I have a combo, which is showing some awkward behavior. Given a list of options from the combo-box, the user should pick the name of a city clicking with the mouse. Here is the code:
QtCore.QObject.connect(self.comboCity, QtCore.SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(QString)"), self.checkChosenCity)
def checkChosenCity(self):
print "the city chosen is:"
print "%s" % self.cityName
The problem is, each time a city is chosen, connect calls the function checkChosenCity twice.
This combo is a hierarchical combo, i.e. after in the first combo a customer is chosen, then in the second combo-box comes the list of cities for that customer.
I hope someone here can point out or guess why this is happening.
I had exactly the same problem. After some debugging it turned out that using
instead of
fixed it for me.
It still don't understand why the former fires twice.
Thanks Eli..
Here is what I have:
combo1 : [customernames] - pick a customer.
combo2 : [cityList] - pick a city for the chosen customer.
combo3 : [emploeeList] - load employees for that city, given the chosen customer.
What I find out is that, even when no city is chosen, the combox-box for city is activated. And yes, I have checked if the function 'checkChosenCity' is not called anywhere else inside the program.
As a quick fix, not the ideal solution, I put a condition to avoid the problem into the function 'checkChosenCity'. So, now when this function is wrongly activated by 'connect', it checks if a city name was really selected, if none, then the pointed process doesn't run avoiding the system to crash.
Here is the function that loads the city list into combo-box:
def loadcomboCity(self,customerName):
if customerName == " ":
"""no customer was chosen yet - list of city empty"""
CityName=" "
"""for this customerName - load his city list"""
""" the data is imported from mysql class into self.db.matrix"""
for row in self.db.matrix:
print "city name = %s" % cityname
Here is the function that loads the customer-names list into combo-box:
def loadComboCustomer(self):
"""queries customerList into self.connexDB.matrix"""
""" the data is imported from mysql class into self.db.matrix"""
for row in self.connexDB.matrix:
Here is the function that checkes if the a customer name was chosen:
def checkChosenCustomer(self):
print "the customer chosen is:"
print "%s" % self.customerName
Here is the function that checks if some city chosen from list into combo-box:
def checkChosenCity(self):
print "the City chosen is:"
print "value of City = %s" % self.CityName
if self.CityName == '':
print "empty"
"""for this city - load the respective customer employee list"""
""" the data is imported from mysql class into self.db.matrix"""
for row in self.db.matrix:
print "person name = %s" % personname
Here is the main function that connect combo-box events:
def options(self):
self.comboCustomer = QtGui.QComboBox(self.boxBooking)
self.comboCustomer.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(60, 60, 521, 22))
QtCore.QObject.connect(self.comboCustomer, QtCore.SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(QString)"), self.checkChosenCustomer)
self.comboCity = QtGui.QComboBox(self.boxBooking)
self.comboCity.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(60, 120, 521, 22))
QtCore.QObject.connect(self.comboCity, QtCore.SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(QString)"), self.checkChosenCity)
Not the ideal solution really. But, quite funny to have to spend hours to find out that such a strange connect event is being wrongly self-activated.
If you discover any other explanation, just let us know.
I'm iterating through an excel sheet and trying to create objects for each value contained in cell.
I'm first creating a SET with all the values encounterd and then i'm 'for looping' throug this set to create each object (i know thiis not well optimized)
The problem is:
After i iterate through the set to create the objects i try to print an atribute and i receive the message(example: NameError: name 'BIDI' is not defined).
However, if I print inside the for loop 'asset.name', the object will exist. So what i am doing wrong ? Why can't i see the object created after the loop.
class Ativo:
def __init__(self,nome = "",qtd_total=0,pm=0):
self.nome = nome
self.qtd_total = qtd_total
self.pm = pm
for asset in set_ativo: #set_ativo is the SET with all objects to be created
asset = Ativo(nome=asset) #Assuming that the first on the list is called BIDI
print(asset.nome) #this works
print(asset.qtd_total) #this works
print(BIDI.nome) #THIS DOES NOT WORK -- > NameError: name 'BIDI' is not defined
print(BIDI.nome) #THIS DOES NOT WORK ---> NameError: name 'BIDI' is not defined
I believe you're having a problem with "scoping of variables".
targetName = "Mark"
for name,phone in people.items():
if name == targetName:
foundPhoneNumber = phone
But foundPhoneNumber will be out of scope.
targetName = "Mark"
foundPhoneNumber = None
for name,phone in people.items():
if name == targetName:
foundPhoneNumber = phone
if not foundPhoneNumer is None:
print("Found phone number:", foundPhoneNumber)
print("Phone number (person) not found"
So now "foundPhoneNumber" is still in scope once the loop ends, and you can check if it is None or not.
