Python has several ways to parse XML...
I understand the very basics of parsing with SAX. It functions as a stream parser, with an event-driven API.
I understand the DOM parser also. It reads the XML into memory and converts it to objects that can be accessed with Python.
Generally speaking, it was easy to choose between the two depending on what you needed to do, memory constraints, performance, etc.
(Hopefully I'm correct so far.)
Since Python 2.5, we also have ElementTree. How does this compare to DOM and SAX? Which is it more similar to? Why is it better than the previous parsers?
ElementTree is much easier to use, because it represents an XML tree (basically) as a structure of lists, and attributes are represented as dictionaries.
ElementTree needs much less memory for XML trees than DOM (and thus is faster), and the parsing overhead via iterparse is comparable to SAX. Additionally, iterparse returns partial structures, and you can keep memory usage constant during parsing by discarding the structures as soon as you process them.
ElementTree, as in Python 2.5, has only a small feature set compared to full-blown XML libraries, but it's enough for many applications. If you need a validating parser or complete XPath support, lxml is the way to go. For a long time, it used to be quite unstable, but I haven't had any problems with it since 2.1.
ElementTree deviates from DOM, where nodes have access to their parent and siblings. Handling actual documents rather than data stores is also a bit cumbersome, because text nodes aren't treated as actual nodes. In the XML snippet
<a>This is <b>a</b> test</a>
The string test will be the so-called tail of element b.
In general, I recommend ElementTree as the default for all XML processing with Python, and DOM or SAX as the solutions for specific problems.
Minimal DOM implementation:
Python supplies a full, W3C-standard implementation of XML DOM (xml.dom) and a minimal one, xml.dom.minidom. This latter one is simpler and smaller than the full implementation. However, from a "parsing perspective", it has all the pros and cons of the standard DOM - i.e. it loads everything in memory.
Considering a basic XML file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<book isdn="xxx-1">
<book isdn="xxx-2">
A possible Python parser using minidom is:
import os
from xml.dom import minidom
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
#-------- Select the XML file: --------#
#Current file name and directory:
curpath = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__) )
filename = os.path.join(curpath, "sample.xml")
#print "Filename: %s" % (filename)
#-------- Parse the XML file: --------#
#Parse the given XML file:
xmldoc = minidom.parse(filepath)
except ExpatError as e:
print "[XML] Error (line %d): %d" % (e.lineno, e.code)
print "[XML] Offset: %d" % (e.offset)
raise e
except IOError as e:
print "[IO] I/O Error %d: %s" % (e.errno, e.strerror)
raise e
catalog = xmldoc.documentElement
books = catalog.getElementsByTagName("book")
for book in books:
print book.getAttribute('isdn')
print book.getElementsByTagName('author')[0]
print book.getElementsByTagName('title')[0]
Note that xml.parsers.expat is a Python interface to the Expat non-validating XML parser (
The xml.dom package supplies also the exception class DOMException, but it is not supperted in minidom!
The ElementTree XML API:
ElementTree is much easier to use and it requires less memory than XML DOM. Furthermore, a C implementation is available (xml.etree.cElementTree).
A possible Python parser using ElementTree is:
import os
from xml.etree import cElementTree # C implementation of xml.etree.ElementTree
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError # XML formatting errors
#-------- Select the XML file: --------#
#Current file name and directory:
curpath = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__) )
filename = os.path.join(curpath, "sample.xml")
#print "Filename: %s" % (filename)
#-------- Parse the XML file: --------#
#Parse the given XML file:
tree = cElementTree.parse(filename)
except ExpatError as e:
print "[XML] Error (line %d): %d" % (e.lineno, e.code)
print "[XML] Offset: %d" % (e.offset)
raise e
except IOError as e:
print "[XML] I/O Error %d: %s" % (e.errno, e.strerror)
raise e
catalogue = tree.getroot()
for book in catalogue:
print book.attrib.get("isdn")
print book.find('author').text
print book.find('title').text
ElementTree has more pythonic API. It also is in the standard library now so using it reduces dependencies.
I actually prefer lxml as it has API like ElementTree, but has also nice additional features and performs well.
ElementTree's parse() is like DOM, whereas iterparse() is like SAX. In my opinion, ElementTree is better than DOM and SAX in that it provides API easier to work with.
I'm using minidom from xml.dom to parse an xml document. I make some changes to it and then re-export it back to a new xml file. This file is generated by a program as an export and I use the changed document as an import. Upon importing, the program tells me that there are missing CDATA nodes and that it cannot import.
