Is there a free python debugger that has watchpoints? [closed] - python

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Closed 7 years ago.
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pdb and winpdb both seem to be missing this essential (to me) feature. I saw something suggesting WingIDE has it but I'd prefer a solution that is free, and if I do have to pay, I'd prefer to pay for something that is better than Wing.

You should check out Eric4
It's a very good Python IDE with a builtin debugger.
The debugger has views for global variables, local variables and watchpoints.

Please look what pydev in eclipse offers...

Take a look at PyScripter. It has an integrated debugger, watch windows and much more.
It's open source and is developed here.

It's too bad that the standard pdb module that comes with python itself does not yet support watchpoints.
Described here:

This reimplementation of the built-in has watchpoints.
I tried it but, in cursory tries was not able to get it to work.


Launching python from idle, or better IDE options [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have been using IDLE to program in python for the time being, and it is starting to get tedious to launch it from terminal. I have looked online to try to find a solution for this but haven't found out how to launch it in a typical Mac like way from spotlight (I have already tried putting it into the applications folder).
I am also open to any other suggestions for any better IDE's that work the same way as IDLE, with its own built in compiler.
Try Visual Studio Code, it comes with everything you need for Python development, including a feature to launch and test your program from the application.
It's free and open source, you can pick it up here :)
I prefer Pycharm IDE. It is a JetBrain Product

Python compiler written in Java [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking for open source implementations of python compilers written purely in Java, preferably those that support Python 3. I started with jython but it only supports Python 2.7. Thanks!
I don't believe such a thing exists yet. If it does its in pre-alpha and probably isn't stable or well documented. Jython is probably still your best bet, and apparently support for Python 3 is coming to Jython but the timetable is still unclear. See this stack overflow question for more on the subject.
However one advantage of Jython is that you can use any Java classes as if they were Python modules. What features were you planning on using that are only supported by Python 3? Because it is entirely possible (and actually very likely) that you can reproduce those features using Python 2.7, Java or a combo of the two.

list of tools used to do the Django development [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am new to Django and python. Please if you can help me in tools which are used for Django development work, it will be great help.
Thank you in Advance
You just need Python and Django to work with Django.
To do it the right way, I'd highly recommend that you follow
After this, you'll have a good idea about how to work with Django.
Some other useful resources:
For tools, any text editor will work. You don't need anything fancy.
I personally use Atom Text Editor for no particular reason.
Personally as IDE I use Pycharm, it's just great, has really an extensive support for Django.
Besides I use Fabric for automated deployments.
Not sure if you ask exactly about that. In case you do not know Django contains itself a lot of "tooling commands" available via

Komodo Extension [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Continuing on with my Python learning, I just installed Komodo edit, are there any recommended add ins/extensions that I should include? Any recommendations on using it or another GUI designer (TkInter base)?
If you want to use Komodo, integrate it with Pylint as stated here (I do not know if it works with Komodo Edit, I have run it with Komodo then). It is a code checker, very useful for dynamic language like Python.
Also, there is GUI Builder, which is not an "add-in" but "add-out", it was already part of the Komodo, but it has been released as open source.
Komodo extension: Tab trigger for Abbreviations ( Can't live without it anymore.
Komodo edit is just a text editor.
For gui design I suggest Glade-3. It is specially juicy.
try using eclipse instead with PyDev.
I use to install MoreKomodo and TweakUI after putting Komodo on some machine for me.

Python Debugging [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm not sure if 'debugging' is the right word, but I'm looking for a tool/IDE that would show my which statement/block will be executed next in a particular module. This feature I remember was available in Turbo C++ years back so I assume something similar might be available in some Python IDE?
pdb has this feature - there's a nice hands-on tutorial about it here.
pydev, the eclipse python plugin, might help if you're looking for an IDE solution.
Ulipad IDE's debugging feature is very good, its just works like Turbo C++ IDE's debugger.
At the commandline, there's pdb
In an IDE, Netbeans has a GUI debugger that some people like.
I use Netbeans IDE.. very good (and improving) python support..
you will have to install the python plugin if you download the standard installer..