As an example, let's say I have information on three cars:
Car One
Car Two
Car Three
I want to put that in a dictionary, or SOMETHING, so that I can easily access it through a function.
def fuel_eco(car):
return("The fuel economy for %s is %s" % (car, mpg))
def top_speed(car):
return("The top speed for %s is %s" % (car, speed))
def horsepower(car):
return("The horsepower for %s is %s" % (car, hp))
Basically have a module with some functions and a list/dictionary/whatever of the information, and then have another script that asks what car they want to view info on, and what information they want to know.
import carstats
car = input("What car do you want to find out about?")
stat = input("What information do you want to know?")
getStat = getattr (carstats, stat)
How do I store the information for the three vehicles (And more if I add them) in a dictionary, so I can retrieve the information?
Okay, these are the actual files I am working with:
File one is asoiaf.py:
def sigil (house):
Function to return a description of the sigil of a specified Great House.
Takes one argument, the name of the House.
house = house.lower ()
if house == "stark":
sigil = "a grey direwolf on a white field."
elif house == "lannister":
sigil = "a golden lion rampant on a crimson field."
elif house == "targaryen":
sigil = "a red three-headed dragon on a black field."
sigil = "Unknown"
house = str(house[0].upper()) + str(house[1:len(house)])
return("The sigil for House %s is %s" % (house, sigil))
def motto (house):
Function to return the family motto of a specified Great House.
Takes one argument, the name of the House.
house = house.lower ()
if house == "stark":
motto = "Winter is coming!"
elif house == "lannister":
motto = "Hear me roar!"
elif house == "targaryen":
motto = "Fire and blood!"
motto = "Unknown"
house = str(house[0].upper()) + str(house[1:len(house)])
return("The motto for House %s is: %s" % (house, motto))
The second file is encyclopedia.py:
import asoiaf
#import sl4a
#droid = sl4a.Android ()
#sound = input ("Would you like to turn on sound?")
info = "yes"
while info == "yes":
#if sound == "yes":
# droid.ttsSpeak ("What house do you want to learn about?")
house = input ("What house do you want to learn about?")
house = str(house[0].upper()) + str(house[1:len(house)])
#if sound == "yes":
# droid.ttsSpeak ("What do you want to know about House %s?" % house)
area = input ("What do you want to know about House %s?" % house)
getArea = getattr (asoiaf, area)
#if sound == "yes":
# droid.ttsSpeak (getArea (house))
print (getArea (house))
#if sound == "yes":
# droid.ttsSpeak ("Would you like to continue learning?")
info = input ("Would you like to continue learning?")
if info == "no":
print ("Goodbye!")
You'll see a lot of commenting out in the last code, because I had to comment out the TTS that I have for my phone, since most people are not on an Android right now. As you can see, I am using IF, ELIF, ELSE in the functions, and I am just trying to see if there is an easier way. I apologize if it is/was confusing.
Creating a class should be the best way to do it:
class Car: # define the class
def __init__(self, name, speed, hp, mpg):
# This is the constructor. The self parameter is handled by python,
# You have to put it. it represents the object itself
self.name = name
self.speed = speed
self.hp = hp
self.mpg = hp
# This bind the parameters to the object
# So you can access them throught the object
You can then use the object this way:
my_car1 = Car('Car One', 180, 500, 15)
my_car1.speed # Will return 180
Concercing the __init__ name, it has to be this name, all constructors have this name (that's how Python know it is the class constructor). The __init__ method is called when you call Car('car one', 180, 500, 15). You have to ommit the self parameter, Python handle it.
You can add other function to your class, like
def top_speed(self):
return 'The top speed is {}'.format(self.speed)
Then you simply have to do my_car1.topspeed()
In every function you define in a class self must be the first parameter (except some rare cases such as classmethod or staticmethods). Obviously the topseed function works only if you create it in the class Car: block.
