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Closed 11 years ago.
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What are the lesser-known but useful features of the Python programming language?
Try to limit answers to Python core.
One feature per answer.
Give an example and short description of the feature, not just a link to documentation.
Label the feature using a title as the first line.
Quick links to answers:
Argument Unpacking
Chaining Comparison Operators
Default Argument Gotchas / Dangers of Mutable Default arguments
Dictionary default .get value
Docstring Tests
Ellipsis Slicing Syntax
Function as iter() argument
Generator expressions
import this
In Place Value Swapping
List stepping
__missing__ items
Multi-line Regex
Named string formatting
Nested list/generator comprehensions
New types at runtime
.pth files
ROT13 Encoding
Regex Debugging
Sending to Generators
Tab Completion in Interactive Interpreter
Ternary Expression
Unpacking+print() function
with statement
Chaining comparison operators:
>>> x = 5
>>> 1 < x < 10
>>> 10 < x < 20
>>> x < 10 < x*10 < 100
>>> 10 > x <= 9
>>> 5 == x > 4
In case you're thinking it's doing 1 < x, which comes out as True, and then comparing True < 10, which is also True, then no, that's really not what happens (see the last example.) It's really translating into 1 < x and x < 10, and x < 10 and 10 < x * 10 and x*10 < 100, but with less typing and each term is only evaluated once.
Get the python regex parse tree to debug your regex.
Regular expressions are a great feature of python, but debugging them can be a pain, and it's all too easy to get a regex wrong.
Fortunately, python can print the regex parse tree, by passing the undocumented, experimental, hidden flag re.DEBUG (actually, 128) to re.compile.
>>> re.compile("^\[font(?:=(?P<size>[-+][0-9]{1,2}))?\](.*?)[/font]",
at at_beginning
literal 91
literal 102
literal 111
literal 110
literal 116
max_repeat 0 1
subpattern None
literal 61
subpattern 1
literal 45
literal 43
max_repeat 1 2
range (48, 57)
literal 93
subpattern 2
min_repeat 0 65535
any None
literal 47
literal 102
literal 111
literal 110
literal 116
Once you understand the syntax, you can spot your errors. There we can see that I forgot to escape the [] in [/font].
Of course you can combine it with whatever flags you want, like commented regexes:
>>> re.compile("""
^ # start of a line
\[font # the font tag
(?:=(?P<size> # optional [font=+size]
[-+][0-9]{1,2} # size specification
\] # end of tag
(.*?) # text between the tags
\[/font\] # end of the tag
Wrap an iterable with enumerate and it will yield the item along with its index.
For example:
>>> a = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
>>> for index, item in enumerate(a): print index, item
0 a
1 b
2 c
3 d
4 e
Python tutorial—looping techniques
Python docs—built-in functions—enumerate
PEP 279
Creating generators objects
If you write
x=(n for n in foo if bar(n))
you can get out the generator and assign it to x. Now it means you can do
for n in x:
The advantage of this is that you don't need intermediate storage, which you would need if you did
x = [n for n in foo if bar(n)]
In some cases this can lead to significant speed up.
You can append many if statements to the end of the generator, basically replicating nested for loops:
>>> n = ((a,b) for a in range(0,2) for b in range(4,6))
>>> for i in n:
... print i
(0, 4)
(0, 5)
(1, 4)
(1, 5)
iter() can take a callable argument
For instance:
def seek_next_line(f):
for c in iter(lambda:,'\n'):
The iter(callable, until_value) function repeatedly calls callable and yields its result until until_value is returned.
Be careful with mutable default arguments
>>> def foo(x=[]):
... x.append(1)
... print x
>>> foo()
>>> foo()
[1, 1]
>>> foo()
[1, 1, 1]
Instead, you should use a sentinel value denoting "not given" and replace with the mutable you'd like as default:
>>> def foo(x=None):
... if x is None:
... x = []
... x.append(1)
... print x
>>> foo()
>>> foo()
Sending values into generator functions. For example having this function:
def mygen():
"""Yield 5 until something else is passed back via send()"""
a = 5
while True:
f = (yield a) #yield a and possibly get f in return
if f is not None:
a = f #store the new value
You can:
>>> g = mygen()
>>> g.send(7) #we send this back to the generator
>>> #now it will yield 7 until we send something else
If you don't like using whitespace to denote scopes, you can use the C-style {} by issuing:
from __future__ import braces
The step argument in slice operators. For example:
a = [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> a[::2] # iterate over the whole list in 2-increments
The special case x[::-1] is a useful idiom for 'x reversed'.
>>> a[::-1]
Decorators allow to wrap a function or method in another function that can add functionality, modify arguments or results, etc. You write decorators one line above the function definition, beginning with an "at" sign (#).
Example shows a print_args decorator that prints the decorated function's arguments before calling it:
>>> def print_args(function):
>>> def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
>>> print 'Arguments:', args, kwargs
>>> return function(*args, **kwargs)
>>> return wrapper
>>> #print_args
>>> def write(text):
>>> print text
>>> write('foo')
Arguments: ('foo',) {}
The for...else syntax (see )
for i in foo:
if i == 0:
print("i was never 0")
The "else" block will be normally executed at the end of the for loop, unless the break is called.