I simplified my code to test the process:
from xml.dom import minidom
filename = 'Test.xml'
dom = minidom.parse(filename)
with open( filename.replace('.xml','_Generated.xml'), mode='w', encoding='utf8' ) as fh:
Using this for the Test.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
This is what the Text_Generated.xml file is:
<?xml version="1.0" ?><body>
A simple solution is to first open the document and change all the empty CDATA nodes to include some value before parsing then removing the value from the new file after generation but this seems like unnecessary work and time for execution as some of these documents include tens of thousands of lines.
I partially debugged the issue down to the and it's parser. The parser is installed with custom callbacks. The callback that handles the data from the CDATA nodes is the character_data_handler_cdata method. The data that is supplied to this method is already missing after parsing.
Anyone know what is going on with this?
Unfortunately the XML specification is not 100% explicit about what counts as significant information in a document and what counts as noise. But there's a fairly wide consensus that CDATA tags serve no purpose other than to delimit text that hasn't been escaped: so % and % and % and <!CDATA[%]]> are different ways of writing the same content, and whichever of these you use in your input, the XML parser will produce the same output. On that assumption, an empty <!CDATA[]]> represents "no content" and a parser will remove it.
If your document design attaches signficance to CDATA tags then it's out of line with usual practice followed by most XML tooling, and it would be a good idea to revise the design to use element tags instead.
Having said that, many XML parsers do have an option to report CDATA tags to the application, so you may be able to find a way around this, but it's still not a good design choice.
I want to use the method of findall to locate some elements of the source xml file in the ElementTree module.
However, the source xml file (test.xml) has namespaces. I truncate part of xml file as sample:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<XML_HEADER xmlns="">
<DATE>9/26/2012 10:30:34 AM</DATE>
The sample python code is below:
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse(r"test.xml")
el1 = tree.findall("DEAL_LEVEL/PAID_OFF") # Return None
el2 = tree.findall("{}DEAL_LEVEL/{}PAID_OFF") # Return <Element '{}DEAL_LEVEL/PAID_OFF' at 0xb78b90>
Though using "{}" works, it's very inconvenient to add a namespace in front of each tag.
How can I ignore the namespace when using functions like find, findall, ...?
Instead of modifying the XML document itself, it's best to parse it and then modify the tags in the result. This way you can handle multiple namespaces and namespace aliases:
from io import StringIO # for Python 2 import from StringIO instead
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
# instead of ET.fromstring(xml)
it = ET.iterparse(StringIO(xml))
for _, el in it:
_, _, el.tag = el.tag.rpartition('}') # strip ns
root = it.root
This is based on the discussion here.
If you remove the xmlns attribute from the xml before parsing it then there won't be a namespace prepended to each tag in the tree.
import re
xmlstring = re.sub(' xmlns="[^"]+"', '', xmlstring, count=1)
The answers so far explicitely put the namespace value in the script. For a more generic solution, I would rather extract the namespace from the xml:
import re
def get_namespace(element):
m = re.match('\{.*\}', element.tag)
return if m else ''
And use it in find method:
namespace = get_namespace(tree.getroot())
print tree.find('./{0}parent/{0}version'.format(namespace)).text
Here's an extension to #nonagon answer (which removes namespace from tags) to also remove namespace from attributes:
import io
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
# instead of ET.fromstring(xml)
it = ET.iterparse(io.StringIO(xml))
for _, el in it:
if '}' in el.tag:
el.tag = el.tag.split('}', 1)[1] # strip all namespaces
for at in list(el.attrib.keys()): # strip namespaces of attributes too
if '}' in at:
newat = at.split('}', 1)[1]
el.attrib[newat] = el.attrib[at]
del el.attrib[at]
root = it.root
Obviously this is a permanent defacing of the XML but if that's acceptable because there are no non-unique tag names and because you won't be writing the file needing the original namespaces then this can make accessing it a lot easier
Improving on the answer by ericspod:
Instead of changing the parse mode globally we can wrap this in an object supporting the with construct.
from xml.parsers import expat
class DisableXmlNamespaces:
def __enter__(self):
self.old_parser_create = expat.ParserCreate
expat.ParserCreate = lambda encoding, sep: self.old_parser_create(encoding, None)
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
expat.ParserCreate = self.oldcreate
This can then be used as follows
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
with DisableXmlNamespaces():
tree = ET.parse("test.xml")
The beauty of this way is that it does not change any behaviour for unrelated code outside the with block. I ended up creating this after getting errors in unrelated libraries after using the version by ericspod which also happened to use expat.