I'd suggest you should read more about object oriented programming (OOP) in Python. Just google OOP python and you will have a lot of serious ressources explaining you how to create classes and how to use them.
This official python classes tutorial should help you a lot in understanding the concept.
Regarding the accessing of the class in an other script. It's simple:
let's say you save the code above in a car.py file. Just place that file in the same folder as your other script, and in your other script do:
from car import Car # car is the name of the .py file, Car is the class you want to import
name = input('Car name: ')
speed = int(input('Car speed: ')) # input return a string, you have to cast to an integer to have a number
hp = int(input('Car hp: '))
mpg = int(input('Car mpg : '))
my_car = Car(name,speed,hp,mpg) # Then you just create a Car Object with the data you fetched from a user.
stuff = my_car.speed * my_car.hp # An example of how to use your class
print('The given car have {} mph top speed and have {} horsepower'.format(my_car.speed,my_car.hp))
What you have to understand is that a Class is some kind of a formated data type. When creating a Car class, you are defining how to create a car object. And Each time you call Car(...), you actually create one of these object, the value you put in the object are whatever values you want to put. It could be random number, user input or even network fetched data. You can use this object as you want.
Edit 2:
Given your code. Creating classes will change some things. Let's Give an example.
File 1 houses.py:
class House: # defining a house class
def __init__(self,name, sigil, motto):
self.name = name
self.sigil = sigil
self.moto = motto
# Then, in the same file, you create your houses.
starks = House('starks','grey direwolf on a white field','Winter is coming!')
lannisters = House('lannisters', 'a golden lion rampant on a crimson field', 'Hear me roar!')
# let's skip targaryen, it's the same way...
unknown_house = House('unknown','unknown','unknow')
houses = [starks, lannisters]
def get_house(name):
for house in houses:
if house.name == name:
return house
return unknow_house # if no house match, return unknow
Then in your second file. You just se that:
import houses
house_wanted = input('What house do you want to know about?')
my_house = houses.get_house(house_wanted)
print('this is the house {}; Sigil {} and motto {}'.format(my_house.name, my_house.sigil, my_house.motto))
If you plan on working on biggers set. You should have a look at Enums. That could fit what you want.
If you want to getting a precise attribute, you can do it this way:
import houses
house_wanted = input('What house do you want to know about?')
my_house = houses.get_house(house_wanted)
attr= input('What do you want to know about that house?')
Note this last thing will raise an error if you call for non-existent attr (like foo).
There are many ways to solve the broader problem you describe in the text of your question (the question of how to store multiple pieces of information about an object). Classes maybe one good one. Classes have the advantage of better robustness than dictionaries.
To answer the specific question in the summary/title: "how to have more than one item associated with one key in a dictionary" - use dictionaries as the values, like this:
car_info = {'CarOne': {'power': 500, 'speed': 180, 'mileage': 18},
'CarTwo': {'power': 380, 'spead': 200, 'mileage': 10}
print "Car Two has power %d mileage %d" % (car_info['CarTwo']['power'], car_info['CarTwo']['mileage'])
You can see that this is not especially robust by trying to access the 'speed' for "CarTwo". If you look closely you will see that because I made a deliberate typo in the initializer for CarTwo, it does not have a speed at all, it has a spead. Classes will catch this error, dictionaries will not.
This is not a reason not to do it with dictionaries - just something to be aware of when deciding for your particular case.
You could create a class, called car, with whatever attributes you want!
Here's a great tutorial on how to do that: class tutorial
I'm on the road right now, but if you're having trouble, please tell me so that I can write some useful code...
I'm new to programming and have an assignment I've been working at for awhile. I understand defining functions and a lot of the basics but I'm kind of running into a brick wall at this point.
I'm trying to figure this one out and don't really understand how the 'class' feature works yet. I'd appreciate any help with this one; also any help with some python resources that have can dummy down how/why classes are used.
You've been going to work on a database project at work for sometime now. Your boss encourages you to program the database in Python. You disagree, arguing that Python is not a database language but your boss persists by providing the source code below for a sample telephone database.
He asks you to do two things:
Evaluate the existing source code and extend it to make it useful for managers in the firm. (You do not need a GUI interface, just work on the database aspects: data entry and retrieval - of course you must get the program to run or properly work
He wants you to critically evaluate Python as a database tool.
