OS X: Determine Trash location for a given path - python

Simply moving the file to ~/.Trash/ will not work, as if the file os on an external drive, it will move the file to the main system drive..
Also, there are other conditions, like files on external drives get moved to /Volumes/.Trash/501/ (or whatever the current user's ID is)
Given a file or folder path, what is the correct way to determine the trash folder? I imagine the language is pretty irrelevant, but I intend to use Python

Based upon code from http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?MoveToTrash I have came up with the following:
def get_trash_path(input_file):
path, file = os.path.split(input_file)
if path.startswith("/Volumes/"):
# /Volumes/driveName/.Trashes/<uid>
s = path.split(os.path.sep)
# s[2] is drive name ([0] is empty, [1] is Volumes)
trash_path = os.path.join("/Volumes", s[2], ".Trashes", str(os.getuid()))
if not os.path.isdir(trash_path):
raise IOError("Volume appears to be a network drive (%s could not be found)" % (trash_path))
trash_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), ".Trash")
return trash_path
Fairly basic, and there's a few things that have to be done seperatly, particularly checking if the filename already exist in trash (to avoid overwriting) and the actual moving to trash, but it seems to cover most things (internal, external and network drives)
Update: I wanted to trash a file in a Python script, so I re-implemented Dave Dribin's solution in Python:
from AppKit import NSURL
from ScriptingBridge import SBApplication
def trashPath(path):
"""Trashes a path using the Finder, via OS X's Scripting Bridge.
targetfile = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(path)
finder = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier_("com.apple.Finder")
items = finder.items().objectAtLocation_(targetfile)
Usage is simple:

Alternatively, if you're on OS X 10.5, you could use Scripting Bridge to delete files via the Finder. I've done this in Ruby code here via RubyCocoa. The the gist of it is:
url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(path)
finder = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier("com.apple.Finder")
item = finder.items.objectAtLocation(url)
You could easily do something similar with PyObjC.

A better way is NSWorkspaceRecycleOperation, which is one of the operations you can use with -[NSWorkspace performFileOperation:source:destination:files:tag:]. The constant's name is another artifact of Cocoa's NeXT heritage; its function is to move the item to the Trash.
Since it's part of Cocoa, it should be available to both Python and Ruby.

In Python, without using the scripting bridge, you can do this:
from AppKit import NSWorkspace, NSWorkspaceRecycleOperation
source = "path holding files"
files = ["file1", "file2"]
ws = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace()
ws.performFileOperation_source_destination_files_tag_(NSWorkspaceRecycleOperation, source, "", files, None)

The File Manager API has a pair of functions called FSMoveObjectToTrashAsync and FSPathMoveObjectToTrashSync.
Not sure if that is exposed to Python or not.

Another one in ruby:
You will need rb-appscript gem, you can read about it here


Get file location and names from Windows Camera

I was running into troubles using QCamera with focusing and other things, so I thought I can use the Camerasoftware served with Windows 10. Based on the thread of opening the Windows Camera I did some trials to aquire the taken images and use them for my program. In the documentation and its API I didn't find usable snippets (for me), so I created the hack mentioned below. It assumes that the images are in the target folder 'C:\\Users\\*username*\\Pictures\\Camera Roll' which is mentioned in the registry (See below), but I don't know if this is reliable or how to get the proper key name.
I don't think that this is the only and cleanest solution. So, my question is how to get taken images and open/close the Camera proper?
Actualy the function waits till the 'WindowsCamera.exe' has left the processlist and return newly added images / videos in the target folder
In the registry I found:
Entry: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders with key name {3B193882-D3AD-4eab-965A-69829D1FB59F}for the target folder. I don't think that this key is usable.
Working example of my hack:
import subprocess
import pathlib
import psutil
def check_for_files(path, pattern):
print(" check_for_files:", (path, pattern))
files = []
for filename in pathlib.Path(path).rglob(pattern):
files.append (filename)
return files
def get_Windows_Picture(picpath):
prefiles = check_for_files(picpath, '*.jpg')
x = subprocess.call('start microsoft.windows.camera:', shell=True)
processlist = [proc.info['name'] for proc in psutil.process_iter (['name'])]
while 'WindowsCamera.exe' in processlist:
processlist = [proc.info['name'] for proc in psutil.process_iter (['name'])]
postfiles = check_for_files(picpath, '*.jpg')
newfiles = []
for file in postfiles:
if file not in prefiles:
return newfiles
if __name__ == "__main__":
picpath = str (pathlib.Path ("C:/Users/*user*/Pictures/Camera Roll"))
images = get_Windows_Picture(picpath)
print("Images:", images)
The Camera Roll is a "known Windows folder" which means some APIs can retrieve the exact path (even if it's non-default) for you:
The knownfolderid documentation will give you the constant name of the required folder (in your case FOLDERID_CameraRoll). As you can see in the linked page, the default is %USERPROFILE%\Pictures\Camera Roll (It's the default, so this doesn't mean it's the same for everyone).
The problem in Python is that you'll need to use ctypes which can be cumbersome some times (especially in your case when you'll have to deal with GUIDs and releasing the memory returned by the API).
This gist gives a good example on how to call SHGetKnownFolderPath from Python with ctypes. In your case you'll only need the CameraRoll member in the FOLDERID class so you can greatly simplify the code.
Side note: Don't poll for the process end, just use the wait() function on the Popen object.

