Communicating with a Python service - python

I have a python script that I have running as a service. It's a subclass of the win32 class win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework. I want a simple straightforward way of sending arbitrary commands to it via the command line.
What I've looked at:
It looks like the standard way of controlling the service once it's started is by using another program and sending it command signals, but I need to be able to send a short string to it as well as an argument. It looks like using a NamedPipe might be a good idea, but it's really too complex for what I wanted to do, is there any other simpler way?

Not really.
You have many, many ways to do "Interprocess Communication" (IPC) in Python.
Named Pipes (see -- it involves a little bit of OS magic to create, but then it's just a file that you read and write.
Shared Memory (see -- this also involves a fair amount of OS-level magic.
Semphores and Locks; files with locks can work well for IPC.
Higher-level protocols built on sockets...
HTTP; this is what WSGI is all about.
A common solution is to use HTTP and define "RESTful" commands. Your service listens on port 80 for HTTP requests that contain arguments and parameters. Look at wsgiref for more information on this.


Twisted Reactor for client-side python interface / raw_input

I am using twisted to run a rather complicated server that allows for data collection, communication, and commanding of a hardware device remotely. On the client-side there are a number of data retrieval and command operations available. Typically I use the wxpython reactor to interface with the client reactor, but I would also like to setup a simpler command-line style interface.
Is there a reactor that I can use to setup a local non-blocking python-like or raw_input-style interface for the client? After successful access to the server, the server will occasionally send data down without being requested as a result of server-side events.
I have considered manhole, but I am not interested in accessing the server as an interface, I am strictly interested in accessing the client-side data and commands. This is mostly for debugging, but it can also come in handy for creating a much more rudimentary client interface when needed.
See the and examples, I think that's similar to what you're aiming for. They demonstrate connecting a protocol (like a LineReceiver) to StandardIO.
I think you could also use a StandardIOEndpoint (and maybe we should update the examples for that), but that doesn't change the way you'd write your protocol.

I'm looking for a network service that'll let me send messages to selected clients

I have a program which will be running on multiple devices on a network. These programs will need to send data between each other - to specified devices (not all devices).
server = server.Server('')
server.send('device2', 'this will be pickled and sent to device2')
That's some basic example code for what I need to do. Of course, it will also need to receive.
I was looking at building my own simple message passing server using Twisted when someone pointed me in the direction of MPI. I've never looked into the MPI protocol before and that website gives rather vague examples.
Is MPI a good approach? Are there better alternatives?
MPI is really good at doing the communications for running a tightly-coupled program accross several or many machines in a cluster. If you're running very loosely coupled programs - only interacting occasionally - or the machines are more distributed than within a cluster, like scattered around a LAN - then MPI is probably not what you're looking for.
There are several Open Source message brokers that already handle this kind of stuff for you, and come with a full API ready to use.
You should take a look at:
ActiveMQ which has a Python Stomp client.
RabbitMQ has a Python client too - see Building RabbitMQ apps using Python.
You could build it yourself, but that would be like reinventing the wheel (and on a side-note: I actually only realised I was half-way building a message broker before I started looking at existing solutions - building one takes a lot of work).
Consider using something like ZeroMQ. It supports the most useful messaging idioms - push/pull, publish/subscribe and so on, and although it's not 100% clear from your question which one you need, I'm pretty sure you will find the answer there.
They have a great user guide here, and the Python bindings are well-developed and supported. Some code samples are here.
You can implement MPI functions in order to create a communication between different codes. In this case the server program should public "MPI ports" with differents IDs. Clients should look for this ports and try to connect to them. Only server can accept each communication. Once the communication is stablished, codes can exchange data between them.
Another posibility is to run different programs in Multiple Instruction MPI option. In this case all programs are executed at the same time, and there is not necessity to create port communicators. After they are executed, you can create particular communicators between groups of programms you select.
Please tell me what kind of method you need and I can provide c code to implement the functions.

Python Program to use the resources of systems over internet?

i am fairly new to python , was wondering if i could remotely connect to another system over net , both the systems have different ISPs . can i write a program to connect to that system and use it resources , ofcourse with that systems permission.
PS: it kinda sounds like hacking into system without permission , but i have no intention of doing so .
What you're describing sounds a lot like RPC (Remote Procedure Calls). Python has libraries that handle RPC using XML to pass parameters and results (which frees you from dealing with binary format issues), which are xmlrpclib on the client side and SimpleXMLRPCServer or DocXMLRPCServer on the server end.
It's only one solution out of many, but it can be a starting point.
Also take a look at pyro
EDIT: I recommend you read about RPC and tell us is this what YOU want.