The above code could be emulated as follows:
found = False
for i in foo:
if i == 0:
found = True
if not found:
print("i was never 0")
From 2.5 onwards dicts have a special method __missing__ that is invoked for missing items:
>>> class MyDict(dict):
... def __missing__(self, key):
... self[key] = rv = []
... return rv
>>> m = MyDict()
>>> m["foo"].append(1)
>>> m["foo"].append(2)
>>> dict(m)
{'foo': [1, 2]}
There is also a dict subclass in collections called defaultdict that does pretty much the same but calls a function without arguments for not existing items:
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> m = defaultdict(list)
>>> m["foo"].append(1)
>>> m["foo"].append(2)
>>> dict(m)
{'foo': [1, 2]}
I recommend converting such dicts to regular dicts before passing them to functions that don't expect such subclasses. A lot of code uses d[a_key] and catches KeyErrors to check if an item exists which would add a new item to the dict.
In-place value swapping
>>> a = 10
>>> b = 5
>>> a, b
(10, 5)
>>> a, b = b, a
>>> a, b
(5, 10)
The right-hand side of the assignment is an expression that creates a new tuple. The left-hand side of the assignment immediately unpacks that (unreferenced) tuple to the names a and b.
After the assignment, the new tuple is unreferenced and marked for garbage collection, and the values bound to a and b have been swapped.
As noted in the Python tutorial section on data structures,
Note that multiple assignment is really just a combination of tuple packing and sequence unpacking.
Readable regular expressions
In Python you can split a regular expression over multiple lines, name your matches and insert comments.
Example verbose syntax (from Dive into Python):
>>> pattern = """
... ^ # beginning of string
... M{0,4} # thousands - 0 to 4 M's
... (CM|CD|D?C{0,3}) # hundreds - 900 (CM), 400 (CD), 0-300 (0 to 3 C's),
... # or 500-800 (D, followed by 0 to 3 C's)
... (XC|XL|L?X{0,3}) # tens - 90 (XC), 40 (XL), 0-30 (0 to 3 X's),
... # or 50-80 (L, followed by 0 to 3 X's)
... (IX|IV|V?I{0,3}) # ones - 9 (IX), 4 (IV), 0-3 (0 to 3 I's),
... # or 5-8 (V, followed by 0 to 3 I's)
... $ # end of string
... """
>>>, 'M', re.VERBOSE)
Example naming matches (from Regular Expression HOWTO)
>>> p = re.compile(r'(?P<word>\b\w+\b)')
>>> m = '(((( Lots of punctuation )))' )
You can also verbosely write a regex without using re.VERBOSE thanks to string literal concatenation.
>>> pattern = (
... "^" # beginning of string
... "M{0,4}" # thousands - 0 to 4 M's
... "(CM|CD|D?C{0,3})" # hundreds - 900 (CM), 400 (CD), 0-300 (0 to 3 C's),
... # or 500-800 (D, followed by 0 to 3 C's)
... "(XC|XL|L?X{0,3})" # tens - 90 (XC), 40 (XL), 0-30 (0 to 3 X's),
... # or 50-80 (L, followed by 0 to 3 X's)
... "(IX|IV|V?I{0,3})" # ones - 9 (IX), 4 (IV), 0-3 (0 to 3 I's),
... # or 5-8 (V, followed by 0 to 3 I's)
... "$" # end of string
... )
>>> print pattern
Function argument unpacking
You can unpack a list or a dictionary as function arguments using * and **.
For example:
def draw_point(x, y):
# do some magic
point_foo = (3, 4)
point_bar = {'y': 3, 'x': 2}
Very useful shortcut since lists, tuples and dicts are widely used as containers.
ROT13 is a valid encoding for source code, when you use the right coding declaration at the top of the code file:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: rot13 -*-
cevag "Uryyb fgnpxbiresybj!".rapbqr("rot13")
Creating new types in a fully dynamic manner
>>> NewType = type("NewType", (object,), {"x": "hello"})
>>> n = NewType()
>>> n.x
which is exactly the same as
>>> class NewType(object):
>>> x = "hello"
>>> n = NewType()
>>> n.x
Probably not the most useful thing, but nice to know.
Edit: Fixed name of new type, should be NewType to be the exact same thing as with class statement.
Edit: Adjusted the title to more accurately describe the feature.
Context managers and the "with" Statement
Introduced in PEP 343, a context manager is an object that acts as a run-time context for a suite of statements.
Since the feature makes use of new keywords, it is introduced gradually: it is available in Python 2.5 via the __future__ directive. Python 2.6 and above (including Python 3) has it available by default.
I have used the "with" statement a lot because I think it's a very useful construct, here is a quick demo:
from __future__ import with_statement
with open('foo.txt', 'w') as f:
What's happening here behind the scenes, is that the "with" statement calls the special __enter__ and __exit__ methods on the file object. Exception details are also passed to __exit__ if any exception was raised from the with statement body, allowing for exception handling to happen there.