You can use the elegant string formatting construct as well:
el2 = tree.findall("{%s}DEAL_LEVEL/{%s}PAID_OFF" %(ns,ns))
or, if you're sure that PAID_OFF only appears in one level in tree:
el2 = tree.findall(".//{%s}PAID_OFF" % ns)
In python 3.5 , you can pass the namespace as an argument in find().
For example ,
ns= {'xml_test':''}
tree = ET.parse(r"test.xml")
el1 = tree.findall("xml_test:DEAL_LEVEL/xml_test:PAID_OFF",ns)
Documentation link :-
I might be late for this but I dont think re.sub is a good solution.
However the rewrite xml.parsers.expat does not work for Python 3.x versions,
The main culprit is the xml/etree/ see bottom of the source code
# Import the C accelerators
# Element is going to be shadowed by the C implementation. We need to keep
# the Python version of it accessible for some "creative" by external code
# (see tests)
_Element_Py = Element
# Element, SubElement, ParseError, TreeBuilder, XMLParser
from _elementtree import *
except ImportError:
Which is kinda sad.
The solution is to get rid of it first.
import _elementtree
del _elementtree.XMLParser
except AttributeError:
# in case deleted twice
from xml.parsers import expat # NOQA: F811
oldcreate = expat.ParserCreate
expat.ParserCreate = lambda encoding, sep: oldcreate(encoding, None)
Tested on Python 3.6.
Try try statement is useful in case somewhere in your code you reload or import a module twice you get some strange errors like
maximum recursion depth exceeded
AttributeError: XMLParser
btw damn the etree source code looks really messy.
If you're using ElementTree and not cElementTree you can force Expat to ignore namespace processing by replacing ParserCreate():
from xml.parsers import expat
oldcreate = expat.ParserCreate
expat.ParserCreate = lambda encoding, sep: oldcreate(encoding, None)
ElementTree tries to use Expat by calling ParserCreate() but provides no option to not provide a namespace separator string, the above code will cause it to be ignore but be warned this could break other things.
Let's combine nonagon's answer with mzjn's answer to a related question:
def parse_xml(xml_path: Path) -> Tuple[ET.Element, Dict[str, str]]:
xml_iter = ET.iterparse(xml_path, events=["start-ns"])
xml_namespaces = dict(prefix_namespace_pair for _, prefix_namespace_pair in xml_iter)
return xml_iter.root, xml_namespaces
Using this function we:
Create an iterator to get both namespaces and a parsed tree object.
Iterate over the created iterator to get the namespaces dict that we can
later pass in each find() or findall() call as sugested by
Return the parsed tree's root element object and namespaces.
I think this is the best approach all around as there's no manipulation either of a source XML or resulting parsed xml.etree.ElementTree output whatsoever involved.
I'd like also to credit balmy's answer with providing an essential piece of this puzzle (that you can get the parsed root from the iterator). Until that I actually traversed XML tree twice in my application (once to get namespaces, second for a root).
Just by chance dropped into the answer here: XSD conditional type assignment default type confusion?. This is not the exact answer for the topic question but may be applicable if the namespace is not critical.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persons xmlns:xsi=""
<person version="1">
Also see:
Works for me. I call an XML validation procedure in my application. But also I want to quickly see the validation highliting and autocompletion in PyCharm when editing the XML. This noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute does what I need.
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse("test.xml")
el1 = tree.findall("person/firstname")
el2 = tree.find("person/lastname")
I need to parse a 1.2GB XML file that has an encoding of "ISO-8859-1", and after reading a few articles on the NET, it seems that Python's ElementTree's iterparse() is preferred as to SAX parsing.
I've written a extremely short piece of code just to test it out, but it's prompting out an error that I've no idea how to solve.
My Code (Python 2.7):
from xml.etree.ElementTree import iterparse
for (event, node) in iterparse('dblp.xml', events=['start']):
print node.tag
Edit: Ahh, as the file was really big and laggy, I typed out the XML line, and made a mistake. It's "& uuml;" without the space. I apologize for this.
This code works fine until it hits a line in the XML file that looks like this:
<Journal>Technical Report 248, ETH Zürich, Dept of Computer Science</Journal>
which I guess means Zurich, but the parser does not seem to know this.