Is there a Python interface to the Apache scoreboard (for server statistics)?

In short: Is there an existing open-source Python interface for the Apache scoreboard IPC facility? I need to collect statistics from a running server WITHOUT using the "mod_status" HTTP interface, and I'd like to avoid Perl if possible.
Some background: As I understand it, the Apache web server uses a functionality called the "scoreboard" to handle inter-process coordination. This may be purely in-memory, or it may be file-backed shared memory. (PLEASE correct me if that's a mis-statement!)
Among other uses, "mod_status" lets you query a special path on a properly-configured server, receiving back a dynamically-generated page with a human-readable breakdown of Apache's overall functioning: uptime, request count, aggregate data transfer size, and process/thread status. (VERY useful information for monitoring perforamnce, or troubleshooting running servers that can't be shut down for debugging.)
But what if you need the Apache status, but you can't open an HTTP connection to the server? (My organization sees this case from time to time. For example, the Slowloris attack.) What are some different ways that we can get the scoreboard statistics, and is there a Python interface for any of those methods?
Note that a Perl module, Apache::Scoreboard, appears to be able to do this. But I'm not at all sure whether it can reach a local server's stats directly (shared memory, with or without a backing file), or whether it has to make a TCP connection to the localhost interface. So I'm not even sure whether this Perl module can do what we're asking. Beyond that, I'd like to avoid Perl in the solution for independent organizational reasons (no offense, Perl guys!).
Also, if people are using a completely different method to grab these statistics, I would be interested in learning about it.
Apache::Scoreboard can both fetch the scoreboard over HTTP, or, if it is loaded into the same server, access the scoreboard memory directly. This is done via a XS extension (i.e. native C). See httpd/include/scoreboard.h for how to access the in-memory scoreboard from C.
If you're running in mod_python, you should be able to use the same trick as Apache::Scoreboard: write a C extension to access the scoreboard directly.

Best Python supported server/client protocol?