Methods to avoid hard-coding file paths in Python

Working with scientific data, specifically climate data, I am constantly hard-coding paths to data directories in my Python code. Even if I were to write the most extensible code in the world, the hard-coded file paths prevent it from ever being truly portable. I also feel like having information about the file system of your machine coded in your programs could be security issue.
What solutions are out there for handling the configuration of paths in Python to avoid having to code them out explicitly?
One of the solution rely on using configuration files.
You can store all your path in a json file like so :
"base_path" : "/home/bob/base_folder",
"low_temp_area_path" : "/home/bob/base/folder/low_temp"
and then in your python code, you could just do :
import json
with open("conf.json") as json_conf :
CONF = json.load(json_conf)
and then you can use your path (or any configuration variable you like) like so :
print "The base path is {}".format(CONF["base_path"])
First off its always good practise to add a main function to go with each class to test that class or functions in the file. Along with this you determine the current working directory. This becomes incredibly important when running python from a cron job or from a directory that is not the current working directory. No JSON files or environment variables are then needed and you will obtain interoperation across Mac, RHEL and Debian distributions.
This is how you do it, and it will work on windows also if you use '\' instead of '/' (if that is even necessary, in your case).
if "__main__" == __name__:
workingDirectory = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])
As you can see when you run your command, the working directory is calculated if you provide a full path or relative path, meaning it will work in a cron job automatically.
After that if you want to work with data that is stored in the current directory use:
fileName = os.path.join( workingDirectory, './sub-folder-of-current-directory/filename.csv' )
fp = open( fileName,'r')
or in the case of the above working directory (parallel to your project directory):
fileName = os.path.join( workingDirectory, '../folder-at-same-level-as-my-project/filename.csv' )
fp = open( fileName,'r')
I believe there are many ways around this, but here is what I would do:
Create a JSON config file with all the paths I need defined.
For even more portability, I'd have a default path where I look for this config file but also have a command line input to change it.
In my opinion passing arguments from command line would be best solution. You should take a look at argparse . This allows you to create nice way to handle arguments from the command line. for example:
myDataScript.py /home/userName/datasource1/