Running the code above gave me an error:
xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError: undefined entity ü
Is there anyway I could solve this issue? I've googled quite a few solutions, but none seem to deal with this problem directly.
Try following:
from xml.etree.ElementTree import iterparse, XMLParser
import htmlentitydefs
class CustomEntity:
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key == 'umml':
key = 'uuml' # Fix invalid entity
return unichr(htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[key])
parser = XMLParser()
parser.entity = CustomEntity()
for (event, node) in iterparse('dblp.xml', events=['start'], parser=parser):
print node.tag
from xml.etree.ElementTree import iterparse, XMLParser
import htmlentitydefs
parser = XMLParser()
parser.entity = {'umml': unichr(htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint['uuml'])}
for (event, node) in iterparse('dblp.xml', events=['start'], parser=parser):
print node.tag
Related question: Python ElementTree support for parsing unknown XML entities?
I have a file, which change it content in a short time. But I'd like to read it before it is ready. The problem is, that it is an xml-file (log). So when you read it, it could be, that not all tags are closed.
I would like to know if there is a possibility to close all opened tags correctly, that there are no problems to show it in the browser (with xslt stylsheet). This should be made by using included features of python.
Some XML parsers allow incremental parsing of XML documents that is the parser can start working on the document without needing it to be fully loaded. The XMLTreeBuilder from the xml.etree.ElementTree module in the Python standard library is one such parser: Element Tree
As you can see in the example below you can feed data to the parser bit by bit as you read it from your input source. The appropriate hook methods in your handler class will get called when various XML "events" happen (tag started, tag data read, tag ended) allowing you to process the data as the XML document is loaded:
from xml.etree.ElementTree import XMLTreeBuilder
class MyHandler(object):
def start(self, tag, attrib):
# Called for each opening tag.
print tag + " started"
def end(self, tag):
# Called for each closing tag.
print tag + " ended"
def data(self, data):
# Called when data is read from a tag
print data + " data read"
def close(self):
# Called when all data has been parsed.
print "All data read"
handler = MyHandler()
parser = XMLTreeBuilder(target=handler)
In this example the handler would receive five events and print:
sometag started
sometag-child started
"text" data read
sometag-child ended
sometag ended
All data read
If I am understanding your question correctly, you have a log file that is always being appended to so you get something like:
<entry> ... </entry>
<entry> ... </entry>
<entry> ... </entry
<!-- no closing root -->
In this case you DON'T want to use a DOM parser because it tries to read a complete document and would choke on the missing tag. Instead, a SAX or Pull parser would work because it reads the document like a stream of data rather than a complete tree. As Denis replied above, you could either close the missing tag at the end or ignore any incomplete tags before writing it out.
XML parsing on Wikipedia
You can use any SAX parser by feeding data available so far to it. Use SAX handler that just reconstructs source XML, keep the stack of tags opened and close them in reverse order at the end.
You could use BeautifulStoneSoup (XML part of BeautifulSoup).
It's not ideal, but it would circumvent the problem if you cannot fix the file's output...
It's basically a previously implemented version of what Denis said.
You can just join whatever you need into the soup and it will do its best to fix it.
I have the following Python code:
import xml.dom.minidom
import xml.parsers.expat
domTree = ml.dom.minidom.parse(myXMLFileName)
except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError, e:
return e.args[0]
which I am using to parse an XML file. Although it quite happily spots simple XML errors like mismatched tags, it completely ignores the DTD specified at the top of the XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<!DOCTYPE ServerConfig SYSTEM "ServerConfig.dtd">
so it doesn't notice when mandatory elements are missing, for example. How can I switch on DTD checking?
See this question - the accepted answer is to use lxml validation.
Just by way of explanation: Python xml.dom.minidom and xml.sax use the expat parser by default, which is a non-validating parser. It may read the DTD in order to do entity replacement, but it won't validate against the DTD.
gimel and Tim recommend lxml, which is a nicely pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries. It supports validation against a DTD. I've been using lxml, and I like it a lot.
Just for the record, this is what my code looks like now:
from lxml import etree
parser = etree.XMLParser(dtd_validation=True)
domTree = etree.parse(myXMLFileName, parser=parser)
except etree.XMLSyntaxError, e:
return e.args[0]
I recommend lxml over xmlproc because the PyXML package (containing xmlproc) is not being developed any more; the latest Python version that PyXML can be used with is 2.4.
I believe you need to switch from expat to xmlproc.