Here's an example:
# Create dict with a million items:
import shelve
d ='path/to/my_persistant_dict')
d.update(('key%d' % x, x) for x in xrange(1000000))
Then in the next process, use it. There should be no large delay, as lookups are only performed for the key requested on the on-disk form, so everything doesn't have to get loaded into memory:
>>> d ='path/to/my_persistant_dict')
>>> print d['key99999']
It's a bit slower than a real dict, and it will still take a long time to load if you do something that requires all the keys (eg. try to print it), but may solve your problem.

Calculate your global var on the first use.
class Proxy:
def global_name(self):
# calculate your global var here, enable cache if needed
_proxy_object = Proxy()
GLOBAL_NAME = _proxy_object.global_name
Or better yet, access necessery data via special data object.
class Data:
GLOBAL_NAME = property(...)
data = Data()
from some_module import data
See Django settings.

I assume you've pasted the dict literal into the source, and that's what's taking a minute? I don't know how to get around that, but you could probably avoid instantiating this dict upon import... You could lazily-instantiate it the first time it's actually used.

You could try using the marshal module instead of the c?Pickle one; it could be faster. This module is used by python to store values in a binary format. Note especially the following paragraph, to see if marshal fits your needs:
Not all Python object types are supported; in general, only objects whose value is independent from a particular invocation of Python can be written and read by this module. The following types are supported: None, integers, long integers, floating point numbers, strings, Unicode objects, tuples, lists, sets, dictionaries, and code objects, where it should be understood that tuples, lists and dictionaries are only supported as long as the values contained therein are themselves supported; and recursive lists and dictionaries should not be written (they will cause infinite loops).
Just to be on the safe side, before unmarshalling the dict, make sure that the Python version that unmarshals the dict is the same as the one that did the marshal, since there are no guarantees for backwards compatibility.

If the 'shelve' solution turns out to be too slow or fiddly, there are other possibilities:

shelve gets really slow with large data sets. I've been using redis quite successfully, and wrote a FreqDist wrapper around it. It's very fast, and can be accessed concurrently.

You can use a shelve to store your data on disc instead of loading the whole data into memory. So startup time will be very fast, but the trade-off will be slower access time.
Shelve will pickle the dict values too, but will do the (un)pickle not at startup for all the items, but only at access time for each item itself.

A couple of things that will help speed up imports:
You might try running python using the -OO flag when running python. This will do some optimizations that will reduce import time of modules.
Is there any reason why you couldn't break the dictionary up into smaller dictionaries in separate modules that can be loaded more quickly?
As a last resort, you could do the calculations asynchronously so that they won't delay your program until it needs the results. Or maybe even put the dictionary in a separate process and pass data back and forth using IPC if you want to take advantage of multi-core architectures.
With that said, I agree that you shouldn't be experiencing any delay in importing modules after the first time you import it. Here are a couple of other general thoughts:
Are you importing the module within a function? If so, this can lead to performance problems since it has to check and see if the module is loaded every time it hits the import statement.
Is your program multi-threaded? I have seen occassions where executing code upon module import in a multi-threaded app can cause some wonkiness and application instability (most notably with the cgitb module).
If this is a global variable, be aware that global variable lookup times can be significantly longer than local variable lookup times. In this case, you can achieve a significant performance improvement by binding the dictionary to a local variable if you're using it multiple times in the same context.
With that said, it's a tad bit difficult to give you any specific advice without a little bit more context. More specifically, where are you importing it? And what are the computations?

Factor the computationally intensive part into a separate module. Then at least on reload, you won't have to wait.
Try dumping the data structure using protocol 2. The command to try would be cPickle.dump(FD, protocol=2). From the docstring for cPickle.Pickler:
Protocol 0 is the
only protocol that can be written to a file opened in text
mode and read back successfully. When using a protocol higher
than 0, make sure the file is opened in binary mode, both when
pickling and unpickling.

I'm going through this same issue...
shelve, databases, etc... are all too slow for this type of problem. You'll need to take the hit once, insert it into an inmemory key/val store like Redis. It will just live there in memory (warning it could use up a good amount of memory so you may want a dedicated box). You'll never have to reload it and you'll just get looking in memory for keys
r = Redis()
r.set(key, word)
word = r.get(key)

Expanding on the delayed-calculation idea, why not turn the dict into a class that supplies (and caches) elements as necessary?
You might also use psyco to speed up overall execution...

OR you could just use a database for storing the values in? Check out SQLObject, which makes it very easy to store stuff to a database.