Open sublime-project file programmatically

I'm currently writing a plugin for Sublime Text 3, which aims to offer the user a more flexible session management.
As it seems the API doesn't offer a way to open a .sublime-project file. I'm obviously able to open files as usual - using window.open_file - but not to tell Sublime to open a specific project file.
It will just open it in a new tab, which isn't exactly what I was hoping for.
I'm able to access and set the project_data using window.project_data and window.set_project_data, but while there is a window.project_file_name method it has no counterpart.
This is problematic since the project_data often contains relative paths, which need to be interpreted relative to the .sublime-project files location. If I just dump the data as found into a new window (set_project_data), all relative paths will be interpreted as relative to root (at least on my Ubuntu system).
I can handle the relative paths myself and modify the project_data accordingly but that's hacky.
Is there any undocumented method or something I missed?
EDIT: The plugin in question.
Try to open the file with suffix ':1' - meaning 'line number #1':
This works for me:
$ subl projectname.sublime-project:1
Found a method to do this in a Sublime Plugin called ProjectManager. You'll find the code in this file...
# Code lifted from https://github.com/randy3k/ProjectManager/blob/master/pm.py
def subl(args=[]):
# learnt from SideBarEnhancements
executable_path = sublime.executable_path()
if sublime.platform() == 'linux':
subprocess.Popen([executable_path] + [args])
if sublime.platform() == 'osx':
app_path = executable_path[:executable_path.rfind(".app/") + 5]
executable_path = app_path + "Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl"
subprocess.Popen([executable_path] + args)
if sublime.platform() == "windows":
def fix_focus():
window = sublime.active_window()
view = window.active_view()
sublime.set_timeout(fix_focus, 300)
subl(project_file) # The something.sublime-project file.

Python: Windows System File

In python, how can I identify a file that is a "window system file". From the command line I can do this with the following command:
ATTRIB "c:\file_path_name.txt"
If the return has the "S" character, then it's a windows system file. I cannot figure out the equivilant in python. A few example of similar queries look like this:
Is a file writeable?
import os
filePath = r'c:\testfile.txt'
if os.access(filePath, os.W_OK):
print 'writable'
print 'not writable'
another way...
import os
import stat
filePath = r'c:\testfile.txt'
attr = os.stat(filePath)[0]
if not attr & stat.S_IWRITE:
print 'not writable'
print 'writable'
But I can't find a function or enum to identify a windows system file. Hopefully there's a built in way to do this. I'd prefer not to have to use win32com or another external module.
The reason I want to do this is because I am using os.walk to copy files from one drive to another. If there was a way to walk the directory tree while ignoring system files that may work too.
Thanks for reading.
Here's the solutions I came up with based on the answer:
Using win32api:
import win32api
import win32con
filePath = r'c:\test_file_path.txt'
if not win32api.GetFileAttributes(filePath) & win32con.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM:
print filePath, 'is not a windows system file'
print filePath, 'is a windows system file'
and using ctypes:
import ctypes
import ctypes.wintypes as types
# From pywin32
kernel32dll = ctypes.windll.kernel32
class WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [("dwFileAttributes", types.DWORD),
("ftCreationTime", types.FILETIME),
("ftLastAccessTime", types.FILETIME),
("ftLastWriteTime", types.FILETIME),
("nFileSizeHigh", types.DWORD),
("nFileSizeLow", types.DWORD)]
def isWindowsSystemFile(pFilepath):
GetFileExInfoStandard = 0
GetFileAttributesEx = kernel32dll.GetFileAttributesExA
GetFileAttributesEx.restype = ctypes.c_int
# I can't figure out the correct args here
#GetFileAttributesEx.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char, ctypes.c_int, WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA]
GetFileAttributesEx(pFilepath, GetFileExInfoStandard, ctypes.byref(wfad))
return wfad.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM
filePath = r'c:\test_file_path.txt'
if not isWindowsSystemFile(filePath):
print filePath, 'is not a windows system file'
print filePath, 'is a windows system file'
I wonder if pasting the constant "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM" in my code is legit, or can I get its value using ctypes as well?
But I can't find a function or enum to identify a windows system file. Hopefully there's a built in way to do this.
There is no such thing. Python's file abstraction doesn't have any notion of "system file", so it doesn't give you any way to get it. Also, Python's stat is a very thin wrapper around the stat or _stat functions in Microsoft's C runtime library, which doesn't have any notion of "system file". The reason for this is that both Python files and Microsoft's C library are both designed to be "pretty much like POSIX".
Of course Windows also has a completely different abstraction for files. But this one isn't exposed by the open, stat, etc. functions; rather, there's a completely parallel set of functions like CreateFile, GetFileAttributes, etc. And you have to call those if you want that information.
I'd prefer not to have to use win32com or another external module.
Well, you don't need win32com, because this is just Windows API, not COM.
But win32api is the easiest way to do it. It provides a nice wrapper around GetFileAttributesEx, which is the function you want to call.
If you don't want to use an external module, you can always call Windows API functions via ctypes instead. Or use subprocess to run command-line tools (like ATTRIB—or, if you prefer, like DIR /S /A-S to let Windows do the recursive-walk-skipping-system-files bit for you…).
The ctypes docs show how to call Windows API functions, but it's a little tricky the first time.
First you need to go to the MSDN page to find out what DLL you need to load (kernel32), and whether your function has separate A and W variants (it does), and what values to pass for any constants (you have to follow a link to another page, and know how C enums works, to find out that GetFileExInfoStandard is 0), and then you need to figure out how to define any structs necessary. In this case, something like this:
from ctypes import *
kernel = windll.kernel32
GetFileExInfoStandard = 0
GetFileAttributesEx = kernel.GetFileAttributesEx
GetFileAttributesEx.restype = c_int
GetFileAttributesEx.argypes = # ...
If you really want to avoid using win32api, you can do the work to finish the ctypes wrapper yourself. Personally, I'd use win32api.
The reason I want to do this is because I am using os.walk to copy files from one drive to another. If there was a way to walk the directory tree while ignoring system files that may work too.
For that case, especially given your complaint that checking each file was too slow, you probably don't want to use os.walk either. Instead, use FindFirstFileEx, and do the recursion manually. You can distinguish files and directories without having to stat (or GetFileAttributesEx) each file (which os.walk does under the covers), you can filter out system files directly inside the find function instead of having to stat each file, etc.
Again, the options are the same: use win32api if you want it to be easy, use ctypes otherwise.
But in this case, I'd take a look at Ben Hoyt's betterwalk, because he's already done 99% of the ctypes-wrapping, and 95% of the rest of the code, that you want.