I'm looking for a good server/client protocol supported in Python for making data requests/file transfers between one server and many clients. Security is also an issue - so secure login would be a plus. I've been looking into XML-RPC, but it looks to be a pretty old (and possibly unused these days?) protocol.
If you are looking to do file transfers, XMLRPC is likely a bad choice. It will require that you encode all of your data as XML (and load it into memory).
"Data requests" and "file transfers" sounds a lot like plain old HTTP to me, but your statement of the problem doesn't make your requirements clear. What kind of information needs to be encoded in the request? Would a URL like "" be good enough?
There are lots of HTTP clients and servers in Python, none of which are especially great, but all of which I'm sure will get the job done for basic file transfers. You can do security the "normal" web way, which is to use HTTPS and passwords, which will probably be sufficient.
If you want two-way communication then HTTP falls down, and a protocol like Twisted's perspective broker (PB) or asynchronous messaging protocol (AMP) might suit you better. These protocols are certainly well-supported by Twisted.
ProtocolBuffers was released by Google as a way of serializing data in a very compact efficient way. They have support for C++, Java and Python. I haven't used it yet, but looking at the source, there seem to be RPC clients and servers for each language.
I personally have used XML-RPC on several projects, and it always did exactly what I was hoping for. I was usually going between C++, Java and Python. I use libxmlrpc in Python often because it's easy to memorize and type interactively, but it is actually much slower than the alternative pyxmlrpc.
PyAMF is mostly for RPC with Flash clients, but it's a compact RPC format worth looking at too.
When you have Python on both ends, I don't believe anything beats Pyro (Python Remote Objects.) Pyro even has a "name server" that lets services announce their availability to a network. Clients use the name server to find the services it needs no matter where they're active at a particular moment. This gives you free redundancy, and the ability to move services from one machine to another without any downtime.
For security, I'd tunnel over SSH, or use TLS or SSL at the connection level. Of course, all these options are essentially the same, they just have various difficulties of setup.
Pyro (Python Remote Objects) is fairly clever if all your server/clients are going to be in Python. I use XMPP alot though since I'm communicating with hosts that are not always Python. XMPP lends itself to being extended fairly easily too.
There is an excellent XMPP library for python called PyXMPP which is reasonably up to date and has no dependancy on Twisted.
I suggest you look at 1. XMLRPC 2. JSONRPC 3. SOAP 4. REST/ATOM
XMLRPC is a valid choice. Don't worry it is too old. That is not a problem. It is so simple that little needed changing since original specification. The pro is that in every programming langauge I know there is a library for a client to be written in. Certainly for python. I made it work with mod_python and had no problem at all.
The big problem with it is its verbosity. For simple values there is a lot of XML overhead. You can gzip it of cause, but then you loose some debugging ability with the tools like Fiddler.
My personal preference is JSONRPC. It has all of the XMLRPC advantages and it is very compact. Further, Javascript clients can "eval" it so no parsing is necessary. Most of them are built for version 1.0 of the standard. I have seen diverse attempts to improve on it, called 1.1 1.2 and 2.0 but they are not built one on top of another and, to my knowledge, are not widely supported yet. 2.0 looks the best, but I would still stick with 1.0 for now (October 2008)
Third candidate would be REST/ATOM. REST is a principle, and ATOM is how you convey bulk of data when it needs to for POST, PUT requests and GET responses.
For a very nice implementation of it, look at GData, Google's API. Real real nice.
SOAP is old, and lots lots of libraries / langauges support it. IT is heeavy and complicated, but if your primary clients are .NET or Java, it might be worth the bother.
Visual Studio would import your WSDL file and create a wrapper and to C# programmer it would look like local assembly indeed.
The nice thing about all this, is that if you architect your solution right, existing libraries for Python would allow you support more then one with almost no overhead. XMLRPC and JSONRPC are especially good match.
Regarding authentication. XMLRPC and JSONRPC don't bother defining one. It is independent thing from the serialization. So you can implement Basic Authentication, Digest Authentication or your own with any of those. I have seen couple of examples of client side Digest Authentication for python, but am yet to see the server based one. If you use Apache, you might not need one, using mod_auth_digest Apache module instead. This depens on the nature of your application
Transport security. It is obvously SSL (HTTPS). I can't currently remember how XMLRPC deals with, but with JSONRPC implementation that I have it is trivial - you merely change http to https in your URLs to JSONRPC and it shall be going over SSL enabled transport.
HTTP seems to suit your requirements and is very well supported in Python.
Twisted is good for serious asynchronous network programming in Python, but it has a steep learning curve, so it might be worth using something simpler unless you know your system will need to handle a lot of concurrency.
To start, I would suggest using urllib for the client and a WSGI service behind Apache for the server. Apache can be set up to deal with HTTPS fairly simply.
SSH can be a good choice for file transfer and remote control, especially if you are concerned with secure login. Most Linux and Solaris servers will already run an SSH service for administration, so if your Python program use ssh then you don't need to open up any additional ports or services on remote machines.
OpenSSH is the standard and portable SSH client and server, and can be used via subprocesses from Python. If you want more flexibility Twisted includes Twisted Conch which is a SSH client and server implementation which provides flexible programmable control of an SSH stack, on both Linux and Windows. I use both in production.
I'd use http and start with understanding what the Python library offers.
Then I'd move onto the more industrial strength Twisted library.
There is no need to use HTTP (indeed, HTTP is not good for RPC in general in some respects), and no need to use a standards-based protocol if you're talking about a python client talking to a python server.
Use a Python-specific RPC library such as Pyro, or what Twisted provides (Twisted.spread).
XMLRPC is very simple to get started with, and at my previous job, we used it extensively for intra-node communication in a distributed system. As long as you keep track of the fact that the None value can't be easily transferred, it's dead easy to work with, and included in Python's standard library.
Run it over https and add a username/password parameter to all calls, and you'll have simple security in place. Not sure about how easy it is to verify server certificate in Python, though.
However, if you are transferring large amounts of data, the coding into XML might become a bottleneck, so using a REST-inspired architecture over https may be as good as xmlrpclib.
Facebook's thrift project may be a good answer. It uses a light-weight protocol to pass object around and allows you to use any language you wish. It may fall-down on security though as I believe there is none.
In the RPC field, Json-RPC will bring a big performance improvement over xml-rpc:

