I wrote a method to calculate the cosine distance between two arrays:
def cosine_distance(a, b):
if len(a) != len(b):
return False
numerator = 0
denoma = 0
denomb = 0
for i in range(len(a)):
numerator += a[i]*b[i]
denoma += abs(a[i])**2
denomb += abs(b[i])**2
result = 1 - numerator / (sqrt(denoma)*sqrt(denomb))
return result
Running it can be very slow on a large array. Is there an optimized version of this method that would run faster?
Update: I've tried all the suggestions to date, including scipy. Here's the version to beat, incorporating suggestions from Mike and Steve:
def cosine_distance(a, b):
if len(a) != len(b):
raise ValueError, "a and b must be same length" #Steve
numerator = 0
denoma = 0
denomb = 0
for i in range(len(a)): #Mike's optimizations:
ai = a[i] #only calculate once
bi = b[i]
numerator += ai*bi #faster than exponent (barely)
denoma += ai*ai #strip abs() since it's squaring
denomb += bi*bi
result = 1 - numerator / (sqrt(denoma)*sqrt(denomb))
return result
If you can use SciPy, you can use cosine from spatial.distance:
If you can't use SciPy, you could try to obtain a small speedup by rewriting your Python (EDIT: but it didn't work out like I thought it would, see below).
from itertools import izip
from math import sqrt
def cosine_distance(a, b):
if len(a) != len(b):
raise ValueError, "a and b must be same length"
numerator = sum(tup[0] * tup[1] for tup in izip(a,b))
denoma = sum(avalue ** 2 for avalue in a)
denomb = sum(bvalue ** 2 for bvalue in b)
result = 1 - numerator / (sqrt(denoma)*sqrt(denomb))
return result
It is better to raise an exception when the lengths of a and b are mismatched.
By using generator expressions inside of calls to sum() you can calculate your values with most of the work being done by the C code inside of Python. This should be faster than using a for loop.
I haven't timed this so I can't guess how much faster it might be. But the SciPy code is almost certainly written in C or C++ and it should be about as fast as you can get.
If you are doing bioinformatics in Python, you really should be using SciPy anyway.
EDIT: Darius Bacon timed my code and found it slower. So I timed my code and... yes, it is slower. The lesson for all: when you are trying to speed things up, don't guess, measure.
I am baffled as to why my attempt to put more work on the C internals of Python is slower. I tried it for lists of length 1000 and it was still slower.
I can't spend any more time on trying to hack the Python cleverly. If you need more speed, I suggest you try SciPy.
EDIT: I just tested by hand, without timeit. I find that for short a and b, the old code is faster; for long a and b, the new code is faster; in both cases the difference is not large. (I'm now wondering if I can trust timeit on my Windows computer; I want to try this test again on Linux.) I wouldn't change working code to try to get it faster. And one more time I urge you to try SciPy. :-)
(I originally thought) you're not going to speed it up a lot without breaking out to C (like numpy or scipy) or changing what you compute. But here's how I'd try that, anyway:
from itertools import imap
from math import sqrt
from operator import mul
def cosine_distance(a, b):
assert len(a) == len(b)
return 1 - (sum(imap(mul, a, b))
/ sqrt(sum(imap(mul, a, a))
* sum(imap(mul, b, b))))
It's roughly twice as fast in Python 2.6 with 500k-element arrays. (After changing map to imap, following Jarret Hardie.)
Here's a tweaked version of the original poster's revised code:
from itertools import izip
def cosine_distance(a, b):
assert len(a) == len(b)
ab_sum, a_sum, b_sum = 0, 0, 0
for ai, bi in izip(a, b):
ab_sum += ai * bi
a_sum += ai * ai
b_sum += bi * bi
return 1 - ab_sum / sqrt(a_sum * b_sum)
It's ugly, but it does come out faster. . .
Edit: And try Psyco! It speeds up the final version by another factor of 4. How could I forget?
No need to take abs() of a[i] and b[i] if you're squaring it.
Store a[i] and b[i] in temporary variables, to avoid doing the indexing more than once.
Maybe the compiler can optimize this, but maybe not.
Check into the **2 operator. Is it simplifying it into a multiply, or is it using a general power function (log - multiply by 2 - antilog).
Don't do sqrt twice (though the cost of that is small). Do sqrt(denoma * denomb).