There's another pretty obvious solution for this problem. When code is reloaded the original scope is still available.
So... doing something like this will make sure this code is executed only once.
except NameError:
FD = FreqDist(word for word in brown.words())


Benchmarking retrieval from redis vs memory in python (using timeit)

I have a list of numbers. This list is stored in two ways: either as an in-memory python object, or as a redis list (redis set up in the same server).
I'm comparing the time it takes to retrieve these two lists, using python's timeit. Here's what I do in the python shell:
import timeit
import redis
POOL = redis.ConnectionPool(host='',port=6379,db=0)
my_server = redis.Redis(connection_pool=POOL)
print min(timeit.Timer('pylist1 = my_server.lrange("nums:5",0,-1)', setup='from __main__ import my_server').repeat(7,1000))
This gives me a time of 1.92341279984.
Next, I time the in-memory python object like so:
pylist = my_server.lrange("nums:5",0,-1)
print min(timeit.Timer('pylist2 = pylist',setup='from __main__ import pylist').repeat(7,1000))
This gives me a time of 4.29153442383e-05. I.e. it seems to be ~45K times faster than retrieving the same list from redis.
My question is this: is my comparison approach correct? I.e., am I accurately simulating retrieval from redis vs retrieval from memory? This is a huge performance boost for the use case I have in mind, but before I implement this, just want to be sure I didn't fudge the benchmarking.
In the comparison you've put up here, you're basically just measuring how long Python takes to bind a new name to a value in the second case. So it doesn't surprise me that this is vastly faster than communicating with a different process (Redis). I guess what surprises me is that you would consider getting a value from Redis if the option exists simply to keep it in memory.
So, you need to be more clear about why you are using Redis for this in the first place. It will always be slower than in-process memory, no benchmark needed for that. You need to ask "why am I not just using Python lists and dictionaries"? There are several valid answers: your data is too large to fit into memory, you require the cache-specific features like allowing values to disappear after a while, or you want to use it for IPC, or persistence. Once you know the answer here, that will inform the benchmarking you want to do. And the question will be more like "How do I obtain the benefits/features I have listed above for the least performance penalty". Redis may not be the only answer. You may consider shelf for persistence, or perhaps even a full-on relational database or Mongo or whatever.
In short, once you have a good idea of why, the how often solves itself.