What this does for you in this particular case is that it guarantees that the file is closed when execution falls out of scope of the with suite, regardless if that occurs normally or whether an exception was thrown. It is basically a way of abstracting away common exception-handling code.
Other common use cases for this include locking with threads and database transactions.
Dictionaries have a get() method
Dictionaries have a 'get()' method. If you do d['key'] and key isn't there, you get an exception. If you do d.get('key'), you get back None if 'key' isn't there. You can add a second argument to get that item back instead of None, eg: d.get('key', 0).
It's great for things like adding up numbers:
sum[value] = sum.get(value, 0) + 1
They're the magic behind a whole bunch of core Python features.
When you use dotted access to look up a member (eg, x.y), Python first looks for the member in the instance dictionary. If it's not found, it looks for it in the class dictionary. If it finds it in the class dictionary, and the object implements the descriptor protocol, instead of just returning it, Python executes it. A descriptor is any class that implements the __get__, __set__, or __delete__ methods.
Here's how you'd implement your own (read-only) version of property using descriptors:
class Property(object):
def __init__(self, fget):
self.fget = fget
def __get__(self, obj, type):
if obj is None:
return self
return self.fget(obj)
and you'd use it just like the built-in property():
class MyClass(object):
def foo(self):
return "Foo!"
Descriptors are used in Python to implement properties, bound methods, static methods, class methods and slots, amongst other things. Understanding them makes it easy to see why a lot of things that previously looked like Python 'quirks' are the way they are.
Raymond Hettinger has an excellent tutorial that does a much better job of describing them than I do.
Conditional Assignment
x = 3 if (y == 1) else 2
It does exactly what it sounds like: "assign 3 to x if y is 1, otherwise assign 2 to x". Note that the parens are not necessary, but I like them for readability. You can also chain it if you have something more complicated:
x = 3 if (y == 1) else 2 if (y == -1) else 1
Though at a certain point, it goes a little too far.
Note that you can use if ... else in any expression. For example:
(func1 if y == 1 else func2)(arg1, arg2)
Here func1 will be called if y is 1 and func2, otherwise. In both cases the corresponding function will be called with arguments arg1 and arg2.
Analogously, the following is also valid:
x = (class1 if y == 1 else class2)(arg1, arg2)
where class1 and class2 are two classes.
Doctest: documentation and unit-testing at the same time.
Example extracted from the Python documentation:
def factorial(n):
"""Return the factorial of n, an exact integer >= 0.
If the result is small enough to fit in an int, return an int.
Else return a long.
>>> [factorial(n) for n in range(6)]
[1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120]
>>> factorial(-1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: n must be >= 0
Factorials of floats are OK, but the float must be an exact integer:
import math
if not n >= 0:
raise ValueError("n must be >= 0")
if math.floor(n) != n:
raise ValueError("n must be exact integer")
if n+1 == n: # catch a value like 1e300
raise OverflowError("n too large")
result = 1
factor = 2
while factor <= n:
result *= factor
factor += 1
return result
def _test():
import doctest
if __name__ == "__main__":
Named formatting
% -formatting takes a dictionary (also applies %i/%s etc. validation).
>>> print "The %(foo)s is %(bar)i." % {'foo': 'answer', 'bar':42}
The answer is 42.
>>> foo, bar = 'question', 123
>>> print "The %(foo)s is %(bar)i." % locals()
The question is 123.
And since locals() is also a dictionary, you can simply pass that as a dict and have % -substitions from your local variables. I think this is frowned upon, but simplifies things..
New Style Formatting
>>> print("The {foo} is {bar}".format(foo='answer', bar=42))
To add more python modules (espcially 3rd party ones), most people seem to use PYTHONPATH environment variables or they add symlinks or directories in their site-packages directories. Another way, is to use *.pth files. Here's the official python doc's explanation:
"The most convenient way [to modify
python's search path] is to add a path
configuration file to a directory
that's already on Python's path,
usually to the .../site-packages/
directory. Path configuration files
have an extension of .pth, and each
line must contain a single path that
will be appended to sys.path. (Because
the new paths are appended to
sys.path, modules in the added
directories will not override standard
modules. This means you can't use this
mechanism for installing fixed
versions of standard modules.)"
Exception else clause:
except Voom:
print "'E's pining!"
print "This parrot is no more!"
The use of the else clause is better than adding additional code to the try clause because it avoids accidentally catching an exception that wasn’t raised by the code being protected by the try ... except statement.
Re-raising exceptions:
# Python 2 syntax
except SomeError, e:
if is_fatal(e):
# Python 3 syntax
except SomeError as e:
if is_fatal(e):
The 'raise' statement with no arguments inside an error handler tells Python to re-raise the exception with the original traceback intact, allowing you to say "oh, sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to catch that, sorry, sorry."
If you wish to print, store or fiddle with the original traceback, you can get it with sys.exc_info(), and printing it like Python would is done with the 'traceback' module.