Similar to Darius Bacon's answer, I've been toying with operator and itertools to produce a faster answer. The following seems to be 1/3 faster on a 500-item array according to timeit:
from math import sqrt
from itertools import imap
from operator import mul
def op_cosine(a, b):
dot_prod = sum(imap(mul, a, b))
a_veclen = sqrt(sum(i ** 2 for i in a))
b_veclen = sqrt(sum(i ** 2 for i in b))
return 1 - dot_prod / (a_veclen * b_veclen)
This is faster for arrays of around 1000+ elements.
from numpy import array
def cosine_distance(a, b):
result = 1 - numerator / sqrt(denoma*denomb)
return result
Using the C code inside of SciPy wins big for long input arrays. Using simple and direct Python wins for short input arrays; Darius Bacon's izip()-based code benchmarked out best. Thus, the ultimate solution is to decide which one to use at runtime, based on the length of the input arrays:
from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine as scipy_cos_dist
from itertools import izip
from math import sqrt
def cosine_distance(a, b):
len_a = len(a)
assert len_a == len(b)
if len_a > 200: # 200 is a magic value found by benchmark
return scipy_cos_dist(a, b)
# function below is basically just Darius Bacon's code
ab_sum = a_sum = b_sum = 0
for ai, bi in izip(a, b):
ab_sum += ai * bi
a_sum += ai * ai
b_sum += bi * bi
return 1 - ab_sum / sqrt(a_sum * b_sum)
I made a test harness that tested the functions with different length inputs, and found that around length 200 the SciPy function started to win. The bigger the input arrays, the bigger it wins. For very short length arrays, say length 3, the simpler code wins. This function adds a tiny amount of overhead to decide which way to do it, then does it the best way.
In case you are interested, here is the test harness:
from darius2 import cosine_distance as fn_darius2
fn_darius2.__name__ = "fn_darius2"
from ult import cosine_distance as fn_ult
fn_ult.__name__ = "fn_ult"
from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine as fn_scipy
fn_scipy.__name__ = "fn_scipy"
import random
import time
lst_fn = [fn_darius2, fn_scipy, fn_ult]
def run_test(fn, lst0, lst1, test_len):
start = time.time()
for _ in xrange(test_len):
fn(lst0, lst1)
end = time.time()
return end - start
for data_len in range(50, 500, 10):
a = [random.random() for _ in xrange(data_len)]
b = [random.random() for _ in xrange(data_len)]
print "len(a) ==", len(a)
test_len = 10**3
for fn in lst_fn:
n = fn.__name__
r = fn(a, b)
t = run_test(fn, a, b, test_len)
print "%s:\t%f seconds, result %f" % (n, t, r)
def cd(a,b):
raise ValueError, "a and b must be the same length"
rn = range(len(a))
adb = sum([a[k]*b[k] for k in rn])
nma = sqrt(sum([a[k]*a[k] for k in rn]))
nmb = sqrt(sum([b[k]*b[k] for k in rn]))
result = 1 - adb / (nma*nmb)
return result
Your updated solution still has two square roots. You can reduce this to one by replacing the sqrt line with:
result = 1 - numerator /
A multiply is typically quite a bit quicker than a sqrt. It might not seem much as it is only called once in the function, but it sounds like you are calculating a lot of cosine distances, so the improvement will add up.
Your code looks like it should be ripe for vector optimizations. So if cross-platofrm support is not an issue and you want to speed it even further, you could code the cosine distance code in C and make sure your compiler is aggressively vectorizing the resulting code (even Pentium II is capable of some floating point vectorisation)
Out of curiosity, I was wondering if there's a way to solve a binominal coefficient by simulation in python. I tried a little bit, but the numbers are getting so big so quickly that I wasn't able to solve it for anything but really small numbers.
I'm aware of this question but wasn't able to identify one solution that uses only brute force to solve the coefficient. But I have to admit that I don't understand all the implementations listed there.
Here's my naive approach:
import random
import numpy as np
from math import factorial as fac
# Calculating the reference with help of factorials
def comb(n,k):
return fac(n) // fac(k) // fac(n-k)
# trying a simple simulation with help of random.sample
n,k = 30,3
n_sim = 100000
samples = np.empty([n_sim,k], dtype=int)
for i in range(n_sim):
x = random.sample(range(n),k)
samples[i] = sorted(x)
u = np.unique(samples, axis=0)
Would it be possible to do this efficiently and fast for big numbers?