Persistent in-memory Python object for nginx/uwsgi server

I doubt this is even possible, but here is the problem and proposed solution (the feasibility of the proposed solution is the object of this question):
I have some "global data" that needs to be available for all requests. I'm persisting this data to Riak and using Redis as a caching layer for access speed (for now...). The data is split into about 30 logical chunks, each about 8 KB.
Each request is required to read 4 of these 8KB chunks, resulting in 32KB of data read in from Redis or Riak. This is in ADDITION to any request-specific data which would also need to be read (which is quite a bit).
Assuming even 3000 requests per second (this isn't a live server so I don't have real numbers, but 3000ps is a reasonable assumption, could be more), this means 96KBps of transfer from Redis or Riak in ADDITION to the already not-insignificant other calls being made from the application logic. Also, Python is parsing the JSON of these 8KB objects 3000 times every second.
All of this - especially Python having to repeatedly deserialize the data - seems like an utter waste, and a perfectly elegant solution would be to just have the deserialized data cached in an in-memory native object in Python, which I can refresh periodically as and when all this "static" data becomes stale. Once in a few minutes (or hours), instead of 3000 times per second.
But I don't know if this is even possible. You'd realistically need an "always running" application for it to cache any data in its memory. And I know this is not the case in the nginx+uwsgi+python combination (versus something like node) - python in-memory data will NOT be persisted across all requests to my knowledge, unless I'm terribly mistaken.
Unfortunately this is a system I have "inherited" and therefore can't make too many changes in terms of the base technology, nor am I knowledgeable enough of how the nginx+uwsgi+python combination works in terms of starting up Python processes and persisting Python in-memory data - which means I COULD be terribly mistaken with my assumption above!
So, direct advice on whether this solution would work + references to material that could help me understand how the nginx+uwsgi+python would work in terms of starting new processes and memory allocation, would help greatly.
Have gone through some of the documentation for nginx, uwsgi etc but haven't fully understood the ramifications per my use-case yet. Hope to make some progress on that going forward now
If the in-memory thing COULD work out, I would chuck Redis, since I'm caching ONLY the static data I mentioned above, in it. This makes an in-process persistent in-memory Python cache even more attractive for me, reducing one moving part in the system and at least FOUR network round-trips per request.
What you're suggesting isn't directly feasible. Since new processes can be spun up and down outside of your control, there's no way to keep native Python data in memory.
However, there are a few ways around this.
Often, one level of key-value storage is all you need. And sometimes, having fixed-size buffers for values (which you can use directly as str/bytes/bytearray objects; anything else you need to struct in there or otherwise serialize) is all you need. In that case, uWSGI's built-in caching framework will take care of everything you need.
If you need more precise control, you can look at how the cache is implemented on top of SharedArea and do something customize. However, I wouldn't recommend that. It basically gives you the same kind of API you get with a file, and the only real advantages over just using a file are that the server will manage the file's lifetime; it works in all uWSGI-supported languages, even those that don't allow files; and it makes it easier to migrate your custom cache to a distributed (multi-computer) cache if you later need to. I don't think any of those are relevant to you.
Another way to get flat key-value storage, but without the fixed-size buffers, is with Python's stdlib anydbm. The key-value lookup is as pythonic as it gets: it looks just like a dict, except that it's backed up to an on-disk BDB (or similar) database, cached as appropriate in memory, instead of being stored in an in-memory hash table.
If you need to handle a few other simple types—anything that's blazingly fast to un/pickle, like ints—you may want to consider shelve.
If your structure is rigid enough, you can use key-value database for the top level, but access the values through a ctypes.Structure, or de/serialize with struct. But usually, if you can do that, you can also eliminate the top level, at which point your whole thing is just one big Structure or Array.
At that point, you can just use a plain file for storage—either mmap it (for ctypes), or just open and read it (for struct).
Or use multiprocessing's Shared ctypes Objects to access your Structure directly out of a shared memory area.
Meanwhile, if you don't actually need all of the cache data all the time, just bits and pieces every once in a while, that's exactly what databases are for. Again, anydbm, etc. may be all you need, but if you've got complex structure, draw up an ER diagram, turn it into a set of tables, and use something like MySQL.
"python in-memory data will NOT be persisted across all requests to my knowledge, unless I'm terribly mistaken."
you are mistaken.
the whole point of using uwsgi over, say, the CGI mechanism is to persist data across threads and save the overhead of initialization for each call. you must set processes = 1 in your .ini file, or, depending on how uwsgi is configured, it might launch more than 1 worker process on your behalf. log the env and look for 'wsgi.multiprocess': False and 'wsgi.multithread': True, and all uwsgi.core threads for the single worker should show the same data.
you can also see how many worker processes, and "core" threads under each, you have by using the built-in stats-server.
that's why uwsgi provides lock and unlock functions for manipulating data stores by multiple threads.
you can easily test this by adding a /status route in your app that just dumps a json representation of your global data object, and view it every so often after actions that update the store.
You said nothing about writing this data back, is it static? In this case, the solution is every simple, and I have no clue what is up with all the "it's not feasible" responses.
Uwsgi workers are always-running applications. So data absolutely gets persisted between requests. All you need to do is store stuff in a global variable, that is it. And remember it's per-worker, and workers do restart from time to time, so you need proper loading/invalidation strategies.
If the data is updated very rarely (rarely enough to restart the server when it does), you can save even more. Just create the objects during app construction. This way, they will be created exactly once, and then all the workers will fork off the master, and reuse the same data. Of course, it's copy-on-write, so if you update it, you will lose the memory benefits (same thing will happen if python decides to compact its memory during a gc run, so it's not super predictable).
I have never actually tried it myself, but could you possibly use uWSGI's SharedArea to accomplish what you're after?

What is a good on-disk "set" implementation for Python?

I'm working on a program in Python that needs to store a persistent "set" data structure containing many fixed-size hash values (SHA256, but that's not important). The critical operations are insert and lookup. Delete is not needed for regular operation. The set will grow over time and eventually may not all fit in memory.
I have considered:
a set stored on disk using pickle (slow [several seconds] to write new file to disk, eventually won't fit in memory)
a SQLite database (additional dependency not available by default)
custom disk-based balanced tree structure, such as B-tree or similar
Ideally, there would be a built-in Python module that provides something that can support these operations. What's a good option here?
After I composed this I found Fast disk-based hashtables? which has some good ideas. I like the mmap/bucket accepted answer there.
(This is for a rewrite of shaback if you're curious.)
Another option is to use shelve, i know it's the same as pickle (under the hood) but i think it's a good option (that i didn't see in your list of options :-)) or maybe if you don't mind using a third party lib you can take a look at shove (it's like a shelve++).
I think this is what databases like sqlite are made for. Is there a reason you can't use it?
You could use a DBM style database. I'm doing a similar thing with dbm, just storing all the keys with a value of '1'. Since it's BSD, the dbhash module should work. (it's deprecated, so no Python 3; and not a great idea for long-term use because of that). Otherwise, use the modules gdbm (dbm.gdbm in Python 3) and ndbm(dbm.dbm in Python 3). There's also the module dumbdbm(dbm.dumbdbm in Python 3) which is pure python and always works, but a bit slower. Also, if you are going to have multiple simultaneous reads and writes, definitely do not use the dumbdbm module.
The various dbm modules all work just like a python dictionary, except the keys and the values need to be strings. You can use the "in" keyword just like you would for a set, or a dict.
Dbm and setting the second value as an arbitrary value of 1 as Brian Minton suggested is a convenient solution. cPickle is good too
However, You should also consider using json. Check google but AFAIK, it seems that the json parser is faster than Pickle/cPickle. (e.g.,