Main messages :)
import this
# btw look at this module's source :)
The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters
Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than right now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!
Interactive Interpreter Tab Completion
import readline
except ImportError:
print "Unable to load readline module."
import rlcompleter
readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
>>> class myclass:
... def function(self):
... print "my function"
>>> class_instance = myclass()
>>> class_instance.<TAB>
class_instance.__class__ class_instance.__module__
class_instance.__doc__ class_instance.function
>>> class_instance.f<TAB>unction()
You will also have to set a PYTHONSTARTUP environment variable.
Nested list comprehensions and generator expressions:
[(i,j) for i in range(3) for j in range(i) ]
((i,j) for i in range(4) for j in range(i) )
These can replace huge chunks of nested-loop code.
Operator overloading for the set builtin:
>>> a = set([1,2,3,4])
>>> b = set([3,4,5,6])
>>> a | b # Union
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
>>> a & b # Intersection
{3, 4}
>>> a < b # Subset
>>> a - b # Difference
{1, 2}
>>> a ^ b # Symmetric Difference
{1, 2, 5, 6}
More detail from the standard library reference: Set Types
I wanna know if I can prevent my function to work through all its routine if I'm only interested in one (or less than total) of the variables it returns.
To elucidate, suppose I have a function with (a tuple of) multiple returns:
def func_123(n):
return x,y,z
If I'm only interested in the third values, I can just do:
_,_,three = func_123(0)
But I wanna know how it works in the function.
Does my function performs of three calculations and only then chooses to 'drop' the first two and give me the one i want or does it recognise it can do a lot less work if it only performs the subroutines needed to return the value i want? If the first, is there a way around this (besides, of course, creating functions for each calculation and let go of an unique function to organize all subroutines)?
It will calculate, and return, all of the values. For example
def foo(x):
return x+1, x+2
When I call this function
>>> foo(1)
(2, 3)
>>> _, a = foo(1)
>>> a
>>> _
Note that _ is a perfectly valid, and usable, variable name. It is just used by convention to imply that you do not wish to use that variable.
The closest thing to what you are describing would be to write your function as a generator. For example
def func_123(n):
for i in range(1,4):
yield n + i
>>> a = func_123(1)
>>> next(a)
>>> next(a)
>>> next(a)
In this way, the values are evaluated and returned lazily, or in other words only when they are needed. In this way, you could craft your function so they return in the order that you want.
It doesn't "choose" or "drop" anything. What you're using is tuple assignment; specifically, you're assigning the return value to the tuple (_,_,three). The _ variable is just a convention for a "throw away" variable.
I would like to try something differently using functools builtin module (this may not be exactly what you are looking for but you can rethink of what you are doing.)
>>> import functools
>>> def func_123(n, m):
... return n + m
>>> func_dict = dict()
>>> for r in [1,2,3]:
... func_dict[r] = functools.partial(func_123, r)
>>> for k in [1,2,3]:
... func_dict[k](10)
>>> func_dict[3](20)
>>> func_1 = functools.partial(func_123, 1)
>>> func_2 = functools.partial(func_123, 2)
>>> func_3 = functools.partial(func_123, 3)
>>> func_1(5)
>>> func_2(5)
>>> func_3(5)
>>> func_3(3)
So, you don't need to worry about returning output in tuple and selecting the values you want.
It's only a convention to use _ for unused variables.So all the statements in the function do get evaluated.
I'm playing around with generators and generator expressions and I'm not completely sure that I understand how they work (some reference material):
>>> a = (x for x in range(10))
>>> next(a)
>>> next(a)
>>> a.send(-1)
>>> next(a)
So it looks like generator.send was ignored. That makes sense (I guess) because there is no explicit yield expression to catch the sent information ...
>>> a = ((yield x) for x in range(10))
>>> next(a)
>>> print next(a)
>>> print next(a)
>>> print next(a)
>>> a.send(-1) #this send is ignored, Why? ... there's a yield to catch it...
>>> print next(a)
>>> print next(a)
>>> a.send(-1) #this send isn't ignored
I understand this is pretty far out there, and I (currently) can't think of a use-case for this (so don't ask;)
I'm mostly just exploring to try to figure out how these various generator methods work (and how generator expressions work in general). Why does my second example alternate between yielding a sensible value and None? Also, Can anyone explain why one of my generator.send's was ignored while the other wasn't?
The confusion here is that the generator expression is doing a hidden yield. Here it is in function form:
def foo():
for x in range(10):
yield (yield x)
When you do a .send(), what happens is the inner yield x gets executed, which yields x. Then the expression evaluates to the value of the .send, and the next yield yields that. Here it is in clearer form:
def foo():
for x in range(10):
sent_value = (yield x)
yield sent_value
Thus the output is very predictable:
>>> a = foo()
#start it off
#execution has now paused at "sent_value = ?"
#now we fill in the "?". whatever we send here will be immediately yielded.
