Where to put message queue consumer in Django? - python

I'm using Carrot for a message queue in a Django project and followed the tutorial, and it works fine. But the example runs in the console, and I'm wondering how I apply this in Django. The publisher class I'm calling from one of my models in models.py, so that's OK. But I have no idea where to put the consumer class.
Since it just sits there with .wait(), I don't know at what point or where I need to instantiate it so that it's always running and listening for messages!

The consumer is simply a long running script in the example you cite from the tutorial. It pops a message from the queue, does something, then calls wait and essentially goes to sleep until another message comes in.
This script could just be running at the console under your account or configured as a unix daemon or a win32 service. In production, you'd want to make sure that if it dies, it can be restarted, etc (a daemon or service would be more appropriate here).
Or you could take out the wait call and run it under the windows scheduler or as a cron job. So it processes the queue every n minutes or something and exits. It really depends on your application requirements, how fast your queue is filling up, etc.
Does that make sense or have I totally missed what you were asking?

If what you are doing is processing tasks, please check out celery: http://github.com/ask/celery/


Python Paramiko Child Process

I've written a script that uses PARAMIKO library to log on to a server and executes a command. This command actually invokes the server to execute another python script (resulting in a child process I believe). I believe the server returns back signal indicating that the command was executed successfully, however it doesn't seem to wait for the new child process to complete - only that the original parent process has been completed. Is there anyway of waiting to reference any/all child processes that were generated as a result of this command and waiting that they are all completed before returning control to the initiating client?
Many thanks.
Without the code this will be difficult. I think you should create a rest service . So you would POST to and this would kick off a process in a different thread. That would end that call. The thread is still running ...when done do a post to http:// this will be the response from the thread that was kicked off. Then in that route you can do whatever you want with thay response there. If you need help with REST check out Flask. It's pretty easy and straight to the point for small projects.

Python Websocket Client - Multiple Subprocesses (45+)

I have an interesting task ahead of me. I need to connect to 45 different websocket streams and stuff them all into the correct places. Sometimes those streams stop working and need to be relaunched. I'm right now running process via bash for each python file to ensure nothing crashes, but I'd rather have a single "server" if you will managing the whole process.
The goal is to eventually have a dashboard of sorts showing the status of each named subprocess, and some stats. I'd like to be able, via dashboard, to relaunch or just stop any of the processes without killing the server, but being able to relaunch those processed at any time.
Is this possible? Any direction?
Most python websockets examples are server/client. I'm just looking for an indefinite client with a relaunch on error w/o ever killing off the server.
I think, Supervisor is what you are looking for.
It has no web dashboard "out of the box", but it has some plugins that implement such feature though.

Making a zmq server run forever in Django?

I'm trying to figure that best way to keep a zeroMQ listener running forever in my django app.
I'm setting up a zmq server app in my Django project that acts as internal API to other applications in our network (no need to go through http/requests stuff since these apps are internal). I want the zmq listener inside of my django project to always be alive.
I want the zmq listener in my Django project so I have access to all of the projects models (for querying) and other django context things.
I'm currently thinking:
Set up a Django management command that will run the listener and keep it alive forever (aka infinite loop inside the zmq listener code) or
use a celery worker to always keep the zmq listener alive? But I'm not exactly sure on how to get a celery worker to restart a task only if it's not running. All the celery docs are about frequency/delayed running. Or maybe I should let celery purge the task # a given interval & restart it anyways..
Any tips, advice on performance implications or alternate approaches?
Setting up a management command is a fine way to do this, especially if you're running on your own hardware.
If you're running in a cloud, where a machine may disappear along with your process, then the latter is a better option. This is how I've done it:
Setup a periodic task that runs every N seconds (you need celerybeat running somewhere)
When the task spawns, it first checks a shared network resource (redis, zookeeper, or a db), to see if another process has an active/valid lease. If one exists, abort.
If there's no valid lease, obtain your lease (beware of concurrency here!), and start your infinite loop, making sure you periodically renew the lease.
Add instrumentation so that you know who, where the process is running.
Start celery workers on multiple boxes, consuming from the same queue your periodic task is designated for.
The second solution is more complex and harder to get right; so if you can, a singleton is great and consider using something like supervisord to ensure the process gets restarted if it faults for some reason.