Keeping in-memory data in sync with a file for long running Python script

I have a Python (2.7) script that acts as a server and it will therefore run for very long periods of time. This script has a bunch of values to keep track of which can change at any time based on client input.
What I'm ideally after is something that can keep a Python data structure (with values of types dict, list, unicode, int and float – JSON, basically) in memory, letting me update it however I want (except referencing any of the reference type instances more than once) while also keeping this data up-to-date in a human-readable file, so that even if the power plug was pulled, the server could just start up and continue with the same data.
I know I'm basically talking about a database, but the data I'm keeping will be very simple and probably less than 1 kB most of the time, so I'm looking for the simplest solution possible that can provide me with the described data integrity. Are there any good Python (2.7) libraries that let me do something like this?
Well, since you know we're basically talking about a database, albeit a very simple one, you probably won't be surprised that I suggest you have a look at the sqlite3 module.
I agree that you don't need a fully blown database, as it seems that all you want is atomic file writes. You need to solve this problem in two parts, serialisation/deserialisation, and the atomic writing.
For the first section, json, or pickle are probably suitable formats for you. JSON has the advantage of being human readable. It doesn't seem as though this the primary problem you are facing though.
Once you have serialised your object to a string, use the following procedure to write a file to disk atomically, assuming a single concurrent writer (at least on POSIX, see below):
import os, platform
backup_filename = "output.back.json"
filename = "output.json"
serialised_str = json.dumps(...)
with open(backup_filename, 'wb') as f:
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
os.rename(backup_filename, filename)
While os.rename is will overwrite an existing file and is atomic on POSIX, this is sadly not the case on Windows. On Windows, there is the possibility that os.unlink will succeed but os.rename will fail, meaning that you have only backup_filename and no filename. If you are targeting Windows, you will need to consider this possibility when you are checking for the existence of filename.
If there is a possibility of more than one concurrent writer, you will have to consider a synchronisation construct.
Any reason for the human readable requirement?
I would suggest looking at sqlite for a simple database solution, or at pickle for a simple way to serialise objects and write them to disk. Neither is particularly human readable though.
Other options are JSON, or XML as you hinted at - use the built in json module to serialize the objects then write that to disk. When you start up, check for the presence of that file and load the data if required.
From the docs:
>>> import json
>>> print json.dumps({'4': 5, '6': 7}, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
"4": 5,
"6": 7
Since you mentioned your data is small, I'd go with a simple solution and use the pickle module, which lets you dump a python object into a line very easily.
Then you just set up a Thread that saves your object to a file in defined time intervals.
Not a "libraried" solution, but - if I understand your requirements - simple enough for you not to really need one.
EDIT: you mentioned you wanted to cover the case that a problem occurs during the write itself, effectively making it an atomic transaction. In this case, the traditional way to go is using "Log-based recovery". It is essentially writing a record to a log file saying that "write transaction started" and then writing "write transaction comitted" when you're done. If a "started" has no corresponding "commit", then you rollback.
In this case, I agree that you might be better off with a simple database like SQLite. It might be a slight overkill, but on the other hand, implementing atomicity yourself might be reinventing the wheel a little (and I didn't find any obvious libraries that do it for you).
If you do decide to go the crafty way, this topic is covered on the Process Synchronization chapter of Silberschatz's Operating Systems book, under the section "atomic transactions".
A very simple (though maybe not "transactionally perfect") alternative would be just to record to a new file every time, so that if one corrupts you have a history. You can even add a checksum to each file to automatically determine if it's broken.
You are asking how to implement a database which provides ACID guarantees, but you haven't provided a good reason why you can't use one off-the-shelf. SQLite is perfect for this sort of thing and gives you those guarantees.
However, there is KirbyBase. I've never used it and I don't think it makes ACID guarantees, but it does have some of the characteristics you're looking for.

Python - Things I shouldn't be doing?