I use this, its pretty efficient for large numbers:
def nck(n, k):
if k < 0 or k > n:
return 0
if k == 0 or k == n:
return 1
k = min(k, n - k) # take advantage of symmetry
c = 1
for i in range(k):
c = c * (n - i) // (i + 1)
return c
Undertaking a task to Write a function power that accepts two arguments, a and b and calculates a raised to the power b.
power(2, 3) => 8
Note: Don't use
2 ** 3
and don't use
Math.pow(2, 3)
I have tried this
def power(a,b):
return eval(((str(a)+"*")*b)[:-1])
And it works but seems to fail one test which is to return_1_when_exp_is_0
and i also get the error
Unhandled Exception: unexpected EOF while parsing (, line 0)
Please how do i solve this issue considering that i am new to python
This worked fine
def power(a,b):
if b == 0:
return 1
return eval(((str(a)+"*")*b)[:-1])
Using eval is a terrible idea, but if you really wanted to then using join() would be a better way to create the string:
def power(a, b):
return eval('*'.join([str(a)]*b))
>>> power(2, 3)
If you add ['1'] to the front then the 0 exponent behaves properly:
def power(a, b):
return eval('*'.join(['1']+[str(a)]*b))
>>> power(2, 0)
However, this is simple to implement for integer exponents with a for loop:
def power(n, e):
t = 1
for _ in range(e):
t *= n
return t
>>> power(2, 3)
>>> power(2, 0)
You could also use functools.reduce() to do the same thing:
import functools as ft
import operator as op
def power(n, e):
return ft.reduce(op.mul, [n]*e, 1)
You can use a for loop
for i in range(b):
def power(theNumber, thePower):
#basically, multiply the number for power times
if theNumber == 0:
return 0
elif thePower == 0:
return 1
return theNumber * power(theNumber,thePower-1)
except exception as err:
return 'Only digits are allowed as input'
You should avoid eval by all costs, especially when it's very simple to implement pure algorithmic efficient solution. Classic efficient algorithm is Exponentiation_by_squaring. Instead of computing and multiplying numbers n times, you can always divide it to squares to archive logarithmic* complexity.
For example, for calculating x^15:
x^15 = (x^7)*(x^7)*x
x^7 = (x^3)*(x^3)*x
x^3 = x*x*x
Thus taking 6 multiplications instead of 14.
def pow3(x, n):
r = 1
while n:
if n % 2 == 1:
r *= x
n -= 1
x *= x
n /= 2
return r
Source: https://helloacm.com/exponentiation-by-squaring/
Note: it was not mentioned in the question, but everything above considers N to be positive integer. If your question was also covering fractional or negative exponent, suggested approach will not work "as is".
* Of course depends on length of x and complexity of multiplying, see Wikipedia for detailed complexity analysis.
Also may be interesting to check out following questions: C solution or Python implementing pow() for exponentiation by squaring for very large integers
def power(a, b):
if b == 0:
return 1
return a ** b
My problem is very simple. I would like to compute the following sum.
from __future__ import division
from scipy.misc import comb
import math
for n in xrange(2,1000,10):
m = 2.2*n/math.log(n)
print sum(sum(comb(n,a) * comb(n-a,b) * (comb(a+b,a)*2**(-a-b))**m
for b in xrange(n+1))
for a in xrange(1,n+1))
However python gives RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in multiply and nan as the output and it is also very very slow.
Is there a clever way to do this?
The reason why you get NaNs is you end up evaluating numbers like
comb(600 + 600, 600) == 3.96509646226102e+359
This is too large to fit into a floating point number:
>>> numpy.finfo(float).max
Take logarithms to avoid it:
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
from scipy.special import betaln
from scipy.misc import logsumexp
import numpy as np
def binomln(n, k):
# Assumes binom(n, k) >= 0
return -betaln(1 + n - k, 1 + k) - np.log(n + 1)
for n in range(2, 1000, 10):
m = 2.2*n/np.log(n)
a = np.arange(1, n + 1)[np.newaxis,:]
b = np.arange(n + 1)[:,np.newaxis]
v = (binomln(n, a)
+ binomln(n - a, b)
+ m*binomln(a + b, a)
- m*(a+b) * np.log(2))
term = np.exp(logsumexp(v))
Use the Memoize pattern. With that, redefine comb:
def newcomb(a, b):
return comb(a, b)
And replace all calls to comb with newcomb. Also, for a minor improvement, remove the brackets. If you make explicit lists, you waste time constructing them. If you remove them, you're effectively using generator expressions.
This won't solve the nan issue, but does make it a lot faster.
For everyone who does not see this as being faster, are you applying the memoize decorator? On my machine, the original function takes 29.7s to go up to 200, but only 3.8s with the memoized version.
What memoize does is simply store all your invocations of comb in a lookup table. So if in a later iteration you're invoking comb with the same arguments as you had at some point in the past, it doesn't recalculate it - it simply looks it up in the lookup table.