>>> a.send("yieldnow")
#execution is now paused at the 'yield sent_value' expression
#as this is not assigned to anything, whatever is sent now will be lost
>>> a.send("this is lost")
#now we're back where we were at the 'yieldnow' point of the code
>>> a.send("yieldnow")
#etc, the loop continues
>>> a.send("this is lost")
>>> a.send("yieldnow")
>>> a.send("this is lost")
>>> a.send("yieldnow")
EDIT: Example usage. By far the coolest one I've seen so far is twisted's inlineCallbacks function. See here for an article explaining it. The nub of it is it lets you yield functions to be run in threads, and once the functions are done, twisted sends the result of the function back into your code. Thus you can write code that heavily relies on threads in a very linear and intuitive manner, instead of having to write tons of little functions all over the place.
See the PEP 342 for more info on the rationale of having .send work with potential use cases (the twisted example I provided is an example of the boon to asynchronous I/O this change offered).
You're confusing yourself a bit because you actually are generating from two sources: the generator expression (... for x in range(10)) is one generator, but you create another source with the yield. You can see that if do list(a) you'll get [0, None, 1, None, 2, None, 3, None, 4, None, 5, None, 6, None, 7, None, 8, None, 9, None].
Your code is equivalent to this:
>>> def gen():
... for x in range(10):
... yield (yield x)
Only the inner yield ("yield x") is "used" in the generator --- it is used as the value of the outer yield. So this generator iterates back and forth between yielding values of the range, and yielding whatever is "sent" to those yields. If you send something to the inner yield, you get it back, but if you happen to send on an even-numbered iteration, the send is sent to the outer yield and is ignored.
This generator translates into:
for i in xrange(10):
x = (yield i)
yield x
Result of second call to send()/next() are ignored, because you do nothing with result of one of yields.
The generator you wrote is equivalent to the more verbose:
def testing():
for x in range(10):
x = (yield x)
yield x
As you can see here, the second yield, which is implicit in the generator expression, does not save the value you pass it, therefore depending on where the generator execution is blocked the send may or may not work.
Indeed - the send method is meant to work with a generator object that is the result of a co-routine you have explicitly written. It is difficult to get some meaning to it in a generator expression - though it works.
-- EDIT --
I had previously written this, but it is incorrecct, as yield inside generator expressions are predictable across implementations - though not mentioned in any PEP.
generator expressions are not meant to have the yield keyword - I am
not shure the behavior is even defined in this case. We could think a
little and get to what is happening on your expression, to meet from
where those "None"s are coming from. However, assume that as a side
effect of how the yield is implemented in Python (and probably it is
even implementation dependent), not as something that should be so.
The correct form for a generator expression, in a simplified manner is:
(<expr> for <variable> in <sequence> [if <expr>])
so, <expr> is evaluated for each value in the <sequence: - not only is yield uneeded, as you should not use it.
Both yield and the send methods are meant to be used in full co-routines, something like:
def doubler():
value = 0
while value < 100:
value = 2 * (yield value)
And you can use it like:
>>> a = doubler()
>>> # Next have to be called once, so the code will run up to the first "yield"
>>> a.send(10)
>>> a.send(20)
>>> a.send(23)
>>> a.send(51)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
In lisp you can say:
(setf (aref a 1) 5)
In perl you can say:
substr( $string, $start, $stop ) =~ s/a/b/g
Is it possible something like this in python? I mean is it possible to use function result as a lvalue (as a target for assignment operation)?
No. Assigning to the result of a function call is specifically prohibited at the compiler level:
>>> foo() = 3
File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: can't assign to function call
There are however two special cases in the Python syntax:
# Slice assignment
a = [1,2,3,4]
a[0:2] = 98, 99 # (a will become [98, 99, 3, 4])
# Tuple assignment
(x, y, z) = (10, 20, 30)
Note also that in Python there is a statement/function duality and an assignment or an augmented assignment (+=, *= ...) is not just a normal operator, but a statement and has special rules.
Moreover in Python there is no general concept of "pointer"... the only way to pass to a function a place where to store something is to pass a "setter" closure because to find an assignable place you need to use explicit names, indexing or you need to work with the instance dictionary if the place is an object instance member).
# Pass the function foo where to store the result
foo( lambda value : setattr(myObject, "member", value) )
No, there isn't any way to do this in general. The slice notation comes close in a limited case, as you can do things like this:
>>> a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> a[1:2] = [5, 6]
>>> a
[1, 5, 6, 3]
In short, no.
However, if you define __setitem__, you can assign to a subscript, e.g.
foo['subscript'] = 7
And you could return foo (and also the subscript, if you wanted) from a function.
container, subscript = whatevs()
container[subscript] = 7
or, in one line:
See operator.