with open inside try - except block, too many files open?

Quite simply, I am cycling through all sub folders in a specific location, and collecting a few numbers from three different files.
def GrepData():
import glob as glob
import os as os
RUNSDir = os.getcwd()
Directories = glob.glob('*.*')
ObjVal = []
ParVal = []
AADVal = []
for dir in Directories:
(X,Y) = dir.split(sep='+')
AADPath = glob.glob('Aad.out')
ObjPath = glob.glob('fobj.out')
ParPath = glob.glob('Par.out')
with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),ObjPath[0])) as ObjFile:
for line in ObjFile:
with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),ParPath[0])) as ParFile:
for line in ParFile:
with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),AADPath[0])) as AADFile:
for line in AADFile:
Each file open command is placed in a try - except block, as in a few cases the file that is opened will be empty, and thus appending the line.split() will lead to an index error since the list is empty.
However when running this script i get the following error: "OSError: [Errno 24] Too Many open files"
I was under the impression that the idea of the "with open..." statement was that it took care of closing the file after use? Clearly that is not happening.
So what I am asking for is two things:
The answer to: "Is my understanding of with open correct?"
How can I correct whatever error is inducing this problem?
(And yes i know the code is not exactly elegant. The whole try - except ought to be a single object that is reused - but I will fix that after figuring out this error)
Try moving your try-except inside the with like so:
with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),ObjPath[0])) as ObjFile:
for line in ObjFile:
Notes: there is no need to close your file manually, this is what with is for. Also, there is no need to use as os in your imports if you are using the same name.
"Too many open files" has nothing to do with writing semantically incorrect python code, and you are using with correctly. The key is the part of your error that says "OSError," which refers to the underlying operating system.
When you call open(), the python interpreter will execute a system call. The details of the system call vary a bit by which OS you are using, but on linux this call is open(2). The operating system kernel will handle the system call. While the file is open, it has an entry in the system file table and takes up OS resources -- this means effectively it is "taking up space" whilst it is open. As such the OS has a limit to the number of files that can be opened at any one time.
Your problem is that while you call open(), you don't call close() quickly enough. In the event that your directory structure requires you to have many thousands files open at once that might approach this cap, it can be temporarily changed (at least on linux, I'm less familiar with other OSes so I don't want to go into too many details about how to do this across platforms).