How to create a thread-safe singleton in python

I would like to hold running threads in my Django application. Since I cannot do so in the model or in the session, I thought of holding them in a singleton. I've been checking this out for a while and haven't really found a good how-to for this.
Does anyone know how to create a thread-safe singleton in python?
More specifically what I wand to do is I want to implement some kind of "anytime algorithm", i.e. when a user presses a button, a response returned and a new computation begins (a new thread). I want this thread to run until the user presses the button again, and then my app will return the best solution it managed to find. to do that, i need to save somewhere the thread object - i thought of storing them in the session, what apparently i cannot do.
The bottom line is - i have a FAT computation i want to do on the server side, in different threads, while the user is using my site.
Unless you have a very good reason - you should execute the long running threads in a different process altogether, and use Celery to execute them:
Celery is an open source asynchronous
task queue/job queue based on
distributed message passing. It is
focused on real-time operation, but
supports scheduling as well.
The execution units, called tasks, are
executed concurrently on one or more
worker nodes using multiprocessing,
Eventlet or gevent. Tasks can execute
asynchronously (in the background) or
synchronously (wait until ready).
Celery guide for djangonauts: http://django-celery.readthedocs.org/en/latest/getting-started/first-steps-with-django.html
For singletons and sharing data between tasks/threads, again, unless you have a good reason, you should use the db layer (aka, models) with some caution regarding db locks and refreshing stale data.
Update: regarding your use case, define a Computation model, with a status field. When a user starts a computation, an instance is created, and a task will start to run. The task will monitor the status field (check db once in a while). When a user clicks the button again, a view will change the status to user requested to stop, causing the task to terminate.
If you want asynchronous code in a web application then you're taking the wrong approach. You should run background tasks with a specialist task queue like Celery: http://celeryproject.org/
The biggest problem you have is web server architecture. Unless you go against the recommended Django web server configuration and use a worker thread MPM, you will have no way to track your thread handles between requests as each request typically occupies its own process. This is how Apache normally works: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/prefork.html
In light of your edit I think you might learn more by creating a custom solution that does this:
Maintains start/stop state in the database
Create a new program that runs as a daemon
Periodically check the start/stop state and begin or end work from here
There's no need for multithreading here unless you need to create a new process for each user. If so, things get more complicated and using Celery will make your life much easier.

Django - Python: Spawn a process and return

I've been searching for an answer to this for awhile, it's possible that I haven't been searching for the right information though.
I'm trying to send data to a server, and once received the server executes a python script based on that data. I have been trying to spawn a thread and return, but I can't figure out how to "detach" the thread. I simply have to wait until the thread returns to be able to return an HttpResponse(). This is unacceptable, as the website interface has many other things that need to be able to be used while the thread runs on the server.
I'm not certain that was a clear explanation but I'll be more than happy to clarify if any part is confusing.
Have a look at Celery. It's quite nice in that you can accept the request, and it offload it quickly to workers, and return. It's simple to use.
Most simply, you can do this with subprocess.Popen. See here for some information regarding the subprocess module:
There are other (possibly better) methods to doing this, but this one seems to fit your requirements.
Use message queue system, like celery (django-celery may help you.)
Use RDBMS and background process(es) which is periodically invoked by cron or always running.
First, the web server inserts data required by the background job into a database table. And then, background process (always running or run periodically by cron) gets the latest inserted row(s) and process it.
Spawn a thread.
worker_thread = threading.Thread(target=do_background_job, args=args)
return HttpResponse()
Even after HttpResponse is sent, do_background_job is processed. However, because Web server (apache) may kill any threads, execution of background_job is not guaranteed.