Generally, no (don't stop reading!!!!). Observe the following:
class test:
test = 4
test().test = 5
# we can no longer refer to the created object.
x = test().test = 6
x # 6
However, doing some searching I found this (which looks like bad practice, but usable):
globals()["varname"] = 5
varname # 5
So, mixing your Perl with my Python we get:
globals()[substr( $string, $start, $stop )] = something
substr( $string, $start, $stop ) # something
# Note: wouldn't work because the function returns a string.
# I just don't know what the function returns.
# so exec("print " +substr( $string, $start, $stop ) I guess
# similarly, and possibly a little better practice
locals()["somethingdif"] = somethingelse
somethingdif # somethingelse
To mitigate massive downvoting, I should mention you can totally screw up your program with this. But you probably know that. Just make sure you don't overwrite existing variables when using this method by checking "somevar" not in locals() or "somevar" not in globals().
How do I use pre-increment/decrement operators (++, --), just like in C++?
Why does ++count run, but not change the value of the variable?
++ is not an operator. It is two + operators. The + operator is the identity operator, which does nothing. (Clarification: the + and - unary operators only work on numbers, but I presume that you wouldn't expect a hypothetical ++ operator to work on strings.)
Parses as
Which translates to
You have to use the slightly longer += operator to do what you want to do:
count += 1
I suspect the ++ and -- operators were left out for consistency and simplicity. I don't know the exact argument Guido van Rossum gave for the decision, but I can imagine a few arguments:
Simpler parsing. Technically, parsing ++count is ambiguous, as it could be +, +, count (two unary + operators) just as easily as it could be ++, count (one unary ++ operator). It's not a significant syntactic ambiguity, but it does exist.
Simpler language. ++ is nothing more than a synonym for += 1. It was a shorthand invented because C compilers were stupid and didn't know how to optimize a += 1 into the inc instruction most computers have. In this day of optimizing compilers and bytecode interpreted languages, adding operators to a language to allow programmers to optimize their code is usually frowned upon, especially in a language like Python that is designed to be consistent and readable.
Confusing side-effects. One common newbie error in languages with ++ operators is mixing up the differences (both in precedence and in return value) between the pre- and post-increment/decrement operators, and Python likes to eliminate language "gotcha"-s. The precedence issues of pre-/post-increment in C are pretty hairy, and incredibly easy to mess up.
Python does not have pre and post increment operators.
In Python, integers are immutable. That is you can't change them. This is because the integer objects can be used under several names. Try this:
>>> b = 5
>>> a = 5
>>> id(a)
>>> id(b)
>>> a is b
a and b above are actually the same object. If you incremented a, you would also increment b. That's not what you want. So you have to reassign. Like this:
b = b + 1
Many C programmers who used python wanted an increment operator, but that operator would look like it incremented the object, while it actually reassigns it. Therefore the -= and += operators where added, to be shorter than the b = b + 1, while being clearer and more flexible than b++, so most people will increment with:
b += 1
Which will reassign b to b+1. That is not an increment operator, because it does not increment b, it reassigns it.
In short: Python behaves differently here, because it is not C, and is not a low level wrapper around machine code, but a high-level dynamic language, where increments don't make sense, and also are not as necessary as in C, where you use them every time you have a loop, for example.
While the others answers are correct in so far as they show what a mere + usually does (namely, leave the number as it is, if it is one), they are incomplete in so far as they don't explain what happens.
To be exact, +x evaluates to x.__pos__() and ++x to x.__pos__().__pos__().
I could imagine a VERY weird class structure (Children, don't do this at home!) like this:
class ValueKeeper(object):
def __init__(self, value): self.value = value
def __str__(self): return str(self.value)
class A(ValueKeeper):
def __pos__(self):
print 'called A.__pos__'
return B(self.value - 3)
class B(ValueKeeper):
def __pos__(self):
print 'called B.__pos__'
return A(self.value + 19)
x = A(430)
print x, type(x)
print +x, type(+x)
print ++x, type(++x)
print +++x, type(+++x)
Python does not have unary increment/decrement operators (--/++). Instead, to increment a value, use
a += 1
More detail and gotchas
But be careful here. If you're coming from C, even this is different in python. Python doesn't have "variables" in the sense that C does, instead python uses names and objects, and in python ints are immutable.
so lets say you do
a = 1
What this means in python is: create an object of type int having value 1 and bind the name a to it. The object is an instance of int having value 1, and the name a refers to it. The name a and the object to which it refers are distinct.
Now lets say you do
a += 1
Since ints are immutable, what happens here is as follows:
look up the object that a refers to (it is an int with id 0x559239eeb380)
look up the value of object 0x559239eeb380 (it is 1)
add 1 to that value (1 + 1 = 2)
create a new int object with value 2 (it has object id 0x559239eeb3a0)
rebind the name a to this new object
Now a refers to object 0x559239eeb3a0 and the original object (0x559239eeb380) is no longer refered to by the name a. If there aren't any other names refering to the original object it will be garbage collected later.
Give it a try yourself:
a = 1
a += 1
In python 3.8+ you can do :
(a:=a+1) #same as ++a (increment, then return new value)
(a:=a+1)-1 #same as a++ (return the incremented value -1) (useless)
You can do a lot of thinks with this.