The Lucas-Lehmer primality test tests prime numbers to determine whether they are also Mersenne primes. One of the bottlenecks is the modulus operation in the calculation of (s**2 − 2) % (2**p - 1).
Using bitwise operations can speed things up considerably (see the L-L link), the best I have so far being:
def mod(n,p):
""" Returns the value of (s**2 - 2) % (2**p -1)"""
Mp = (1<<p) - 1
while n.bit_length() > p: # For Python < 2.7 use len(bin(n)) - 2 > p
n = (n & Mp) + (n >> p)
if n == Mp:
return 0
return n
A simple test case is where p has 5-9 digits and s has 10,000+ digits (or more; not important what they are). Solutions can be tested by mod((s**2 - 2), p) == (s**2 - 2) % (2**p -1). Keep in mind that p - 2 iterations of this modulus operation are required in the L-L test, each with exponentially increasing s, hence the need for optimization.
Is there a way to speed this up further, using pure Python (Python 3 included)? Is there a better way?
The best improvement I could find was removing Mp = (1<<p) - 1 from the modulus function altogether, and pre-calculating it in the L-L function before starting the iterations of the L-L test. Using while n > Mp: instead of while n.bit_length() > p: also saved some time.
In the case where n is much longer than 2^p, you can avoid some quadratic-time pain by doing something like this:
def mod1(n,p):
while n.bit_length() > 3*p:
k = n.bit_length() // p
k1 = k>>1
k1p = k1*p
M = (1<<k1p)-1
n = (n & M) + (n >> k1p)
Mp = (1<<p)-1
while n.bit_length() > p:
n = (n&Mp) + (n>>p)
if n==Mp: return 0
return n
[EDITED because I screwed up the formatting before; thanks to Benjamin for pointing this out. Moral: don't copy-and-paste from an Idle window into SO. Sorry!]
(Note: the criterion for halving the length of n rather than taking p off it, and the exact choice of k1, are both a bit wrong, but it doesn't matter so I haven't bothered fixing them.)
If I take p=12345 and n=9**200000 (yes, I know p then isn't prime, but that doesn't matter here) then this is about 13 times faster.
Unfortunately this will not help you, because in the L-L test n is never bigger than about (2^p)^2. Sorry.
How can this Mathematica code be ported to Python? I do not know the Mathematica syntax and am having a hard time understanding how this is described in a more traditional language.
Source (pg 5): http://subjoin.net/misc/m496pres1.nb.pdf
This cannot be ported to Python directly as the definition a[j] uses the Symbolic Arithmetic feature of Mathematica.
a[j] is basically the coefficient of xj in the series expansion of that rational function inside Apart.
Assume you have a[j], then f[n] is easy. A Block in Mathematica basically introduces a scope for variables. The first list initializes the variable, and the rest is the execution of the code. So
from __future__ import division
def f(n):
v = n // 5
q = v // 20
r = v % 20
return sum(binomial(q+5-j, 5) * a[r+20*j] for j in range(5))
(binomial is the Binomial coefficient.)
Using the proposed solutions from the previous answers I found that sympy sadly doesn't compute the apart() of the rational immediatly. It somehow gets confused. Moreover, the python list of coefficients returned by *Poly.all_coeffs()* has a different semantics than a Mathmatica list. Hence the try-except-clause in the definition of a().
The following code does work and the output, for some tested values, concurs with the answers given by the Mathematica formula in Mathematica 7:
from __future__ import division
from sympy import expand, Poly, binomial, apart
from sympy.abc import x
A = Poly(apart(expand(((1-x**20)**5)) / expand((((1-x)**2)*(1-x**2)*(1-x**5)*(1-x**10))))).all_coeffs()
def a(n):
return A[n]
except IndexError:
return 0
def f(n):
v = n // 5
q = v // 20
r = v % 20
return sum(a[r+20*j]* binomial(q+5-j, 5) for j in range(5))
print map(f, [100, 50, 1000, 150])
The symbolics can be done with sympy. Combined with KennyTM's answer, something like this might be what you want:
from __future__ import division
from sympy import Symbol, apart, binomial
x = Symbol('x')
poly = (1-x**20)**5 / ((1-x)**2 * (1-x**2) * (1-x**5) * (1-x**10))
poly2 = apart(poly,x)
def a(j):
return poly2.coeff(x**j)
def f(n):
v = n // 5
q = v // 20
r = v % 20
return sum(binomial(q+5-j, 5)*a(r+20*j) for j in range(5))
Although I have to admit that f(n) does not work (I'm not very good at Python).