Import the sample code below into the Python IDLE and enhance it, run it and debug it. Add features to make this a more realistic database tool by providing for easy data entry and retrieval.
import shelve
import string
HOME = 1
WORK = 2
FAX = 3
CELL = 4
class phoneentry:
def __init__(self, name = 'Unknown', number = 'Unknown',
type = UNKNOWN):
self.name = name
self.number = number
self.type = type
# create string representation
def __repr__(self):
return('%s:%d' % ( self.name, self.type ))
# fuzzy compare or two items
def __cmp__(self, that):
this = string.lower(str(self))
that = string.lower(that)
if string.find(this, that) >= 0:
return(cmp(this, that))
def showtype(self):
if self.type == UNKNOWN: return('Unknown')
if self.type == HOME: return('Home')
if self.type == WORK: return('Work')
if self.type == FAX: return('Fax')
if self.type == CELL: return('Cellular')
class phonedb:
def __init__(self, dbname = 'phonedata'):
self.dbname = dbname;
self.shelve = shelve.open(self.dbname);
def __del__(self):
self.shelve = None
def add(self, name, number, type = HOME):
e = phoneentry(name, number, type)
self.shelve[str(e)] = e
def lookup(self, string):
list = []
for key in self.shelve.keys():
e = self.shelve[key]
if cmp(e, string) == 0:
# if not being loaded as a module, run a small test
if __name__ == '__main__':
foo = phonedb()
foo.add('Sean Reifschneider', '970-555-1111', HOME)
foo.add('Sean Reifschneider', '970-555-2222', CELL)
foo.add('Evelyn Mitchell', '970-555-1111', HOME)
print 'First lookup:'
for entry in foo.lookup('reifsch'):
print '%-40s %s (%s)' % ( entry.name, entry.number, entry.showtype() )
print 'Second lookup:'
for entry in foo.lookup('e'):
print '%-40s %s (%s)' % ( entry.name, entry.number, entry.showtype() )
I'm not sure if I'm on the right track but here is what I have so far:
def openPB():
foo = phonedb()
print 'Please select an option:'
print '1 - Lookup'
print '2 - Add'
print '3 - Delete'
print '4 - Quit'
entry=int(raw_input('>> '))
if entry==1:
namelookup=raw_input('Please enter a name: ')
for entry in foo.lookup(namelookup):
print '%-40s %s (%s)' % (entry.name, entry.number, entry.showtype() )
elif entry==2:
name=raw_input('Name: ')
number=raw_input('Number: ')
showtype=input('Type (UNKNOWN, HOME, WORK, FAX, CELL): \n>> ')
for entry in foo.add(name, number, showtype): #Trying to figure out this part
print '%-40s %s (%s)'% (entry.name, entry.number, entry.showtype() )
elif entry==3:
delname=raw_input('Please enter a name to delete: ')
# #Trying to figure out this part
print "Contact '%s' has been deleted" (delname)
elif entry==4:
print "Phone book is now closed"
print "Your entry was not recognized."
Learn Python the Hard Way, Dive into Python, and the built in Python Tutorial are all pretty good resources for someone starting to learn Python. I also used Beginning Python when I started learning.
So I had a similar question that was answered in another thread.
How do I update a dictionary value having the user choose the key to update and then the new value, in Python?
Basically, how did one get a nested dictionary value changed via raw_input. I used the solution and it worked well, but I wanted to write the program using classes. So I made a class with a method for editing the dictionary using essentially the same code, however when i try run it in the class method it gives me a "key error" now.