>>> a = 0
>>> while (a:=a+1) < 5:
Or if you want write somthing with more sophisticated syntaxe (the goal is not optimization):
>>> del a
>>> while (a := (a if 'a' in locals() else 0) + 1) < 5:
It will return 0 even if 'a' doesn't exist without errors, and then will set it to 1
Python does not have these operators, but if you really need them you can write a function having the same functionality.
def PreIncrement(name, local={}):
#Equivalent to ++name
if name in local:
return local[name]
return globals()[name]
def PostIncrement(name, local={}):
#Equivalent to name++
if name in local:
return local[name]-1
return globals()[name]-1
x = 1
y = PreIncrement('x') #y and x are both 2
a = 1
b = PostIncrement('a') #b is 1 and a is 2
Inside a function you have to add locals() as a second argument if you want to change local variable, otherwise it will try to change global.
x = 1
def test():
x = 10
y = PreIncrement('x') #y will be 2, local x will be still 10 and global x will be changed to 2
z = PreIncrement('x', locals()) #z will be 11, local x will be 11 and global x will be unaltered
Also with these functions you can do:
x = 1
print(PreIncrement('x')) #print(x+=1) is illegal!
But in my opinion following approach is much clearer:
x = 1
Decrement operators:
def PreDecrement(name, local={}):
#Equivalent to --name
if name in local:
return local[name]
return globals()[name]
def PostDecrement(name, local={}):
#Equivalent to name--
if name in local:
return local[name]+1
return globals()[name]+1
I used these functions in my module translating javascript to python.
In Python, a distinction between expressions and statements is rigidly
enforced, in contrast to languages such as Common Lisp, Scheme, or
So by introducing such operators, you would break the expression/statement split.
For the same reason you can't write
if x = 0:
y = 1
as you can in some other languages where such distinction is not preserved.
Yeah, I missed ++ and -- functionality as well. A few million lines of c code engrained that kind of thinking in my old head, and rather than fight it... Here's a class I cobbled up that implements:
pre- and post-increment, pre- and post-decrement, addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division, results assignable
as integer, printable, settable.
Here 'tis:
class counter(object):
def __init__(self,v=0):
def preinc(self):
self.v += 1
return self.v
def predec(self):
self.v -= 1
return self.v
def postinc(self):
self.v += 1
return self.v - 1
def postdec(self):
self.v -= 1
return self.v + 1
def __add__(self,addend):
return self.v + addend
def __sub__(self,subtrahend):
return self.v - subtrahend
def __mul__(self,multiplier):
return self.v * multiplier
def __div__(self,divisor):
return self.v / divisor
def __getitem__(self):
return self.v
def __str__(self):
return str(self.v)
def set(self,v):
if type(v) != int:
v = 0
self.v = v
You might use it like this:
c = counter() # defaults to zero
for listItem in myList: # imaginary task
doSomething(c.postinc(),listItem) # passes c, but becomes c+1
...already having c, you could do this...
while c.predec() > 0:
print c
....or just...
d = counter(11)
while d.predec() > 0:
print d
...and for (re-)assignment into integer...
c = counter(100)
d = c + 223 # assignment as integer
c = c + 223 # re-assignment as integer
print type(c),c # <type 'int'> 323
...while this will maintain c as type counter:
c = counter(100)
c.set(c + 223)
print type(c),c # <class '__main__.counter'> 323
And then there's this bit of unexpected (and thoroughly unwanted) behavior,
c = counter(42)
s = '%s: %d' % ('Expecting 42',c) # but getting non-numeric exception
print s
...because inside that tuple, getitem() isn't what used, instead a reference to the object is passed to the formatting function. Sigh. So:
c = counter(42)
s = '%s: %d' % ('Expecting 42',c.v) # and getting 42.
print s
...or, more verbosely, and explicitly what we actually wanted to happen, although counter-indicated in actual form by the verbosity (use c.v instead)...
c = counter(42)
s = '%s: %d' % ('Expecting 42',c.__getitem__()) # and getting 42.
print s
There are no post/pre increment/decrement operators in python like in languages like C.
We can see ++ or -- as multiple signs getting multiplied, like we do in maths (-1) * (-1) = (+1).
Parses as
Which translates to
Because, multiplication of - sign with - sign is +
And finally,
A straight forward workaround
c = 0
c = (lambda c_plusplus: plusplus+1)(c)
No more typing
c = c + 1
Also, you could just write
and finish all your code and then do search/replace for "c++", replace with "c=c+1". Just make sure regular expression search is off.
Extending Henry's answer, I experimentally implemented a syntax sugar library realizing a++: hdytto.
The usage is simple. After installing from PyPI, place
from hdytto import register_hdytto
in your project directory. Then, make
# coding: hdytto
a = 5
b = 10 - --a
and run it by PYTHONPATH=. python The output will be
hdytto replaces a++ as ((a:=a+1)-1) when decoding the script file, so it works.
Is it possible to do following without the i?
for i in range(some_number):
# do something
If you just want to do something N amount of times and don't need the iterator.
Off the top of my head, no.
I think the best you could do is something like this:
def loop(f,n):
for i in xrange(n): f()
loop(lambda: <insert expression here>, 5)
But I think you can just live with the extra i variable.