I've got a few questions about best practices in Python. Not too long ago I would do something like this with my code:
junk_block = "".join(open("foo.txt","rb").read().split())
I don't do this anymore because I can see that it makes code harder to read, but would the code run slower if I split the statements up like so:
f_obj = open("foo.txt", "rb")
f_data =
f_data_list = f_data.split()
junk_block = "".join(f_data_list)
I also noticed that there's nothing keeping you from doing an 'import' within a function block, is there any reason why I should do that?
As long as you're inside a function (not at module top level), assigning intermediate results to local barenames has an essentially-negligible cost (at module top level, assigning to the "local" barenames implies churning on a dict -- the module's __dict__ -- and is measurably costlier than it would be within a function; the remedy is never to have "substantial" code at module top level... always stash substantial code within a function!-).
Python's general philosophy includes "flat is better than nested" -- and that includes highly "nested" expressions. Looking at your original example...:
junk_block = "".join(open("foo.txt","rb").read().split())
presents another important issues: when is that file getting closed? In CPython today, you need not worry -- reference counting in practice does ensure timely closure. But most other Python implementations (Jython on the JVM, IronPython on .NET, PyPy on all sorts of backends, pynie on Parrot, Unladen Swallow on LLVM if and when it matures per its published roadmap, ...) do not guarantee the use of reference counting -- many garbage collection strategies may be involved, with all sort of other advantages.
Without any guarantee of reference counting (and even in CPython it's always been deemed an implementation artifact, not part of the language semantics!), you might be exhausting resources, by executing such "open but no close" code in a tight loop -- garbage collection is triggered by scarcity of memory, and does not consider other limited resources such as file descriptors. Since 2.6 (and 2.5, with an "import from the future"), Python has a great solution via the RAII ("resource acquisition is initialization") approach supported by the with statement:
with open("foo.txt","rb") as f:
junk_block = "".join(
is the least-"unnested" way that will ensure timely closure of the file across all compliant versions of Python. The stronger semantics make it preferable.
Beyond ensuring the correct, and prudent;-), semantics, there's not that much to choose between nested and flattened versions of an expression such as this. Given the task "remove all runs of whitespace from the file's contents", I would be tempted to benchmark alternative approaches based on re and on the .translate method of strings (the latter, esp. in Python 2.*, is often the fastest way to delete all characters from a certain set!), before settling on the "split and rejoin" approach if it proves to be faster -- but that's really a rather different issue;-).
First of all, there's not really a reason you shouldn't use the first example - it'd quite readable in that it's concise about what it does. No reason to break it up since it's just a linear combination of calls.
Second, import within a function block is useful if there's a particular library function that you only need within that function - since the scope of an imported symbol is only the block within which it is imported, if you only ever use something once, you can just import it where you need it and not have to worry about name conflicts in other functions. This is especially handy with from X import Y statements, since Y won't be qualified by its containing module name and thus might conflict with a similarly named function in a different module being used elsewhere.
from PEP 8 (which is worth reading anyway)
Imports are always put at the top of the file, just after any module comments and docstrings, and before module globals and constants
That line has the same result as this:
junk_block = open("foo.txt","rb").read().replace(' ', '')
In your example you are splitting the words of the text into a list of words, and then you are joining them back together with no spaces. The above example instead uses the str.replace() method.
The differences:
Yours builds a file object into memory, builds a string into memory by reading it, builds a list into memory by splitting the string, builds a new string by joining the list.
Mine builds a file object into memory, builds a string into memory by reading it, builds a new string into memory by replacing spaces.
You can see a bit less RAM is used in the new variation but more processor is used. RAM is more valuable in some cases and so memory waste is frowned upon when it can be avoided.
Most of the memory will be garbage collected immediately but multiple users at the same time will hog RAM.
If you want to know if your second code fragment is slower, the quick way to find out would be to just use timeit. I wouldn't expect there to be that much difference though, since they seem pretty equivalent.
You should also ask if a performance difference actually matters in the code in question. Often readability is of more value than performance.
I can't think of any good reasons for importing a module in a function, but sometimes you just don't know you'll need to do something until you see the problem. I'll have to leave it to others to point out a constructive example of that, if it exists.
I think the two codes are readable. I (and that's just a question of personal style) will probably use the first, adding a coment line, something like: "Open the file and convert the data inside into a list"
Also, there are times when I use the second, maybe not so separated, but something like
f_data = open("foo.txt", "rb").read()
f_data_list = f_data.split()
junk_block = "".join(f_data_list)
But then I'm giving more entity to each operation, which could be important in the flow of the code. I think it's important you are confortable and don't think that the code is difficult to understand in the future.
Definitly, the code will not be (at least, much) slower, as the only "overload" you're making is to asing the results to values.