So in the main function this works the solution in the above linked question works great. But in a class method:
class team: # create a class where each team will be an instance
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name #name of team will be passed from main
self.list_of_players = [] # create a list of the players
self.position1 = {} # create a dictionary for each of the positions on that team
self.position2 = {}
self.roster = [self.position1, self.position2]
def addplayer(self, player_name): # the name of the player is passed to this method from main
print 'add stats' # fill out the appropriate stats through raw_input
stat1 = raw_input('stat1: ')
stat2 = raw_input('stat2: ')
pos = raw_input('POS: ')
vars()[player_name] = {'stat1' : stat1, 'stat2' : stat2, 'POS' : pos} #create a dictionary
# for the player where all his stats are kept
player = {player_name : vars()[player_name]} # create a dictionary that will show the
# player's name as a string and his stats which are held in the dictionary named after him
self.list_of_players.append(player) # append the new player to the list of players
if pos == 'p1': # add the player and his stats to the appropriate position on the team
self.position1[player_name] = player
elif pos == 'p2':
self.position2[player_name] = player
def editplayer(self, player_name): # player's name is passed to the edit function from main
print self.list_of_players # player's name shows up in the list of players for the team
edit_stat = raw_input('which stat? ') # choose which stat(key) to edit via raw input
new_value = raw_input('new value: ') # choose the new value to apply to the chosen key
vars()[player_name][edit_stat] = new_value # here is where it gives a key error! this worked
#in fact even trying to call and print the players name gives the key error.
#player = vars()[player_name]
#print player
def main(): # the main function
loop1 = 0 # creating a loop so one can come back and edit the teams after creating them
list_of_teams = [] # initializing list of teams
while loop1 < 1:
print list_of_teams # show the user what teams are available to choose from
team_option = raw_input('new team or old: ') # create a new team or work with an old one
if team_option == 'new':
team_name = raw_input('team name? ') # get the team name from raw_input
vars()[team_name] = team(team_name) #create an instance of this team name
list_of_teams.append(team_name) # add the team to the list
team_name = raw_input('which team? ') # choose which existing team to work with
player_choice = raw_input('new player or old? ') # choose to create or edit existing player
player_name = raw_input('player_name? ') # choose which player from raw_input
if player_choice == 'new':
vars()[team_name].addplayer(player_name) # give player_name to addplayer method
print vars()[team_name].list_of_players # shows the new player in the appropriate
# instance's roster. This method seems to be working fine
vars()[team_name].editplayer(player_name) # gives the player's name to the editplayer
# method for the appropriate instance. But the player name just raises a key error in
# edit player method. I am baffled.
print vars()[team_name].list_of_players
if __name__ == '__main__':
When it was all one long function this worked but looked like a disaster. Trying to learn better OOP practices but I can't figure out how to call up that dictionary with by the player's name to change the value. I've spent the past few days reviewing tutorials and questions on classes and dictionaries, but clearly I am misunderstanding something about how variables are passed from function to methods.
The fact that it wont even assign the dictionary vars()[player_name] to a var to be printed out means its not recognizing it as the dictionary that was created in the addplayer methond I think. But the fact that it still lists that dictionary in the list of players means it is existing in that instance. So why isn't it recognizing it when i try to address it in the editplayer method? And how do i call up the embeded dictionary created in one method, to change a value in that dictionary in the second method?
Karl pointed out good points that need clarifying: Here's what the attribues I want are.
self.name- i want an instance for each team created
self.list of players - each team should have its own list of players which are dictionaries holding that persons stats. so team1 should have its own list. team2 a different list etc
self.position1/2 - the players on each team would be filed in their various position dictionaries. so Player joe montana's dictionary of statistics would be found in that team's Quarterbacks dictionary
self.roster - should be that team's roster grouped by positions. So a call to print team1.roster should print those players grouped by positions
1) vars() is a dictionary of local variables within a function.
When you are in a method in Python, the contents of the object that you called the method on are not local variables. That's why you have to have a self parameter.
If you want to look up the players by name, then do that. Don't have a list of players, but instead a dict of players.
2) vars() is something you should almost never be using. It is used so that you can pretend that a string is a variable name. You do not need to do this for anything that you're doing here. In fact, you do not need a variable at all in most of the places where you're using one. You have more to learn about than just OO here.
Consider this part for example:
vars()[team_name] = team(team_name)
Instead of trying to remember the team by name in vars(), again, look up the teams by name. Have a dict of teams instead of a list. To get the names of teams, you can just print the keys of the dictionary.
Simple is better than complicated. Creating variables on the fly is complicated. Using dictionaries is simple.