Here is the option to use the _ variable, which in reality, is just another variable.
for _ in range(n):
Note that _ is assigned the last result that returned in an interactive python session:
>>> 1+2
>>> _
For this reason, I would not use it in this manner. I am unaware of any idiom as mentioned by Ryan. It can mess up your interpreter.
>>> for _ in xrange(10): pass
>>> _
>>> 1+2
>>> _
And according to Python grammar, it is an acceptable variable name:
identifier ::= (letter|"_") (letter | digit | "_")*
You may be looking for
for _ in itertools.repeat(None, times): ...
this is THE fastest way to iterate times times in Python.
The general idiom for assigning to a value that isn't used is to name it _.
for _ in range(times):
What everyone suggesting you to use _ isn't saying is that _ is frequently used as a shortcut to one of the gettext functions, so if you want your software to be available in more than one language then you're best off avoiding using it for other purposes.
import gettext
gettext.bindtextdomain('myapplication', '/path/to/my/language/directory')
_ = gettext.gettext
# ...
print _('This is a translatable string.')
Here's a random idea that utilizes (abuses?) the data model (Py3 link).
class Counter(object):
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
def __nonzero__(self):
self.val -= 1
return self.val >= 0
__bool__ = __nonzero__ # Alias to Py3 name to make code work unchanged on Py2 and Py3
x = Counter(5)
while x:
# Do something
I wonder if there is something like this in the standard libraries?
You can use _11 (or any number or another invalid identifier) to prevent name-colision with gettext. Any time you use underscore + invalid identifier you get a dummy name that can be used in for loop.
May be answer would depend on what problem you have with using iterator?
may be use
i = 100
while i:
print i
def loop(N, doSomething):
if not N:
print doSomething(N)
loop(N-1, doSomething)
loop(100, lambda a:a)
but frankly i see no point in using such approaches
Instead of an unneeded counter, now you have an unneeded list.
Best solution is to use a variable that starts with "_", that tells syntax checkers that you are aware you are not using the variable.
x = range(5)
while x:
print "Work!"
I generally agree with solutions given above. Namely with:
Using underscore in for-loop (2 and more lines)
Defining a normal while counter (3 and more lines)
Declaring a custom class with __nonzero__ implementation (many more lines)
If one is to define an object as in #3 I would recommend implementing protocol for with keyword or apply contextlib.
Further I propose yet another solution. It is a 3 liner and is not of supreme elegance, but it uses itertools package and thus might be of an interest.
from itertools import (chain, repeat)
times = chain(repeat(True, 2), repeat(False))
while next(times):
print 'do stuff!'
In these example 2 is the number of times to iterate the loop. chain is wrapping two repeat iterators, the first being limited but the second is infinite. Remember that these are true iterator objects, hence they do not require infinite memory. Obviously this is much slower then solution #1. Unless written as a part of a function it might require a clean up for times variable.
We have had some fun with the following, interesting to share so:
class RepeatFunction:
def __init__(self,n=1): self.n = n
def __call__(self,Func):
for i in xrange(self.n):
return Func
k = 0
#RepeatFunction(7) #decorator for repeating function
def Job():
global k
print k
k += 1
print '---------'
If do_something is a simple function or can be wrapped in one, a simple map() can do_something range(some_number) times:
# Py2 version - map is eager, so it can be used alone
map(do_something, xrange(some_number))
# Py3 version - map is lazy, so it must be consumed to do the work at all;
# wrapping in list() would be equivalent to Py2, but if you don't use the return
# value, it's wastefully creating a temporary, possibly huge, list of junk.
# collections.deque with maxlen 0 can efficiently run a generator to exhaustion without
# storing any of the results; the itertools consume recipe uses it for that purpose.
from collections import deque
deque(map(do_something, range(some_number)), 0)
If you want to pass arguments to do_something, you may also find the itertools repeatfunc recipe reads well:
To pass the same arguments:
from collections import deque
from itertools import repeat, starmap
args = (..., my args here, ...)
# Same as Py3 map above, you must consume starmap (it's a lazy generator, even on Py2)
deque(starmap(do_something, repeat(args, some_number)), 0)
To pass different arguments:
argses = [(1, 2), (3, 4), ...]
deque(starmap(do_something, argses), 0)
We can use the while & yield, we can create our own loop function like this. Here you can refer to the official documentation.
def my_loop(start,n,step = 1):
while start < n:
yield start
start += step
for x in my_loop(0,15):
#Return first n items of the iterable as a list
list(itertools.islice(iterable, n))
Taken from
If you really want to avoid putting something with a name (either an iteration variable as in the OP, or unwanted list or unwanted generator returning true the wanted amount of time) you could do it if you really wanted:
for type('', (), {}).x in range(somenumber):
The trick that's used is to create an anonymous class type('', (), {}) which results in a class with empty name, but NB that it is not inserted in the local or global namespace (even if a nonempty name was supplied). Then you use a member of that class as iteration variable which is unreachable since the class it's a member of is unreachable.
What about:
while range(some_number):
#do something