I hate spoon-feeding this much code, but it seems like the only way to get the idea(s - I didn't really say everything above) across this time:
# Just like we want a class to represent teams, since those are "a thing" in our
# program, we want one for each player as well.
class player(object):
__slots__ = ['name', 'stats', 'pos']
def __init__(self, name, stats, pos):
self.name = name
self.stats = stats
self.pos = pos
# Asking the user for information to create an object is not the responsibility of
# that class. We should use external functions for this.
def create_player(name):
print 'add stats' # fill out the appropriate stats through raw_input
stat1 = raw_input('stat1: ')
stat2 = raw_input('stat2: ')
pos = raw_input('POS: ')
# Now we create and return the 'player' object.
return player(name, {'stat1': stat1, 'stat2': stat2}, pos)
class team(object):
__slots__ = ['name_to_player', 'position_to_player']
def __init__(self):
# We don't make any lists, just dicts, because we want to use them primarily
# for lookup. Notice how I've named the attributes. In particular, I **don't**
# talk about type names. That's just an implementation detail. What we care about
# is how they work: you put a name in, get a player out.
self.name_to_player = {}
self.position_to_player = {}
# Again, we don't ask the questions here; this just actually adds the player.
def add_player(self, player):
self.name_to_player[player.name] = player
self.position_to_player[player.pos] = player
# Again, we don't ask the questions here; this just does the actual edit.
def edit_player(self, name, stat, new_value):
self.name_to_player[name].stats[stat] = new_value
def main(): # the main function
teams = {} # dict from team name to team object.
while True:
print teams.keys()
# Your human interface was needlessly awkward here; you know from the supplied name
# whether it's a new team or an old one, because it will or won't be in your
# existing set of teams. Similarly for players.
team_name = raw_input('team name? ')
if team_name not in teams.keys():
teams[team_name] = team() # create a new team
else: # edit an existing one
team = teams[team_name]
player_name = raw_input('player name? ')
if player_name in team.name_to_player.keys(): # edit an existing player
stat = raw_input("stat? ")
value = raw_input("value? ")
team.edit_player(player_name, stat, value)
else: # add a new player
if __name__ == '__main__':
This still isn't doing everything "right", but it should give you more than enough to think about for now.
First of all, the traceback that accompanies the Key error, will tell you which line in your program triggered it, and if it is not obvious from reviewing the code, then inserting a print statement before that line should make it obvious.
Second, you are using user input as a key. User input is not reliable. You WILL have key errors all the time so your code should be dealing with that, either by using try: except: to catch the exception, or by checking every time using if key in mydict: before actually using the key to lookup the dictionary.
Third, what you are doing with vars() is very, very weird. If your app uses a global variable, then it should know the name and have no need to refer to vars. Have you forgotten to declare a global variable in some method?
def method(self,name):
global bigdict
bigdict[name] = "set at least one time"
I am trying to access the group name of all entries in my contact list. How can I access the details of a group given the href link?
This is the current output:
9 Albert Gandhi 2011-03-07T09:48:19.824Z
I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me.
Member of group: http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/groups/blah.blah%40blah.com/base/4c8d4c8d8d218d21
But I would like something like this:
9 Albert Gandhi 2011-03-07T09:48:19.824Z
I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me.
Member of group: GroupName
Below is the code I am using to list the contact feed (taken mainly from the examples provided with the API)
def PrintFeed(self, feed, ctr=0):
"""Prints out the contents of a feed to the console.
feed: A gdata.contacts.ContactsFeed instance.
ctr: [int] The number of entries in this feed previously printed. This
allows continuous entry numbers when paging through a feed.
The number of entries printed, including those previously printed as
specified in ctr. This is for passing as an argument to ctr on
successive calls to this method.
if not feed.entry:
print '\nNo entries in feed.\n'
return 0
for i, entry in enumerate(feed.entry):
print '\n%s %s %s' % (ctr+i+1, entry.title.text, entry.updated.text)
if entry.content:
print ' %s' % (entry.content.text)
for email in entry.email:
if email.primary and email.primary == 'true':
print ' %s' % (email.address)
# Show the contact groups that this contact is a member of.
for group in entry.group_membership_info:
print ' Member of group: %s' % (group.href)
# Display extended properties.
for extended_property in entry.extended_property:
if extended_property.value:
value = extended_property.value
value = extended_property.GetXmlBlobString()
print ' Extended Property %s: %s' % (extended_property.name, value)
return len(feed.entry) + ctr
For reference, you can find a solution to this issue here